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David Winstead

May 16, 2020, 1:19:16 AM5/16/20
I hope some old friends still visit this place.

I'm writing this, strangely, to connect to my past. I'm currently doing a life inventory, trying to make some sense out of where I've been and what that means. I don't know if any of my old friends here know this, but this group got me through an awful stage of my life. I was severely depressed, maybe losing my mind, and too immature to know it. I found this weird-ass group of tool lovers and it got me through.

It's so, so strange to me that there are actual people out there, right now, that I talked to like 20 years ago, who might read this and remember me. Jimmy, Amber, Steve, Matt, Maevele, Ryan (and lots of others; please forgive a tired, poor memory). In the spirit of making sense of my shit, I want to thank you profoundly for being a part of my life. Most of you were older than me and it made me feel like I belonged somewhere. I know that's hokey, but a lot of times the truth is hokey. It was like a demented Cheers bar.

And I just hope everybody's doing well. You may think it's absurd, but your friendship meant (means) the world to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

If you want to email and catch up, please let me know!

May 17, 2020, 12:33:06 AM5/17/20
We’re still out here, floating in the æther.

You were part of what made this place great.

David Winstead

May 17, 2020, 12:55:13 AM5/17/20
On Sunday, May 17, 2020 at 12:33:06 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> We’re still out here, floating in the æther.
> You were part of what made this place great.

Brightwell, it's really good to hear from you. Thank you for being a part of my life, and thank you for letting me be a part of yours.

May 17, 2020, 2:26:57 PM5/17/20
At first I thought 20 years was hyperbole and then I actually thought about it. Oof. Anyway, it's not hokey, at least not to me. AMT got me through some of the hardest parts of my adolescence. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through that time in my life without you and the rest of that wonderfully demented crew. I was also on the young end, and it was comforting to have mentors here, even accidental ones.

I hope you're doing well, my dude. Brightwell hipped me to this message but if you ever want to catch up, I'm on Facebook excessively or I can shoot you an email.
<3 Amber (Ambut/Volitionist)

May 17, 2020, 3:35:34 PM5/17/20
> I hope you're doing well, my dude. Brightwell hipped me to this message but if you ever want to catch up, I'm on Facebook excessively or I can shoot you an email.

She also spends ... a lot ... of a time on Animal Crossing. ;)


May 17, 2020, 11:33:30 PM5/17/20
Sup, yo. I remember you fondly.


May 17, 2020, 11:46:50 PM5/17/20
Nobody here but us undead earthlings.

Matt F

May 18, 2020, 12:01:35 PM5/18/20
Much love Davony! This group was incredibly therapeutic in my younger years as well. Cringeworthy in retrospect as well of course, on a few levels! But it helped shaped me into the high functioning hot mess I am today. Don't you dare put that on!

Matt F

May 18, 2020, 12:03:53 PM5/18/20
some things never change, still fucking up tool lyrics in my attempts at silly quips

***point that at

David Winstead

May 19, 2020, 11:41:30 AM5/19/20
I just can’t agree more. This place was a life preserver. Always looked forward to it. Demented as hell, absolutely. But the word mentor (ha, dementor/demented; that’s funny) is right on. I had people to look up to.
Wanted to share what I’ve had going on: I am a therapist at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point (look it up). I basically do counseling for marines, their spouses, couples therapy, etc. My wife, Emilie, and I have six beautiful children that grant me wonder, life and frustration (Grace, Rose, Anastasia, Marion, Gabrielle and David II). I’m training for a 10K (I’ve never been athletic so this is big for me), I very rarely listen to Tool nowadays, but the other night I listened to Third Eye and it took me right back. Good things.

Awesome to hear from you, Amber. What’s been going on in your world?

David Winstead

May 19, 2020, 11:41:49 AM5/19/20

David Winstead

May 19, 2020, 11:45:43 AM5/19/20
Thanks, Mae. You too. I looked back through my posts. I’m really sorry (to everyone) for how obnoxious I was. And I wanted to apologize for something I said a long time ago about traditional ideas about men and women. You might not even remember that, ha. But I felt bad and you had corrected what I said, so thank you.

David Winstead

May 19, 2020, 11:45:59 AM5/19/20
Makes me smile

David Winstead

May 19, 2020, 11:50:50 AM5/19/20
My man! Yes and yes. I wish I had been less obnoxious and more honest. I went through my old posts a few nights ago. It’s just awful.
Wanted to thank you for, like, actually really caring about me. I think you reached out to me one time over the phone with a real concern for my mental health. I needed people like you to get me through.

May 19, 2020, 4:42:35 PM5/19/20
Holy moly, six kids. I have one (Julie Saurus, actual name, age 2.5) and it's...a lot. I'm a high school English teacher, married for almost 7 years, with the aforementioned toddler and two elderly pugs. Brightwell is right, though, when I'm not working or childcare-ing, I'm playing Animal Crossing. Those flowers won't water themselves. Unless it rains, I guess. In which case they totally do. Bad example.

The Horse

Jun 4, 2020, 10:20:00 PM6/4/20
Yeah winny/Davony
back then seemed such a phony
but now pouring guts out
its heart and soul you show me

why is it so easy to turn the switch on when my AMT brethren resurface?
because this place was special back in the day.
I'm 51 now (holyfuckingshit holyfuckingshit), and there is/was nothing else like it in my life. I had my first kid in here (Michelle is now 21), my first virtual love (you know who you are), my first recognition as something like an actual poet. Hysteria, moronicism, looserdom, hokeyness, more dementia than is proper. Great music. Great conversation. Great place.
and thats barely scratching the surface... may this emerging armageddon bring awakening and peace... see you all on the other side.


FDT, ITMFA, acab
increase your penis size here =>

Matt F

Jun 6, 2020, 12:06:47 AM6/6/20
> first virtual love (you know who >you are)


oh you know I do baby girl

Emmy Zje

Feb 16, 2023, 4:22:36 AM2/16/23
Ok but I was one of those girls who everyone thought was a guy. So there ya go. Little switcheroo on the Jimmy to Emmy.

And yes, the sentiments are valid and true. Here I am searching in 2023 lol. I definitely remember you, Horse, Maev, Amber, Matt, Brightwell, WILLDOG99, bob (lmao),'s life for everyone?


On Saturday, May 16, 2020 at 1:19:16 AM UTC-4, David Winstead wrote:


Feb 20, 2023, 11:21:45 PM2/20/23
Hey, it's you, awesome. I remember you. I just go by Mav now, turns out I wasn't a girl regardless of what people thought, lol. congrats, and good to hear from you

Emmy Zje

Feb 22, 2023, 4:24:34 AM2/22/23
MAV!!! That makes perfect sense tbh. :) Would love to learn more...drop me a line at emmyliora[symbol thing]gmail[symbol thing]com sometime, and so much congrats on finding your path! <3
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