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Bad Trader Alert

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Apr 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/4/98

Dave Verespie -

Dave Verespie
31 Datura Avenue
Milford, CT 06460
(203) 878-3340

Jeff A.
P.O. Box 3744
Milford, CT 06460

This guy initially lied to me about his name and asked me to send him a New
Haven show for a very rare 11/1/96. I should have known that it's too good to
be true for this loser to have it and I sent it off to a PO Box, something I
never do, but I was really hoping that the guy would come through. It's been
over a month and he's ignoring all emails I send. Prank call him, send him a
bomb, anything. I hate this guy.

Seems like more and more of these bad traders are popping up.

Sachin Bansal
Owner of the Sarah Michelle Gellar mailing list

The Sonny Bono Internet Tribute Committee

Apr 4, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/4/98

On 4 Apr 1998 21:06:50 GMT, (Pumpkins28) wrote:

>Dave Verespie -
>Dave Verespie
>31 Datura Avenue
>Milford, CT 06460
>(203) 878-3340
>Jeff A.
>P.O. Box 3744
>Milford, CT 06460
>This guy initially lied to me about his name and asked me to send him a New
>Haven show for a very rare 11/1/96. I should have known that it's too good to
>be true for this loser to have it and I sent it off to a PO Box, something I
>never do, but I was really hoping that the guy would come through. It's been
>over a month and he's ignoring all emails I send. Prank call him, send him a
>bomb, anything. I hate this guy.
>Seems like more and more of these bad traders are popping up.

It's a well known fact that bad traders procreate at a faster rate
than good traders.

The opinions of this poster do not necessarily reflect the
views of the Sonny Bono Internet Tribute Committee.


Apr 5, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/5/98

Well, while we're on the subject of bad traders, never trade with He doesn't post here anymore, but he may still read posts
and respond to people asking to trade. He is not to be trusted in the least.
This punk never sent me my part of the trade. If you ever come in contact with
him, please give him hell, and if you're reading this, SilverZero, I still
haven't forgotten.

sketchy-- adj. wanting in completeness, clearness, or substance.

"You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em,
know when to walk away, and when to run."-KR


Apr 6, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/6/98

Wasn't there some sort of site that contained a listing of all bad traders for
SP or something? That would be a helpful resource if everyone in AMSP
contributed to it that way we could avoid getting ripped off.

Sachin Bansal
Owner of the Sarah Michelle Gellar Mailing List
"I use music as some kind of weird salvation to get away from life." - Billy


Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

>i just want to say that jeff/dave is not a bad trader and he did send that
tape.....things can happen leave him the fuck alone

Yes, things can happen, but when he emails you and tells you to fuck off and he
doesn't care if he's posted as a bad trader and never sends you the tapes he
was supposed to and he says "Don't screw me over. Please, send me the tapes.
I'm not a bad trader" but he's really just a hypocrite: He's a bad trader.

Sarah Freer

Apr 7, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/7/98

well i just want to say that jeff/dave is not a bad trader and he did send
that tape.....things can happen leave him the fuck alone!


Pumpkins28 wrote in message

>Dave Verespie -
>Dave Verespie
>31 Datura Avenue
>Milford, CT 06460
>(203) 878-3340
>Jeff A.
>P.O. Box 3744
>Milford, CT 06460
>This guy initially lied to me about his name and asked me to send him a New
>Haven show for a very rare 11/1/96. I should have known that it's too good
>be true for this loser to have it and I sent it off to a PO Box, something
>never do, but I was really hoping that the guy would come through. It's
>over a month and he's ignoring all emails I send. Prank call him, send him
>bomb, anything. I hate this guy.
>Seems like more and more of these bad traders are popping up.

>Sachin Bansal
>Owner of the Sarah Michelle Gellar mailing list


Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

"Sarah Freer" <> writes:

>well i'm just saying everyone i know that he has traded with has gotten
>there shit.....maybe it's just you I really don't know....but i'm sure he's
>mad that you're passing around that he's a bad trader and he's really not

Awwwwww, the poor thing is mad that he is being called a bad
trader. I'm crying a river for him. Dear me, how can *anybody*
say that when *you*, YOU of all people give him the good word.
I'm rushing right out at this very moment to give the poor chap
a shoulder to cry on. How dare anybody call him a bad trader
just for failure to live out his end of the bargain? How DARE
they? What is this world coming to?

All featured at

2296 - Returns Every Morning - The Unofficial Lilys Homepage
7577 - Shoegaze's Tape Trading Corner
9514 - The Official X-Sweet Homepage

Sarah Freer

Apr 8, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/8/98

well i'm just saying everyone i know that he has traded with has gotten
there shit.....maybe it's just you I really don't know....but i'm sure he's
mad that you're passing around that he's a bad trader and he's really not

Pumpkins28 wrote in message

>>i just want to say that jeff/dave is not a bad trader and he did send that

>tape.....things can happen leave him the fuck alone
>Yes, things can happen, but when he emails you and tells you to fuck off
and he
>doesn't care if he's posted as a bad trader and never sends you the tapes
>was supposed to and he says "Don't screw me over. Please, send me the
>I'm not a bad trader" but he's really just a hypocrite: He's a bad trader.

>Sachin Bansal

Sarah Freer

Apr 9, 1998, 7:00:00 AM4/9/98

how bout you go fuck yourself......i'm just informing everyone of the right
info.......excuse me.....yeah and i am wondering what the world is coming
to....cuz it's a shame that little fucks like you aren't shot and
killed..... ;*
everybody's lost just waiting to be found...everybody's a thought just
waiting to fade.........
Shoegaze99 wrote in message

>"Sarah Freer" <> writes:
>>well i'm just saying everyone i know that he has traded with has gotten
>>there shit.....maybe it's just you I really don't know....but i'm sure
>>mad that you're passing around that he's a bad trader and he's really not
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