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Wasted Days...

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William Mahler

Sep 30, 2021, 5:44:04 AM9/30/21
There is something to be said about being invited to live with level three sex offenders, as if it’s a bootcamp to better understand the sludge of society as if it’s a welcome respite. Dr. Joseph Ipachs of Taunton State Hospital and his accomplish, Attorney Kiley, a white haired man of worse than Trump lapdog, once respectable Rudy Guiliani appeal find it necessary to keep me in a structured environment. My own brother would have turned me in had I ever been questionable regards to any level of offender. Why him? He’s a state police digital forensics detective. Need I say how many needless probation officers I’ve met along the way? If Judge “In the pocket of Christopher Crosby Morris” Judge Brennan side with the hospital, the powers that be will have complete authority to tell me either stay in a locked ward or live in a group home. To that I say, F*** You and you do deserve the problems you create, the violence, the hatred and why? Deliberate removal of my and anyone else’s right to life, liberty, love and the pursuit of happiness. I said it before and I say it again, rise! The hospital and courts wanted to move a freedom hearing back ½ hour this past Tuesday. I had zero time to inform anyone other than a remote shot my attorney. Had I skipped an excellent lunch, not one soul of representation from Mind Freedom would have attended, hearing done before the 1 pm scheduled start date. The hospital is to be considered enemies of freedom of mind, they sabotage and deliberately steal the right for a fair and balanced hearing.

Ipachs you reading this? You are out of your ever batsh** insane mind to keep me locked up for the betterment of myself and to the tune of $50,000.O0 USD per month. Ipachs via Kiley tried to convince the court I have zero transportation, no bus to get too and my uncle/best friend Richard, a outstanding honored citizen is too old and frail to live with. That got shot down with ease. Ipachs would rather have me wait for years in a locked ward with not so much as Ti Chee going on, let alone a full day outdoors, unless I consider being in a screened in 4th floor porch with homeless mentally ill patients who spit green spud all over the floor, never wash themselves or clothes and sleep all day, stinking up the place. Ain’t it strange how the state can legally force drugs into a patient, award them with toys such as smart phones but these level three sex offenders cannot be forced to so much as shower? There are eight of them in this unit. Cain 4 East. I wonder why Ipachs actually believes I should not distance myself emotionally from these animals. Its one of them, a real doormat against himself, of whom beat a employee smaller than my own ex-wife. This “doormat” was awarded with medicine and being strapped to a bed for a couple of hours. My ex? 5’3” 96 pounds. The stellar employee, smaller. The doormat? My size, 5’6” at least 180 pounds and he himself, once stuck a white power sticker on a synagogue. Another bear of a patient beat four women employees at the same time and was awarded not an arrest to being placed in a stricter unit in Bridgewater State Hospital but a stay in the comfy modern, flagship Worcester Recovery Center. “D” graduated from shared stinking bathrooms to between panes of glass. Here? The lower window is completely stickered over with greyness and tinted over with darkness upon the upper half.

Is it going on a stretch that Stanley Miranda the same Miranda of whom called not to have me arrested back in April 2017? He himself was a former inmate in Walpole State Prison for 1 ½ years. I’ve learned police and prisoners are on for the most part opposite sides of life yet literally live the same ways. Miranda called police upon the insistence of Pastor Paul Campo to inform Barnstable Police that a citizen, Shane William Kelly had as I told Miranda, been guilty of vehicular homicide, domestic violence, and assorted crimes including but not limited to two counts of rape of a disabled person(s) one being my ex-wife. The Barnstable Police knew Shane, he Shane was one of several people to work closely with law enforcement as he wired the Bourne Penitentiary for audio and video, amongst other duties. BPD Kevin Shaw knew that Miranda could stand to face perjury charges for Shaws own insanity of a charge of hijack bomb threat against a church. Thus, Miranda denies video evidence claims as does Campo but due to the heavy underhandedness of Shaw, agrees reluctantly that I threatened this crime. No I never did. However, the real threat comes to the Drug Network Enforcement Taskforce is my knowledge as to who’s who and where. Ya, Shaw, I didn’t need to tell you my story, you took a calculated risk and played stupid. The real threat comes to say that I had in fact, been in the thick of a heroin operation yet completely innocent of all possible charges as I was informing both Y & B PD’s people of who, what, where why and how.

As for homeless? I’ve always have had a place to reside at, to my Dad’s, to Toms, to any one of my brothers, a cousin, and these people, these loving people, are family. Who gets their as* kicked? Department of Mental Health is going to find Methadone mile up north of Boston, in droves heading here, people in far worse states of mind than anyone I’ve encountered in this controlled environment. With a massive near humanitarian disaster at USA’s southern border, the hospital is afraid to let me go for far, far more dangerous and worse off are headed this way it seems. As of this writing, I am not allowed at all to name the level three sex offenders of whom dramatically effected my under age teen years publicly to my own attorney let alone precious you. Sometimes, I hope the thoughts i have that don’t make it online, that seem to go out the window of my mind actually do get used and put to good use. One would think that with all the connections I made through the years, I could (and can) “sweet” talk my way into anywhere and anyone with open arms, as my parents intended. For now, at a madman psychiatrists insistence, freedom be denied me so he, Dr. Joseph Ipachs doesn’t have a tough challenge on his hands and as usual, the soft core level three sex offenders who barely can fend for themselves are given a resort type treatment, oft sitting in a “nice” day room with a huge HDTV, Xfinity with on demand, never used and hundreds of old school DVD’s while watching “The Golden Girls” reruns. If Ipachs has his ways, this entire entry is but a delusion of my mind, his way states, I’ve straight up lied and am in dire need of medical help. Ipachs, you will not last 30 seconds against me in a sanctioned boxing match, the real deal I hope to have happen, yes you do deserve an a** whooping. At least this blog is truthspeak.

“Wasted Days” a song by John Mellencamp and Bruce Springsteen was released officially yesterday and it’s the best tune I can say summarizes this life of mine.

{Verse 1: John Mellencamp}
How many minutes do we have left?

{Chorus: John Mellencamp & Bruce Springsteen}
Wasted days
Wasted days
We watch our lives just fade away to
More wasted days

{Verse 2: Bruce Springsteen}
How much sorrow is there left to climb
How many promises are worth the time
And who on earth is worth our time
Is there a heart here that I can call mine?

{Chorus: John Mellencamp & Bruce Springsteen}
Wasted days
Wasted days
We watch our lives just fade away to
More wasted days

{Verse 3: John Mellencamp & Bruce Springsteen}
How can a man watch his life go down the drain
How many moments has he lost today
The end is coming, it's almost here

{Chorus: John Mellencamp & Bruce Springsteen}
Wasted days
Wastеd days
We watch our lives just fade away to
Morе wasted days

Wasted days
Wasted days
We watch our lives just fade away to
More wasted days

Wasted days
More wasted days
We watch our lives just slip away to
More wasted days

...more new original music coming soon....

William Mahler
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