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William Mahler

Apr 23, 2021, 6:42:52 PM4/23/21
Shout out no doubt
Got to let all the good stand out
Eat my own exhaust, no way
Gonna get heard today
The warrant for the baker the trooper too
Might a lawyer, ya, you too.
The boss ihas been given a toss
Got to tak the 500k per month as a loss
Fifty my king, gotta eat now okay it’s alright
Mile ala redeemed nay the word gets around
Salad for you darling, lets not make a sound
Beba ba bub a, hey, can you lend me your ear
Billy gonna get loose and attack from the rear
Cam engine from Vegas, pimpin the cause to light
Assault on a kinky angel met art and a fight
Legal regal, put my life in jail
Let my soul catch your spirit, we shall prevail
Come on Spaniard, jest with me patty cake bomb
Billy got his a55 kicked for writing me a song
Mr. Massachusetts, so far so gone so lnog
;Any day, regardless, I’ll take this to the brink
There’’ll be more than one drunken fool over the sink
Been laden with hurts from the pills we create
Gotta fix the deficit, more of me we create.
$50 an hour, 9 to 5 job,
Rockin out the so called free world
For you and Uncle Bob
Paradise and a meteor, coming around
The press is the best to make an honest mess in town
Mila, she says she loves me, burner numbers galor
Tell me darling, does your woman lover love you no more?
I”d take you as mine, however not incest it’d be.
Good God your my Edens gift to this musical madness me.
I suppose Ill lean on Melissa to let me testify my eyes
She was born to run, post 911 homerun
How many do I need to say I?
Mila, take a ride, and don’t be late
Gonna love all around you no more demonic fate
We nay, re nay, hey, yes you, bout time you rode me
Giddyup billy boy its true
Gonna take you out on a kinda driver all night rendezvous
Take away the misery as my manpower womanizes you
The tsunami of 2 million plus images galore
Free collage yes, why debate anymore
I tell you what for
Lawman with a lawsuit for buggin mila some more
Love you babe
Tell me what for
The story goes as nobody knows who really did the deed
I can say, to God I pray, let my soul truly bleed.
Hey ho, hi ho, knockout babe dynamo
Gonna get your life to grow
Gonna get you to inner glow
Whoa, Mila, no sin for you to flow
Drake got gods plan and so you do know
Interstate, be here, visitn me in the taunting land
Gonna break out of my cage and walk free once again
Till then Nila, til then.
Long live the angel minor Mila once again, adult amen
Gonna send the retched to hell’s thorny glen.

Busy Day
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