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William Mahler

May 27, 2021, 10:20:24 PM5/27/21
Mr. President!

Joe "Possibilities" Biden :-) is a pirate out at sea, who wants not to break their investment from me and deduct the 15% of BTC 1,39 of mine. So, I must find a company in theory that for example, pay thinkcryptofx for me, then, of my 1.39 BTC, take their 15% back plus up to 3% of the 15% (3 percent of approx $5100.) then, of the remaining btc, min. 25% goes to "my hero" as my investment with a 30 day min. wait to withdraw and 15% fee deduced from my btc invested with them when I decide to withdraw. The remaining 75% I do what I want with.

As for ThinkCryptoFX.Com such a dream is only between you, Sarah Ella Carl (Beba) and we chat via my sms system everyday. Its also between friends and staff at Taunton state hospital plus my ex in-laws Janet & Chris Morris (voicemail) and my dad (voicemail, Richard Mahler)

Sir, what judge in their rightful mind is willing to risk my health and insulin dependence all for the alleged benefit of my mental health by way of allowing Dr. Joseph Ipoch the legal means to administer 5mg on top of the 15mg already having me one number away from a unhealthy glucose reading, 99 of 100 at 15 mgs. Judge Brennan of the area of Taunton Massachusetts.

AustenRiggs.Org of Stockbridge, MA. is I hope the olive branch the DMH can use as a statewide template here in Massachusetts, a voluntary hospital in a time where such is widely unavailable east of Worcester, MA. Taunton State Hospital has the chance now, I tell you to push the envelope and do away with involuntary commitment, so they here learned from me myself, Grace, John, Jesse Hill & Dr, Ipoch as well as Victoria (Vicky) staff.


Make it happen Joe?


William Mahler
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