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Eileen Murton rules

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Double N.

Aug 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/19/98
Nigel Swan <> wrote:
>Fuck Pierre Igot and the rest of those ass kissers - Eileen Murton is
>THE ONE for Prince fans.
>She will always do her best to help us fans out and is still helping
>now even though Controversy has been shut for 5 years and Prince shit on
>Nobody else comes close.
>Nigel Swan

I'll tell you how I remember Eileen: On the Nude tour I saw her at
Wembley and I said I wanted to ask her something. First thing she said
was:"Are you a member?" All I could say was "No, but I want to ..." She
didn't even care to listen to my question and just moved on. The thing
is, I wanted to ask her how I could become a member! Glad I never did!

Pierre, now that's a dude who's doing the best he can! Nobody else comes
close! Surely not EM!

Double N.

Nigel Swan

Aug 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/19/98
In article <6reqku$5qv$>, Double N.
<> writes

>I'll tell you how I remember Eileen: On the Nude tour I saw her at
>Wembley and I said I wanted to ask her something. First thing she said
>was:"Are you a member?" All I could say was "No, but I want to ..." She
>didn't even care to listen to my question and just moved on. The thing
>is, I wanted to ask her how I could become a member! Glad I never did!
>Pierre, now that's a dude who's doing the best he can! Nobody else comes
>close! Surely not EM!
>Double N.
Running a web site from your Ivory tower and running a fanclub producing
a magazine, organising conventions, helping fans etc etc etc do not even
compare IMO
In 1989 I wrote to join Controversy and I received back a priority
booking form which I didn't know existed then - returned it and got
front row seats.

You may have caught EM at a busy time I don't know I wasn't there but
everyone I know who has come in to contact with her only say how helpful
and friendly she is.
Nigel Swan



Aug 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/19/98
Nigel Swan <> wrote:

>You may have caught EM at a busy time I don't know I wasn't there but
>everyone I know who has come in to contact with her only say how helpful
>and friendly she is.

I don't wanna be a jerk here.. BUIT.. Eilleen has done some
UNBELIEVABLY EVIL stuff that I don't wanna get into... There's more
reasons she doesn't have an "Official" fan club than what everyone
knows.. She did a good service with Controversy, BUT, she did some
stuff that I wouldn't even IMAGINE THINKING of doing in 1991... I'll
leave it at that and WILL NOT go any deeper, but you wouldn't be
giving her the praise you are if you only knew the half of it....
When I say "evil" I don't mean some silly Prince crap, I mean she did
some stuff that was purely fascecious and just plain cold....


From conversations with Linda Everrette way back in 1990 I was told
that Eilleen wasn't even the person who started Controversy, well, she
did have a hand in it at the start but Linda Everett was more involved
in it's creation than she was... Then Eilleen cut her off when they
got the "Official" deal and claimed it for her own!


Aug 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/19/98
In article <>, (T)

>From conversations with Linda Everrette way back in 1990 I was told
>that Eilleen wasn't even the person who started Controversy, well, she
>did have a hand in it at the start but Linda Everett was more involved
>in it's creation than she was... Then Eilleen cut her off when they
>got the "Official" deal and claimed it for her own!

But, T, way back in 1990, Linda Everett wasn't the most rational Prince fan in
the world, now was she?

Gavin R Smith

Aug 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/19/98
In article <>, T
<> writes

>Nigel Swan <> wrote:
>>You may have caught EM at a busy time I don't know I wasn't there but
>>everyone I know who has come in to contact with her only say how helpful
>>and friendly she is.
>I don't wanna be a jerk here.. BUIT.. Eilleen has done some
>UNBELIEVABLY EVIL stuff that I don't wanna get into... There's more
>reasons she doesn't have an "Official" fan club than what everyone
>knows.. She did a good service with Controversy, BUT, she did some
>stuff that I wouldn't even IMAGINE THINKING of doing in 1991... I'll
>leave it at that and WILL NOT go any deeper, but you wouldn't be
>giving her the praise you are if you only knew the half of it....
>When I say "evil" I don't mean some silly Prince crap, I mean she did
>some stuff that was purely fascecious and just plain cold....
I don't know if T and I are talking about the same thing here (and since
the libel laws in the UK apply to newsgroup postings I won't get too far
into it), but I'm aware of a number of nasty things in the early 1990's
that are alledgely attributable to Mrs. Murton too. If the stories are
true then they were indeed very cold things to do.


>From conversations with Linda Everrette way back in 1990 I was told
>that Eilleen wasn't even the person who started Controversy, well, she
>did have a hand in it at the start but Linda Everett was more involved
>in it's creation than she was... Then Eilleen cut her off when they
>got the "Official" deal and claimed it for her own!

... This is also true, alledgedly, of her work with Chris Dawson at the
very beginning of the Controversy story. I've heard this independently
from a number of different sources over the years, a number of whom had
no axe to grind. I don't know the full story of the Controversy closure,
but I do suspect that its' beginnings were also less than auspicious.

Just goes to show that all this bickering and nastiness amongst the
Prince fan community pre-dates the web pages etc.

Wow. T and I agree on something. That *must* be the first time! (insert
ancient smiley here).

@@@ Telephone :
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Nigel Swan

Aug 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/19/98
In article <>, T
<> writes
>Nigel Swan <> wrote:
>>You may have caught EM at a busy time I don't know I wasn't there but
>>everyone I know who has come in to contact with her only say how helpful
>>and friendly she is.
>I don't wanna be a jerk here.. BUIT.. Eilleen has done some
>UNBELIEVABLY EVIL stuff that I don't wanna get into... There's more
>reasons she doesn't have an "Official" fan club than what everyone
>knows.. She did a good service with Controversy, BUT, she did some
>stuff that I wouldn't even IMAGINE THINKING of doing in 1991... I'll
>leave it at that and WILL NOT go any deeper, but you wouldn't be
>giving her the praise you are if you only knew the half of it....
>When I say "evil" I don't mean some silly Prince crap, I mean she did
>some stuff that was purely fascecious and just plain cold....
>From conversations with Linda Everrette way back in 1990 I was told
>that Eilleen wasn't even the person who started Controversy, well, she
>did have a hand in it at the start but Linda Everett was more involved
>in it's creation than she was... Then Eilleen cut her off when they
>got the "Official" deal and claimed it for her own!
I know of alot of these stories to and also of the Chris Dawson

I am not saying that there was some hardball in the beginning, everybody
racing to be the first 'offical' fanclub but the fact remains that
Eileen was and still is very helpful to the fans.

What have we got now - fuck all ya'll.


Aug 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/20/98
Linda Everett was one big time psycho Prince fan.
I could picture her as one of those real over domineering
girls that no-one ever paid attention to in normal life.
When she got power through her Prince hook-ups
she used it to it's fullest. If anyone ever
dared to challenge her or to upset her
kingdom she revealed her true side, in all it's glorious

>>From conversations with Linda Everrette way back in 1990 I was told
>>that Eilleen wasn't even the person who started Controversy, well, she
>>did have a hand in it at the start but Linda Everett was more involved

>But, T, way back in 1990, Linda Everett wasn't the most rational Prince fan in


Aug 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/20/98
I'm gonna go ahead and apologize in advance. My response to T's comment about
Linda was written directed towards him as something we would both understand. I
in no means inteded for some thread to get started that was solely devoted to
bashing someone (that can be done quite nicely in private e-mail, thank you ...
oh yeah, there is no such thing as private e-mail).

To clarify, both T and I had dealt with Linda and had some funny stories to
tell. Linda sometimes had a tendency to exaggerate (as do many of us), so it's
possible that some elements of her story -- just like some elements of Eileen's
-- might not be 100% true. That's all.

So, hopefully, this second post will also be the last post in this thread.

In article <6rfs90$co5$>, (Nosp)


Aug 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/20/98
to (Revox12) wrote:

>>From conversations with Linda Everrette way back in 1990 I was told
>>that Eilleen wasn't even the person who started Controversy, well, she
>>did have a hand in it at the start but Linda Everett was more involved

>>in it's creation than she was... Then Eilleen cut her off when they
>>got the "Official" deal and claimed it for her own!

>But, T, way back in 1990, Linda Everett wasn't the most rational Prince fan in
>the world, now was she?

'90??? Was she EVER!?!?!? But she DID have a bigger hand in starting
Controversy than Linda.. Hey Revox.. I heard that Linda now lived in
the mountains somewhere and is like crazy or something because Paisley
sent her a cease and dissist letter for her selling pictures and
stuff.., Remember her UNREAL prices? 45 minute tape of crappy
quality stuff for $90! 5 pictures for like $100! Kookoo! She acted
WIERD when I would call her and we would talk.. WIERD!



Aug 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/20/98
Nigel Swan <> wrote:

>I know of alot of these stories to and also of the Chris Dawson
>I am not saying that there was some hardball in the beginning, everybody
>racing to be the first 'offical' fanclub but the fact remains that
>Eileen was and still is very helpful to the fans.

Goes WAY deeper than just the silly Prince fanzine crap... WAY

>What have we got now - fuck all ya'll.

Go eat some of Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls.... (Puttem in your mouth
and suckem suckem'!) :)


Aug 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/20/98
Gavin R Smith <> wrote:

>I don't know if T and I are talking about the same thing here (and since
>the libel laws in the UK apply to newsgroup postings I won't get too far
>into it), but I'm aware of a number of nasty things in the early 1990's
>that are alledgely attributable to Mrs. Murton too. If the stories are
>true then they were indeed very cold things to do.

I bet you that our stories may tie together.. But the one in
particular I am speaking of had something to do with a "fan" in MPLS
who unfortunately passed away in 1991....

>... This is also true, alledgedly, of her work with Chris Dawson at the
>very beginning of the Controversy story. I've heard this independently
>from a number of different sources over the years, a number of whom had
>no axe to grind. I don't know the full story of the Controversy closure,
>but I do suspect that its' beginnings were also less than auspicious.

Yup.. :) Good old Chris Dawsomn.. Too bad what P did to him!

>Just goes to show that all this bickering and nastiness amongst the
>Prince fan community pre-dates the web pages etc.

Thing is, back in the old days the "bickering" was ALOT more
complicated, not some silly "New Power Sould STINKS".. "NO! New
Power Soul RULES!"......

>Wow. T and I agree on something. That *must* be the first time! (insert
>ancient smiley here).

IS this the first time???? :) Thing is, this isn't even an
agreement, but FACTS! :)


Aug 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/21/98
Where is Linda now??? She started me on the undercover world of boots.While Im
on the topic where is Nathan Wright? He still owes me $18. (I heard he was in


>>>>From conversations with Linda Everrette way back in 1990 I was told
>>>>that Eilleen wasn't even the person who started Controversy, well, she
>>>>did have a hand in it at the start but Linda Everett was more involved


Aug 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/21/98
to (Kilio) wrote:

>Where is Linda now??? She started me on the undercover world of boots.While Im
>on the topic where is Nathan Wright? He still owes me $18. (I heard he was in

Not in jail.. Unfortunately... Don't feel bad though.. He owes ME
$3500! Now THAT is a good friend huh? :)

You wouldnt BELIEVE some of the crap that went on with Nate .. you
SERIOUSLY wouldn't BELIEVE some of the stories I could telll.. maybe
I'll write a book. That would be a bit more interesting than a book
about Prince actually! :) It WOULD however show a side of Prince
that NO ONE knows exist, accept nathan Wright and his PARANOID SCHYZO
mind! :)

Linda supposedly lives in the mountains somewhere or something REALLY
odd like that! :) She recieved a "Cease and Dessist" order because
she was selling photo's and tapes and that was the end of her.. She
recieved it the same time Nate recieved his for the 1(800) Black Album
phone line.. What a dork huh? :)


Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
>Not in jail.. Unfortunately... Don't feel bad though.. He owes ME
>$3500! Now THAT is a good friend huh? :)

Damn!!!!! I will never complain about my $18 again. Email me when you write
that book.


Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98

T <> wrote in article

> (Kilio) wrote:
> You wouldnt BELIEVE some of the crap that went on with Nate .. you
> SERIOUSLY wouldn't BELIEVE some of the stories I could telll.. maybe
> I'll write a book. That would be a bit more interesting than a book
> about Prince actually! :) It WOULD however show a side of Prince
> that NO ONE knows exist, accept nathan Wright and his PARANOID SCHYZO
> mind! :)

Uh-oh T!

Say anything bad about ole Nate and he'll surely harass the shit out of you
with e-mails for days and days asking to "discuss this before I take
furthur action."


As for Linda Everett I still have some of her old flyers with her
OUTRAGEOUS prices for tapes. Talked to her a few times on the phone back in
the day, she WAS Koo Koo, REAL kookoo.

Ah the old days, us old fogies reminiscing :)

Hey T do you have the "promo tape" for Nate's phoneline with the 2 songs
"Pump"(demo version) and "Life" (Demo Version). Remember that?
BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA now that is some funny shit for whoever remembers that!



Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98
"MikeA7" <> wrote:

>Hey T do you have the "promo tape" for Nate's phoneline with the 2 songs
>"Pump"(demo version) and "Life" (Demo Version). Remember that?
>BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA now that is some funny shit for whoever remembers that!

I taped over it.,. But I may have another sdomewhere.. HA! That was



Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98
In article <01bdce32$ffde7e60$738edccf@default>, "MikeA7"
<> writes:

>Hey T do you have the "promo tape" for Nate's phoneline with the 2 songs
>"Pump"(demo version) and "Life" (Demo Version). Remember that?
>BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA now that is some funny shit for whoever remembers that!

Oh my god. Wanna talk about fogies, eh?


Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98
>Oh my god. Wanna talk about fogies, eh?

Anyone remember the Grand Central Station Demo?
Who faked that one?


Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98
posted and mailed: says...

>As for Linda Everett I still have some of her old flyers with her
>OUTRAGEOUS prices for tapes. Talked to her a few times on the phone back in
>the day, she WAS Koo Koo, REAL kookoo.

She would take a tape of music and spread it out over several tapes
to charge more. And then, leave stuff off that you knew was suppossed
to be there.

Did she ever run that Priestess of Paisley Park number on you ?
Where she adopted a whole other identity as this crazy,
vengeful archangel of Paisley Park.
The Priestes of Paisley Park would call you and threaten you to
stop moving in on her turf with your new outtakes.

Talk about scary,and then when you call her back she'd swear
it wasn't her. I still have the tapes of the calls.

She was really blown away when all those C&D letters were sent out.

>Ah the old days, us old fogies reminiscing :)

LInda and Nate were the old wave of Prince terrorists, taken
over by the North Eastern crew just about the time she fell away.

>Hey T do you have the "promo tape" for Nate's phoneline with the 2 songs
>"Pump"(demo version) and "Life" (Demo Version). Remember that?
>BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA now that is some funny shit for whoever remembers



Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98
In article <6rq5q8$phc$>,
(Nosp) writes:

>She would take a tape of music and spread it out over several tapes
>to charge more. And then, leave stuff off that you knew was suppossed
>to be there.

Yeah, but that was pretty common practice in those days. Anyone who was selling
tape outtakes (there was ONE exception, whose name will not be mentioned, but
he's in Florida) was routinely trying to rip people off. After a couple (early
dealings) with these folks, I soon realized *trading* was the way to go.

Anyone remember the tape of "master tracks" that was circulating around '90? It
was supposedly channel-by-channel versions of then-current songs (a la the
G-Spot tracks)? Well, I made that tape in a friend's living room, using the
back two channels of a surround sound out. We thought it sounded pretty badass
(esp. the Batman tracks), since you could hear the backing tracks so much
better, mainly samples and such. Well, we made a few copies for friends,
explaining *exactly* what it was. Lo and behold, the damn thing showed up on
*three* for-sale tape lists within 6 months as a legitimate outtake tape.
Bastards. (I apologize to anyone who wasted their money on this). Well, I'm
sitting here listening to it now, and I strongly recommend people listen to all
Prince records on only the surround channels from here on out now.


Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
to (Kilio) wrote:

HA!!! THAT was a Linda Everette thing too!!!!! HA!



Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
HA!!! That was YOU!!! I HATED that tape! :) I never traded for it,
only listebned to Marvin's tape of it all.. Now... Speaking of...
Can I get the REAL Electric Chair from ya!?!?! You should know what I
mean! ;)


Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98

I remember something about this... She used to talk about her
paintings being hung in the halls at Paisley as well... Man, why did
folks act like that????

As for Nate.... I seriously don't know how he is still even alive..
Seems that I wasn't the only one that he ran HUGE phone bills in their
names... Several other folks have written me saying he did the same,
as well as him doing it to his girlfriends as well....

I also used to get calls from ppl like the Postal Service and many
other companies.. For some reason they would call me and tell me to
beware of Nathan and that they and several other companies were on the
look out for him. They were filing mail fraud and other suits against
him at the time and that I should dissasociate myself from him.,..
Talk about wierd huh?

He also used to recieve ACTUAL cut and paste death threats!!!!! You
know, like the kinds that ppl will cut letters from magazines and
paste them toi pieces of paper!!!! I couldn't believe it when I saw
it!!!! Unreal!

Nate's a great guy, as long as you don't have your back turned to

Never Forget

Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
to says...

>Anyone remember the tape of "master tracks" that was circulating around '90? It

Not only do I remember them, I recall that it was Linda who was trying
to pass then off as new stuff. As soon as I heard samples I realized what
they were and I soon had some of my own "alternate versions" to offer back
to her. Strangely enough, though she was real big on selling me on the
rarity of her "alternate versions", she had no interest in mine.
Funny how that was.

I did actually have a few takers for the "alternate versions", but I felt so
guilty about ripping anyone that I included them free with other trades.
I never did say how I "came about" them, though.

Also, I know people would spread stuff out over several tapes for more cash,
but Linda was really bad for that, because she would say the different parts
were different rehearsals.


Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
In article <>,
(Kilio) writes:

>Anyone remember the Grand Central Station Demo?
>Who faked that one?

Dunno who faked it, but I remember *everyone* trying to sell it.


Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
In article <>, (T)

>HA!!! That was YOU!!! I HATED that tape! :)

Hey! That was a lot of hard work. ;)

> I never traded for it,
>only listebned to Marvin's tape of it all.. Now... Speaking of...
>Can I get the REAL Electric Chair from ya!?!?! You should know what I
>mean! ;)

I know what you mean. Of course.


Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
to (Never Forget) wrote:

>Also, I know people would spread stuff out over several tapes for more cash,
>but Linda was really bad for that, because she would say the different parts
>were different rehearsals.

Yeah and her prices.. NINETY DOLLARS a tape!?!?!?!? Jezus!!! :)

Good to see ya back my man! :)



Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
to (Revox12) wrote:

HA! Can't wait, I am setting that version on my MC Flash disc in case
anyone wiould have the "real" version... :) Looks like your post
pinpointed the culprit! :)



Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98

T <> wrote in article


> "MikeA7" <> wrote:
> >Hey T do you have the "promo tape" for Nate's phoneline with the 2 songs
> >"Pump"(demo version) and "Life" (Demo Version). Remember that?
> >BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA now that is some funny shit for whoever remembers

> I taped over it.,. But I may have another sdomewhere.. HA! That was

I have it right here, it is credited to a Charles Neely.

Says "Management by Nathan Wright".

He said management.


Aug 25, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/25/98
In article <01bdcfb9$ba7e9840$418ddccf@default>, "MikeA7"
<> writes:

>I have it right here, it is credited to a Charles Neely.
>Says "Management by Nathan Wright".

Maybe Charles Neely was the same cat responsible for "Hey Hannigan," too. :)

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