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another Aol swipe(Rosie Gaines)

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Feb 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/1/98

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OnlineHost: To interact with your hosts or their guests, use the Interact
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OnlineHost: Your host tonight is CSEmcee4 (JackDL)

OnlineHost: You last heard Rosie Gaines' Aretha-fied alto during her
short-but-starlit stint with the New Power Generation in 1991 -- especially on
the duet DIAMONDS AND PEARLS, with an artist who was then still named Prince.
But according to Gaines, she was a diva in Oaktown long before she was
introduced to the Purple-Power-That-Be.

OnlineHost: "People think that Prince discovered me," explains the confident
singer/songwriter/producer. "But my band was already well known in the Bay
Area. And I always made it clear to Prince that I wanted to do something on my
own." At the moment, Gaines is cooling down in a hotel room in Madrid after a
red-hot set of provocative uncut funk from her long-overdue solo debut album,

OnlineHost: While she admits that her post-NPG solo success is sweet, being
"worldly" is nothing new to Gaines. "I grew up in a steel town outside of
Oakland, but I've been practicing astral traveling for a long time," she says.
"It's a form of deep meditation rooted in the Buddhist religion, when you feel
like your body's asleep, but your mind is awake. Some people call it the
out-of-body experience."

OnlineHost: It's no co-incidence that Gaines' eclectic spirituality oozes its
way into her lyrical landscape on CLOSER THAN CLOSE. While the album features
torch ballads like SLOWMAN [which is dedicated to her husband, Francis Jules]
and funk like I WANT YOU, she also explores social misery with her self-planned
tune GET THE GHETTO OFF YOUR MIND and on an inspired cover of Bob Marley's

OnlineHost: Now, why would a modern-day soul sister with Gaines' golden pipes
remake Marley instead of the belt-or-else Aretha or Chaka Khan ballads that she
grew up on? "For the lyrics! Bob's messages are still relevant today...I mean,
we're all still living in concrete jungles," says Gaines, who recently
relocated from Minneapolis back home to Pittsburgh, CA. "After all, there's got
to be more to R&B than partyin' till the break of dawn!"

OnlineHost: The former vocalist for "The Artist Formerly Known As Prince"
struts with virtuosity through the spectrum of contemporary black music, from
reggae to Rock 'n' Roll to R&B. Gaines makes funk sound spiritual and adds a
delicious sensuality to the breeziest of pop tunes. Please welcome Rosie to
America Online!

CSEmcee4: Thanks for joining us tonight, Ms. Gaines!

RosieGLive: I would like everyone to know that I appreciate being here. And to
those who are supporting me now and to people who have supported me in the
past, thank you very much.

Question: Rosie, I have seen you play in concert with Prince. Is there
anything you would suggest an aspiring artist to do to get a song heard by
someone like Prince?

RosieGLive: The best thing to do is to try to set up an appointment with
whoever is representing him or her, and then go in with material and tape and
play it for them. That's a hard thing because it's hard to get their attention.
That's where the hard part comes in. You have to keep pushing and bugging them.
Consistency is the thing. And basically you should know what you want. Who you
want to do the song so you know who to go after.

Question: Over the years I have read many things O(+> [the artist formerly
known as Prince] has said about you, for instance that he would never sing D&P
with anyone but you. Obviously he holds you in much esteem. How would you sum
up your experience working with him?

RosieGLive: That's hard to answer. But musically it was a great. It was
probably the best experience musically I ever had. It was new but it also came
up with the hard times as well. Everything has consequences, even the good

Question: Rosie- Kudos on the new album. Any tour in the works?

RosieGLive: Actually I've been on a promotional tour already. To Europe and to
some places in the United States. After the next single comes out, I will
probably tour some place else in the United States.

Question: Did you ever release anything, prior to doing Diamonds and Pearls?

RosieGLive: Yes, I did. It was in 1985. An album on Epic Records entitled
"Caring." There was a soundtrack called "Goofy Movie", and I was one of the
voices. I sang Seeing It Eye to Eye with Tevin Campbell. This was a Disney
movie. This movie just came out last year.

RosieGLive: There is the Addams Family track called "Family Values" with Ru
Paul. And of course this album out now called Closer than Close. It's an album
that I got a chance to produce. I got to write and I got a chance to
collaborate with Francis Jules and Dana Bailey. Finally I got a chance to do
the album I always wanted to do. Stay tuned, the next one will be in a
different direction altogether.

Question: How was the Virgin megastore performance?

RosieGLive: That was great. That was a different experience for me because I
was performing by myself just playing keyboards. Normally, I play with a full
band. That was a new and very enjoyable experience for me and quite a

Question: How old were you when you first became aware of your interest and
talent in music?

RosieGLive: I was three years old when I knew that's something I wanted you to
do. My mother bought me a small organ when I was a kid. I'd lock myself in the
room listening to some Donnie Hathaway records and some Aretha Franklin, Gladys
Knight, Sara Vaughn, Bob Marley and Duke Ellington, Ray Charles, BB King, Patsy
Cline and Minnie Pearl. There was such a big variety of artists my parents
listened to. That was the beginning of it all. It was my mother who discovered
I could sing. I wanted to be a musician first. My mother said "You can be a
great singer." So I developed myself as a singer and a musician. Each year
would go by and I would pick up a new instrument. The first club gig I did, I
was 4 years old. The "Cotton Club' in Pittsburg, CA and that's when I knew that
I was going to do music for the rest of my life.

Question: When are you bringing your bad self and that amazing voice of yours
to Detroit for a show?

RosieGLive: I don't know but it depends on how well the records are selling
and how much the company will be willing to support me financially with
bringing a band there, but I would love to come to Detroit.

Question: How old are you?

RosieGLive: Old enough to drive and young enough to be in love. But seriously,
I feel that I have lived many many lives so I don't look at age as many people
do. I'm probably 400 to 500 years old considering all the lives I've lived.
Cause I believe that people never die. I believe we all live many lives as
reincarnation goes. I don't count age in the sense that we all count it.

Question: What is the release date of your new album?

RosieGLive: This album is out right now. There hasn't been a big push from the
record company but the album is in the stores. It's called "Closer than Close"
and it's a MoTown Record.

Question: Rosie, you and your voice are beautiful! Tell me about the musicians
who back your new music.

RosieGLive: A lot of the musicians were a lot of people I met for the first
time. But the one I really fell in love with as far as being a great musician
was Palinho DaCosta. He was the greatest percussion player, and spiritually he
is the sweetest person I ever met. Then there was Steve Klong on drums. He was
a very sweet person. And then there was Sneaky Pete He was a country player
from a group called The Flying Burrito Brothers. He was a steel-guitar player.
That was an interesting thing in that we combined country with soul music on
the song entitled "GooGaGa" -making it up as we go along.

RosieGLive: We had a guy called Buzzy Feet on guitar. He played on some of the
old Steve Wonder tracks. And he was a very good guy and a good player. There
were a few songs by them. The other half of the album, I played all the
instruments myself. And then we had a full string session. The arrangements
were rewritten by Benjamin Wright, Charles Veal and myself. And we had a horn
section called "The Horned Heads" and these were Prince's horn players. The
rest of the album was written by myself, Francis Jules and Dana Bailey.

Question: What do you call the artist formerly known as Prince, when you speak
with him face to face?

RosieGLive: I call him Prince or I call him "P" cause that's the person that I
knew and that's the person I know now. And I think his changing his name was a
business decision.

Question: Rosie, why do you think that the single of you and Prince's version
of Nothing Compares To You didn't make it as a big hit?

RosieGLive: It's strictly a lack of marketing and promoting.

Question: Sorry to be naive, but I don't know your music. How do you define it words. I know that's hard to do, but try?

RosieGLive: I call it "Crazy Mother Funky." My music is a universal music,
because I was fortunate enough to grow up with great singers and musicians in
the business.

Question: Have you had any formal voice training?

RosieGLive: In the last 4 years, I had for one month. I had voice training
from Seth Riggs. I saw him for 1 month, and that taught me how to take better
care of my voice. Because the road can be pretty rough. Especially when you're
not getting enough sleep.

Question: I think you are a very beautiful woman, who has done much for the
image of full figured women like you design your own clothes?

RosieGLive: Yes, I do. And some of my clothing I buy in big women's stores,
and I put together things. I pick a shirt here and a blouse and a pair of pants
there and put them together. And If they look good I have it made. If I really
like when I get, I have it redesigned and made a different way depending on the
size. Don't pay attention to what television or anyone else tells you. Big is

Question: Why did you and NPG break up with Prince and would you consider
working with him again?

RosieGLive: The first time we met, he liked my voice. He asked me to join the
band. I told him that I wanted to do a solo record and he said, "If you stay
with the band for the first year, I will do a solo record on you next year." So
I agreed with that and four years later, there still wasn't a solo record. In
spite of all that, it was a lot of fun anyway. That was one of the reasons I
left. I needed to express myself. He asked if I wanted to come back just
recently. And I am considering it. Thank you for your concern.

Question: How hard is it to do voice-overs for animation?

RosieGLive: It's not hard if you're speaking strictly of your own talent But
if you're getting into the business it's a clique trip. If you don't get in the
clique, you won't be doing voice-overs for a big company. Don't give hope if
that's what your interest is. You have to keep pursuing it. Consistency always

OnlineHost: All good things must come to an end. Our time is up for this

CSEmcee4: Thank you for joining us tonight, Ms. Gaines! Any last words?

RosieGLive: Thank you so much for this opportunity to allow me the time to
express myself on a global level. One day I hope we can all personally meet
together to send positive vibrations to each other. And God Bless you!

CSEmcee4: Thanks to everyone for joining Ms. Gaines tonight! Good night!

OnlineHost: Our thanks to Rosie Gaines for appearing as part of AOL's Tribute
to Rock 'n' Roll greats. If you missed this event, you can download its edited
transcript in approximately 24 hours. Thank you for joining us and good night!

OnlineHost: Copyright 1995 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Transmitted: 95-09-06 21:48:48 EDT

Rhastus-the Big Funky Sadistic teasing Naysaying Man


Feb 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/1/98

I miss Rosie. Anyone order Arrival? I want to- just haven't had the $$.

Thanks for posting Rhastus..

It's coming- it's coming!! Our Balls are finally coming!
Prince is dead.....
Long live Moonraker!!!
new Moonraker/Prince site coming soon:


Feb 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/1/98

Thanks for posting that Rhastus.



Feb 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/2/98

Is it me or does everyone who has worked with "P" not look back on it
too fondly??


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