*Stella at the Wheel - Pala Bros & DTS
*No Other Than My Mother - Pala Bros
*Crazy Jas - CTX
*My Only Loves - CTX
*Grandpa's Story - CTX
Cover Versions
*Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer - Don't Remember
*I'm Getting Nuttin' For Christmas - TPM
Uncertain - Please verify
*Sweet Violets - Blazy?
*You Smell Like Turtles - Polkatown Sound
*Order Yours Today - Dynasticks
"My Hometown"
DynaBrass does it, but I don't know if they wrote it.
Sharon Sharalike - WCB
Floating Rock (English version) - FD
hmmm ... now what do those two songs have in common?
<jeff.v...@comcast.net> wrote in message
Hit the Bricks by the Dynabrass
<jeff.v...@comcast.net> wrote in message
Walter Solek - "Always in the way
Pala Brothers - "Sausage And Sauerkraut For Santa"
Pala Brothers - Stara Baba
Stas Bulanda - In The Sianda
Marion Lush & Richie Tokarz - The "Adult LP"
Charlie Tansek & Chicago Tradition - Hallelujah I'm a Bum
Eddie Biegaj- "Let's Talk Dirty in Hawaiian" (Cover tune)
Sweet Violets was done by Blaz, but is was not his original...it's an old
folk tune.
other novelity stuff Scott Chapin a DJ who covered rock songs a link
on the site
"rock songs polkafied'
Peace out - the Wildman
A Little Miss- Chico Bavariann Band
My Wife Had a Pet Bee. She named it Boo.
So it was my wife's Booo-Beee.
"Bob Ziegenbein" <bobl...@new.rr.com> wrote in message
-Zee Zee
It sure is-I think it's the funniest song I ever heard in the polka
There have been quite a few such numbers in polka music --a few more
notable ones are "Who stole the kiszka?" and "Pierogi, two for a dime"
by Walt Solek: Such numbers were one of his specialties and he had a
separate costume change and routine for many of them;
"Apples, peaches, pumpkin pie": One of the biggest polka megahits
in the 60's :Every band had to play it: Happy Louie's version was
particularly humorous;
"Maurice, don't Do That" by the Happy Harmony Boys was also a
nationwide hit and was USPA song of the year.It was a polka adaptation
of a cajun song.
"Mousie" (myszka), written by Little Dixie of Connecticut, was
recorded by Joe Stanky and was quite a novelty hit here (in CT.) and
elsewhere , too, I think: Dixie got the idea for the song, I
understand, when a mouse was spotted running across the dance floor at
the Bristol,Ct., PC, a popular polka spot.
For the record, too, there have been many "bawdy" songs recorded
in Polish,and occasionally in English, on various "not for air
play/Polish party" albums ( by Lush, EB, Wally, Norm Dombrowski, R.
Budzilek and a few others ) and many off-color, suggestive songs in
English recorded over the years based on low-brow double entendre
involving the Polish kielbasa...if you want to go there...
"Who The Hell Is Johnny" - Ebbie B.
and yes! "Basia Hold My Kielbasa"- Steve Kaminski's Dream Team. Great
tune as well.
and "Bull Sh*t" by Jimmy Sturr, although I don't think he ever recorded
it under that name, but they've done it live.
Oh, and of course - "IF YOU SEE KAY" ! - I forget the band.
- Zee Zee
"Where Are You Tonight" - The ol' Hee Haw ditty!
Also, Dance The Polka Naked "Honky Hoppers"
The Italian mouse " " cat- Eddie Forman
Feel Like ***** - Eddie Biegaj & Crusade
Not polkas, but ...
"Seven Beers With The Wrong Woman" by The Jolly Lumberjacks and probably
"Skirts" by Don Peachy and probably others
"Last Night On The Back Porch" by Uncle Ozzie and probably others
Tim Mohrlant - tmohrlant@NO_JUNK_MAIL_comcast.net (remove NO_JUNK_MAIL_)
Schottenheimer Polka by The Step Brothers on their Schottenheimer Polka
Too Fat Santa Polka by Acoustic Grace / Sweet Harmony / Aereon on their
Christmas To Cure Cancer disc
a couple three more for your list - the Wildman
forgot the Cheesehead Polka by Dan Riley - sorry how could I have been
so inept?
Breakfast With Tony (Oberek) - Dan Gury & The Dyna - Dukes
Polka Joe & Waltzing Wanda - Dan Gury & The Dyna - Dukes
Bowl, Bowl, Bowl Oberek (Swir Swir) - Dan Gury & The Dyna - Dukes
Crabcake Oberek - Polka Family Band
Happy Hanky - Polka Family Band
We Are Family "Rap-up" - Polka Family Band
Woman Is Smarter - Freeze Dried
The Tune about Cindy (Forgot the Exact Name by Joe Zalewski) - TPM
La De Da - Biggy Daddy Lackowski
What Should I Do - TPM
Gilligan's Island - Dan Gury & The Dyna - Dukes
Ice Cubes & Beer Polka - RAY BUDZILEK
>The Tune about Cindy (Forgot the Exact Name by Joe Zalewski) - TPM
I think it's called "When I Met Cindy."
And, while I was typing this up, I just heard on WRJQRadio.com
"(I Couldn't Shake) My Fannie Polka" by Jerry Dostal
"Crazy Stanley" - Pat Zoromski & The Boys From Polonia & another group that
I do not know also recorded it.
Did anybody get the Hot Dog Polka sang by Matt L. on the Crusades disc
'in Response to Exile'
Have a glorious and blessed night! - the Wildman
Before I go let's also add the Paul Konrad Polka by the Polkaholics
I'm My Own Grandpa was originally recorded by the great Ray Stevens.
Curt Traska