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Get Well To The Polka Family Band

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Chicago Push Entertainment

Apr 24, 2010, 11:51:31 PM4/24/10
Recently our musician buddies in the Polka Family Band had the
misfortune of a very serious automobile crash on Interstate 80 as they
were crossing Pennsylvania in the middle of the night. A tragedy such
as this is every musician's nightmare and it hits home with us in a
big way. We depend on many things to ensure our safety. Unfortunately
at times we negotiate that safety because of the weather, a blowout,
the fog, the deer, the other driver, the road construction, poor
lighting, road conditions, being exhausted and so many other obstacles
which put us at risk and make travel treacherous. Thank you God for
sparing the lives of Hank, Nick, Glenn, Josh, Kevin and Johnny. We
pray for their steady and full recovery. The Angels were with them.
May God continue to bless them with healing.

Lenny Gomulka

Apr 25, 2010, 10:59:47 AM4/25/10

Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers and support. Many of us
have long roads to recovery, but are taking it day by day. The
overwhelming support of the polka community has made a difficult
situation a little easier to handle. Safe travels to you and the
band. God Bless You.

93.3 Polka Party

Apr 25, 2010, 10:35:55 PM4/25/10
On Apr 24, 8:51 pm, Chicago Push Entertainment <>

I remember a gig Change of Pace drove to Wisconsin for a few years was their last official gig. They encountered a major snow
storm, in a van through Ohio and beyond, with vehicles in the ditch
everywhere, and they pushed through to make it on time for the job.

Many of us don't realize what bands go through to make the gig. We
don't understand the stress they encounter as we stay in our cozy
environment awaiting their three or four hours of music. We don't
understand the angst their family members endure while our thoughts
are on what to wear for the dance, or whether or not someone is
bringing floor wax if needed, or who we're going to hang out with when
we get there.

We don't spend enough time thinking about the band member's family,
their children, or their jobs. That they continually put their lives
(and many times income) on the line to bring a day of happiness to our

Please keep the musicians in your prayers always, and please don't
ever forget they are alway sacrificing in one way or another, whether
in fair weather or not, to make our day and love of polka music a
better day.

Michelle Genrich


Apr 26, 2010, 11:46:55 AM4/26/10
As we (The Maestro's Men) were returning home from Michigan this
weekend we saw the scene of the accident. The accident on route 80
crossing into PA occured between mile markers 11 and 12. It occured
right after a bend in the highway and right before a bridge overpass.
The path the van and trailer took was worse then we could have
imagined. The van veered off the road on the right side of the
highway and immediatley went straightup up a hill on the edge of the
highway about 75 degree angle. Height about 40 feet then veered to
the left across a rocky edge that was on a 90 degree angle to the
highway. This sent the van down on the highway on the drivers side.
The scene presented a horrific picture of what path the van went.
Thank God for the fact no one was killed and we pray for the band's

Karen Olszewski

Ann Littlefield

Jul 22, 2021, 8:37:32 AM7/22/21
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