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S&G FAQ 1/11

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Yellowhead Broadcasting

Aug 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/10/97

Version 1.21
Originally written and posted to 07/27/97
Modified 08/03/97, 08/10/97
Next update 08/18/97
1.1 What's in this FAQ?
1.2 What are the main sources used in compiling it?
1.3 Who are some of the people who contributed to this FAQ?
1.4 What's new?

2.1 Who are Simon & Garfunkel?
2.2 What are S&G's birthdates?
2.3 When/how did they meet?
2.4 How did they become interested in singing?
2.5 What was the first song they wrote?
2.6 Who were their families?

3.1 What was S&G's big break?
3.2 Who were Tom & Jerry? Which was which?
3.3 Why did they break up?
3.4 What records did they make?
3.5 I've seen this CD called -Paul-Simon-Plus- at a record store. Is it
any good? What is it?
3.6 Where can I get copies of bootlegs?
3.7 How did xxxx song do on the charts?

4.1 Who wrote the songs?
4.2 What records did they make?
4.3 What's up with that 1967 Pickwick album?
4.4 Which S&G songs are rare?
4.5 How did xxxx song/album do on the charts?
4.6 What are the lyrics to xxxx?
4.7 What's the difference between all the compilations?
4.8 How many times did they tour?
4.9 What about unofficial bootlegs?
4.10 What TV/radio programs did they appear on?
4.11 What was -Songs-Of-America-?
4.12 What videos are available?
4.13 Was there any music in -The-Graduate- not on the soundtrack?
4.14 What awards did they win?
4.15 Why did they break up?
4.16 Did they get back together at all before the concert in the park?
4.17 How did the concert in the park come to be?
4.18 How many people attended the S&G reunion concert in the park?
4.19 The Concert In Central Park has an extra verse in The Boxer.
Was this verse written especially for the reunion show?
4.20 What happened to the album S&G were making after the concert?

5.1 What pseudonyms did Paul use?
5.2 How tall is Paul?
5.3 Does Paul wear a toupé?
5.4 Who has Paul been married to? Does he have any children?
5.5 What happened to Paul after Tom & Jerry?
5.6 What recordings has he made?
5.7 What's this about an "enhanced" -Graceland-?
5.8 Where can I get a copy of the -Songbook-? Will it ever be released
on CD?
5.9 Who is that on the cover of the -Songbook- with Paul?
5.10 Which Simon (solo) songs are rare?
5.11 Did Paul write any songs that he didn't record?
5.12 What's Paul's favorite song?
5.13 Didn't -Paul-Simon- have an actual title ?
5.14 Is Ten Years available on CD?
5.15 What's the difference between all the compilations?
5.16 How did xxxx song/album do on the charts?
5.17 Has he ever written a song that -didn't- rhyme?
5.18 What did the Mama Pajama see?
5.19 Did Paul compose music for the movie -Shampoo-?
5.20 Was there any music in the movie not on the soundtrack album?
5.21 What films has he appeared in?
5.22 What other videos are there?
5.23 How many songs have music videos? Which ones are they?
5.24 How many times has Paul toured?
5.25 Wasn't Paul on the -Muppet-Show- once?
5.26 How many times has Paul been on -Saturday-Night-Live-?
5.27 What other TV/radio programs has he appeared on?
5.28 How many people attended Paul's concert in the park?
5.29 Does everything look better or worse in black and white?
5.30 What awards has he won?
5.31 Didn't Paul used to own a soccer team?
5.32 What is the Children's Health Fund?
5.33 Is Paul Simon recording a new album? Is he touring this year?
5.34 What is Paul currently doing?

6.1 What pseudonyms did he use?
6.2 Who has he been married to? Does he have any children?
6.3 What happened to Art after Tom & Jerry?
6.4 What degree does he have?
6.5 What recordings did he make?
6.6 Which Garfunkel (solo) songs are rare?
6.7 What's the difference between the compilations?
6.8 How did xxxx song/album do on the charts?
6.9 How many times has Art toured?
6.10 What films has he appeared in?
6.11 How many times has he been on -Saturday-Night-Live-?
6.12 What other TV/radio appearances has he made?
6.13 What was -Across-America-?
6.14 Didn't Art have a book of poetry out?
6.15 What's Art up to nowadays? Is he recording a new album? Is he
touring this year?
6.16 Does he have an address?

7.1 What magazines/newspapers have done
interviews/profiles/reviews/stories of/on S&G?
7.2 Are there any S&G biographies?
7.3 Who wrote Anji?
7.4 How come it's "Groovy" in Feelin' Groovy and "Groovey" in We've Got
A Groovey Thing Goin'?
7.5 What's that bit at the start of the live version of Feelin' Groovy
on the -Greatest-Hits- album?
7.6 How many songs have "edit" versions? Which ones are they, and what
are the edits?
7.7 Are there any collections of sheet music for Paul Simon songs?
7.8 Is there tab or chords available on-line?
7.9 What other S&G-related products exist?
7.10 Are there any Paul Simon or Art Garfunkel web pages?
7.11 I went to a Simon & Garfunkel/Paul Simon/Art Garfunkel concert in
19xx. Is this show out on CD?
7.12 Is there a Paul Simon newsletter/mailing list?
7.13 Who had hits with cover versions of S&G tunes?
7.14 Who else recorded cover versions that -weren't- hits?
7.15 What are some really good/bad and/or unique collections of S&G

1.1 What's in this FAQ?

This FAQ deals with singer/songwriter Paul Simon and singer/actor Arthur
Garfunkel. It is maintained by Greg Nesteroff and for now will be posted
every Sunday to Comments, questions and
suggestions are welcome.

1.2 What are the main sources used in compiling it?

The main sources for this FAQ are Patrick Humphries's Paul Simon
-The-Boy-In-The-Bubble- (See question 7.2), Joseph Morella and Patricia
Barey's biography -Old-Friends- (ditto), Spencer Leigh's biography
-Paul-Simon:-Then-&-Now- (again, ditto), and the 1975 -Crawdaddy-
profile by Timothy White, which was re-printed in the book -Rock-Lives-
(See question 7.1). Additional material is gleaned from numerous other
books, reviews, interviews, liner notes and concert introductions, which
are noted throughout. Many can be found on Jean-Marc Orliaguet's home
page (See question 7.10). Don McCarthy's brand new Art Garfunkel page
also has a lot of info not found anywhere else (See question 7.10). And
the searchable ASCAP ( and BMI
( databases helped out in a variety of ways.

Release dates in the discographies are taken first from those listed in
the -Greatest-Hits-Etc.- sheet music book (See question 7.7), and then
from a 1981 book called -Who's-Who-In-Rock-, Paul MacLachlan's
discography (See question 7.10) and the biography books. The music
charts are based on the U.S's Billboard Top 100 and Canada's RPM top 40.
The incomplete British charts are based on a variety of sources. Songs
are listed in reverse chronological order of release.

1.3 Who are some of the people who contributed to this FAQ?

Rob Oudshoorn ( is an authority on early and rare
S&G recordings. He also edits the (all-English) newsletter
-Homeward-Bound-, and is always on the lookout for any S&G-related
material. (See question 7.12)

Rudi Riet ( maintains one of the two best S&G pages on the
web (See question 7.10) and several answers in this FAQ are lifted
directly off the mini-FAQ on his page.

Jean-Marc Orliaguet ( has the other excellent S&G web
page (See question 7.10), and graciously agreed to host a copy of this
FAQ permanently there, at

Greg Nesteroff ( wrote a lot of it. You can
e-mail him corrections and additions.

Other people who made valuable contributions include:

David Clancy
Roger Lai
Hakan Andersson
Kaj Kindvall
Kanzunori Cihara
Paul MacLachlan
Don McCarthy
Erik Ström
Christian Jensen
Yasuhiro Nakagami
Arthur Mahr
Calado Lopes
Jerry Garfunkel

1.4 What's new?

Question 2.5 - More on Eddie Simon.

Question 4.9 - (New) Info on unofficial bootlegs.

Question 4.10 - Adds more players on the October 1993 Paramount shows,
adds 1967 Forest Hills shows, 1967 New Haven show, 1966 Washington
University show.

Question 4.11 - Adds 1967 appearance on Kraft Music Hall.

Question 5.28 - Adds that attendance at this week's Garth Brooks concert
in central park did not exceed Paul Simon's 1991 concert.

Question 5.33 - More on -The-Capeman-.

Question 6.2 - More on Linda Grossman.

Question 6.7 - Adds 1973 San Francisco show, 1996 Cincinnati show, 1995
Cleveland show.

Question 6.10 - Adds -Good-Morning-America- appearance.

Question 7.1 - Adds -Fingerstyle-Guitar- and -San-Juan-Magazine-

Question 7.15 - Adds some covers that were accidentally omitted.

2.0 Who are Simon & Garfunkel?

Simon and Garfunkel (herinafter referred to as S&G) was the name of the
American team of singer/songwriter Paul Simon and singer Art Garfunkel
who recorded between 1964 and 1970. Their shimering harmonies and
acoustic concerts stood in stark contrast to the rest of the spectacle
that marked rock acts of the '60s. They originally gained attention as a
folk act (and some record stores continue to file their records under
'folk'), but it was Simon's songs, which frequently dealt with
alienation and loneliness that seemed to strike a chord with an entire
generation. By the time of the split, they were the most successful duo
in pop music history.

Since then, Simon has gone onto even greater popularity. His songwriting
is among the most literate, tasteful, thoughtful and inventive ever.
Also, unlike many songwriters of his era, his work has steadily gotten
better and remained true to his age group, although few artists have
enjoyed the cross-cultural and cross-generational acceptance that he
has. His wordplay is also unique and has earned the nickname "Rhymin'"
Simon. Very nearly every song he's ever written rhymes. (See question

Garfunkel's solo career has been also successful. He has recorded ten
albums of material showing his willowy tenor voice to its best
advantage, appeared in five films and released a book of poetry. He
hasn't quite lived up to the halcyon days of S&G in the way Simon has,
but nonetheless, he is a major talent and this FAQ treats both men

2.1 What are S&G's birthdates?

The birthdays of both men have been badly maligned in the usual sources
(almanacs, encyclopedias). Often they are interchanged for each other,
sometimes they are listed as the same, frequently they are made a year
younger. For the record, Paul Frederic Simon was born October 13, 1941
in Newark, New Jersey. Arthur Ira Garfunkel was born November 5, 1941 in
Forest Hills, New York.

2.2 When/how did they meet?

As the story goes, Paul's family moved to Forest Hills, Queens soon
after he was born. Their house was on 70th Road in Kew Garden Hills,
three blocks away from Art's home. They both attended Public School 164,
where they were familiar with each other, but it wasn't until sixth
grade that they finally got to know each other, during a production of
-Alice-In-Wonderland- -- Paul was the White Rabbit and Art was the
Cheshire Cat.

2.3 How did they become interested in singing?

At school, a nine-year old Paul heard Art singing They Tried To Tell Us
We're Too Young at school. Impressed by the adoration Art received, he
tried to sing himself, first tackling Anywhere I Wander. By the time
they were 13, inspired by the Bronx duo of Robert & Johnny, and their
hit (You're Mine And) We Belong Together, they debuted at a school
assembly with an a capella version of Sh-Boom. Soon after they were
singing in a street corner doo-wop group called The Sparks, along with
three other neighborhood kids. They later changed their name to The
Pep-Tones, and then disbanded. They were also regularly performing at
school concerts and dances. According to Patrick Humphries's biography,
Art's parents had two tape recorders, which he and Paul experimented
with, "recording their nascent harmonies, double-tracking and laying
down tracks."

2.4 What was the first song they wrote?

It was called The Girl For Me, which they copyrighted for $5 at the
Library Of Congress in 1955. Partial lyrics were:

Oh, the girl for me
Is standing there
That's the one
With sunlight in her hair
I'll always love her
And I know she'll be true
She'll be true

Paul performs a bit of it at the start of the BBC Omnibus documentary
(See question 5.27), and in the same program says: "At one point
somebody offered to buy the song from me for $25, and I said 'of
course!' [But] Artie's father said 'Don't sell that song, don't do that
... -I'll- buy it.' Of course that wouldn't have been fun at -all-! So
he wouldn't let me sell it, but I really wanted to. I said: 'I can write
another one, this is easy.'" He also played a bit of it on piano in
1991's -60-Minutes- profile.

2.5 Who were their families?

Paul's parents were Hungarian Jews, Louis (dec'd) and Belle Simon. His
father was a bass player bandleader who appeared on CBS-TV's Arthur
Godfrey, Jackie Gleason and Gary Moore shows, sometimes under the name
Lee Sims. He later went back to school to earn his master's degree in
teaching, and taught at New York Community College. His mother was a
high school English teacher before her children were born. According to
the -Crawdaddy- profile, Paul remembers singing along to a record of
-Alice-In-Wonderland-, and his father remarking "That's nice Paul -- you
have a nice voice." His father was not, however, into rock and roll --
though he did play on early rock n' roll records, some with Tico & The
Triumphs, a local group Paul was involved with. He even wrote a song
Paul recorded under the name "True Taylor," True Or False.

Paul has a brother Eddie (b. December 14, 1945), who is Paul's look and
sound-a-like (he has been mistakenly mobbed for autographs), and shared
his interests in music and baseball. He can be seen in the
-Songs-Of-America- TV special, and in the -Born-At-The-Right-Time-
documentary. (See question 5.23) He was also interviewed for, and is
featured in the -Crawdaddy- profile. He's married with a young daughter
and has a part ownership in a Long Island radio station.

According to the 1971 -Rock-Encyclopedia- by Lillian Rosson, he also
lead a group called "Eddie Simon & The Guild Light Cage." Their one line
entry said "Eddie ... heads a two boy, two girl group that emerged in
1968." One record is also listed for them, called the 14th Annual Fun &
Pleasure Fair backed with a cover of Paul's song, Cloudy. Spencer
Leigh's 1973 book adds "[Eddie] has been involved with the group The
Guild Light Gauge [sic] and a duo Ben & Crib. Nothing has been released
[in England] but back in 1966 -Rave- said that he was as talented as his
famous brother. He may well be, but it's certainly taking a long time to
surface." Today he runs a guitar school in New York.

Art's father Jack (b. July 9, 1908, d. August 1986) was the son of
Romanian immigrants and was a travelling salesman. His mother Rose was a
homemaker. She still lives in New York.

His older brother Jules B (b. November 14, 1939, New York, NY) is an
investment anylyst and was credited with the cover photo for Art's 1988
album -Lefty-.

His younger brother, Dr. Jerome Benjamin (Jerry) (b. June 5, 1945, New
York, NY), is one of world's foremost authorities on the COBOL computer
programming language. He is president of his own consulting company, a
sought-after lecturer and author of several books. From
-Computer-International- magazine: "He is often referred to as 'Mr.
COBOL.' His unique ability to present technical material in a lucid,
imaginative and coherent manner has earned him the respect of the
information management community on four continents." You can find a
picture of him, along with a mini-biography at

3.0 What was S&G's big break?

It happened in 1957. They were attending an accelerated program at
Parsons Junior High, and in their spare time had been frequenting
publisher's offices in Manhatten trying to interest someone. For the
most part, Patrick Humphries says, they'd had doors slammed in their
faces. But "one song the boys had written together and tried out at
school dances had been particularly well received, so they decided to
risk recording a cheap demo of it. One afternoon at [Sander's Recording
Studio they] cut Hey Schoolgirl. Hanging round waiting for the next
available studio slot was a song-plugger called Sid Prosen, who
overheard the song, and informed the teenagers that they were 'the
greatest thing since the Everly Brothers. I'm going to make stars out of
you!'" He signed them to a contract with his new label, Big Records.

3.1 Who were Tom & Jerry? Which was which?

Sid Prosen came up with the name. Art was Tom Graph, Paul was Jerry
Landis. According to the -Crawdaddy- story, Art picked "Graph" after the
graph paper he used to follow the progress of all the hit records on.
Paul's "Landis" was named after a girl he was dating at the time, Sue
Landis. Their single, backed with a song called Dancin' Wild, was on
Billboard's Hot 100 for over two months, peaked at number 54, and sold
over 100,000 copies. (With his share of the royalties, about $2,000,
Paul bought a red Impala convertible, which went up in flames near Art's
house when its carburettor burnt out -- he later lamented its loss in
his 1983 song Cars Are Cars.)

Their first show was at the Harford State Theater, where they were the
token white act. On the bill was LaVern Baker, Little Joe the Thriller,
and Thurston Harris. "Our fathers drove us up there," Simon said during
the 1993 Paramount benefit shows. "We were paid $400 which was just ...
well, we were overpaid. When we got there the Sparkletones, kids our age
... gave us our first real encouragement. They said 'You guys are Tom &
Jerry?' We said 'Yeah.' They said 'This your first rock n' roll show?'
We said 'Yeah.' They said 'Well, you guys are gonna love it.' And we

The high point came on November 22, 1957, when clad in matching red
jackets, they appeared on -American-Bandstand-, lip-synching to Hey,
Schoolgirl. The footage from the performance, unfortunately, has
apparently been lost. From the 1970 -Rolling-Stone- interview with Paul:
"We were trying to find the kinescope of that to put on our television
show [See question 4.11], but it's lost somewhere. They have all those
kinescopes, except that month." The act they followed was Jerry Lee
Lewis performing his new hit Great Balls Of Fire. Simon says they were
too nervous to meet him before or after the show. Being the payola days,
Prosen also shelled out $200 to get Hey, Schoolgirl played on Alan
Freed's show.

But for years, S&G didn't even mention their Tom & Jerry phase,
apparently embarrassed about the whole thing.

3.2 Why did they break up?

Mostly because their follow-up records flopped and being level-headed
boys, both went off to college. However, Joseph Morella and Patricia
Barey's biography -Old-Friends- suggests that their friendship was
further severed when Simon made a solo record, under the name True
Taylor, something Garfunkel resented, and never forgave him for.

From the -Songtalk- interview of Art in 1990:

Q. Why is it that you and Simon stopped writing songs together?

A. Well, our whole friendship went into suspension over some thing that
happened in those early days. So for about five years we didn't hang
out, we weren't each other's friends.

From the -Playboy- interview of Paul in 1984:

A. During this time ... I made a solo record. And it made Artie very
unhappy. He looked upon it as something of a betrayal. That sense of
betrayal has remained with him. that solo record that I made at the age
of 15 permanently colored our relationship. We were talking about it
recently and I said, 'Artie, for Christ's sake, I was 15 years old! How
can you carry that betrayal for 25 years? Even if I was wrong, I was
just a 15-year-old kid who wanted to be Elvis Presley for one moment
instead of being the Everly Brothers with you. Even if you were hurt,
let's drop it.' But he won't.

Q. Why not?

A. He said "You're still the same guy." And I think he thinks I am.

3.3 What happened to them after they broke up?

Paul went off to Queens College in New York, to major in English. He was
still involved in record-making, but Art not so much so. At Queens, Paul
met Carol King (nee Carol Klein) and the two of them, calling themselves
The Cosines, wrote songs and made $25 demos for presentation to stars
like Dion, Fabian & Bobby Vee and the Fleetwoods. Paul played guitar and
bass, and Carole piano and drums. Just To Be With You, recorded by The
Passions in 1959 as their most successful outing. But more importantly,
it gave Paul an opportunity to hone his studio skills.

Paul also recorded under a variety of pseudonyms (see question 5.1), and
sang lead for a group called the Mystics, who offered him either a
royalty or a flat $100. He chose the latter, and all the records

Paul hooked up sporadically with a group called Tico & The Triumphs.
Other members were Michael (Mickey) Borack, Howie Beck, Martin Nathaniel
(Marty) Cooper, and his wife Terry Sue Pinter. Their manager was Robert
Howard (Bob) Susser. "Tico" was Marty Cooper, although many sources
incorrectly assert that Paul was. Most of the songs were written by
Susser, Cooper and Pinter, although one, Cards Of Love, bears the
unusual credit of John Brennan/Harvey Philip Burak/Marty Cooper.

The group's origin can be traced to 1956, when Borack, then 10 years
old, formed a group called The Crew Cuts. Later, when living in Queens,
he joined with schoolfriends Cooper and Gail Lynn. One night in June
1960, Paul, still calling himself Jerry Landis, played a high school
prom at the Forest Hills Jewish Center. Borack and Co. also performed
I've Told Every Little Star, sufficiently impressing Paul that he
suggested they all meet at summer's end to work together.

In September, the group joined Paul at his home in Flushing to rehearse
the song Motorcycle. Paul also produced the single and sang lead. They
named themselves after the Tico record label and the popular Triumph
sports car of the day.

Their biggest success was with that first song, which reached number 99
on the Billboard charts on January 6, 1962. However, Paul also put out
two songs (Lone Teen Ranger/I Wish I Weren't In Love) under his Jerry
Landis alias that were actually Triumphs records. The former charted at

There are also several songs credited by BMI to Susser/Pinter/Cooper
that weren't released, and may not have been recorded either.

Borack and Cooper made four recordings (never released) under the names
of the Manhattans and the Colonials. Borack also wrote and recorded Here
Comes The Garbage Man, which was released on the Buddha label in 1979
and reached number 7 on the French charts. He and a band also recorded
other songs under the name Mickey's Men. In 1989 he covered the song Sea
Cruise with a group called the Revivals.

Borack since gone on to host his own oldies radio show in New York
("Mickey B's Juke Box Revue") and is also in demand as an all-purpose
master of ceremonies. He has his own web page at

Paul graduated from Queens, then went to law school for six months to
please his parents. He hated it and dropped out in February 1964. The
next month he boarded a plane for Paris, and then came to London on
April 11.

3.4 What records did they make?

That's My Story/Tijuana Blues 05/--/66 ABC 10788
Lookin' At You/I'm Lonesome 05/--/63 Pye-International
Surrender, Please Surrender/Fightin' Mad 1962 Paramount 10363
Hey Schoolgirl/Dancin' Wild 1960 King 5167
Baby Talk/I'm Going To Get Married (a) 1959 Bell 120
That's My Story/Don't Say Goodbye 1959 Hunt 319
Looking At You/I'm Lonesome 05/--/59 Ember 1094
Baby Talk/Two Teenagers 1958 Big 621
Don't Say Goodbye/That's My Story 05/--/58 Big 618
Our Song/Two Teenagers 02/--/58 Big 616
Hey Schoolgirl/Dancin' Wild 11/--/57 Big 613

(a) The B-side was Ronnie Lawrence, not T&J

True Or False/Teen Age Fool 01/--/58 Big 614

Cards Of Love/Noise 01/--/63 Amy 876
Cards Of Love/Noise 1962 Amy 861
Cry Little Boy Cry/Get Up & Do The Wobble 08/--/62 Amy 860
Express Train/Wildflower 04/--/62 Amy 845
Motorcycle/I Don't Believe Them 12/--/61 Amy 835
Motorcycle/I Don't Believe Them 10/--/61 Madison 169

Ask Me Why/ 1992 Chance 102
I'm Lonely/Wish I Weren't In Love 1962 Can-Am 130
The Lone Teen Ranger/Lisa 1962 Jason Scott 22
The Lone Teen Ranger/Lisa 12/--/62 Amy 875
Play Me A Sad Song/It Means A Lot To Them 04/--/61 Warwick 619
I'd Like To Be (The Lipstick On Your Lips)
/Just A Boy 1961 Warwick 588
Just A Boy/Shy 1961 Warwick 552
Anna Belle/Loneliness 07/--/59 MGM K-12822

Private World/Forgive Me 08/--/61 Octavia 8002
Beat Love/Dream Alone 1960? Warwick 515

(The Hit Sound Of) Simon & Garfunkel (b) 10/--/67 Pickwick 3059

(b) See question 4.3

Paul Simon & Friends (c)
Golden Greats Vol. 17 (d) 1959? Roulette
The Complete Mystics Ace CH-157
The Mystics Meet The Jarmels Ace CH-929
Explosive Doowops Vol. 2 (e)

(c) See question 3.4
(d) Includes Hey, Schoolgirl
(e) Includes Tick Tock

Early Simon & Garfunkel (f) 09/--/93 DJ 55001
Tom & Jerry Their Greatest Hits Vol. 1 (g) 1993 DCD 1013
Tom & Jerry Their Greatest Hits Vol. 2 (h) 1993 DCD 1014
Tom & Jerry Meet Tico & The Triumphs 1988? Big 600

(f) Features Jerry Landis track Ask Me Why that was only released on
single in 1992
(g) Features unreleased Jerry Landis material from 1960, 1961 and 1964:
Lighthouse Point/Up & Down The Stairs/A Charmed Life/Sleepy, Sleepy
Baby/Forever & After/Aeroplane Of Silver Steel
(h) Features unreleased Jerry Landis material from 1959, 1961 and 1964:
Lighthouse Point/That Forever Kind Of Love/Back Seat Driver/Sleepy,
Sleepy Baby/Bingo/Dreams Can Come True

Pied Piper/Winter Blues (i) 01/--/65 Diamond 177
I Wrote You A Letter/Play Me A Sad Song (j) 09/--/63 Amy 885
I Set A Trap For You/
Why Don't You Stay A Little Longer (k) 08/--/63 Amy 884
Georgiana/Better Lovin (l) 07/--/63 Amy 882
Tick Tock/Please Don't Tell Her (m) 05/--/62 Rori 707
Do The Wik/In Laws (n) 06/--/63 Amy 881
Bye Bye/Dori Anne (o) 02/--/62 Rori 703
Don't Tell The Stars (p) 1962
I Begin To Think Of You (p)
Let Me Steal Your Heart Away (p)
All Through The Night (q) 1960 Laurie 3047
Twistin' Raindrops (r) Cordella 047
The Shape I'm In/Ya Ya (s) RCA 47-7559
The Fight (t) Shell 717
Promise Of Love (u)

(i) [Cupcakes] Co-wrote A-side with Ritchie Cordell
(j) [Dottie Daniels] Produced, wrote B-side
(k) [Fashions] Produced
(l) [Ritchie Cordell] Produced
(m) [Ritchie Cordell] Wrote A-side and co-wrote B-side with Charles
Merenstein -- also produced
(n) [The Vels] Produced
(o) [David Winters] Proudced A-side, co-wrote B-side with Winters and
John Kay
(p) [Mystics] Lead vocal
(q) [Mystics] Second tenor vocal
(r) [Harrison Gregory] Second vocal, played guitar
(s) [Johnny Restivo] Played guitar on A-side, and probably B-side as
(t) [Gary Cane & His Friends] Second vocal
(u) [The Montgomerys] Produced

Paul is also rumored to have produced songs for the Central High Caf
Band, Jay Walker & The Pedestrians and Dougie & The Dudes.

Greg Nesteroff

Aug 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/18/97

Version 1.23

Originally written and posted to 07/27/97
Modified 08/03/97, 08/10/97, 08/18/97
Next update 08/24/97
Also available at

1.1 What's in this FAQ?
1.2 What are the main sources used in compiling it?
1.3 Who contributed to this FAQ?
1.4 What's new?
1.5 What's going to be added in the coming weeks?

1.3 Who contributed to this FAQ?

Rob Oudshoorn ( is an authority on early and rare
S&G recordings. He also edits the (all-English) newsletter
-Homeward-Bound-, and is always on the lookout for any S&G-related
material. (See question 7.12)

Rudi Riet ( maintains one of the two best S&G pages on the
web (See question 7.10) and several answers in this FAQ are lifted
directly off the mini-FAQ on his page.

Jean-Marc Orliaguet ( has the other excellent S&G web
page (See question 7.10), and graciously agreed to host a copy of this
FAQ permanently there, at

Greg Nesteroff ( wrote a lot of it. You can
e-mail him corrections and additions.

Other people who made valuable contributions include:

Hakan Andersson
Kanzunori Cihara
David Clancy
Jerry Garfunkel
Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro
Christian Jensen
Kaj Kindvall
Roger Lai
Calado Lopes
Paul MacLachlan
Arthur Mahr
Don McCarthy
Yasuhiro Nakagami
Erik Ström

1.4 What's new?

Question 1.5 - (New) List of questions that will be added to the FAQ in
short (or long) order.

3.4 - Revises release date of That's My Story/Don't Say Goodbye (Hunt
319) and Baby Talk/Two Teenagers (Big 621) from 1959 and 1958 to June

4.2 - Adds that Me & Julio Down By The Schoolyard was the flip-side of
the Wake Up Little Suzie single.

4.10 - Adds 12/01/93 Tokyo show.

5.16 - Adds that the 1991 Osaka show took place October 7.

5.17 - Adds that the song America doesn't rhyme. (Thanks to Kai-Mikael

5.28 - Adds that Garth Brooks included A Heart In New York in his
concert in the park, adds more on controversy over attendance at that

5.33 - Adds recent rumors that Paul may do concerts and/or release
recordings this fall.

6.7 - Adds 08/09/92 show in Nakano, Japan.

6.10 - Adds Art's recent appearance on BBC-2. (Thanks to Alan Fraser.)

7.1 - Adds 1976 -Goldmine- story.

7.12 - Adds that Craig Rader has stopped taking subscriptions for his
Paul Simon newsletter.

7.15 - Adds Cliff Richard covers (thanks to Jarle Lilledal Nyvoll) and
Jan & Dean cover.

1.5 What's going to be added in the coming weeks?

There are several areas of note that aren't covered thouroughly or at
all in the FAQ yet, simply because no one has gotten around to covering
them yet. They include:

- More on the Tom & Jerry years
- What happened to them between 1958 and 1964
- The story behind the -Graceland- controversy
- Lots more on -The-Capeman-
- The break-up of S&G
- Synopses of TV and radio show appearances
- One-Trick Pony
- Why Paul switched record labels
- Art's walking tour

For years, S&G didn't even mention their Tom & Jerry phase, apparently
embarrassed about the whole thing. Eventually they loosened up to the
point where they included Hey Schoolgirl in their act.

3.2 Why did Tom & Jerry break up?

Q. Why not?

Looking At You/I'm Lonesome 05/--/59 Ember

That's My Story/Don't Say Goodbye 06/--/58 Hunt 319
Baby Talk/Two Teenagers 06/--/58 Big 621

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