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Pantera news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sep 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/28/96

They suck thats the news and Oasis is the greatest band in the WORLD.
Panteras sorry excuse of music makes me puke. Everyone that listens to it
probely fucks there dad to the music. Thats why you all enjoy it. Dont
bother posting a reply I wont see it e-mail insted or post a message at
the Oasis NP but beware there people there with great music taste the
best music taste OASIS.

Steve McNally

Sep 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/28/96

In article <>, Stephen Marshall <zzmarshall> writes
>Oasis are
>about as unoriginal as it gets. VERY poor attempt at the beatles.
>Consider yourselves sheep following the trendy herd while Pantera fans
>(and metal fans in general) are breaking the trends.

Well, that's all us Oasis fans put well and truly in our place! Thanks
for pointing that out to us mate.

By the way, who's Pantera?



Sep 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/28/96

Please ignore the I.D. and e-mail adress of the above idiot. He's
going around forging my name and e-mail on every piece of shit he
posts. I am the real Deek.

BTW Liam/Pip (the 'fake' Deek), the net's closing in, loser.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Stephen Marshall

Sep 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/28/96

Since you were an ass and posted this in the pantera NG I thought I'd be
a bigger ass and cross post to your sorry Oasis Suck Group. Oasis are

Joanne Manaher

Sep 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/28/96

Kim Manaher

Chris Basford

Sep 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/28/96

In article, <>, Stephen Marshall
<> writes

>Deek wrote:
>> They suck thats the news

Naaaah mate....thats not news to us, we all knew that already.


Persinthia Lawdro

Sep 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/29/96

In article <>,

>Consider yourselves sheep following the trendy herd while Pantera fans
>(and metal fans in general) are breaking the trends.

Well...coming from an 80's dihard metal fan (yep...still play those Slayer
and Maiden records every once in a while), I'd hardly call what Pantera is
doing any more original than what Oasis are doing, and second of all, most of
my metalhead friends who were wearing bandanas and Motorhead shirts in the
80's are now sporting Tool and Rage Against The Machine shirts in the 90's.
I'd hardly call that breaking the trends!

PS - Do you even remember in the late 80's when Pantera was a glam band??? I
do...saw them at a small club and nearly laughed my ass off - then again I
did give them a second listen after 'Cowboys...'). Point being...if you
remember Metal was a huge trend in the 80's and is no more groundbreaking
than what Oasis or any other 90's band is doing (well...some of them are
paving new ways)

Sep 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/29/96

This was much too funny.

Steve McNally

Sep 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/29/96

Don't know why this was emailed to me instead of posted, but seeing as
it's relevant to this thread I'm replying here. Maybe 'intelligent old
Iggy' is so busy 'metaling up' he hasn't figured out how to post to
newsgroups yet.

>In article <>, Stephen Marshall <zzmarshall
>> writes

>>Oasis are
>>about as unoriginal as it gets. VERY poor attempt at the beatles.

>>Consider yourselves sheep following the trendy herd while Pantera fans
>>(and metal fans in general) are breaking the trends.


>Well, that's all us Oasis fans put well and truly in our place! Thanks
>for pointing that out to us mate.

>By the way, who's Pantera?


>You think youre funny he?

No not really. Although I can have my moments. I wouldn't particularly
class that as one though.

>Krijg de klere stomme eikel

Whatever you say mate.

Anyone care to translate? If it'd make me blush I don't want to know!

>Oasis sucks, pitty that they didnt break up
>wel that happens with al band who cant take
>the pressure.

What? 'Al' bands who 'cant' take the pressure don't split up?

>And Fuck You.

Cheers. Nicest thing anyone's said to me today!

>Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You get the picture. There were a few hundred lines of this. Each one
more hilarious than the last.

Okay, so I know 'Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' now, but nobody's
answered my original question, who's Pantera?

>Metal Up... Iggy

Indeed... Steve

Sep 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/29/96

Let me explain this to everyone, because there are a few that just did not
understand what I was trying to say and felt the need to inform me that
Pantera rules. First off, when I said that the Oasis post was funny, I
did not mean that it was funny that someone posted something about Oasis
in a Pantera newsgroup, but that it was funny that someone was so
misguided to think that Oasis was so wonderfully brilliant. I can't
believe that a band that is more or less a Beatles rip off is given so
much hype. Secondly, I like Pantera. I have seen them many times and am
the proud owner of a Rex pick. But it seems that some members of this
newsgroup did not understand my post and thought I was cheering someone
for posting something so silly and when I tried to explain myself, this
person had to use a fake e-mail address to express their ideas. So to the
person that wrote to me, there is your explanation. Thank you and

Tim Stainthorpe

Sep 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/29/96

In article <>, Steve McNally
<> wrote some gubbins:

>>Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>You get the picture. There were a few hundred lines of this. Each one
>more hilarious than the last.
>Okay, so I know 'Pantera Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' now, but nobody's
>answered my original question, who's Pantera?

I think it is a spelling mistake.

It should be Pantwearer.

>>Metal Up... Iggy
>Indeed... Steve

Had me confused too.
Must be the skin tight black jeans constricitng the blood to the brain.
Obviously spelled wrong yet again so I'm guessing at Mental something or
other, possibly Mental Upstart.

Could be wrong though.
We're gonna uncover, we're sleeping in arse holes.
Tim Stainthorpe

Oasis Hater

Sep 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/30/96

hehehehe Damn oasis suck, I agree with you man. If you like oasis you

Oasis Hater


Sep 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/30/96

pantera suck, like I said only people who screw there dad listen to
pantera I mean everyone knows that. Good-Day

Sep 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/30/96

Stephen Marshall <> spewed forth:

>Deek wrote:
>> They suck thats the news and Oasis is the greatest band in the WORLD.
>> Panteras sorry excuse of music makes me puke. Everyone that listens to it
>> probely fucks there dad to the music. Thats why you all enjoy it. Dont
>> bother posting a reply I wont see it e-mail insted or post a message at
>> the Oasis NP but beware there people there with great music taste the
>> best music taste OASIS.
>Since you were an ass and posted this in the pantera NG I thought I'd be

>a bigger ass and cross post to your sorry Oasis Suck Group. Oasis are

>about as unoriginal as it gets. VERY poor attempt at the beatles.
>Consider yourselves sheep following the trendy herd while Pantera fans
>(and metal fans in general) are breaking the trends.

i havent even heard them called oasis in MONTHS-everyone in the USA ,
even JAY LENO-calls them THE SHITTY BEATLES!-thats right, JAY LENO
refered to OASIS as the SHITTY BEATLES...on the radio they say that,
and nobody i ever talk to has 'oasis' levae their lips...they just say
shitty beatles...

example conversation

did you hear the new shitty beatles album?

yeah it sounded like they wished they were the beatles, even with the
syrupy nonsense lyrics and overblown studio production, except without
the wit and insight of a true genius like lennon or mcartney. only a
pale imitation at the songwriting style of those masters, replete with
chord changes, recording techniques, and vocal reminiscent of those
guys...altho the songs are ear candy and catchy at first listen, the
pure patheticness at such blatant imitation makes even the biggest
beatles fan retch. overall it just sort of sounded like some shitty
beatles fakers....i guess thats why we all call them the shitty

you know i heard their new album is going to be called 'nickle street'
, its supposed to have one really good song on it called 'benny
beaver', and one other 'for the well being of ms. hanglider'

Steve McNally

Sep 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/30/96

In article <>,

>i havent even heard them called oasis in MONTHS-everyone in the USA ,
>even JAY LENO-calls them THE SHITTY BEATLES!-thats right, JAY LENO
>refered to OASIS as the SHITTY BEATLES...

Well, it must be true then. Jay Leno eh? How could we doubt the wisdom
of that world famous, er, hang on...

Who's Jay Leno? Is he the lead 'singer' of this Pantera you all seem so
fond of? :)

>on the radio they say that,

What? They say shitty on the radio? Woah, now that, as you Americans
would say, is radical! All us lot blush if they say 'bum' on Radio 1!

>and nobody i ever talk to has 'oasis' levae their lips...they just say
>shitty beatles...

I can imagine you'd have a wide circle of friends (you seem like such a
nice bloke) so there must be a lot of people that call them that then I

You see though, the difference is Pantera fans seem to spend a lot of
time talking about Oasis (or indeed, the shitty Beatles as you so
humorously dub them), but Oasis fans couldn't give a toss about the shit
that you're listening to mate. Wonder why that is?

>example conversation
>did you hear the new shitty beatles album?

Sounds like it's a fun night when the lads go round your house! Can I
come along next time? I promise I'll vomit blood on your carpet if
that's what's required! Well, I'll give it my best shot at least, I'm a
bit out of practise to be honest.

>you know i heard their new album is going to be called 'nickle street'
>, its supposed to have one really good song on it called 'benny
>beaver', and one other 'for the well being of ms. hanglider'

I'm sure this is hilarious too but I can't be arsed working out what the
fuck you're on about, so I'll just sit here and miss out on this one I
think. My loss no doubt...



Sep 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/30/96
to wrote:

TinyTim I like you
You took the words right out of my mouth

Deek go to hell

Metal Up... Iggy
Metal Up... Iggy


Oct 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/1/96

Oasis Hater <> wrote:

>hehehehe Damn oasis suck, I agree with you man. If you like oasis you
>Oasis Hater

not good enough mannnnnnnnnn......'suck' is soo overused..havent you
Oasis haters any imagination at all?...doesnt seem so does it...
Mike Warren.

Persinthia Lawdro

Oct 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/1/96

In article <$>,

>i havent even heard them called oasis in MONTHS-everyone in the USA ,
>>even JAY LENO-calls them THE SHITTY BEATLES!-thats right, JAY LENO
>>refered to OASIS as the SHITTY BEATLES...

Well since Jay Leno is the host of a TV show here in the States, I highly
doubt he called them 'The Shitty Beatles' on the air (live). Nice try.
Personally, and coming from someone sho lives in the US, I've never heard
Oasis referred to as 'the shitty beatles' (which US do you live in???).

>You see though, the difference is Pantera fans seem to spend a lot of
>time talking about Oasis (or indeed, the shitty Beatles as you so
>humorously dub them), but Oasis fans couldn't give a toss about the shit
>that you're listening to mate. Wonder why that is?

Oasis fans have class, that's why.

>I'm sure this is hilarious too but I can't be arsed working out what the
>fuck you're on about, so I'll just sit here and miss out on this one I
>think. My loss no doubt...

The rest of us are at a serious loss as well (I guess you have to be a
Pantera fan to appreciate such novel humor)

PS - How did these two newsgroups get cross-posted anyways???


Oct 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/1/96
to (Persinthia Lawdro) wrote:

>PS - How did these two newsgroups get cross-posted anyways???

You've got my er, alter-ego to thank for that. Wonder if he'll
understand this?

Edinburgh, Scotland


Oct 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/1/96

A fake 'Deek' <> wrote:

>pantera suck, like I said only people who screw there dad listen to
>pantera I mean everyone knows that. Good-Day

Standard reply to the 'fake Deek' above
OK folks, you probably all know this by now, but this idiot posing as
me is posting abusive comments to almost every other thread. This is
my standard cut and paste message which will follow every one of his
posts, to let you all know that none of these posts were made by me. I
will keep this up as long as he keeps pretending to be me.

Proof: MY NNTP host = HIS NNTP host =

Which host do YOU think uses?

Select 'Show all header details',check the entry in the NNTP Posting
Host (the bit he CANNOT fake!), if it is not, then the

Thanks for listening,

Edinburgh, Scotland


Oct 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/1/96

Who gives a fuck, which Deek is sending what
Why don't the two of you go in a corner and feltch!
Stop posting stupid shit to the news group!
You fuckin' Fags !!!



Oct 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/1/96

>You see though, the difference is Pantera fans seem to spend a lot of
>time talking about Oasis (or indeed, the shitty Beatles as you so
>humorously dub them), but Oasis fans couldn't give a toss about the shit
>that you're listening to mate. Wonder why that is?

Well then keep out of our newsgroup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metal Up... Iggy


Oct 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/2/96

SOMEONE NEEDS TO KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Steve McNally

Oct 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/2/96

In article <52s1ib$>, Ignard <> writes

You started it.

Actually you didn't, but I can't remember who did. I think it was some
idiot over here but it wasn't me.

The thread's crossposted to both groups in case you hadn't noticed and I
was, in my defence, originally responding to someone from your group who
posted to AMO and was accusing Oasis fans of acting like sheep, when up
you came and stuck your greasy oar in.

So I could quite easily tell you to keep out of our newsgroup, but I
won't 'cos I don't really care one way or the other.

Anyway, I'm not rising to this anymore because I only seem to be posting
negative stuff at the moment and I don't much like it!

They'll be calling me JILL next!

>Metal Up... Iggy

No... Steve

Jarno Leikas

Oct 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/2/96

Deek ( wrote:
: pantera suck, like I said only people who screw there dad listen to
: pantera I mean everyone knows that. Good-Day

How can somebody be dumb enough to even start arguing about music

_I think_ that Oasis sucks and I'm sick and tired of it, but I don't go
around telling people that. So please, let's just all keep our opinions
to ourselves, because these discussions have never gotten anywhere.


Oct 14, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/14/96

Here's a motherfucking response for you fucking foreign pieces of shit.
Hey "bloke", first of all, at least we respect other fucking people enough
not to post a god damn message to a bands newsgroup JUST TO MAKE FUN OF
THEM. Thats completely pathetic. By the way, you guys are supporting a
pussy little singer that actually STOPPED a concert because someone threw
a shoe at him! Phil Anselmo starts a FIGHT with the security guys when
they push kids around! Those bands are pathetic fags, and you would HAVE
to be foreign to like them. To all those Pantera fans out there: I think I
speak for us all when I say that if we met these fags on the street, we'd
By the way fags, stop saying arse. Shows what fags you are.
Later dudes. Todd.(

Feb 14, 2017, 1:34:15 PM2/14/17
On Saturday, September 28, 1996 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Deek wrote:
> They suck thats the news and Oasis is the greatest band in the WORLD.
> Panteras sorry excuse of music makes me puke. Everyone that listens to it
> probely fucks there dad to the music. Thats why you all enjoy it. Dont
> bother posting a reply I wont see it e-mail insted or post a message at
> the Oasis NP but beware there people there with great music taste the
> best music taste OASIS.

You really are a sick bastard! Fuck Oasis, they suck!
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