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halo seven

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Michael Andrew Eubanks

Feb 25, 1994, 6:28:43 PM2/25/94
I have just returned from the Tower in San Mateo...
I almost died when I looked and they didn't have the single out...
asked someone and he went back and verified that they had 20 copies... but
then he had to go and call goddamned Warner Bros. and ask if it was ok to sell
the copies today...
Quite a pain, but I believe that the copy I am listening to now is one of, if
not the first in the Bay area...
But I digress... (note: people in the South and East bay should head over to
this Tower if they want a copy today)

Here is the info on the single:

Packaging) no nifty tricks like the Digipak of Broken and Fixed... no half-size
jewel box like the Europeans use as we saw for HlaH and Sin...
It is a totally normal jewel box.
The insert is a single sheet (though it has to be the thickest one sheet insert
I have ever seen.. won't bend easily or slip out like other cheap one-sheet
inserts...). The front of the CD says "nine inch nails: march of the pigs"
about 2/3 the way up and on the left side... the 'n's are appropriately
backwards in "nine inch nails"... these letters are in little type...
There is no look as described by some for DS...
As for the cover art... hhmmmm... If someone else out there has the single,
please help me out, b/c I don't know if I can describe it too well.
The first thing to say is that it *is* cover art, as in it appears to me that
this is some sort of painting. The art isn't of a picture, per se; it is more
of an abstract thing you might expect off of an Intermix cover.... of FLA...
with a tad of SP...
The color scheme is a deep red on the left and right... fading to a bit of
orange as you move to the center... with black covering the middle 40-50%
of the cover from top to bottom. The black part greatly resembles black paint
that has weathered and cracked. Also on the cover, about 3/4 the way down is
some sort of cord or line that extends from the left and right to a long box
of sorts in between. The 'box' is something i can't figure out... it appears
to have dividers the compartmentalize it into ten portions... there are
splatters of red paint over and in these comartments... perhaps this is
supposed to be an overhead view of a trough (which pigs feed from) with blood
splattered throughout.... i honestly don't know...
The back of the CD is a close-up of the black portion on the front that is
just to the right of the lettering "...pigs"
hope this all gives you some sort of visual image of the cd...

trax) On the back, the five tracks are listed as:
1 march of the pigs
2 reptilian
3 all the pigs, all lined up
4 a violet fluid
5 underneath the skin
"reptile" re-constructions by dave ogilvie

(note: reptilian and underneath the skin have definate puppy feels to them,
kind of like some stuff off of Last Rights... a bit more electronic...)

On the actual CD (which is just black, btw) the following info is listed:
1 march of the pigs (2.54) bpm:269
2 reptilian (8.39) bpm:64
3 all the pigs, all lined up (7.25) bpm:134.5
4 a viiolet fluid (1.03) bpm:79
5 underneath the skin (7.14) bpm:64
"reptile" re-constructions by dave ogilvie

btw, my CD player tells me that the total time is 27.21 for the cd...

the music)
march of the pigs - this sounds by all means to me to be the album version.
I taped the song off of the radio as soon as it got air-play here on KTIS and
have listened to it quite a bit... I had timed that song to be 2.45 i think...
this really sounds no different to me, so let's say it's the album version...
for description of this song, see the infinate number of posts people have made

reptilian - the beat to this song is slower and very different from ANY nin
song I have ever heard. I haven't listened to this enough to describe deeply
yet, but it starts off in a slow rising repetition of noise/beats that makes
me describe this song as so different for trent. If you think of all the
previous songs nin has given us, you will likely find a continuous sound through
the songs that is what i feel leads some people to dislike nin (those who are
industrial purists)... this song marks an evolution that i hope to see (hear)
more of on DS. As the songs progresses, trent's vocals become more prominent,
and the sounds are layed over each other more, creating a more complex and
nin-sounding texture. But underneath the whole song, i still hear a slow,
and (note: electronic - not so much noise and samples) constant repetition of
the same sounds...
Let me see if i can give you an idea of these sounds:
** * + (- - -) ** ** + (- - -)
Here's what that garbage means:
** is a deeper bass electronic beat (not a deep drum quality though)
* is the same but a bit lighter
+ is a more percussion sounding drum machine construction that is higher in
pitch than the previous two beats, after a tiny pause...
(- - -) is the echoing effect that follows the + (not made to echo, mind you...
just is created to trail off a bit...
Half way through the song, the beat picks up slightly with some guitar laid
over this beat... fades away in about half a minute to instumental section
like the first part of the song... picks up in another half a minute by
the guitar... trent sticks in "reptile!"... fades back... guitar returns with
vocals... note: the guitar is really playing the same beats / progression as
I tried to describe above... so in this way, this still remains a song that
is not guitar dominated like many criticize of nin...
end of song is very much just repetition that i like a lot... very different...
i am exasperated in trying to describe this (but i wish i could!), so let's move

all the pigs, all lined up - I am not terribly impressed with this one. Here is
what trent did to MotP: removed the deep bass noise/sounds that start up in the
normal MotP when the vox start, "Step right up..."
Repeats parts a lot, extending the track length... not to complain...
Note as i am listening to this track: at about 3.40, this begins to sound a lot
like wish remixing as done on fixed... dunno...
He sticks a little sample of some woman's voice uttering something between
a scream and a moan... not that noticeable, but lends to the 'remix' sound
he also sticks crowd/fan noise behind a lot of the song...
after the first piano interlude, he inserts sample of a group of pigs, which
is then replaced by one singular pig...
For the last two minutes or so, he repetes the part of MotP that precedes
immediately the first vocals, "step right up...," with the crowd noise behind
He starts to lay some noise over it, that i actually like more that i hear it.
it is the same sound that i liked so much about fixed...
# # # # # ##### (five fast beats of noise like in fixed, followed by the same
noise - held while raising the pitch)...
i am also noticing some of the same progression i heard in reptilian being used
at the end of the song - maybe 45-30 sec before the end???
not a bad song - i just hoped for something much different from the only remix
we get of MotP... the last half of the song is much better than the first, esp'
if you liked fixed...

a violet fluid - instrumental interlude... much different from our previous
interlude we got off of broken - help me i'm in hell...
no pretty guitar strutting here ladies and gentlemen...
very 'industrial'-sounding repetition of harsh, deep drum beats, distorted
to sound like some noise...
it's just over a minute, so it doesn't contain a highly complex scheme... though
some twit out there reading this is going to flame me for saying this...
"No way, man... this song is conceptually brilliant, and it obviously contains
a deeper texture than you could pick up..."
etc, etc
sorry if i am getting nasty or whatever, but i am finding it very hard to
describe the music to people who haven't heard it... my girlfriend just walked
in and i tried to describe to her why i like this newer style, esp trax 2,4,5


underneath the skin - ogilivie has taken track 2 and mixed around so that it
sounds even more like a remix... removes a lot of what might have been some
bit of a continuous flow in track 2 that is old nin-ish... varies the deep,
echoing beats to avoid too much rhythm...
still, a very good track...

I like this release a lot, and i hope that is a good representation of what
the album will be: some broken elements (MotP) that are harsh and fast, some
new experimentation into non-traditional-nin sounding music (ie reptilian)
that moves trent forward (which he seems to want to do alot, as indicated in
recent interviews...), some PHM slow bits (as in more naked elements of
reptilian and underneath the skin), some harsh fixed noise (later part of
all the pigs... and reptilian/underneath)... and i like the added element
of the instrumental.

I hope I have served you all well, and i wish you all the luck in obtaining
this single as soon as possible.
I hope you enjoy this long awaited next halo...


Mike Eubanks ( and now, too!)

Final note: what does it tell us that dave ogilvie worked on this???
I like that a lot! It bodes well for the sp/nin relationship and adds a very
refreshing element to this single...

o o
( * )
\ @ /

Shepherd B Kendall

Feb 25, 1994, 9:56:48 PM2/25/94
> If someone else out there has the single,
> please help me out, b/c I don't know if I can describe it too well.
> The first thing to say is that it *is* cover art, as in it appears to me that
> this is some sort of painting. The art isn't of a picture, per se; it is more
> of an abstract thing you might expect off of an Intermix cover.... of FLA...
> with a tad of SP...
> The color scheme is a deep red on the left and right... fading to a bit of
> orange as you move to the center... with black covering the middle 40-50%
> of the cover from top to bottom. The black part greatly resembles black paint
> that has weathered and cracked. Also on the cover, about 3/4 the way down is
> some sort of cord or line that extends from the left and right to a long box
> of sorts in between. The 'box' is something i can't figure out... it appears
> to have dividers the compartmentalize it into ten portions... there are
> splatters of red paint over and in these comartments... perhaps this is
> supposed to be an overhead view of a trough (which pigs feed from) with blood
> splattered throughout.... i honestly don't know...
> The back of the CD is a close-up of the black portion on the front that is
> just to the right of the lettering "...pigs"
> hope this all gives you some sort of visual image of the cd...

Somebody mentioned the promo-posters being a T2 type NIN with the words "Halo Eight"
printed under the NIN logo; all of the preceding being rusted. I believe the cover
of the single is an extremely-rusted version of this promo-poster. Look carefully
and you can see a "7" in the center-offset-lower-right. I haven't really checked that
cord thing out yet. . .Actually, tho, I haven't really taken the time to examine the
album cover that well. But I can definitely see the NIN logo and something written
under it ("Halo Seven" or "Halo 7" or something else maybe?). . .

My theory.

> (note: reptilian and underneath the skin have definate puppy feels to them,
> kind of like some stuff off of Last Rights... a bit more electronic...)

Awk. Already Trent is being compared to other artists. You cannot really compare
Trent to anyone else. I mean, sure I can say "Reptilian sounds a bit like Ministry's
'Scarecrow' in parts" but that doesn't mean it does. The flat out of it is that if
you liked Trent's music before, you'll like it now. . .He continues to amaze.

> btw, my CD player tells me that the total time is 27.21 for the cd...

Not at all bad for six bucks.

> all the pigs, all lined up - I am not terribly impressed with this one. Here is
> what trent did to MotP: removed the deep bass noise/sounds that start up in the
> normal MotP when the vox start, "Step right up..."
> Repeats parts a lot, extending the track length... not to complain...
> Note as i am listening to this track: at about 3.40, this begins to sound a lot
> like wish remixing as done on fixed... dunno...
> He sticks a little sample of some woman's voice uttering something between
> a scream and a moan... not that noticeable, but lends to the 'remix' sound
> /smirk/
> he also sticks crowd/fan noise behind a lot of the song...
> after the first piano interlude, he inserts sample of a group of pigs, which
> is then replaced by one singular pig...
> For the last two minutes or so, he repetes the part of MotP that precedes
> immediately the first vocals, "step right up...," with the crowd noise behind
> He starts to lay some noise over it, that i actually like more that i hear it.
> it is the same sound that i liked so much about fixed...
> # # # # # ##### (five fast beats of noise like in fixed, followed by the same
> noise - held while raising the pitch)...
> i am also noticing some of the same progression i heard in reptilian being used
> at the end of the song - maybe 45-30 sec before the end???
> not a bad song - i just hoped for something much different from the only remix
> we get of MotP... the last half of the song is much better than the first, esp'
> if you liked fixed...

Basically, you could sum all this up by saying it's March Of The Pigs, in 4/4 time.

> in and i tried to describe to her why i like this newer style, esp trax 2,4,5

Agreed. I think it's a bit louder than PHM, but more organized (less white noise,etc)
than Broken.

While Mike's interpretation of the CD-5 is pretty much right on target, don't take his
or my, or Matthew's or anybody's word for it. Just go out and buy the single yourself.
I found out that alot of what people have been posting on here just isn't accurate. . .


Feb 25, 1994, 11:13:19 PM2/25/94

...hey, I *like* the pigs all lined up song. It's mostly like MotP, but the
last minute sounds like every song off of broken, time-corrected to the
same tempo, and all played at once, with machine guns over the top...
perhaps the loudest 30 seconds in music history...

...I'm pretty sure I hear some "I want you to throw me away"'s in that
huge crowd of trents the song ends with...

The contents of this message represent the official views of the US
Government, all users of, all broadcasters in my area,
and a small warthog in Kansas named 'Butch'

Brian Rogers

Feb 27, 1994, 4:11:25 PM2/27/94
In article <>, (Shepherd B
Kendall) wrote:

My first impression of the cover was the likeness of a black leather
bondage mask. Replace the cord thing with a big silver zipper, and there
you go. You can also almost see closed eyes in the part where others saw
the NIN. A friend of mine also saw this, and neither of us are
particularly into that sort of thing. Another friend who is more into
those things didn't see it at first, though. None of us saw the NIN, but
we haven't seen the promo posters yet. Just a thought. The music is

i don't know where i am i don't know where i've been human junk just words
and so much skin stick my hands through the cage of this endless routine
just some flesh caught in this big broken machine nin
brian rogers

Buck Satan

Feb 27, 1994, 6:02:20 PM2/27/94
In article <> Shepherd B Kendall, writes:

>Somebody mentioned the promo-posters being a T2 type NIN with >the words
"Halo Eight" printed under the NIN logo; all of the >preceding being
rusted. I believe the cover of the single is an >extremely-rusted
version of this promo-poster. Look carefully
>and you can see a "7" in the center-offset-lower-right. I haven't
>really checked that cord thing out yet. . .Actually, tho, I haven't
>really taken the time to examine the album cover that well. But I >can
definitely see the NIN logo and something written
>under it ("Halo Seven" or "Halo 7" or something else maybe?). . .
>My theory.

That was me. The cover of halo 7 DOES look an awful lot like the promo
poster I saw. . . There is a rectangle visible in the (sorta) upper
middle of the CD that looks like the raised NIN on the poster. As for
the rest of the background, that's what I saw. . . Rust & lots of it. . .

>While Mike's interpretation of the CD-5 is pretty much right on >target,

don't take his or my, or Matthew's or anybody's word for it. >Just go

out and buy the single yourself. I found out that alot of >what people
have been posting on here just isn't accurate. . .

Hey, it's tough to describe MUSIC with ASCII characters isn't it? If you
don't believe me, just put your ear up to the monitor. . .

Seriously, all these interpretations are welcome. You don't have to
agree with any of 'em. It's just nice to hear a little about these songs
before they come out. . .

Also, IMHO (Individual Masturbational Habitual Obscenities), "Reptilian"
REALLY kicks ass & I'd like to see more music (? well, stuff) like this
on halo 8. I kinda thought all the layered distortion sounded like Trent
came up with three or four loops he really liked, so he recorded them all
on top of each other. . .

Buck Satan.

Shepherd B Kendall

Feb 27, 1994, 7:06:38 PM2/27/94

> Also, IMHO (Individual Masturbational Habitual Obscenities), "Reptilian"
> REALLY kicks ass & I'd like to see more music (? well, stuff) like this
> on halo 8. I kinda thought all the layered distortion sounded like Trent
> came up with three or four loops he really liked, so he recorded them all
> on top of each other. . .

Agreed on this subject.

I wish I could sample some of his loops. In fact, I wish I could sample MOST of
Trent's loops. But, like you say, the man has four or five of them going all at once,
making one great big, smooth sounding loop. So, not only has he insured originality,
but he's also insured that people like me won't DARE steal his work. . .

I'm working on it though.

Also, if anyone has the lyrics to "Reptile" please post them. If he's saying what I
think he's saying, the song isn't about AIDS, but about a chick (why should Trent leave
his precedent?). . .

Mau Mau the Wild Yak

Feb 28, 1994, 4:37:01 PM2/28/94
Shepherd B Kendall ( wrote:

: > Also, IMHO (Individual Masturbational Habitual Obscenities), "Reptilian"

: > REALLY kicks ass & I'd like to see more music (? well, stuff) like this
: > on halo 8. I kinda thought all the layered distortion sounded like Trent
: > came up with three or four loops he really liked, so he recorded them all
: > on top of each other. . .

Just for general info: On the back of the single it says "Reptile"
re-constructions by Dave Ogilvie. Ring a bell with any Skinny Puppy fans?
Since he's a member of SP, it would sort of follow that the remixes
(particularly "Reptilian" with it's tons of percussion) would sound like
Skinny Puppy, to an extent.

Roger Weeks --->>> Internet: Prodigy: AMJP60A
"Something must be done about vengeance, a badge, and a gun"

Nathaniel D. Daw

Feb 28, 1994, 7:06:59 PM2/28/94
In article <2kto5t$>,

Mau Mau the Wild Yak <> wrote:
>Just for general info: On the back of the single it says "Reptile"
>re-constructions by Dave Ogilvie. Ring a bell with any Skinny Puppy fans?
>Since he's a member of SP, it would sort of follow that the remixes
ahhhh! No! Dave Ogilvie is NOT Kevin Olgivie=Nivek Ogre. They're not even
related. Dave Ogilvie has done some production/engineering for SP, but he's
by no means a member of the band. Next week, we'll continue our exciting
journey through the FAQ with a fresh look at why Al J. is
not a member of Pigface, and as an added bonus, why Trent Reznor is not a
member of Queen.



Mar 1, 1994, 4:27:35 AM3/1/94
um...dave ogilvie is NOT a member of skinny puppy...keep dreaming
kevin ogilvie (nivek ogre) is....dave ogilvie...nope sorry...
dave ogilvie does a lot of mixing and producing for skinny puppy but nope
not in skinny puppy....howeveer reptilian is quite puppeyesque if you ask me
>all the confusi
on about true c
ontridictions i
s a joke, the w
orld is insane <

Ole Hermann Melby

Mar 2, 1994, 7:23:14 AM3/2/94

Well, I agree Dave Ogilvie is not a member of SP, but he has been listed
as a member a few times (under the name RAVE).


Susan Roston

Mar 2, 1994, 6:23:21 PM3/2/94
In article <2kto5t$>,
Mau Mau the Wild Yak <> wrote:

>Just for general info: On the back of the single it says "Reptile"
>re-constructions by Dave Ogilvie. Ring a bell with any Skinny Puppy fans?
>Since he's a member of SP, it would sort of follow that the remixes
>(particularly "Reptilian" with it's tons of percussion) would sound like
>Skinny Puppy, to an extent.

dave isn't actually a member of the band is he???
I thought he was a member of their camp who did a lot of thier production work
for them

correct me if I am wrong


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