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What kind of a name is Reznor?

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Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98

I've been wondering this for a while, and I'll explain why.

When I was in the 10th grade, my entire class had to do a Heritage
Project, in which we had to find out information about our families. Who
they are/were, where they're from, what kind of impact they had on the
world, etceterma, etceterma. Since my own family is pretty boring (aside
from some drunks who were president, there's not much else to talk
about), this got me thinking about other people's families/heritages.
Around the same time, I realised that I really hate my name--it's boring
and sounds stupid. Since I'm really sensitive to what other people call
me, I became really sensitive to what other people like to be called, as
well as interested in origins of names and their meanings, especially
unusual names.

Interest in other people's heritages + interest in the origins of names =
interest in the heritages of names.

I suppose that what I mean is that when I hear a name, especially a last
name, I like to try to figure out where that name is from, maybe if it
means something in another language. Which brings me to what I've been
leading up to . . .

What kind of a name is Reznor?

Aside from the heater manufacturers of the same name, I've never heard
this name, so I was wondering if it really is an unusual name, as well as
what it may mean and what ethnic background it may be.

Any guesses?

digigirl, herself a virtual tossed salad of ethnicity

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet


Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98

In article <>, says...

> I suppose that what I mean is that when I hear a name, especially a last
> name, I like to try to figure out where that name is from, maybe if it
> means something in another language. Which brings me to what I've been
> leading up to . . .
> What kind of a name is Reznor?
> Aside from the heater manufacturers of the same name, I've never heard
> this name, so I was wondering if it really is an unusual name, as well as
> what it may mean and what ethnic background it may be.
> Any guesses?

Well...I wondered the same thing myself, but couldn't find the name
listed in any genealogical sources I have in my library or that
I found online.

When I was in New Orleans in October I was at this place where I'd
had a computer name heritage thing printed out (not at all accurate
necessarily, but fun to read) and I asked the guy what he thought
about the name Reznor, since it also wasn't listed in his computer.

The guy, who was a transplanted Brit himself, and claimed to be
quite conversant in genealogy and heraldry, said the name would be
German, but that it wasn't in the original form. That it would have
been changed when the family came over. Which made a bit
of sense to me, considering Pennsylvania is supposed to have
attracted great numbers of German settlers. great-grandfather
on my mother's side, who was Prussian, did the same thing when he
brought his family over to the states. Changed the name from Thiennes,
for some inexplicable reason, to Tinis. Maybe he just thought it
sounded more "American"? That was in the days when people actually
*wanted* to be assimilated into American culture.

When you think about some of the German stereotypes (good with
"mechanical" things, meticulous to a fault, etc.) that description
does kind of fit the Rez a bit doesn't it?...:)

> digigirl, herself a virtual tossed salad of ethnicity

What's your mixture? Mine is mostly English/Irish/Scots, but with
elements of German, Norwegian and a little Cherokee indian thrown
in. I had a guy I was dating once (who was also into genealogy)
tell me I had a distinctly "French Norman" look...whatever that



Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98
to wrote:

> I've been wondering this for a while, and I'll explain why.
> When I was in the 10th grade, my entire class had to do a Heritage
> Project, in which we had to find out information about our families. Who
> they are/were, where they're from, what kind of impact they had on the
> world, etceterma, etceterma. Since my own family is pretty boring (aside
> from some drunks who were president, there's not much else to talk
> about), this got me thinking about other people's families/heritages.
> Around the same time, I realised that I really hate my name--it's boring
> and sounds stupid. Since I'm really sensitive to what other people call
> me, I became really sensitive to what other people like to be called, as
> well as interested in origins of names and their meanings, especially
> unusual names.
> Interest in other people's heritages + interest in the origins of names =
> interest in the heritages of names.

> I suppose that what I mean is that when I hear a name, especially a last
> name, I like to try to figure out where that name is from, maybe if it
> means something in another language. Which brings me to what I've been
> leading up to . . .
> What kind of a name is Reznor?
> Aside from the heater manufacturers of the same name, I've never heard
> this name, so I was wondering if it really is an unusual name, as well as
> what it may mean and what ethnic background it may be.
> Any guesses?

> digigirl, herself a virtual tossed salad of ethnicity

> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> Search, Read, Post to Usenet

The Name is German and is also Jewish. Trent and his family are not Jewish
by religion, but I suspect that if you look back you will find that are the
origins of the name. If you really want more information there is a book
written about this family and it's geneology that I have access to. I will
ask some questions and see what else I can come up with. Specifically what
do you want to know?

Erin L King

Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98

What about Clark? (His mother's maiden name.) That's an incredibly
generic name in Western
PA. Is that an "americanized" sort of name?


Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98

For those of you keeping score at home, on Tue, Jan 6, 1998 07:46 EST, in
<>, LdyNRed wrote:


>The guy, who was a transplanted Brit himself, and claimed to be
>quite conversant in genealogy and heraldry, said the name would be
>German, but that it wasn't in the original form. That it would have
>been changed when the family came over. Which made a bit
>of sense to me, considering Pennsylvania is supposed to have
>attracted great numbers of German settlers.


>When you think about some of the German stereotypes (good with
>"mechanical" things, meticulous to a fault, etc.) that description
>does kind of fit the Rez a bit doesn't it?...:)

It's a little odd that you mention this, because I'd been thinking about
possible ethnicities that he might have (as I've said repeatedly, I
REALLY have too much time on my hands), and German was one of them, based
actually on those very stereotypes (though I don't usually put stock in
such mass generalisation, I believe that if the shoe fits, you should
wear it . . . though that could just be b/c I have a hard time finding
shoes in my size <g>). And for some reason, I wondered if maybe he
wasn't Irish, like Gothbunny mentioned, which I think was b/c of his
Protestant background. But then for some other reason, I wondered if he
wasn't maybe Greek (I really don't know why).

>> digigirl, herself a virtual tossed salad of ethnicity

>What's your mixture? Mine is mostly English/Irish/Scots, but with
>elements of German, Norwegian and a little Cherokee indian thrown
>in. I had a guy I was dating once (who was also into genealogy)
>tell me I had a distinctly "French Norman" look...whatever that

"French Norman," huh? Sounds like it should be a style of furniture.
<g> Well, as I mentioned, I'm kinda dull (which, BTW, I'm thinking of
getting tattooed to my forehead). Like you, I'm also English, Irish, &
Scottish, as well as Welsh (my last name is a Welsh name, so people are
ALWAYS misspelling it . . . my favourite is when someone actually says,
"Are you sure that's how you spell it?"), French-Canadian (go
Canadiens!), and Nipmuck Indian (a tribe so small, we don't get a
reservation!). I really always wanted to be something cool, like a blend
of Russian & German, although I don't know why those two in particular.

digigirl, still sorely in need of a .sig

Chris Brown

Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98
to wrote:
> I've been wondering this for a while, and I'll explain why.
> When I was in the 10th grade, my entire class had to do a Heritage
> Project, in which we had to find out information about our families. Who
> they are/were, where they're from, what kind of impact they had on the
> world, etceterma, etceterma. Since my own family is pretty boring (aside
> from some drunks who were president, there's not much else to talk
> about), this got me thinking about other people's families/heritages.
> Around the same time, I realised that I really hate my name--it's boring
> and sounds stupid. Since I'm really sensitive to what other people call
> me, I became really sensitive to what other people like to be called, as
> well as interested in origins of names and their meanings, especially
> unusual names.
> Interest in other people's heritages + interest in the origins of names =
> interest in the heritages of names.
> I suppose that what I mean is that when I hear a name, especially a last
> name, I like to try to figure out where that name is from, maybe if it
> means something in another language. Which brings me to what I've been
> leading up to . . .
> What kind of a name is Reznor?
> Aside from the heater manufacturers of the same name, I've never heard
> this name, so I was wondering if it really is an unusual name, as well as
> what it may mean and what ethnic background it may be.
> Any guesses?
> digigirl, herself a virtual tossed salad of ethnicity
> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Lithuanian Maybe?

Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98

For those of you keeping score at home, on Tue, Jan 6, 1998 11:19 EST, in
<>, Shay wrote:

<schnip, schnip>

> The Name is German and is also Jewish. Trent and his family are not Jewish
>by religion, but I suspect that if you look back you will find that are the
>origins of the name. If you really want more information there is a book
>written about this family and it's geneology that I have access to. I will
>ask some questions and see what else I can come up with. Specifically what
>do you want to know?

Actually, even if I didn't know that he hails from a Protestant
background, I'd be able to guess that he's not Jewish, since he so often
wears pants that are so tight that you can tell what religion he is. <g>
Hey, that's really nice of you to offer. I'd be interested in finding a
copy of that book. Maybe they'd have one on my family, too. Actually,
all I was wondering was what country (ies) his family came from before
they came here. Specifically, if he's of just one ethnic background, or
if he's a "mutt" like a lot of people, myself included.

digigirl, starting to get really sick of her nickname

-------- Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? Pinky: Well,
I think so, Brain, but I don't think they make rubber pants in our size.

Keith K.

Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98

> all I was wondering was what country (ies) his family came from before
> they came here. Specifically, if he's of just one ethnic background, or
> if he's a "mutt" like a lot of people, myself included.
Actually I read in some webpage that Trent was racially mixed (probally
western european origin) Reznor doesn't sound like a German name even
after it was distorted during immigration. Reznor sounds like one of
those last names from the French/German border.


Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98

In article <>, says...
> (LdyNRed) wrote:
> [snippin' like Pac Man..]

> >>I had a guy I was dating once (who was also into genealogy)
> > tell me I had a distinctly "French Norman" look...whatever that
> > means...:)
> I think that's geneological for "ppLLllllleeeeeease fuck me?" <g>
> -- jase.. "at least, that's what I'd be saying.."

Well...since you asked so nicely and politely...;)



Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98
to wrote:

> For those of you keeping score at home, on Tue, Jan 6, 1998 11:19 EST, in
> <>, Shay wrote:
> <schnip, schnip>
> > The Name is German and is also Jewish. Trent and his family are not Jewish
> >by religion, but I suspect that if you look back you will find that are the
> >origins of the name. If you really want more information there is a book
> >written about this family and it's geneology that I have access to. I will
> >ask some questions and see what else I can come up with. Specifically what
> >do you want to know?
> Actually, even if I didn't know that he hails from a Protestant
> background, I'd be able to guess that he's not Jewish, since he so often
> wears pants that are so tight that you can tell what religion he is. <g>
> Hey, that's really nice of you to offer. I'd be interested in finding a

> copy of that book. Maybe they'd have one on my family, too. Actually,

> all I was wondering was what country (ies) his family came from before
> they came here. Specifically, if he's of just one ethnic background, or
> if he's a "mutt" like a lot of people, myself included.

> digigirl, starting to get really sick of her nickname
> -------- Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? Pinky: Well,
> I think so, Brain, but I don't think they make rubber pants in our size.
> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Ok, I just put the mystery to rest and called his sister. She said that as far
a she knows they are 98 percent irish but the fathers name is German Dutch. Big
surprise in Pa. So, I guess the answer is that they are mixed, but they have a
lot of irish and some scotch in them. Again, no big surprise in Pa. Let me know
if you want to know anything else. Just don't ask for his e-mail. It is off


Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98

In article <68tqcs$>, says...

You get into a lot of gray areas in genealogy with family names. For
instance, with my name, Hillard, there's an English version, an Irish
version, a Medieval Anglo-French version...all meaning basically the
same thing though..."dweller at the hill (or war) enclosure" I'm
betting on Ireland for us, simply because of all the red and
auburn hair that seems to run rampant through the family line,
along with a certain headstrongness, glibness with words and a
liking of the strong spirits...;)

In the case of Clark, the reference I have open before me says:
Clark, Clarke, Clarkson (Eng.) r.w. Clerke (O.E.) Scholar; reader and
writer. Shield: Upper half blue; lower half silver; three gold leopard
heads on blue area; a red eagle on silver area. Abraham Clark,
1726-1794 was a signer of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

There's also a name "Clarkin" listed as Irish, r.w. O'Cleireachain
(Gael.) Descendant of the young scholar. Clan originated in Meath and
Limerick, Ireland. The ancestor, Cleirach, born about A.D. 820,
was son of a King of Connaught. Shield: Gold background, three
green nettle leaves.


Robin Colleen Moore

Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98
to wrote:


>What kind of a name is Reznor?

>Aside from the heater manufacturers of the same name,

...who *are* relations, you know...great-great grandpa (or some such)
founded the company... :-)

> I've never heard
>this name, so I was wondering if it really is an unusual name, as well as

>what it may mean and what ethnic background it may be.

>Any guesses?

I seem to recall someone posting back in late '94 that the name was
Czech & meant "butcher", and that there was a similar name in Polish,
FWIW, although German would probably work as well...he does tend to
have a bit of an eastern european look, IMHO. Clark, his mother's
maiden name, is Scottish (although they don't have their own clan, but
pay homage to someone else's...sorry, don't remember which one). The
Irish bit doesn't surprise me--haven't they pretty much been
everywhere by now? :-) (Remember, Robert DeNiro is 3/4 Irish--his dad
was half Italian & his mother fully Irish.)

As for Trent, though, it sounds as if we could safely call him an
All-American mongrel...just like all the best people, eh? <grin>

Re: my own ethnic background: Embarrassingly, I'm only 1/8 Irish or so
on my dad's side, but I got the face & the name to make up for it.
I'm mostly English, then Scottish, then Irish (can you say "generic
British Isles mutt"?)...the next bit is a bit more controversial. One
branch of my mother's family was named Langille, and were supposedly
from Switzerland...but the fact that they were both rabidly Protestant
(as is the whole damn family on both sides) and had a suspiciously
Francophone name (it's pronounced "LAN-jill", but I suspect it sounded
a lot more French earlier on) makes me suspect they were originally
French Hugenots who fled religious persecution by going first to
Switzerland, then to Scotland, and finally to Nova Scotia. (They were
also originally from Alsace-Lorraine, territory claimed by both France
& Germany at different times...and that sure doesn't sound like a
German name to me!). Finally, the last bit--and it's a very tiny
bit--would be Native American from the Wampanoag tribe, best known for
their chief Massasoit, who officiated at the first Thanksgiving, and
his son King Philip, who had a very bloody English/Native war named
after him. (FWIW, Paula Cole & I can both claim Massasoit as an
ancestor, and both on our mother's sides.)

So there you go...more stuff than you ever wanted or needed to know
about my background... :-)

Robin the mad photographer (who found out over Thanksgiving she's
related to George Washington--through his mother--as well, and who
knew she was too into the music scene when her reaction was "Cool! I'm
related to Juliana Hatfield!")

Robin Colleen Moore...Black Sheep Studios...Medford, MA
"What do you mean, I can't be a queen? It's *undemocratic*!"
Green Reznor heater shirts now available--e-mail for info!


Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

On Tue, 06 Jan 1998 03:51:24 -0600, wrote:

[inquiry as to the origins of "Reznor"]

I've been reading through the responses to the post, and I have to say
that I'd be surprised if Reznor was a German name unless it was, in
fact, horribly distorted upon the entry of it into America.
Ressner or Reusner or Rassener could all be possibilities...
If it came into the country with the z and the n together though, I'd
bet against it being German and go for a more slavic interpretation...
he has as much a Polish nose (thinner than the typical German schnoz)
as a German one...

Not sure I understand the german/jewish assumption. Not all people
with German names belong to Jewish individuals of course.

The correlation german-jewish happened around the middle ages, when
the germanic city-states had a policy of "renaming" Jewish travelers
and residents of their cities so that they could more easily identify
them (nice, huh?). This is why people who have names that mean
various colors in German, i.e. weiss/white, roth/red, gelb/yellow,
schwarz/black, are often (but not always, I'm a case in point) of
jewish ancestry.

(geman major, semi-retired)
Email me at
Cosmic Dancer homepage:


Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

well,i think its a damn good name anyway no,matter what it is...
REZ-NOR....REZZZ-NORRRRR....just sounds good


PS i think some of the dinosaurs in one of the Mario games were names
Reznors....maybe the origin of Reznor is prehistoric....(hehehe just a thought)


Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

On Tue, 06 Jan 1998 03:51:24 -0600, wrote:

>What kind of a name is Reznor?

You know, this doesn't have all that much to do with this thread, but
it reminded me of a dream I had once, where I asked Trent what his
last name meant, and he said "It's Lithuanian for 'Brownie'"... as in
those impish little pixies in fairy lore.

I have weird dreams.



Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

>well,i think its a damn good name anyway no,matter what it is...
>REZ-NOR....REZZZ-NORRRRR....just sounds good
> SeXiZdEaD

I agree ,especially if you're going to sing in a band called
NINE INCH NAILS. Reznor sounds like Razor, a fine cutting edge to go with a
shredding band name.
By the way I work for a bank with over 30million accounts so I checked to see
how many Reznors were in there. grand total: 10. I didn't pull them up cuz I
don't do stupid shit like that and besides it leaves a trace on the account,but
I can tell you that it's definitely not common. We probably have thousands of
accounts with the name Patel and I won't even go into the Smith's and Jones. I
love it when someone cls in without their account # ,their last name is smith
and they want me to FIND the account. I tell them to call back, I love working
in Security , I get to be a little rude to people sometimes.

loneliness is my best friend


Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

digigirl wrote about her ethnic background:

> Well, as I mentioned, I'm kinda dull (which, BTW, I'm thinking of
> getting tattooed to my forehead). Like you, I'm also English, Irish, &
> Scottish, as well as Welsh (my last name is a Welsh name, so people are
> ALWAYS misspelling it . . . my favourite is when someone actually says,
> "Are you sure that's how you spell it?"), French-Canadian (go
> Canadiens!), and Nipmuck Indian (a tribe so small, we don't get a
> reservation!). I really always wanted to be something cool, like a blend
> of Russian & German, although I don't know why those two in particular.

me, i'm a mutt. i've got a nice blend of english, irish, and scottish,
plus some danish, a lot of polish, some german, and just a hint of
native american. my last name is kind of unusually normal, if that makes
any sense (story, though my mother's maiden name was konopka). people
are always asking me if it's really my last name. i think it's english.


Message has been deleted

cinngrrl [my name is your fate]

Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

In article <68tqcs$>, (Erin L
King) wrote:

> What about Clark? (His mother's maiden name.) That's an incredibly
> generic name in Western
> PA. Is that an "americanized" sort of name?<<

Probably an anglicized spelling of the word "clerk", which is pronounced
"clark" in the UK.

cinngrrl (english, irish, welsh, german and a little bit of rom [go
travelling people!])
AmNinCode v1.0: N++ L H++ B M- T-- U+ I! P F-- S NC V R D- PB++ 41992
"What're they gonna do, meditate me to death?"
email me at: cinngrrlATixDOTnetcomDOTcom


Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98


Stop asking what kind of name "Reznor" is. Everyone knows that "Trent"'s real
name is Frank MacGregor. For FUCKS SAKE! I want to hear absolutely ZERO
further talk of this topic. If I do, I'm fucking shutting this place down for
good, you got that?? Good!



\=/ T E K H E D @ C H A R M . N E T

Mr. Haaz

Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

Ms. Carolyn wrote:

> > >>I had a guy I was dating once (who was also into genealogy)
> > > tell me I had a distinctly "French Norman" look...whatever that
> > > means...:)
> >
> > I think that's geneological for "ppLLllllleeeeeease fuck me?" <g>
> >
> > -- jase.. "at least, that's what I'd be saying.."
> >
> Well...since you asked so nicely and politely...;)


It's actually gonna happen!

We're gonna score!




Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

>Any guesses?

i'd say it's french because of the big nose, and the way it sounds. it just
kind of flows out of your mouth. try saying it with a french accent, and it
works well.


Jan 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/7/98

In article <6916bh$f6u$>, says...
> Robin Colleen Moore wrote in message <68uls3$>...
> <snippety-snip!>

> >I seem to recall someone posting back in late '94 that the name was
> >Czech & meant "butcher", and that there was a similar name in Polish,
> >FWIW, although German would probably work as well...he does tend to
> >have a bit of an eastern european look, IMHO.
> <snip again!>
> The Czech word for butcher is "reznik", in Polish, it's "rzeznik", in German
> it's "fleischer" or "metzger". Only the first one's close. Maybe "reznor" is
> Czech/Brno dialect.

If we're going for names that sound a bit like Reznor...there's also:

Roessner, Rossner (Ger.) r.w. Rozzo (O.G.) Young, famous one.

Reisener, Reisner, Reasoner (Ger.)r.w. Reisenaere (O.G.) Warrior. Shield:
Left half silver, a red rampant lion holding a red star in right paw; right
half black, three gold-bordered black diagonal stripes.


Victor J. Zuylen

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98


Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

,,The Name is German and is also Jewish. Trent and his family are not Jewish

by religion, but I suspect that if you look back you will find that are the
origins of the name. If you really want more information there is a book
written about this family and it's geneology that I have access to. I will ask
some questions and see what else I can come up with. Specifically what do you
want to know?>>

I suppose you would be referring to the book that Mike gave to his children,
Trent and Tara as gifts. I am so glad you have access to it. You are
obviously a friend of the some member of this family. Must not be too close
to anyone though considering your initial hypothesis re: the heritage of the
Reznors. German and Jewish? Oh Puhleeze! I am sure that Trent will be
overjoyed to hear that you have decided to use this forum to blow your
I-know-someone-who-know's-Trent horn. It's not very amusing. So call up Tara
and ask her how it makes her feel to be asked questions about her brother so
that you can post them on the internet. I bet it makes her feel like she has a
truly genuine friend in you. And I am sure Trent thinks your former post
announcing the goings on of Trent's private family and romantic life, strewn
with inaccuracies and just general disrespect.

Enjoy your sixth degree brush with what you perceive as greatness while you
abuse it. You can't possibly understand what truly makes a person great.

Amy L

Mr. Haaz

Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

some random pyscho wrote.....

> And I am sure Trent thinks your former post
> announcing the goings on of Trent's private family and romantic life, strewn
> with inaccuracies and just general disrespect.

I'm sure Trent has been following this thread with baited breath, and is
_highly_ upset that his name is being ever-so-slightly tarnished by
speculation on his geneology. After all, Trent bases his self-worth on this

(That would explain a lot, actually..)

> Enjoy your sixth degree brush with what you perceive as greatness while you
> abuse it. You can't possibly understand what truly makes a person great.

Please tell us, O enlightened one, O font of great wisdom, O dispenser of
infinite knowledge!

-- jase.. "delusions of grandeur? I _am_ great!"


Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98

some other random loser wrote:

>I'm sure Trent has been following this thread with baited breath,

Not in a million years, but he will hear about some of this bullshit.

>and is_highly_ upset that his name is being ever-so-slightly tarnished by
speculation on his geneology.

He will be more just plain grossed out by the postings of this "Shay" That was the poster I was responding to, but your sarcasm
was a perfectly mediochre and typical response for this forum.


Jan 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/8/98
to IAutomaton

IAutomaton wrote:

> ,,The Name is German and is also Jewish. Trent and his family are not Jewish
> by religion, but I suspect that if you look back you will find that are the
> origins of the name. If you really want more information there is a book
> written about this family and it's geneology that I have access to. I will ask
> some questions and see what else I can come up with. Specifically what do you
> want to know?>>
> I suppose you would be referring to the book that Mike gave to his children,
> Trent and Tara as gifts. I am so glad you have access to it. You are
> obviously a friend of the some member of this family. Must not be too close
> to anyone though considering your initial hypothesis re: the heritage of the
> Reznors. German and Jewish? Oh Puhleeze! I am sure that Trent will be
> overjoyed to hear that you have decided to use this forum to blow your
> I-know-someone-who-know's-Trent horn. It's not very amusing. So call up Tara
> and ask her how it makes her feel to be asked questions about her brother so
> that you can post them on the internet. I bet it makes her feel like she has a

> truly genuine friend in you. And I am sure Trent thinks your former post

> announcing the goings on of Trent's private family and romantic life, strewn
> with inaccuracies and just general disrespect.

> Enjoy your sixth degree brush with what you perceive as greatness while you
> abuse it. You can't possibly understand what truly makes a person great.

> Amy L

First of all sweetie, I don't know what your problem is, but take a pill. Tera
(YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL HER NAME) and we have been friends since we were
young. She is my closests and one of my dearest friends. The fact of the matter
is that she is the one who told me that she wanted me to write and straighten the
info out. In fact, she comes over and uses my computer to e-mail her brother.
So, she is quite aware what I say and who I tell it to. I know things that you
would wet you damn bed over if you knew. I don't have to pretend to know people or
get off on other peoples fame. I know writers, politicians, actors, directors.
You name it and I have been to the party, baby. Trent Reznor is probably the
least famous of them all. Who the fuck do you know? Maybe you would be well
advised to mind your own business and don't worry about who the familys real
friends are. I don't think I saw you at nancy birthday party last year. I guess
you weren't invited...and where were you on x-mas night. Didn't see you then
either. Get a life and loose your attitude. Seems to me I must have stepped on
the toes of the queen bitch with all the info. Grow up!


Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

(I got sick of DejaNews breaking threads w/ my posts, so I thought I'd post
from here. My e-mail is still at, however, FWIW. 8-) )

Oyyyyyyyyyy!!! I didn't mean to have this discussion turn into some sort of
war. I just asked a simple question (at least, I THOUGHT it was simple.) It
was something that I'd been wondering, and since someone asked if anyone had
any interesting posts, I figured this would be a good time to jump in and ask.
I feel like a total moron now.

For those of you keeping score at home, Shay wrote:

>IAutomaton wrote:

<snipping like Eddie Scissorhands>

>>Oh Puhleeze! I am sure that Trent will be overjoyed to hear that you have
decided to use this forum to blow your I-know-someone-who-know's-Trent horn.
It's not very amusing. <<

<snip, snip>

>> Enjoy your sixth degree brush with what you perceive as greatness while you
abuse it. <<

<scissors, please>

>> Amy L

What is THAT that I smell? Could it be . . . JEALOUSY, perhaps? I got a
couple of e-mails from Shay, and he (she?) seems like a pretty cool person, and
it has nothing to do with the famous people he (again, she?) knows. It's
because he (once more, she?) was nice to me and answered my question without
getting all snotty, like it would have been really easy to. Is it really all
that far-fetched that someone who's known Trent for a long time has a comp &
USENET access and posts now and then? Remember, he hasn't always been famous;
he probably knew a lot of people before he became so. Most famous people do.


> I don't have to pretend to know people or get off on other peoples fame. I
know writers, politicians, actors, directors. You name it and I have been to
the party, baby. <

Hey, as far as I'm concerned, when I'm famous, you can come to my parties. 8-)
However, there will be a large, ugly, disgruntled ex-pro football player
guarding the door who will forcibly remove Amy L from the premises.

digigirl, throws lousy parties, but cooks & serves great food


Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

It's such a damn shame that such a cool thread (origins are always interesting)
turned into something so stupid as a cat fight. If Reznor has any self-respect
at all he doesn't give a shit about this newsgroup. I know I wouldn't if I
were him. It's 90%
bullshit anyway. Gossip,chat,agonizing over dumb details about NIN. Kinda like
going to a Star Trek convention.

who loves NIN but realizes IT'S JUST A BAND

Danse Macabre

Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

<<I suppose you would be referring to the book that Mike gave to his
children, Trent and Tara as gifts. I am so glad you have access to it.
You are obviously a friend of the some member of this family.>>

No, he obviously must have some sort of public access to a library or
"other." Keep in mind, family-name / heritage books are open to the
public! How else would families acquire these writings? How would my
grandparents have received the Hentges family book? Unless, of course,
all this family stuff is purchased through underground "sources" or the

<<Must not be too close to anyone though considering your initial
hypothesis re: the heritage of the Reznors. German and Jewish? Oh

Hey, it's a nose thing!

<<I am sure that Trent will be overjoyed to hear that you have decided
to use this forum to blow your I-know-someone-who-know's-Trent horn.>>

Oh, would you do that for him? I'm sure it's a poster's wet-dream to
have someone their a fan of read or hear about something they wrote.

<<It's not very amusing. So call up Tara and ask her how it makes her
feel to be asked questions about her brother so that you can post them
on the internet. I bet it makes her feel like she has a truly genuine
friend in you.>>


<<And I am sure Trent thinks your former post announcing the goings on
of Trent's private family and romantic life, strewn with inaccuracies
and just general disrespect.>>

I saw nothing of the sorts. All I saw was someone asking what people
thought Trent Reznor's background was and, also, implying what they
thought it to be.

<<Enjoy your sixth degree brush with what you perceive as greatness

while you abuse it. You can't possibly understand what truly makes a
person great.>>

Now you're just speaking "alien," here! Bwahuh?

<<Amy L>>

I-Die-You-Die-Amy? Jen's-friend-that-I-met-in-an-AOL-chatroom-Amy?

Danse Macabre (Jeff)

PS. If that's the case, then you sure are a meanie.


Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

Shay <> Joined the party and spiked the punch with:

>IAutomaton wrote:

>> ,,The Name is German and is also Jewish. Trent and his family are not
>> by religion, but I suspect that if you look back you will find that are the
>> origins of the name. If you really want more information there is a book
>> written about this family and it's geneology that I have access to. I will
>> some questions and see what else I can come up with. Specifically what do
>> want to know?>>

>> I suppose you would be referring to the book that Mike gave to his children,
>> Trent and Tara as gifts. I am so glad you have access to it. You are

>> obviously a friend of the some member of this family. Must not be too

>> to anyone though considering your initial hypothesis re: the heritage of the

>> Reznors. German and Jewish? Oh Puhleeze! I am sure that Trent will be

>> overjoyed to hear that you have decided to use this forum to blow your

>> I-know-someone-who-know's-Trent horn. It's not very amusing. So call up

>> and ask her how it makes her feel to be asked questions about her brother so
>> that you can post them on the internet. I bet it makes her feel like she
has a

>> truly genuine friend in you. And I am sure Trent thinks your former post

>> announcing the goings on of Trent's private family and romantic life, strewn
>> with inaccuracies and just general disrespect.

>> Enjoy your sixth degree brush with what you perceive as greatness while you

>> abuse it. You can't possibly understand what truly makes a person great.

>> Amy L

>First of all sweetie, I don't know what your problem is, but take a pill.
>(YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL HER NAME) and we have been friends >since we
>young. She is my closests and one of my dearest friends. The fact of the
>is that she is the one who told me that she wanted me to write and straighten
>info out. In fact, she comes over and uses my computer to e-mail her
>So, she is quite aware what I say and who I tell it to. I know things that

>would wet you damn bed over if you knew. I don't have to pretend to know

people or
>get off on other peoples fame. I know writers, politicians, actors,

>You name it and I have been to the party, baby. Trent Reznor is probably
>least famous of them all. Who the fuck do you know? Maybe you would be well
>advised to mind your own business and don't worry about who the familys real

>Friends are. I don't think I saw you at nancy birthday party last year. I

>you weren't invited...and where were you on x-mas night. Didn't see you then

>either. Get a life and loose your attitude. Seems to me I must have stepped

>the toes of the queen bitch with all the info. Grow up!

D+ funked out whore children, set-up TOO obvious, material
TOO lame. Not happenin. Totally NOT happenin.
Try another name, play another game, this one is lost.

Cheez Pig

Vulpine [Jane Hamilton]

Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

The cat fights are endless around here. It's baffling how boring it can
be. Trent probably threw up his hands years ago, and probably despairs
of his boneheaded fans.

But who knows.



Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

>From: (Digigirl81)
>Date: Fri, Jan 9, 1998 08:28 EST
>Message-id: <

IAutomaton wrote:
>> Enjoy your sixth degree brush with what you perceive as greatness while
>abuse it. <<

Update. I wrote that before the two of us realized who one another is.

>What is THAT that I smell? Could it be . . . JEALOUSY, perhaps?

Uh, yeah. That's it I am jealous. You obviously have no idea who I am.

>that far-fetched that someone who's known Trent for a long time has a comp &
>USENET access and posts now and then? Remember, he hasn't always been
>he probably knew a lot of people before he became so. Most famous people do.

I know who Shay is and she knows who I am and I know who she is friends with
(not trent). So don't worry digidgirl.

>> I don't have to pretend to know people or get off on other peoples fame.
>know writers, politicians, actors, directors. You name it and I have been to
>the party, baby. <

that read real classy didn't it

>Hey, as far as I'm concerned, when I'm famous, you can come to my parties.
> However, there will be a large, ugly, disgruntled ex-pro football player
>guarding the door who will forcibly remove Amy L from the premises.

lovely, my heart is breaking.

<< I got a
couple of e-mails from Shay, and he (she?) seems like a pretty cool person, and
it has nothing to do with the famous people he (again, she?) knows. It's
because he (once more, she?) was nice to me and answered my question without
getting all snotty, like it would have been really easy to>>

Then why don't you ask your new close friend, whose gender you are unsure of,
about the issue that really existed between the two of us. You wouldn't dare
try to ask snotty old me. Shay is a she, btw.


Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

In article <>, (IAutomaton) wrote:
> >From: (Digigirl81)
> >Date: Fri, Jan 9, 1998 08:28 EST
> >Message-id: <
> IAutomaton wrote:
> >> Enjoy your sixth degree brush with what you perceive as greatness while
> >you
> >abuse it. <<
> Update. I wrote that before the two of us realized who one another is.
> >What is THAT that I smell? Could it be . . . JEALOUSY, perhaps?
> Uh, yeah. That's it I am jealous. You obviously have no idea who I am.



mRRRRRowwwwwowwwrrrrRRRrrrrwwww! <hiss! Spit!>

This is better tham two Siamese in the same cage,



Jan 9, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/9/98

In article <>,

> It's such a damn shame that such a cool thread (origins are always interesting)
> turned into something so stupid as a cat fight.

Territorial brawls over who knows Reznor and/or his relatives best are vaguely
interesting to read, but the fact that someone may or may not know them isn't
that impressive to me.

>If Reznor has any self-respect
> at all he doesn't give a shit about this newsgroup. I know I wouldn't if I
> were him. It's 90%
> bullshit anyway. Gossip,chat,agonizing over dumb details about NIN. Kinda like
> going to a Star Trek convention.

Hey now...he can't be Mr. Intellectual/My Art Is My Life *all* the time can he?
Maybe he likes a little bit of
bullshit every now and then...:) I know I do, and god knows I'm pretty
brilliant and serious and artsy at least every other Thursday or so

> Catherine
> who loves NIN but realizes IT'S JUST A BAND

And according to Trent's past statements, it was never a "real" band.
NIN was him...and a changing retinue of friends/hired musicians...:)
Others may disagree with that assessment I'd expect...particularly the
other band members, who obviously have talents of their own...:)



Jan 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/10/98

>D+ funked out whore children, set-up TOO obvious, material
>TOO lame. Not happenin. Totally NOT happenin.
>Try another name, play another game, this one is lost.
>Cheez Pig

Thank you Cheez Pig for keeping things in perspective. If these are the kinds
of "friends" Trent has it's no wonder he wants to slit his wrists. I probably
wouldn't have had the strength to keep going.

definitely praying for Trent tonight


Jan 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/10/98

>>>Actually, even if I didn't know that he hails from a Protestant
background, I'd be able to guess that he's not Jewish, since he so often
wears pants that are so tight that you can tell what religion he is. <g>
Hey, that's really nice of you to offer. I'd be interested in finding a
copy of that book. Maybe they'd have one on my family, too. Actually,
all I was wondering was what country (ies) his family came from before
they came here. Specifically, if he's of just one ethnic background, or
if he's a "mutt" like a lot of people, myself included.

digigirl, starting to get really sick of her nickname<<<

excuse me? i guess you're referring to the circumcision thing right? if so,
sucks for him, i've heard about the constant maintenance needed for those with
extra cheese.



Jan 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/10/98

>>> I am sure that Trent will be overjoyed to hear that you have decided to use
this forum to blow your I-know-someone-who-know's-Trent horn. It's not very

What is amusing is the fact that you fail to see the irony in YOU saying this.
Perhaps you are too close to see it. Everybody else does. You contribute
nothing except this sort of thing. Delivered in the most abrasive way possible.

>>>He will be more just plain grossed out by the postings of this "Shay" That was the poster I was responding to, but your sarcasm
was a perfectly mediochre and typical response for this forum. <<<

Well....he doesn't seem to get too upset about YOUR posturings, does he???

>>>Uh, yeah. That's it I am jealous. You obviously have no idea who I am.<<<

In this context-the definition of "ex". Ex meaning former. Meaning over with.
Done. Finis.

However the impersonation of a pit bull is a good one. As always.

Oh well.

-stark- [...and that one is a flame]

Jan 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/10/98

oh look, (EvilNtent) wrote:

for future reference, can all AOL posters please paste the name of the person
they are responding to at the top of the response? it's hard to tell the
combatants without a scorecard..

<> - stark at - jstark at <>
<> - JKD - webguru at <>
<> SICK: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist -Open in select <>
<> cities now! Visit SICK on the web: <>


Jan 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/10/98

Holy Crap! Stark said:
>for future reference, can all AOL posters please paste the name of the person
>they are responding to at the top of the response?

YES SIR ! ! !

( Damin I hate having to use AOL for the NG.. I really do ! )

I want to watch the world
From the edge of my seat
When it burns

_________AmNinCode v1.0__________
N++ L+ H++ B M T- U I+ P F S
NC- V- R D- PB+


Jan 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/10/98

check this out, VIVIsect <> said:
> ( Damin I hate having to use AOL for the NG.. I really do ! )

dude, i've been there at various times, never with it being my favorite
choice...i'm tellin ya, check out, $19/*year* for
the big 8 and alt hierarchies...none of those five billion other ones,
but i don't read em anyway. ya get yer nin, ya get yer binaries, ya
can't go wrong ;)

|Rev. Damin J. Toell - |
| - |
| - the official BiLe page|
|"Everybody knows that the odds ain't even |
|Show me a god that's worth believing" |
|-Tod A. - Firewater, 'Snake-Eyes and Boxcars' |
_________AmNinCode v1.0__________
N++ L H++ B M T- U++ I++ P+ F+
S+ NC V+ R+ D+ PB-


Jan 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/12/98

Actually, 'Reznor' is French-Jew. It's not German at all. Or Dutch, despite
what 'Trent's sister' said. Reznor is akin to Resnik or Reznik. If you look
through any info. on Dr. Petiot, the notorious Parisian doctor who murder lots
of French-Jews during the war, after promosing them escape from occupied
France, you will find Rezniks, Dreyfus' (obviously French-Jew) and Reznors.
It is rather uncommon, though.


Jan 13, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/13/98

Shay wrote:
> wrote:
> > For those of you keeping score at home, on Tue, Jan 6, 1998 11:19 EST, in
> > <>, Shay wrote:
> >
> > <schnip, schnip>

> >
> > > The Name is German and is also Jewish. Trent and his family are not Jewish
> > >by religion, but I suspect that if you look back you will find that are the
> > >origins of the name. If you really want more information there is a book
> > >written about this family and it's geneology that I have access to. I will
> > >ask some questions and see what else I can come up with. Specifically what
> > >do you want to know?
> >
> > Actually, even if I didn't know that he hails from a Protestant
> > background, I'd be able to guess that he's not Jewish, since he so often
> > wears pants that are so tight that you can tell what religion he is. <g>
> > Hey, that's really nice of you to offer. I'd be interested in finding a
> > copy of that book. Maybe they'd have one on my family, too. Actually,
> > all I was wondering was what country (ies) his family came from before
> > they came here. Specifically, if he's of just one ethnic background, or
> > if he's a "mutt" like a lot of people, myself included.
> >
> > digigirl, starting to get really sick of her nickname
> >
> > -------- Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering? Pinky: Well,
> > I think so, Brain, but I don't think they make rubber pants in our size.

> >
> > -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> > Search, Read, Post to Usenet
> Ok, I just put the mystery to rest and called his sister. She said that as far
> a she knows they are 98 percent irish but the fathers name is German Dutch. Big
> surprise in Pa. So, I guess the answer is that they are mixed, but they have a
> lot of irish and some scotch in them. Again, no big surprise in Pa. Let me know
> if you want to know anything else. Just don't ask for his e-mail. It is off
> limits.
> Shay

Actually, that is very interesting, cuz Trent has the same skin, hair
and eyes as me, which I very rarely see in anyone else. Classic Irish
colouring, I suppose. Most English-born people (I don't know about
anyone else) tend to be lightly tanned and having blonde, rather than
red, undertones to their hair. Course, Trent and I both dye our hair
regularly, but I bet if he went anywhere really hot without access to
dye, his hair would be auburn.


Jan 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/17/98

I don't think that's his real name, y'all.
There's a Reznor company in Mercer, Penn. (where he hails from).
I think they make heaters or somethin'.

Diplomacy: the fine art of saying "nice doggie" while you're looking for a rock.

Robin Colleen Moore

Jan 17, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/17/98

?digman? (TheLurkingFUD@Wit'sEnd) wrote:

>I don't think that's his real name, y'all.
>There's a Reznor company in Mercer, Penn. (where he hails from).
>I think they make heaters or somethin'.

You *are* being facetious...right?

Robin the mad photographer (and *how* long have I been selling these
damn t-shirts? *3* years? <grumble, mutter, grumble>

Robin Colleen Moore...Black Sheep Studios...Medford, MA
"What do you mean, I can't be a queen? It's *undemocratic*!"
Green Reznor heater shirts now available--e-mail for info!


Jan 18, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/18/98

>>I don't think that's his real name, y'all.
>>There's a Reznor company in Mercer, Penn. (where he hails from).
>>I think they make heaters or somethin'.
>You *are* being facetious...right?
>Robin the mad photographer (and *how* long have I been selling these
>damn t-shirts? *3* years? <grumble, mutter, grumble>

Robin, you were TOO kind. I'm sure some other more vicious member of the NIN ng
will take care of things.

welcome to the velvet cage

Danse Macabre

Jan 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/19/98

<<I don't think that's his real name, y'all.
There's a Reznor company in Mercer, Penn. (where he hails from).
I think they make heaters or somethin'.>>

Yeah, Trent Reznor's real name is Michael Trenton Poindexter! But, in
his Industrial Music mentality, he found that an old factory that makes
heaters & what not would be a kickass name. In an interview, he talked
about certain names passing the 2 week test. Well, I guess this one
did, too! Too bad for the copyright infringement and all that has
recently been brought to light.

Danse "The Vicious" Macabre


Jan 19, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/19/98

HMMN, that's interesting: he has gone to all the trouble of legally
changing his name and keeping it such a secret that no-one found out for
nearly a decade... It's Michael Trent "Stimpy" Reznor.

Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

hmm, yes, and it's Brian "Buttmunch" Warner (cue sideline giggling)
Let's try some others, eh? How about... I know! Danse "The Vicious Arse
Bandit" Macabre. Some dirty secret in there, old boy?


Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

Can someone please explain this all to me like I'm a five year old? Is it
his name or not? wrote in article

mark bartlam

Jan 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/20/98

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998 12:29:03 GMT, wrote:

>Let's try some others, eh? How about... I know! Danse "The Vicious Arse
>Bandit" Macabre. Some dirty secret in there, old boy?

Heh, this isn't the first time Danse/Jeff's sexuality has been called
into question. In fact, this is getting to be a habit.

Something you want to tell us Danse?

("underground, overground, Wombling free,
the Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we.")


}----------{mark bartlam}----------{

Mr. Haaz

Jan 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM1/6/98
to (LdyNRed) wrote:

[snippin' like Pac Man..]

>>I had a guy I was dating once (who was also into genealogy)
> tell me I had a distinctly "French Norman" look...whatever that
> means...:)

I think that's geneological for "ppLLllllleeeeeease fuck me?" <g>

-- jase.. "at least, that's what I'd be saying.."

Aug 15, 2017, 4:41:03 AM8/15/17
Am curious to hear if you ever found out the origin of the name. I read some very interesting perspectives on where the name might originate from. Things I was not aware of myself. Good for a giggle.
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