Sábado, 02 de Febrero, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
MEJICANA: Deseamos expresar nuestras más profundas condolencias, amor
y oraciones a cada una de las familias y amistades de los fallecidos
en el terrible siniestro extraño que ocurrió ayer en lo alto de uno de
los edificios de PEMEX, en la ciudad de Méjico, en Méjico, el cual
terminó con la vida preciosa de treinta y tres de sus empleados, y con
muchos heridos. En momentos cuando menos lo pensaba cada uno de ellos
fue levantado a la presencia gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial,
porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo vino al mundo para llevárselos con él
a vivir la vida gloriosa del reino de los cielos ya hace más de dos
mil años atrás.
Ciertamente, ellos fueron comprados con la sangre preciosa de nuestro
Señor Jesucristo sobre el madero, en forma de cruz, de los árboles
muertos de Adam y Eva del paraíso, para que con su cuerpo sangriento
traspasado por los clavos entonces no solamente les dé su vida
santísima a nuestros padres celestiales, sino también a nosotros, a
sus hijos e hijas terrenales. Por lo tanto, ellos ya no son de éste
mundo, sino del mundo de arriba del reino angelical para seguir
viviendo la vida gloriosa de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo
Jesucristo, para ya no conocer más el pecado y su dolor mortal en sus
cuerpos, sino solamente conocer por siempre las bendiciones de cada
día de su Espíritu Santo.
Por eso, es bueno tener a nuestro Señor Jesucristo viviendo siempre en
nuestros corazones, porque no sabemos cuando el más allá nos va a
visitar de una manera tan inesperada que no nos da tiempo para orar ni
menos para abrazar y besar a nuestros amados, antes de partir hacia la
presencia gloriosa de nuestro Hacedor y de su Hijo Jesucristo. Porque
la verdad es que no hay obra alguna, ni palabra tampoco que nos pueda
ayudar a escapar del mal eterno del infierno, sino solamente creyendo
en nuestros corazones por justicia para confesar por siempre con
nuestros labios la salvación verdadera, tangible y perfecta del cuerpo
y de la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo.
Y cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos ayuda a escapar del mal eterno
del infierno con tan solo un momento de fe en nuestros corazones para
justicia y de oración por nuestros labios para confesar a Jesucristo
delante de nuestro Padre celestial, entonces podemos entrar desde ya
confiadamente a la vida eterna del cielo para gozar de la felicidad
celestial para siempre. ¡Amén!
DISCOTECA INCENDIADA: Deseamos recordar también, en estos momentos, a
cada una de las familias brasileñas que perdió a sus hijos e hijas en
el terrible fuego pirotécnico que encendió inesperadamente la
discoteca Kiss, en Santa María, Brasil, en donde ellos se estaban
divirtiendo con sus colegas estudiantiles, y amistades del pueblo.
Nuestro Padre celestial en su gran amor eterno hacia ellos, entonces
envío a su Hijo Jesucristo al mundo, para que naciese del vientre
virgen de la hija de David por el poder del Espíritu Santo, para
entonces tomar la vida de hombre y vivirla a lo máximo con el fin de
cumplir con el Espíritu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos.
Mandamientos santísimos que ninguno podía jamás cumplirlos para no
solamente presentarse intachable, santo e infinitamente perfecto
delante de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo, sino que
también para alcanzar el perdón eterno por la sangre santísima del
sacrificio celestial, derramada para las almas vivientes y así al fin
entrar a la vida eterna de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo. Por
eso, le damos gracias a nuestro Padre celestial por nuestro Señor
Jesucristo, quien no solamente nació del Espíritu Santo para darnos la
vida eterna con su carne santísima, sus huesos intactos, y su sangre
reparadora, sino que también, en el trayecto de su vida judía, cumplió
con el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos para nosotros poder ir al
cielo cuandoquiera.
Nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones seguirán siendo siempre para
cada una de las familias afectadas terriblemente por éste incendio de
discoteca que terminó con la vida preciosa de sus hijos e hijas de
doscientos treinta y tres de ellos, sino que también es para las demás
familias brasileñas que viven dentro de sus tierras y las que están
lejos de ellas igualmente.
Por eso, es siempre bueno vivir con nuestro Señor Jesucristo cada día
en nuestro corazón delante de nuestro Padre celestial que está en el
cielo y con su mirada fija sobre nosotros, para protegernos del mal y
así bendecirnos grandemente en todo lo que necesitemos de él y de sus
grandes poderes sobrenaturales de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu
Santo. ¡Amén!
AL CIELO: Lamentamos la terrible tragedia que ocurrió recientemente en
Yichang, China, cuando un camino lleno de pólvora estalló justo debajo
de un puente, haciendo que el puente se derrumbase con todos los
vehículos que transitaban por él, terminando así con la vida de mucha
gente inocente que jamás vio la puerta de la eternidad abrirse tan
ampliamente ante sus ojos sorprendidos y asombrados. Nuestro Padre
celestial es bueno, y él jamás ha deseado el mal eterno de ninguno de
sus seres que concibió en su imagen, por el poder del Espíritu Santo,
para que viva por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial en el
paraíso, en la tierra y así también en la nueva eternidad venidera de
La Nueva Jerusalén del cielo.
Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial desea desde siempre que todos vivan
intensamente en sus corazones con la vida gloriosa e infinitamente
victoriosa de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que sus pecados les sean
perdonados por la sangre santísima derramada sobre el monte santo de
Jerusalén, en Israel, y así también para que asciendan al cielo desde
ya para gozar la felicidad angelical. Porque solamente nuestro Señor
Jesucristo tiene poder para salvar el alma pecadora del poder eterno
del infierno, y así también solo él puede abrir las puertas gloriosas
del reino angelical, creado por nuestro Padre celestial por amor a sus
hijos e hijas de todas las naciones para que vivan con él para
siempre, ¡por amor a su Hijo Jesucristo!
Porque la verdad es que nuestro Señor Jesucristo inicialmente fundó el
infierno para Satanás y para los ángeles caídos por el pecado de no
creer en él y en su amor puro hacia nuestro Padre celestial: así pues,
desdichadamente, el hombre va a éste lugar terrible por el mismo
pecado de Satanás de no creer en Jesucristo y en su amor infinito para
con nuestro Padre celestial. Ciertamente, el infierno es para los que
no creen en Jesucristo delante de nuestro Padre celestial, y el reino
de los cielos es para los que creen en Jesucristo delante de Dios y de
sus santos ángeles; es decir, que el que no cree en Jesucristo va
abajo, y el que cree en Jesucristo va arriba—eso es todo.
Vive ya la vida de Jesucristo intensamente en tu corazón y tu alma se
gozara por siempre, alegrando así todo tu cuerpo para que tu espíritu
humano cante alabanzas de glorias eternas como los ángeles en el
cielo, delante de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Cordero escogido
desde la fundación del mundo, para redimirte hoy para siempre,
¡nuestro Señor Jesucristo! ¡Amén!
Our heavenly Father gave the Hebrews bread from heaven when they were
hungry and water from the injured rock at Mount Sinai when they were
thirsty. For the people complained not to Moses but to our heavenly
Father that He had failed to give them bread after been roaming the
desert for about a month after leaving Egypt, and so they pleaded to
Moses to take them back to Egypt immediately.
Then our heavenly Father said to Moses, I have heard their cries for
bread, I will give them bread to eat. For the people were ready to go
back to Egypt since Moses was unable to give them bread to eat much
less water to drink. Then our heavenly Father said: I will prove them
this time to see if they will follow my word. I will give them bread
to eat every day for six days, and on the six-day they will gather
twice of the amount of one day, so they may have bread to eat on the
six and seventh day every week.
The following day, in the morning, people were surprised to see a
white morning dew covering the ground, this was something that they
had never seen before in Egypt, however, Moses told the people to
gather all they needed to eat from one day, because the next day they
will see the same bread to gather and eat from it continually through
the week. This was bread from heaven above that our heavenly Father
needed to feed the Hebrews each day, including the Sabbath, because
they were heading towards Mount Sinai, where the Hebrews will complain
to Moses and our heavenly Father, given that the bread that they were
eating were causing them to become extremely thirsty, moreover there
was no water to drink anywhere.
Some Hebrews, in disobedience, will gather more than what they could
possibly eat in one day, instead of just taking the amount of food for
the day, then whatever was more than they were allowed to gather from
the ground, in their homes where they would hide the excess of it, it
would turn into worms that stunk to high heaven. The smell of it, it
was unbearable as rotten eggs or flesh, however, whatever was gather
for the Sabbath it did not rot at all but, instead it continued to be
as wholesome and eatable as the moment it was gather from the ground.
This food that our heavenly Father was feeding the Hebrews, it was to
substitute the food that they had eaten in Egypt for hundreds of
years, for now our heavenly Father needed to turn their wicked or ill
flesh day-by-day into the sacred-flesh of the new bodies that each one
of them had in our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ). And this
was something very important for our heavenly Father to do with every
Hebrew man, woman and child, because they were not only soon drink
from the injured-rock at Mount Sinai, but they were also on their way
to transfer our Lord Jesus Christ’s gene pool into the Promised Land
along with the Arc of the Covenant and the Ten Commandments.
For this is the service that our heavenly Father had manifested to
Moses over Mount Sinai as our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach declared himself
to be within the burning bush the God of Righteousness for Abraham,
the God of Righteousness for Isaac, and the God of Righteousness for
Jacob, so they may do in unison this wonderful task that no one else
could ever do. And this is to transfer over their heads into the
Promised Lamb our Lord Jesus Christ with his arms extended wide open
as the cross to receive Israel and every nation to come, because he is
the only one that has their gene pool moreover give them eternal
salvation with a new glorified body thus to be saved from hell’s
torment forever.
Furthermore, Israel had to do this wonderful work of salvation for our
heavenly Father and his blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
because they were Abraham’s children with the promise of salvation
injected into their gene pool already through the sacred bread and
wine that were served over the Lord’s Table by Melchizedek as God’s
Righteousness at Salem’s gate (today’s Jerusalem). For it is here
where our Lord Jesus Christ will serve the Lord’s Table to his twelve
apostles but also to every one from Israel and the nations, so they
may eat his sacred-flesh and drink from his cup the red wine that is
shed over Jerusalem’s holy hill, for the end of sin and the start of
eternal grace forever.
Now, before our Lord Jesus Christ was going to be turned over to the
Sanhedrin (Jewish Court) by Judas Iscariot, then he sat at the Lord’s
Table with his apostles to present his sacred-body and his atoning-
blood to Israel and the nations, so they may eat from his bread of
life and drink from his cup of wine forgiveness for everlasting
salvation. And our Lord Jesus Christ needed to establish the eating of
his bread of life from heaven and drinking from his cup of wine the
atoning-blood, so people everywhere will not only come to the
knowledge of God’s Righteousness within their lives but also allow
them to have amazing powers thus to live a comfortable miracle-life on
earth heavenly bound forever.
This meant that our heavenly Father needed to have Jesus Christ not
only living within each man, woman and child within Israel and the
nations but also help His Son grow mightily within them by eating the
bread that is his sacred-body broken for us on the cross and by
drinking from the cup of wine the atoning-blood shed for forgiveness.
These are powers and authorities granted to each one us from our
heavenly Father through the glorious body and life of His Son Jesus
Christ, so by us eating and drinking from him, then every day we will
continue to grow thus to become exactly as he is in heaven from head
to foot.
Because, our heavenly Father not only needed to have His Son Jesus
Christ born within Israel as the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach to become
Israel’s high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood for the
supreme sacrifice thus to erase sins thus to become saved ascending
into heaven progressively, but also He needed to have Holy Spirit-
filled children to do His will throughout the earth. For it is our
heavenly Father’s will to have many sons and daughters grown into the
stature of Jesus Christ everywhere, so He may not only do the
wonderful things that He has always desired to do within Israel but
also take His word into the nations, so He may heal the people and
restore them to heaven at once forever.
That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples the Lord’s
Prayer as they asked him by saying: Please, Lord, teach us how to
pray, and what we should say before our heavenly Father as we pray, so
He may bless us powerfully as His faith angels throughout his glorious
Creation. And our Lord Jesus Christ taught the disciples how to pray
exactly the words that our heavenly Father needs to hear from each one
of us every day on earth and in heaven as well.
Today, our Lord’s Prayer is as follows: Our Father in heaven, hollow
is thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is
heaven. ‘Give us our daily bread.’ And forgive our sins just as we
forgive every day those that sin against us. Let us not into
temptation but deliver us from the evil one. For yours are the powers,
the glories, and the honors forever and ever. Amen!
Now, in this prayer as our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray in this
manner before our heavenly Father, so we may exalt His name, do His
will on earth thus He may forgive our sins, heal us from the wicked
works of the devil, because for He alone is the power to do these
amazing things within our lives. And this means also that He is the
only One on earth and in heaven through the glorious life of His
blessed Son Jesus Christ to receive from us the glory and the honor
that we can give to His glorious name, then He can do wonderful things
through the Holy Spirit within our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and
human spirit.
Frankly, here we are talking about our heavenly Father doing more
powerful miracles and great wonders on earth and in heaven just as our
Lord Jesus Christ has done them through the years by the power of the
Holy Spirit, within Israel and the nations until these days since
resurrection day. Meaning also that our heavenly Father has assigned
powerful miracles for each one of us to do here on earth these days,
so we may not only live a healthy and ever-increasing life but also to
teach those that failed to believe in Jesus Christ’s great salvation-
work that there are still amazing powers descending into their lives
by just believing in him.
Irrefutably, miracles, great wonders on earth and in heaven will come
into each one of our every day lives by just being filled of his
sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, and the only way that we can get from
our Lord Jesus Christ his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, it will be
by just sitting at the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and wine. That is
the reason that within the Lord’s Prayer our Lord Jesus Christ taught
us not only how to glorify our heavenly Father and to do His will on
earth by men, women and children of the faith in his name, but also
taught us how to pray to receive each day bread from heaven above, our
Lord Jesus Christ himself!
Really, this means also that we have to pray every day for our
heavenly Father to give us the Holy Spirit thus to glorify His blessed
name and to do His will on earth just as it is done in heaven by His
angels, but also we need to pray for Him to give us more of His Son
Jesus Christ. That is correct: We need to pray each day not only for
the daily bread that we can get from the grocery store but also we
need to pray primarily to get the bread from heaven above that our
heavenly Father has given us abundantly through the glorious life of
His Son Jesus Christ, so we can really start to grow spiritually.
That is the truth, with the Lord’s Prayer our Lord Jesus Christ is
teaching us how we can ask our Father for our daily bread from heaven
that is his sacred-flesh, and atoning-blood from the Lord’s Table, so
we may nourish our bodies just as the Hebrews had to nourish their
bodies with the manna from heaven and drink from the injured-rock
living-water. This means that if you really want to please our
heavenly Father in your life and that of your loved ones, too, then in
the morning, in prayer, as you partake from the Lord’s Table your
breakfast, then go through our Lord Jesus Christ’s rituals of lifting
his body and the cup of wine to eat and drink from him life and
Then as often you do this ritual of partaking from the Lord’s Table
the bread and wine before our heavenly Father each day, then you will
be connected to our heavenly Father and His tree of life will infill
you with the Holy Spirit, so you may have more power to crush Satan’s
work and live a glorious fruitful-life for others. This was the most
hidden divine secret of the Hebrews within the desert journey of forty-
years, to the Promised Land that they never got sick from any illness
as we know them these days: moreover they never suffered terrible
death, unless they were smitten by our heavenly due to rebellion
against Jesus Christ, and they never lack anything at all.
For example, there were no filled hospital tents with ill people much
less pharmacies to pick up regular medicine prescribe by the Levites,
furthermore there were not stores where to buy clothing or shoes or
things like that to change your dress occasionally but, instead their
clothing remained clean and new, moreover they never needed to change
their sandals. Truly, our heavenly Father maintained the Hebrews well
dressed, clean, and sick free, because their hearts, minds, souls,
bodies and human spirit remained at peace and very happy as well,
regardless of the inclemency of the desert because the SHEKINAH
protected them from the Sun’s daily heat, and during the night a cool
environment they had for a good night sleep.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father was able to do all these wonderful
things for every Hebrew man, woman and child through the harshness of
the desert because every day they gather from the ground the manna
that descended from heaven, so they may eat during the day and drink
the living daily water from the injured-rock, and this was progressive
divine-health for them. In truth, this gathering of the manna from
heaven and drinking from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned
into living-water, it was the continuation of the Lord’s Table that
our Jesus Christ (Melchizedek) served initially to Abraham and his
allies at Salem’s gate, because this is a Covenant of Life that will
never die on earth and in heaven forever into eternity.
Frankly, Abraham never thought that his children would be eating the
bread from heaven and be drinking from the cup of wine that is our
Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood turned into living-water from the
injured rock, so they may live a healthy life through the desert for
forty-years before entering victoriously into the Promised Land to
possess it forever. Moreover, this was the Hebrews’ victory over
Satan’s hidden lies, curses, twisted-works and death, too, because our
heavenly Father faithfully provided them with bread from heaven above
that was the symbol of our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones, and atoning-blood from the injured-rock at Mount Sinai turned
into living-water to drink through the desert until they enter the
Promised Land.
Now, if the Hebrews had failed to eat from the daily manna, drink from
the injured-rock from Mount Sinai emanating the atoning-blood turned
into living-water to satisfy the constant desert thirst, then Israel
would have died in the desert without ever reaching the Promised Land,
much less conquer it for Jesus Christ to be born from the Holy Spirit
through David’s virgin daughter. These days, life would have been
totally impossible everywhere around the world, because Satan with his
demons would be ruling the nations just as he rules the regions of
hell with his terrible and merciless demons thus to torment day and
night those lost souls that never believed within their hearts for
justice much less confess Jesus Christ’s salvation with their lips.
That is to say, also that if you can really understand the importance
to have our heavenly Father’s Supper Table every day, then you will
eat the bread from heaven (the unleavened bread), moreover, drink from
the cup of wine that is the atoning-blood that washes you clean from
sin, sickness, diseases, curses, and fills you with the Holy Spirit
forever. For this is the person that our heavenly Father needs to
fashion in His image on earth so he may live according to His likeness
forever into all eternity to come within the New Jerusalem that is
glorious and eternally blessed by His wonderful presence of the tree
of life that gives its fruit without fail every day for the nations’
Also, this means that you will be filled with the sacred-flesh, the
unbroken-bones, and the atoning-blood that not only washes you clean
from sin but also gives you the glorified body to return to heaven
forever saved, so you may live in our heavenly Father’s image and
according to His eternal likeness of perfect holiness forever into all
eternity. Certainly, this is the person that our heavenly Father made
not only in Moses but also He needed to make every one leaving Egypt
to be transformed into by the power of the bread from heaven that is
the manna, and the atoning-blood emerging from the injured-rock at
Mount Sinai that is converted into living-water for the thirsty to
drink to satisfaction.
Surely, Aaron had become just as faithful as Moses but he backslides,
because as Moses failed to descend from meeting our Lord Jesus Christ
over Mount Sinai, after forty-days and forty-nights of being up there,
then the people doubted his existence that many thought that they will
never see him again, so they asked Aaron to show them their savior
from Egypt. That is when Aaron said the unthinkable. Aaron told the
Hebrews ask your wives and children to give you the jewelry they
received from the Egyptians as they left Egypt, and the Hebrews did
just that obediently, putting at Aaron’s disposal all the gold that he
needed to fashion a golden calf, so the Hebrews may declare it
nationally as the liberator that set them free from Egypt forever.
This terrible sin angered our heavenly Father that the only thing He
wanted to do with the Hebrews it was to destroy them completely, so
not even one of them will ever live on earth, this meant that He
wanted to erase their names from under the heaven furthermore ensure
that none of their descendants will ever see His light forever. This
is how angry our heavenly Father felt against the Hebrews, because
they have believed within their hearts for injustice to confess with
their lips for destruction that a golden calf that could not see, much
less uttered a single word, feel or understand anything had liberated
them from slavery in Egypt.
This was a terrible sin against the Creator of the heaven and earth
furthermore against the glorious continuous celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood, our Lord Jesus Christ that had been sacrificed
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-
rock, so they may have power to escape slavery to drink from the
injured-rock living water to the full. Nevertheless, since Moses was
born from the Holy Spirit according to the Pact of Life that our Lord
Jesus Christ had made initially with Abraham and his allies at Salem’s
gate, then he had power to pray before our Father so the Hebrews could
be saved from destruction for having committed such an unforgivable
sin against Jesus Christ, “The only Liberator.”
However, our heavenly Father insisted to Moses by saying, move to one
side and I will do what I just tell you: I will destroy these people
with their sin, but from you I will create a new nation better than
they will ever be on earth or in heaven. I will create a nation from
you that will love my Son Jesus Christ just as you and I love him, so
they may obey my word and follow it to the letter thus to glorify mine
name before the nations of the entire world, so Satan will never be
able to rule the earth with his wicked demons.
Nonetheless, Moses insisted before our heavenly Father by saying:
Father, please forgive these people for having committed such a
terrible sin against your continuous celestial sacrifice of your Son
Jesus Christ within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, and over Mount
Sinai’s injured-rock. Please Father: Forgive the sin of my brothers
and sisters today. Please never do as you have said that you will,
because if you kill these people today in your hot anger for having
offended your blessed Son Jesus Christ by substituting erroneously his
glory with that of a golden calf, then the nations will say: Look, God
could not deal with them, so He killed them in the desert.
Moreover, when this happens, then what are you going to do for the
glory and honor of your blessed name? Father, if you have decided to
kill your people in the desert at Mount Sinai’s foot that you pulled
out from Egypt, then erase my name from the your book; I want to die
with my brothers and sisters at the foot of your mountain, that is, if
you truly have decided to finish your relationship with them.
Mercifully, our heavenly Father said to Moses, I have heard your
prayer for your people, I will not do with them what I want to do now
on this day, but the one that has sinned against me I will blot out
from my book, and in Judgment Day he will have to give an account to
me for this sin. For only the soul that sins against my Son and his
great salvation work that you have seen within Egypt and until now,
then I will erase that one’s name from my book, so he will never see
the Promised Land that I have prepared for those that love me through
the glorious life of my blessed Son, Jesus Christ.
Certainly, ever since the Hebrews fashioned a golden calf to replace
the great salvation work that our Lord Jesus Christ initiated before
our heavenly Father, within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over
Mount Sinai’s eternal-rock, then He has personally thrown many sinful
souls into the flames of the eternal hell where they will pay dearly
for this terrible sin forever. Meaning also that since the events of
Mount Sinai as the Hebrews fashioned a golden calf to replace our Lord
Jesus Christ great salvation work, our heavenly Father has not ceased
to cast into the flames of hell all those that offend Him with this
terrible and unspeakable sin to adore a person or an idol instead of
His Son Jesus Christ.
For our heavenly Father is willing to built more hells and even
terrible places of unspeakable holocausts to take place immediately if
His blessed Son Jesus Christ is not honored, glorified, and exalted as
he ought to be within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of
every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations, as well.
Decisively, through the years, our heavenly Father has cast into the
eternal flames of hell families, towns, villages, cities and even
entire nations to burn forever in their sins that have committed first
against Him and the glorious sacrificed life of His blessed Son Jesus
Christ; this is the reason that hell smells as the constant burning of
human flesh today.
This does not mean that each time a lost person dies to be buried
underground then his entire body descends to the flames of hell but,
instead this means that our heavenly Father has actually cast into
hell families, towns, villages, cities and even nations into it
because they sinned inexcusably as Israel did at Mount Sinai’s foot.
Meaning that our heavenly Father has opened the earth or hell from
under the peoples’ feet, because they have fashioned a calf or an idol
to give glory to it after our heavenly Father has either spoken or
done great miracles, so they may believe within their hearts for
justice to confess with their lips for salvation His Son’s anointed
name, Jesus Christ!
In other words, there is no greater sin possible before our heavenly
Father’s eyes than to sin against the glorious life of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ by rejecting His love, grace, and healing-power that he
has fought so hard to conquer, so you may escape slavery into a land
where you can live with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit. Now,
the Hebrews continued to be rebellious against our heavenly Father and
Moses after rejecting openly our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life
for their living souls by spilling his atoning-blood over the
doorframe of their homes: nevertheless, our heavenly Father remembered
Moses’ prayer and gave them the manna every day and living-water from
the rock to drink through the desert.
Surely, our heavenly Father gave the manna every day with living-water
raining into their camps from heaven directly from the injured-rock
from Mount Sinai’s foot, because He can feed them the sacred-flesh,
the unbroken-bones, and the atoning-blood to become saved from sin,
and, like this, take this glorious salvation into the Promised Land
for the nations to receive it, in due time. For our heavenly Father
will bless those that blesses Jesus Christ His beloved Son, high
priest, mediator, and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood not only to
create all things in heaven and earth, but also save the living soul
of every man by washing him clean from sin, moreover dress him with a
glorified body to reenter heaven anyday now.
Likewise, cursed are those that curse the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ and his glorious salvation work that he has been born from
David’s virgin womb by the power of the Holy Spirit thus to become the
eternal salvation that every one had been waiting for years with the
sacred-flesh, the unbroken-bones, and the atoning-blood for the
ultimate sacrifice outside Jerusalem. For our heavenly Father needs to
see every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations
born by the power of the Holy Spirit, into the Spirit of His blessed
Son Jesus Christ, so they will bear his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones,
and atoning-blood to return to heaven saved thus to love, serve and
glorify Him forever with His holy angels.
However, those that curse our Lord Jesus Christ then they will never
be able to become born from the Holy Spirit of perfect righteousness
much less receive from our heavenly Father the glorified body that He
has personally fashioned within His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood to return to heaven to live
the glories of eternal life everlastingly. Regrettably, those that
will curse our Lord Jesus Christ, our heavenly Father has increased
hell’s heat many times more, because those that have cursed the
glorious life of His blessed Son do not deserve anything good from
heaven but only a fiery tormenting hell that will never end even after
the demos with Satan had been cast into the lake of fire.
For everyone that is suffering the torments of hell and its demons
with Satan these days, are those that have cursed the glorious life of
His Son Jesus Christ by rejecting his superb sacrificed life within
their hearts and by confessing with their lips terrible blasphemies
against his salvation work executed in heaven and that finished timely
over Jerusalem’s holy hill victoriously. Now, you may ask: How then
can I, and my loved ones escape hell and from this terrible sin to
have failed to recognize Jesus Christ within my heart and entire life
as well, so I may please our heavenly Father’s truth, perfection, and
everlasting holiness forever into all eternity to come in heaven?
Well, then you have to do exactly each day what our heavenly Father
did with the Hebrews in the desert for forty-years, and this is that
He fed them the bread from paradise that is our Lord Jesus Christ, so
even though they failed to receive him as their personal savior due to
darkness, then they became saved by eating from him. That is correct:
that is exactly what our heavenly Father did with the Hebrews for
forty-years, through the desert’s journey to the Promised Land: He
personally fed them every morning the bread from paradise that is our
Lord Jesus Christ, moreover gave them to drink from the injured-rock
raining living-water from heaven to satisfy their thirst to the full
under the Sun.
Now, as soon as the Hebrews entered the Promised Land to possess it
forever according to our heavenly Father’s personal promises to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then the manna stopped descending from
heaven above and the water from the injured-rock from Mount Sinai,
too, because now the Hebrews had entered into the land that flows with
milk and honey. This is the milk and honey of the true manna from
heaven and the true drink that is the cup of the atoning-blood, our
Lord Jesus Christ, for the Hebrews along with the nations were ready
to eat and drink every day from the fruit of the land that our
heavenly Father had blessed for Abraham’s children to possess it
This also means that our heavenly Father never ceased to provide the
Hebrews the bread from heaven much less the atoning-blood emanating
from the injured-rock from Mount Sinai’s foot, so they may continue
with the ritual to eat the bread and drink from the cup of the Lord’s
Supper thus to continue to grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Likewise, the Hebrews were to continue with the unleavened bread and
drink from the injured-rock from Mount Sinai every day by faith,
because if they stop this glorious ritual of the Lord’s Table from the
desert, then they will cease to live under the glorious blessings that
their bodies will live sickness free and their clothing will renew
constantly with their sandals, too.
Here is where the Hebrews walked away from our heavenly Father’s
blessings that are only granted if they eat the unleavened bread from
heaven moreover drink from the atoning-blood turned into living-water
that emanates constantly from the injured-rock from Mount Sinai, so
they may grow in the body of our Lord Jesus Christ that never gets
sick and dresses magnificent always. Because, our heavenly Father’s
blessing by eating the unleavened bread from heaven moreover by
drinking the atoning-blood turned into living-water from the injured-
rock from Mount Sinai, then every man, woman and child within Israel
would convey the Holy Spirit within for holiness thus to dress with
renew clothing always to look the best on earth for our heavenly
Father that is in heaven.
Overwhelmingly, this is something that our heavenly Father needed to
pass to the nations of the entire world, so they may also learn the
ways of our heavenly Father that are manifested to each one of us
through the glorious, and faithful life of His blessed Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, so the world may become an earthly paradise forever.
Then the preaching and teaching of the glorious gospel of salvation
for every man, woman and child would be so easy for everyone from
everywhere to see, believe, and understand thoroughly within their
hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation our Lord
Jesus Christ, because the evidence would be there and hard to deny
even to the most wicked-liar.
Therefore, ever since the Hebrews ceased to eat the bread from heaven
and to drink the atoning-blood turned into living-water from the
injured-rock from Mount Sinai’s foot, then Satan with his lying devils
has been doing all the things that he could not do to Israel and the
nations before thus to turn the entire earth into an earthly fiery
hell. Because, the nations, including Israel, without our heavenly
Father and His glorious continuous celestial sacrificed of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock later to manifest entirely
over Jerusalem’s holy hill, then the world will be without the Holy
Spirit until now thus turned forever into a fiery hell.
This simply means also that the nations would be completely wild and
living deep into darkness without love, compassion or the feeling of
the human spirit with the Holy Spirit of God, because our heavenly
Father with His glorious continuous celestial sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood, within the Holy of Holiest in heaven would be
completely absent from the entire earth. Human life would be totally
impossible to exist within the nations, and Israel would have never
been a nation because they would have been sealed dead within Sarah’s
barren womb never to know life perpetually only a fiery violent
tormenting hell run by demons from everywhere doing Satan’s will at
his command, so light would never enter the earth forever in
Undeniably, the earth would be a terrible place to live just as the
planets within our solar system that they do not show any sign of life
because our heavenly Father has not conducted the glorious celestial-
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven, for these planets to harvest life as the earth does these
days. However, whenever our heavenly Father will go to any of these
planets within our solar system or beyond with the glorious life of
His blessed Son Jesus Christ, then life will appear all over the
places of these planets, because of the glorious powers of our Lord
Jesus Christ’s body and atoning-blood that is filled with life for all
creatures everywhere forever.
But, thanks be to our heavenly Father because He did not go to other
planets to do the things that He has done on earth with the glorious
life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ as he was sacrificed as God’s
Lamb with the atoning-blood since the creation of the world, so we may
have life these days and forevermore into everlasting. However, our
heavenly Father did these amazing things with the glorious life of His
blessed Son Jesus Christ always above the earth, because He wanted to
awake us from darkness and the terrible powers of Satan’s always
flaming lies, given that he is the father of all lies, so we may live
filled eventually with His Son’s salvation life in heaven.
This life that Abraham ate and drank of the cup of wine that
symbolizes our Lord Jesus Christ over the Lord’s Table, so as he ate
the bread from heaven and drank from the cup he was indeed eating-and-
drinking our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life to have power over
sin, curses, and death that wanted to kill Isaac in Sarah’s barren
womb. For this is our heavenly Father’s power granted abundantly not
only to Abraham but also to his allies, including each one of us today
from all the families of the nations, so we may live protected against
the devil’s work launched against us thus to become blind to the
light, way, truth, and life that leads to heaven, our savior Jesus
This is an overwhelming power that Satan does not know anything about,
however he just knows that is there working against him and his fallen
angels as the servant of God (Hebrew or Gentile) partakes from the
Lord’s Table the heavenly unleavened bread and drinks from the cup of
wine the atoning-blood, that could be water, juice, or any drink at
all. This is power going through the heart, soul, mind, body and human
spirit of every man, woman and child that will cause problems,
difficulties, curses, sicknesses, diseases, and even death to bow down
to the presence of the sacred-bread and the atoning-blood that has
been taking from the Lord’s Table in a moment of prayer and faith
before our heavenly Father.
Certainly, this is power that heals our hearts, minds, souls, bodies
and human spirit that has been hurt cowardly by Satan’s lies, curses,
and the constant threats from the angel of death, so we may succumb to
Satan’s will and that of his fallen angels on earth and in hell
forever. Meaning also that each time you may partake from the Lord’s
Table the bread and the cup of wine that is the atoning-blood turned
into living-water, juice or any other drink blessed by our heavenly
Father as you follow His words to the letter as Matthew 26:26, for
example, then He has your entire life open by obedience to bless you
richly always.
Therefore, as our Lord Jesus Christ taught the Lord’s Prayer, then he
said: Exalt our heavenly Father’s name over your entire life, so His
will may be done on earth as in heaven thus for Him to grant you to a
greater extent more of me each day for power and authority against
Satan’s wickedness acting against you, and your loved ones. And our
Lord Jesus Christ needs every one that believes in him and his
glorious salvation work that started in heaven and to complete in
Israel and within every man, woman and child’s heart, soul, mind, body
and human spirit, because our heavenly Father is the only One that can
authorize anyone to approach Jesus Christ for forgiveness, salvation,
and blessings.
That is to say, that if our heavenly Father has not authorized or
granted you the power to approach Jesus Christ to believe within your
heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation his anointed
name, then you will never be able to come close to him, much less
learn to love, serve and glorify him perpetually. This means that you
will never be able to live the life that our heavenly Father has
prepared since Creation day for you to receive it within your heart
these days, so you may live it on earth just as our Lord Jesus Christ
lived your entire life within Israel thus to grant you eternal victory
over sin, Satan, and death forever.
Nonetheless, you should smile within your heart today, because our
heavenly Father loves you just as our Lord Jesus Christ loves you
nailed to the cross, because he was born by the Holy Spirit through
David’s virgin daughter thus to grant you eternal life with the
glorified-body heavenly bound, moreover descended to hell so you do
not have to go there anymore. And that is why that our Lord Jesus
Christ also said: I will in no wise cast out anyone approaching me to
find refuge within my heart and under the shadows of mine wings that
were injured nailed to Adam and Eve’s dead crossed trees thus finally
to receive the bread of life that our heavenly Father offered them to
eat in paradise.
I will certainly receive you with all the love that I manifested for
you over Jerusalem’s holy hill nailed to Adam and Eve’s dead crossed-
trees, so they may eat with you the bread from heaven and drink from
the cup the atoning-blood shed for the forgiveness of sin and the
eternal-reconciliation with our heavenly Father, and His holy angels
in heaven. Therefore, why wait anymore: just go ahead and partake of
the Lord’s Table to eat the bread from heaven and drink from the cup
of wine that is our Lord Jesus Christ atoning-blood turned into living-
water to forgive and erase your sins, heal your body from sickness,
and set you free from hell to return to your home in heaven forever
saved. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of