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Dec 13, 2012, 9:40:30 AM12/13/12
Sábado, 08 de Diciembre, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

SIEMPRE: Nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones son para las familias
de las más de ochenta y un victimas desaparecidas, y más de sesenta
mil desplazados por los estragos dejado atrás del tifón “Bopha” o
“Pablo”, en el archipiélago de las Filipinas.
Por ello, le agradecemos a nuestro Padre celestial porque él mismo
envió a su Hijo Jesucristo con grandes poderes y autoridades
especiales de su nombre y de su palabra sagrada, para salvar a la
humanidad entera de catástrofes así: para que las almas se salven del
mal eterno, y los que siguen viviendo entonces vivan bajo sus grandes
bendiciones conquistadas.
Y estas son bendiciones que nuestro Padre celestial conquistó por
medio de su Hijo Jesucristo sobre el Sinaí y su roca herida y sobre el
monte santo de Jerusalén, en donde visiblemente su Cordero con la
sangre salvadora la derramó gota a gota sobre tierra para redimir a
todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña del pecado y el infierno eterno.
Porque sobre el Sinaí y su roca herida y sobre el monte santo de
Jerusalén, nuestro Padre celestial demostró grandemente su amor santo
por Israel y la humanidad entera, para que el alma del hombre viva
siempre libre para adorarle, honrarle y exaltarle todos los días de su
vida por toda la tierra, por sus palabras y las obras de sus manos.
Además, para nuestro Padre celestial alcanzar esta gran libertad para
cada uno de nosotros de todas las familias de la tierra, entonces tuvo
que derrotar a Satanás y a cada uno de sus ángeles caídos, para que el
mal que las mentiras de ellos traían a nuestras vidas entonces ya no
tengan efecto alguno, sino solamente la palabra bendita de su Espíritu
Y esta palabra bendita de su Espíritu Santo viene a nosotros
diariamente por su Hijo Jesucristo, porque fue nuestro Señor
Jesucristo quien no solamente nació del vientre virgen de la hija de
David por el poder del Espíritu Santo, sino que también vivió nuestra
vida humana en la tierra para conquistar lo que está escrito en los
Diez Mandamientos para la eternidad.
Y porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo murió sobre los árboles cruzados de
Adán y Eva sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén por nuestros pecados,
entonces también sufrió nuestra muerte en el fondo de la tierra y en
el infierno, para que nosotros no tengamos más que morir ni menos
descender al infierno, sino que ascendemos a la vida eterna del cielo
para siempre.
Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo enseñaba siempre a sus discípulos,
por donde sea que el Espíritu Santo de Dios lo llevase por todo
Israel, de que solamente él es el camino santo, la verdad santa y la
vida santísima para entrar a la vida eterna desde ya; y nadie podrá
ver al Padre celestial, si no se acerca a él primeramente.
Así pues, como nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació del vientre virgen de la
hija de David para cumplir con el Espíritu Santo de la Ley y luego
morir por nuestra culpa en la tierra, para posteriormente resucitar en
el tercer día con una vida totalmente nueva para la eternidad: por
ello, él mismo vive nuestras vidas ahora en el cielo.
Además, como nuestro Señor Jesucristo ascendió para vivir delante
nuestro Padre celestial como nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la
sangre santísima para abogar por nuestras almas progresivamente,
entonces lo hizo para seguir viviendo nuestras vidas infinitamente:
porque ya pronto estaremos todos junto con él y nuestro Padre
celestial, en el amor infinito del Espíritu Santo, para no separarnos
nunca más.
Nuestras oraciones serán siendo siempre llenas de amor por cada una de
todas las familias filipinas, para que nuestro Padre celestial
continúe enviando de la palabra santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo y de
su Espíritu Santo a sus vidas, para que reciban ayuda del cielo en
todo momento, para que jamás les falte ningún bien conquistado departe
de nuestro Padre celestial. ¡Amén!)


On this day, as our heavenly Father goes through the land to strike
down the Egyptian, then He will look for the blood over the doorframe
and both sides of the door, and as He sees the atoning-blood He will
pass over that door and will not allow the destroyer to enter into
the house to kill the first-born. This the atoning-blood that our
heavenly Father had commanded Moses to take from the Chosen Lamb that
he had sacrificed before Him to spill it over the doorframe and side
posts of the door of every Israelite home, so that house may be
separated for salvation.

Therefore, as our heavenly Father may go by every house through the
night, then if He sees the atoning-blood over the cross of the
doorframe and side posts, immediately He will see it and remember His
Pact of Life by passing by each home without allowing the destroyer to
enter through the door to kill the first-born of the family. This is
the atoning-blood that our heavenly Father commanded Israel not only
to spill it over the doorframe of the home-doors within the land of
Goshen thus to escape Egypt’s bondage, but also continue to spill it
over the doorframe of the houses that they will inhabit wherever they
may go to live on earth.

Because, if they fail to obey this commandment given initially to
Moses for Israel to escape Egypt’s bondage, then He will visit them
regularly throughout the land wherever they may live on earth, and if
He sees the cross (doorframe-side-posts) of the door spilled with the
atoning-blood, certainly He will remember His Pact of Life to protect
that house from the destroyer. However, if He does not see the Pact of
the Atoning-blood spilled over the doorframe and side posts of their
homes, wherever they may live on earth, then they have invalidated His
Pact of Life thus He is powerless to stop the destroyer from entering
into their homes to destroy everything that they may have until they
are completely ruined.

Since, it was a Pact of the Atoning-blood from the sacrificed Lamb
that our heavenly Father allowed them not only to leave Egypt and its
bondage but also helped them to enrich themselves with the gold and
silver of the Egyptians to cross the Red sea in dry ground with walls
of water on both sides finally to step into secured land. Therefore,
this is the atoning-blood from the Lamb that Moses had seeing over
Mount Sinai’s summit doing all these wonderful rituals for them to
escape Egypt with richness thus to cross the Red sea in dry ground
later to stand on secured ground, and ready to worship our heavenly
Father and His glorious Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood at Mount
Sinai’s foot.

Given that, this is where that our heavenly Father had to bring Israel
to so they may stand before His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood thus not only to receive him as their high priest
and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood of their eternal deliverance
from Egypt’s cruelties, but also worship him as King Messiah to
fulfill love, truth and justice. Provided that, it was the burning
cross that Moses saw first from a distance that its fire was not
consuming its surroundings as a normal fire would, thus he was duty-
bound by the power of love from the Holy Spirit to approach it and
find Jesus Christ there suffering as never before for Israel to escape
Egypt’s eternal repression.

Therefore, it was the cross spilled with the Pact of the Atoning-blood
from the sacrificed Lamb that Israel was able to escape Egypt with the
gold, silver and richness finally to stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to
see again for themselves our Lord Jesus Christ standing over the
injured-rock with his arms wide open to give them his water to drink.
On this day, Israel drank from the cross rising upward from the
injured-rock living water that came out from our Lord Jesus Christ’s
wounds, so they may receive life from him to live through the desert
until they will finally please our heavenly Father’s heart to start
their way into the Promised Land with His Son’s Jesus Christ as their

Therefore, here at Mount Sinai’s foot our Lord Jesus Christ stood over
the injured-rock where he had been initially slain from Creation day
in heaven, so Israel may meet her liberator from Egypt that had
personally enriched them with the silver, gold and fine clothing from
the Egyptians thus to cross the Red sea and enter into an eternal Pact
of Life. This is a Pact of Life that our heavenly Father had started
initially with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because all of them were
served the bread and wine of the Lord’s Table by the hand of
Melchizedek, so they may become born from the Holy Spirit into a
glorious nation that will serve our heavenly Father’s high priest and
Lamb forever.

Inasmuch as, this is our heavenly Father’s perfect will for every one
on earth that they may serve Him through His high priest and Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood, so their sins may be forgiven each day,
become heal from their wounds and infirmities, and live a pleasant
life worthy of His anointed name thus to love, serve and glorify Him
forever. Here, our Lord Jesus Christ stood over the injured-rock with
his arms extended towards them as the salvation-cross spilled with the
atoning-blood from the sacrificed Lamb over the doorframe and side
posts of their homes, so they may receive from him power of
Righteousness to escape eventually their certain death in Egypt to
inherit a new land chosen by our heavenly Father.

Therefore, it was our heavenly Father’s will that Israel would take
the cross spilled with the chosen Lamb’s atoning-blood from Egypt to
cross the Red sea in dry ground and with walls of water finally to
step into dry ground to walk towards Mount Sinai’s foot and see for
themselves the burning-cross that Moses saw first thus to serve him
forever. And Israel had to stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to receive
their personal liberator from Egypt, because these were the words that
our heavenly Father had manifested to Moses initially by saying: you
will return to this mountain to serve me, so the people may know that
I am your God, and my Lamb with the atoning-blood is your savior

Moreover, it is here where our heavenly Father needed to have Moses
with Israel standing under the feet of His Son Jesus Christ, because
this is the place where His Chosen Lamb had shed the atoning-blood
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so He may not only create the
world with all things but also liberate them from sin forever.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to have Israel standing at
Mount Sinai’s foot not only because He needed Israel to meet His
blessed Son as their liberator from Egypt but also because they needed
to worship him as such, so they may receive from him the Holy Spirit
with power and authority thus to establish Himself as God of Israel

Without a doubt, it is because of this personal encounter with our
Lord Jesus Christ that Israel had that they were not only ready to
receive the Holy Spirit from him but also the Tablets of the Ten
Commandments, so they may take them safely across the desert into the
Promised Land where they will be finally glorified by God Himself. And
without this encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ standing over the
injured-rock at Mount Sinai’s foot with his arms stretched out towards
them, then Israel could have never possibly receive him as their
liberation Righteousness from Egypt’s bondage much less receive from
him the tablets of the commandments thus to glorify them within the
Promised Land in due time.

However, thanks be to our heavenly Father, because He took them to
Mount Sinai’s foot to stand before our Lord Jesus Christ with his arms
stretched out towards them, so they may receive him as their personal
savior, and as their baptizer from the Holy Spirit to receive the
tablets of the commandments to take them safely into the Promised
Land. For our heavenly Father had chosen Israel since Creation day to
take the tablets of the commandments, with the promise of the virgin
birth of everyone’s eternal life, beginning with Adam and Eve from
paradise, to be born from David’s daughter with the sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood thus to launch a new world into
existence with His Son’s resurrected glorious life forever.

Forasmuch as, this new world with glorious skies could have never been
possible unless a glorious life born from one of David’s virgin
daughter could finally fulfill into eternal glorification the Holy
Spirit of the commandments, died crucified on the cross of Adam and
Eve over Jerusalem’s holy hill, bury in the grave of the rich, and
resurrect on the third day. Therefore, the return to heaven of every
man, woman and child, indeed, it is a resurrected life that started
with the virgin birth from the Holy Spirit through David’s daughter,
so we may have eternal life back into our personal newly glorified
bodies of a sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood never to
abandon heaven again to live separated from our heavenly Father.

For this is the new life within a new earth with glorious skies that
our heavenly Father dreamed for Israel and the nations soon to inherit
through faith in His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ slain initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, so they may enter together into
eternal life forever saved. Truly, this is the new earth with glorious
skies that our heavenly Father had in mind as He personally promised
to grant to Abraham and his descendants forever on earth, because He
desires to live with every man, woman and child from the nations, and
within the New Jerusalem from heaven above, so they may soon become
one big family into eternity.

Now, the Promised Land that Israel needed to conquer on this world, it
is Israel with its capital Jerusalem where His blessed Son Jesus
Christ had to be born by the Holy Spirit, so he may live the every day
ritual of the commandments thus to fulfill them to the highest glories
possible in heaven thus to attain salvation for everyone forever.
Unquestionably, this was something that no one else could ever do on
earth except God himself, therefore He himself, and no other, had to
be born from one of David’s daughter to enter into Israel’s life and
the nations, too, through a virgin womb with everyone’s eternal
salvation, divinely dressed with the sacred-body to reenter heaven
anyday forever saved into eternity.

Really, this is an eternal life that our heavenly Father needed to
grant to Adam and Eve while they were living in paradise with Him and
His glorious angels, but they failed to obey Him by eating from the
forbidden fruit, from the tree of life of good and evil, as they were
to eat instead from the tree of life. And this tree of life that Adam
and Eve were called initially to eat from in paradise is our Lord
Jesus Christ himself, because he is the bread of life in heaven for
the angels, and he also is the drink from the water of life for
everyone’s eternal salvation in our heavenly Father’s holy-presence.

Therefore, as Adam and Eve failed to eat from him the fruit of life,
then they became born into the spirit of disobedience (spirit of
error) that not only disobeys bluntly our heavenly Father’s call for
truth, life and righteousness but also continues to disobey Him
through His glorious supreme celestial sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood shed since Creation day for “reconciliation.” And this is the
fruit of life that our heavenly Father granted initially to Moses as
he saw our Lord Jesus Christ burning with Righteousness upon the cross
high on Mount Sinai, for the fire of the first-celestial-holocaust was
burning ferociously but not spreading as normal fire would, for this
fire was different of that from earth for Israel to escape Egypt

This is the fire from our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial
sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai that needed to enter into Egypt with
Moses, so to burn every day until Pharaoh and his people could not
longer resist its burning Righteousness, and let Israel go with Jesus
Christ to Canaan. Forasmuch as, it was Jesus Christ that was not only
liberating them from Egypt with his burning Righteousness but also he
was the Righteous way, the Righteous truth, and the Righteous life to
walk trough the Red sea in dry ground and walls of waters thus to
stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to receive him in person as their personal
savior perpetually.

Thenceforth, our Lord Jesus Christ continued to be the way, truth and
life for Israel to go through the desert by defeating many nations
many times more powerful than they would ever be thus finally to enter
the Promised Land to defeat the nations that were living there also,
so they may possess it for the birth of everyone’s King Messiah. For
this is the reason that our heavenly Father liberated Israel from
Egypt initially, so they may go to live in it until His blessed Son
Jesus Christ would be born into the world by the power of the Holy
Spirit, so Israel may have the eternal life necessary with the sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood to ascend to heaven anyday
eternally saved.

For our heavenly Father wanted to take the entire nation of Israel
into heaven in those days, for the nations to see that it is good to
love, serve, and glorify Him only through His supreme celestial-
sacrificed Son’s life since Creation day, so they may all follow
Israel into heaven, too, and become one big divine family forever into
all eternity. However, due to Israel’s constant rebellion not only
against Moses and our heavenly Father’s high priest and Chosen Lamb
that is our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach but also daring to return to
Egypt, then He could not properly do what He had initially started
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-
rock to ascend into heaven with them saved.

Nevertheless, it still is our heavenly Father’s will that His blessed
Son Jesus Christ would reign over Israel and the nations throughout
the ages, because only in him He is well pleased in everything that is
done on earth with every man, woman and child, moreover with every
angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and many other holy creatures in
heaven above. And without Jesus Christ, our heavenly Father will never
be pleased by any one on earth much less in heaven above with His
angels that serve faithfully the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
eternal commandments, commandments glorified within Israel thanks to
His Son’s virgin-birth, glorified-life, crucifixion-death,
resurrection on the third day, and ascension back into heaven
victoriously over Satan forever.

That is why that our heavenly Father manifested initially His blessed
Son Jesus Christ over Mount Sinai to Moses to be God’s Righteousness
to Abraham, God’s Righteousness to Isaac, and God’s Righteousness to
Jacob, so Israel may know that they have a Righteous God to serve all
the days of their lives thus to enter into heaven forever saved on the
last day. In addition, while still on Mount Sinai our heavenly Father
took Moses into heaven for forty days and forty nights, so He may show
him the glories of His celestial Tabernacle where His blessed Son
Jesus Christ had been slain since Creation day thus to shed his
atoning-blood (Gn. 1:2) for the creation of things and the nations as

Therefore, Moses saw our Lord Jesus Christ face to face over Mount
Sinai’s summit and within the Holy of Holiest of the Tabernacle in
heaven, so he may come up Mount Sinai or enter into the Holy of
Holiest in heaven anyday to speak to God about the things that were
concerning him or that of Israel, too. This meant that Moses could
come up to Mount Sinai anyday and anytime to speak to our Lord Jesus
Christ as God’s Righteousness for Israel, so our heavenly Father may
do all the things that they needed thus to continue on their way to
the Promised Land victoriously, and conquer it for the glory of His
blessed name and eternal commandments.

However, the Levite high priest could only enter into the Holy of
Holiest or even go up to Mount Sinai if it was necessary but only once
a year with a sacrificed lamb for his sins, a sacrificed lamb for his
family, and a sacrificed lamb for Israel, and having accomplished the
necessary rituals then he could enter into our Lord Jesus Christ’s
presence. Otherwise, the Levite high priest of that year in service
could not enter into the Holy of Holiest of the Tabernacle much less
see our heavenly Father’s Righteousness face-to-face that was our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as God’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood,
so his prayers, that of his family, and Israel’s could be heard and
answered in good time.

Really, throughout Israel’s journey in the desert to the Promised
Land, Moses entered into the Holy of Holiest countless times, because
problems were always arising against him and his leadership within
Israel, so he had to seek our heavenly Father’s help through His
continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since
Creation day thus to receive the correct counsel to rule Israel. And
it is within the Holy of Holiest that the tablets of the commandments
were kept safe and secure, so no one unholy may touch them until
Israel eventually will enter into the Promised Land with our Lord
Jesus Christ seating within the Holy of Holiest’s mercy seat thus to
intercede always for Moses and Israel’s favor before our heavenly

Meaning also that our heavenly Father made His blessed Son, our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, king of Israel even before he manifested himself
within the fire of the supreme celestial-sacrifice of his atoning-
blood shed within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the injured-
rock, so at Mount Sinai’s foot Israel began to carry Jesus Christ
through the desert into the Promised Land. That is exactly what Israel
did for forty years in the desert: they carry our Lord Jesus Christ
over their heads within the SHEKINAH cloud with his arms always open
and stretched out towards them thus to receive from him the Holy
Spirit’s manna from the Golden pot and the water from the injured-rock
all the way into the Promised Land.

Prophetically, Israel had to carry our Lord Jesus Christ over their
heads standing within the SHEKINAH cloud with his arms stretched out
always towards them thus to let them know that this is how that he was
going to be nailed to Aaron’s staff, so he may spill his atoning-blood
over them for forgiveness, healing, protection, and salvation. With
conviction, this was something that only Israel could do for our
heavenly Father in the midst of all the nations, and this is to take
from Mount Sinai’s foot his supreme celestial-sacrifice that is Jesus
Christ seated over the mercy seat, so His blessed Son may enter
triumphantly into the Promised Land for His blessed name’s new
conquered glories into eternity.

For this is the service that our heavenly Father waited for Israel to
execute before Him at Mount Sinai’s foot and through the desert, so
they may enter together into the Promised Land with their King Messiah
seating over the mercy seat to reign with truth, justice, and
immeasurable love (grace) thus for Israel to become always anointed
with the Holy Spirit’s gifts. By way of prediction, always through the
desert as the Levite high priest entered once a year into the Holy of
Holiest of the tabernacle, then, in some years, He would kill him that
had touched with the Lamb’s atoning-blood his right earlobe and his
right toe thus to show Israel how their coming high priest was going
to die to cover sin forever.

Now, our heavenly Father had to do this in some years by killing the
Levite high priest of that year in course not because of sin or
because the rituals of the first, second and third lamb sacrifices
were done incorrectly or in an unholy manner, but to show them
something very important in days to come, and for their children, too.
Nevertheless, our heavenly Father did this without any previous
warning to show Israel that their many sacrifices failed to cover sin
always before Him, however, by the sudden death of their coming King
Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, then sin would be covered finally
forever on earth and in heaven, so they may live everlastingly saved
and justified into all eternity.

This meant also that with their high priest dead and covered with the
Lamb’s atoning-blood from head to feet, then their sins were not only
covered and erased from their lives forever but also their names will
be written in the Lamb’s book of life, and this is to have their names
secured for salvation in Judgment Day, in heaven. Because, in Judgment
Day any one not found in the Lamb’s book of life, then is cast out
into the lake of fire with the sinners, idolaters, mockers, wicked,
adulterers, hypocrites, criminals, witches, liars, double-crossers,
traitors, backbiters, and so forth, given that they failed to receive
within their hearts His Son’s atoning-blood to spill it over their
(heart’s) doorframe to secure salvation.

For this is the only way possible that sin will eventually disappear
from the face of the earth and from heaven, too, as from where Satan
lied to Adam and Eve through the serpent to eat from the forbidden
fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil instead of eating
from the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ! For the reason that, the
fruit of life that our heavenly Father wanted Adam and Eve to eat from
the beginning of all things in heaven, indeed it was from His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood, so they may have His
Son’s atoning-blood running with eternal life through their sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones thus to live in heaven, perfect, holy, and
forever saved.

However, because Adam ate from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly
Father commanded him never to approach much less to eat from it, then
he was reborn into the spirit of error with his wife Eve that ate from
it first, deceived by the old serpent that said that she could eat it
to become as God: knowing good and evil forever. Initially, this sin
was committed in paradise by Adam’s disobedience to our heavenly
Father’s word that commanded him to eat from the tree of life that is
His blessed Son Jesus Christ so he may become as him: holy and
perfect, and that is why that Adam had to die to return to earth from
where he was taken first.

Now, Adam had to die because sin was all over his entire body,
therefore, his children will also be born into the spirit of
disobedience against God to refuse to eat from the fruit from the tree
of life, so they may become as His blessed Son Jesus Christ from head
to feet, and this is to be holy and perfect forever. Without delay,
Adam with his children had to eat from the fruit from the tree of life
that is His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because he is the Eternal Lamb
with the atoning-blood, thus this is the only way possible that they
will be born from the Holy Spirit to become as holy and perfect as He
is forever before His holy angels.

And because Adam with his children failed to eat from the fruit from
the tree of life that is in the epicenter of paradise, then now our
heavenly Father had to send His blessed Son Jesus Christ to manifest
himself gloriously as His personal high priest and Lamb with the
atoning-blood over Mount Sinai, so men everywhere may eat from him
salvation-Righteousness. Meaning also that the only way for every one,
beginning with Adam and Eve from paradise, to return to our heavenly
Father and His eternal life in heaven, then they must eat and drink
daily from the fruit from the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus
Christ shining mightily over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock or Jerusalem’s
holy hill.

Otherwise, humankind can never truly return to the life that we ought
to know in this world and in the next one as the New Jerusalem
glorious and colossal from heaven above that is filled with love,
peace, happiness, and endless prosperity for our living souls that
will grow through eternity in our heavenly Father’s and His blessed
Son’s true divine-knowledge. Because, the truth is that as we will
inherit our heavenly Father’s eternal life through the glorious life
of His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-
blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
over the injured-rock, then we will also inherit His glorious true
divine-knowledge thus to know all things forever into all eternity to

That is to say, that every time that our heavenly Father looks down
from heaven to see what we have done so far for the glory of His
blessed name and eternal commandments, then he directs His eyes to the
doorframe and side posts of our hearts thus to see if our heart’s door
is spilled with His blessed Son’s atoning-blood. And if we have His
Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood spilled over the doorframe of our
hearts then He knows that all His work since the day we were born from
His image to live according to His likeness forever on earth and in
heaven, indeed it is been worth the time, effort, and everlastingly-
fruitful for His name’s new conquered glories.

That is to say, also that each time that you may think of His Son’s
anointed name within your heart, then the atoning-blood that was shed
either within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai’s
injured-rock, and finally over Jerusalem’s holy hill, it is glorifying
Him mightily before His faithful angels in heaven these days and well
into eternity. For His Son’s atoning-blood will liberate you from all
your troubles, difficulties, infirmities, and even threats of death
from Satan and his angel of death just as it liberated Israel from
Egypt, so you may cross the Red sea in dry ground with walls of waters
to stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to receive Jesus Christ forever as your
personal everlasting savior.

Truthfully, no one can live a safe and secure life in this world
unless he/she has received Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior, so
his atoning-blood may protect him/her, their loved ones, including
friends, too, from Satan’s wilds as he may come to them as the
destroyer to enter into their lives and do as he may well please with
incredible wickedness. That is to say, that Satan may come into your
life, that is, if the doorframe of your house is not spilled with our
Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed initially within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, and finally over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may have protection and salvation-
Righteousness forever into eternity on earth and in heaven.

Meaning also that if the doorframe of your home is spilled with our
Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood today, then our heavenly Father will
feel comfortable with you that He may personally visit you
occasionally thus to see how well you are doing with your loved ones
and friends, and He may leave a blessing for you behind before He
returns to heaven. Provided that, as our heavenly Father descends upon
our lives these days just as He did it occasionally with the ancients
thus to see how well they were doing or leave a message, then it was
already a glorious blessing to have Him around, nevertheless, as He
normally returned to heaven, He will leave a blessing behind for His
faithful ones to enjoy.

Really, our heavenly Father’s glory descends daily into our lives
since our Lord Jesus Christ lay down his life as ransom for sin in
heaven thus to create the world, so everyone born on earth may be born
under the blessings of His Pact of Life that started with His Son
Jesus Christ for His children may receive holiness, perfection, and
eternal salvation. These days, it is the same call from our heavenly
Father to every one everywhere to spill His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s
atoning-blood over the doorframe of their homes, so as He may pass
over the house anytime He may see the atoning-blood for forgiveness,
blessings, healing, and eternal salvation for everyone within that
household, and Satan will never enter into it.

Inasmuch as, where is our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood spilled
over the home’s doorframe then Satan sees the ancient cross never to
dare venture in for the atoning-blood’s perfect Righteousness scares
him and his fallen angels, too, that the only thing they can think to
do in its presence, indeed it is to flee to safety, and that is hell
for them. And the only things that you should have in hell are the
demons that tried harshly to torment you with their usual lies,
problems, difficulties, infirmities, diseases, and death, for example,
and, of course, all of your sins, too, and never your living soul,
since it is inhuman to be tormented by flames and demons day and night
throughout eternity.

However, for our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit and his faithful angels
means day and night to come into your life anytime because our Lord
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood welcomes them always to enter and leave
their blessings behind for the dwellers of that home, so our heavenly
Father’s glories may expand rapidly into the other homes nearby for
His name’s new glories. For this is how our heavenly Father loves to
preach and teach His powerful words to His loved ones and friends, so
they may come to the knowledge of the glorious amazing acting powers
of the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and eternal glorified
commandments operating day and night within your life and those of
your loved ones, too.

That is to say, also that every time someone somewhere on earth
receives Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior, then this means that
our heavenly Father’s glories are increasing on earth for darkness to
die out and heaven’s light may continue to shine powerfully before the
angels thus to love, serve, and glorify Him more than ever in His
glorious name. Therefore, these days if you really want to see less or
no darkness anywhere near you, then this means that you have to have
the doorframe of your heart spilled with our heavenly Father’s high
priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, so as our heavenly
Father may stop by then He will see the atoning-blood thus to bless
you mightily.

And our heavenly Father will bless you by leaving wonderful blessings
behind as He returns to heaven, because the amazing powers of His
Son’s atoning-blood will have covered forever all of your sins, and
those of your loved ones, including those of your friends, because
only His Son’s atoning-blood can cover sin forever, and not that of
the usual sacrificial animals. Moreover, our heavenly Father will
command the destroyer to stay away from you and your loved ones, too,
so no evil may overtake you in this life and in the next one to come,
because our heavenly Father has commanded His Holy Spirit and angelic
hosts to bless those that have His Son’s atoning-blood written all
over their hearts.

For sure, this is when problems, difficulties, infirmities, and even
threats of death will flee from you one after another never to return
to you, because now you are filled with light from the atoning-blood
instead of darkness as when the spirit of error was dominant or ruling
your life due to sin and the absence of Jesus Christ in your heart.
Moreover, the Holy Spirit with His angels will bless you mightily
beyond your wildest dream, because that is the only thing they love to
do with you, and this is to bless you as you have never been blessed
before and even in the day you were born in our heavenly Father’s
image to live according to His likeness forever into eternity.

And as you are blessed by the Holy Spirit and His angels, then they
will be blessing the wonderful life that our Lord Jesus Christ brought
into the world through a virgin birth through David’s daughter, so you
may dress soon with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-
blood that will only give you a blissful life to enjoy these days and
eternity. Because, to have your heart spilled its doorframe and side
posts with our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock and later Jerusalem’s holy
hill, then you have entered through the gate of eternal life in heaven
only to know forgiveness, healing, blessings, prosperity, and

And today you must make it with your loved ones and friends through
this glorious gate stained with our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood,
so as you may go through it then you will be covered by it amazingly
thus to protect you from sin, death and hell in this life and in the
next one to come in heaven forever into eternity. Providing that, this
is Jerusalem’s gate in heaven above where our heavenly Father has made
for you a dwelling place filled with gold, precious-stones, and
amazing greatness that pleases your heart, soul, mind, body and human
spirit thus to enjoy His magnificent presence as you were born
initially from Him to enjoy His blissful life forever with your loved

Soon, our heavenly Father will go through the land again just as He
normally does and if He sees on your door His blessed Son Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai and finally over Jerusalem’s holy
hill, then He will leave a blessing behind for you to enjoy with your
loved ones always. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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