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Jul 25, 2013, 10:03:58 AM7/25/13
Sábado, 20 de Julio, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador -Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

JESUCRISTO VIVE POR COLOMBIA Y POR TODA NUESTRA AMÉRICA: Nuestro amor, oraciones y condolencias son para nuestras hermanas familias colombianas que perdieron a sus muy amados y amistades en el alud que se presentó, sin previo aviso, en una de sus carreteras.

El alud sorprendió la vida de cinco personas y desapareció a quince y, además, quizás haya carros y casas enterradas en el lodo cenagoso todavía.

Hoy, le pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre glorioso de su Hijo Jesucristo, que haya recibido a éstas almas preciosas que se levantaron en el momento del siniestro, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo trazó el camino, la verdad y la vida por donde levantarse hacia su presencia santísima, en el cielo eterno, para jamás volverse a separar de él.

Ciertamente, ellos caminaran con nuestro Señor Jesucristo tomado de sus manos santas, las cuales llevan las heridas del precio ya pagado de sus pecados, para presentarse delante de nuestro Padre celestial como sus retoños que volvieron a nacer del poder del Espíritu Santo, para entrar a la vida eterna y así vivir la felicidad que siempre sus corazones anhelaron sentir infinitamente.

Hoy en día, ellos son los nuevos hijos de Dios en el cielo delante de sus ángeles santísimos, para amar, servir y glorificar por siempre a nuestro Padre celestial y a su nombre muy santo cada día de sus nuevos días de vida en la nueva eternidad celestial, ¡gracias a la gran obra salvadora de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo!

Por ello, es bueno siempre tener a nuestro Señor Jesucristo viviendo en nuestros corazones permanentemente, por fe, como nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero de Dios con la sangre santísima que nos limpia de pecado constantemente, para ya no vivir más en el espíritu de error de Satanás, sino en los poderes asombrosos y todopoderosos de cada día del Espíritu Santo.

Visto que, para nuestro Padre celestial es causa de gran alegría eterna en su corazón santísimo, de donde nacimos en el cielo, en el día que salimos de él en su imagen para vivir conforme a su semejanza celestial, para toda la eternidad venidera; y éste gozo santísimo del corazón eterno de nuestro Padre celestial invade todo los rincones del reino angelical.

Y si nuestro Padre celestial se llena de alegría por ti, porque has recibido en tu corazón a su Hijo Jesucristo como tu único y suficiente salvador de tu alma eterna, entonces todos los ángeles lo celebran desde ya con baile y gozo: porque ya no eres del reino del infierno, sino que desde ahora perteneces a la vida eterna del nuevo reino angelical.

Nuestras oraciones y amor serán siempre por las familias de las victimas y por toda Colombia, también, para que nuestro Padre celestial los ame infinitamente, para que sean bendecidos por amor a Jesucristo quien nos hace retoñar de su Espíritu Santo, para llenarnos de vida y de salud eterna cada día en la tierra y así en el cielo para siempre.

Felicidades a todas nuestras familias hermanas colombianas por estos días festivos, en el cual se recuerda el Grito de Independencia de Colombia, y de todas las naciones hermanas de nuestra Gran Iberoamérica, también.

¡Feliz Día de Independencia del yudo Español a toda Colombia!, le deseamos de todo corazón a cada uno de nuestros hermanos colombianos y de nuestras hermanas colombianas.

Y que nuestro Padre celestial los siga bendiciendo grandemente con los poderes extraordinarios de su Espíritu Santo cada día de sus vidas, para que los deseos de sus corazones se materialicen grandemente por milagros y por maravillas, para gloria y honra de su nombre santísimo y de su Hijo Jesucristo. ¡Amén!


Abraham, in obedience to our heavenly Father’s word, took his only son Isaac and tied him from hand to foot, just as he would normally tie an every day lamb for the sacrifice, then he placed him over the altar to cut him to pieces before our heavenly Father in heaven, so his blood may be shed to cover sin forever. On this day, over Mount Moriah Abraham needed to shed his son Isaac’s blood as a burn offering before our heavenly Father in heaven, so sin may die thus to please once in for all truth and justice on earth and in heaven everlastingly for his children to live liberated from the threat of darkness.

Furthermore, Abraham needed to shed his son Isaac’s blood immediately, because this is a bloodline that had be born by the power of the Holy Spirit since Sarah his wife was unable to give birth to Isaac without our heavenly Father’s help from heaven above; Sarah’s womb was barren thus an unable to bear a son to Abraham for many years. Certainly, this is an especial bloodline in our heavenly Father’s eyes on earth for the glory of His ancient altar in heaven within the Holy of Holiest where His Son Jesus Christ (our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach) shed his atoning-blood initially for the creation of the world and all things, so men may live to come to know His salvation name.

Timely, this blood needed to be shed immediately over the mountaintop thus to end sin on earth and in heaven, because sin was born in heaven’s angel rebellion initially and not on earth, consequently, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do right away but not with Isaac however, instead with the celebrated sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ. Now, our heavenly Father needed to shed this especial bloodline from Isaac’s veins over the mountaintop in due time, but mainly to run first through Abraham’s children’s veins, because He assured Abraham that only in Isaac his descendants will be counted into the millions that its number could never be known ever just as the starts from heaven above are impossible to count.

Therefore, it was important for Abraham to ascend to Mount Moriah with his son Isaac, so he may fulfill our heavenly Father’s will by placing over His altar the one that carries in his heart and veins the bloodline that will eventually give us His blessed Son Jesus Christ, moreover finally shed his atoning-blood timely for sin to die forever. Therefore, after Abraham offered the lamb that our heavenly Father had provided for the burn offering over Mount Moriah that he found caught between the branches of old withered-trees (Adam and Eve), then he cut the branches to burn the lamb before our Father in heaven, so he may finally descend with his son Isaac to share his bloodline with his descendants.

On this day, Abraham descended Mount Moriah with his son Isaac noticeably blessed to pass this unique bloodline that had been born into the world not by the will of man but by our heavenly Father’s, because Isaac had been born from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit to start a new bloodline for humankind. Certainly, this will be the bloodline that will give us the perfect sacred-flesh, the unbroken bones, and the atoning-blood to form in each one of us our divine-body to return to heaven forever justified, because this bloodline was destined to give us our Lord Jesus Christ holy and perfect from head to foot, so our sins will never be remembered again.

Therefore, this bloodline was destined to be shed by our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-body over the mountaintop as our Father’s high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, thus to erase sin from earth, moreover, destroy the angel of death and Satan with his fallen angels in the lake of fire, as hell is finally cast into it for its destruction. Yet, Abraham needed to descend from Mount Moriah with his son Isaac blessed infinitely, so Jacob may be born in this bloodline that will be passed on to the twelve tribes of Israel, for the promise of the coming Messiah may never die but, instead live on through the generations until he finally may come into the world to conquer it forever.

Because, if our heavenly Father could conquer the world through the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, then he could fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments and of His holy name for eternal life to flourish throughout humankind forever into eternity, so none of them may be lost to hell but, instead save them for the new angelic Kingdom. Moreover, have the power finally to destroy hell and its inhuman torments that torment day and night those souls that had descended into this terrible place of eternal death and destruction, because they died without fulfilling justice within their hearts, moreover they failed to confess with their lips for salvation the celebrated sacrificed-life of Jesus Christ before our Father in heaven.

Unquestionably, the world needed to be conquered by our Lord Jesus Christ’s virgin birth through David’s daughter thus to introduce into it for the first time eternal life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments that could never be fulfilled by any one on earth except by the Holy One of Israel’s sacrificed-life. That is to say, also that everyone born after Isaac as Jacob, for example, would inherit this especial bloodline that had entered into the world through a Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father started with Abraham and his friends, as His blessed Son Melchizedek served the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table to start a new miracle-life on earth.

This is how our heavenly Father needed the twelve tribes of Israel to be born from the bloodline that had been brought into the world through Isaac as he was born miraculously from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, by the power of the Holy Spirit, so they may become a great nation on earth filled with the Holy Spirit’s gifts into everlasting. Since, the amazing life that our heavenly Father had granted to Abraham and his descendants, including his friends from everywhere as well, is a pristine-life filled with the Holy Spirit’s gifts of miracles, richness, and great works on earth and in heaven above, so they may live blessed every day of their lives on earth as they ascend into heaven forever justified.

This is the bloodline that every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel not only had to shine over Mount Sinai for Moses and Israel, but also to take it to the Promised Land where King David’s virgin daughter would be born timely thus to give birth to our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach by the power of the Holy Spirit. Given that, through David’s virgin-womb will not only give us our Lord Jesus Christ with the perfect sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood that will fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments thus to glorify it to the max in our lives perpetually, but also receive the gift of eternal life to return to our heavenly Father in heaven vindicated from sin.

This is our Lord Jesus Christ born into the world just as Isaac was born by the Holy Spirit from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, however, our savior was born from David’s daughter virgin-womb thus to grant us a new foundation, moreover granted us the sacred-body liberated from Satan’s lies, curses and death that takes us cursed into hell’s torment each day. Presently, this is a miracle-life that our heavenly Father has granted each one to possess these days through the resurrected-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because his atoning-blood has cleansed us from all the powers of Satan’s lies, curses, and terrible threats of death that were destroying our lives little by little thus to cast us into hell forever lost.

This is a divine-life that has no beginning much less an end, because it has always existed with us as we were born from our heavenly Father’s image to live according to His Son’s likeness, by the power of the Holy Spirit through the ages in heaven, on earth and within the New Jerusalem from heaven above, where pristine-love thrives profusely. This is the true life that our heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit know very well that yearn around the clock to return to it the sooner the better, because the life that we are living is not the life that we are supposed to be living currently, because it has believed Satan’s lies through the lying serpent from Eden.

Therefore, this life that we are living these days on earth that we were born into since the day we emerged from our mother’s womb, then we have been living in the realm of the spirit of error which is the spirit of lies, curses, infirmities, necessities, and finally death to descend to the terrible tormenting flames of hell eternally condemned. However, our heavenly Father does not want to see us living anymore in the realm of the spirit of error, where Satan rules with his fallen angels to do things as his wicked heart pleases, so we may live a defeated-life never to know the glorious birth from the Holy Spirit that ushers us into our heavenly Father’s holy presence instantly.

Therefore, this is a miracle birth from the Holy Spirit that our heavenly Father has granted to each one of us, beginning with Isaac, as Isaac was born from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb through the Holy Spirit, because our Father needed to establish a new bloodline, for the nations to be saved by just believing in His Son Jesus Christ’s shed atoning-blood. As it is written: The life of the animal is in the blood, therefore you will shed it to the ground, because no one is allowed to eat the life of the animal but only its flesh, that has been consumed over the altar’s fire as a burn sacrifice to our Father in heaven, so your sins may be forgiven immediately.

This is something that the ancients had to do every morning and every afternoon before our heavenly Father, they had to sacrifice a lamb to spill its blood to the ground thus to eat only the flesh that had been cooked over the altar’s fire for their sins to go away, and, like this, have their bodies, homes, and land healed. For sin is not only felt within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every one but also upon all things that our heavenly Father has created on earth, and this includes all things in heaven, and those that are under the waters of the earth, so sin can be removed today only by the power of the shed atoning-blood.

Therefore, our heavenly Father required the ancients to remove their sins immediately by sacrificing a lamb to shed its blood to the ground, and cook its meat over the altar’s fire, so their sins could be removed immediately not only from themselves and their loved ones but also from their friends, including all the things that surrounded them everywhere. And you may ask: what is sin before our heavenly Father in heaven? Well, the answer is that sin for our heavenly Father was born in heaven as the fallen angels rebelled by believing in Lucifer that he could exalt his wicked name above His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, and as this wicked thought went through the hearts of the angels to deceive them, then darkness with the spirit of error emerged.

In short, sin is the absence of our Lord Jesus Christ in your life. It is because of this sin that you will eventually land in hell anyday now to be tormented day and night forever into eternity. However, you may say, for example, sin is to break the commandments of the Law—and this is true, because the body of the commandments is as perfect and holy as our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is forever into eternity. Nonetheless, to break the Holy Spirit of the commandments is to break your personal relationship with God that can only exist through the amazing sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ in heaven and on earth, for only Jesus Christ is the God and writer of the commandments that Moses received over Mount Sinai to give to Israel and the nations.

For Jesus Christ is the one that could not only write them with his finger in the tables of the Law that he personally gave to Moses over Mount Sinai for Israel and the world to possess it, but also he is the one that can truly live it to the full without offending the Holy Spirit for salvation to flourish. For salvation was never possible on earth unless the Holy Spirit of the commandments was thoroughly glorified by our heavenly Father, through the glorious sacrificed-life within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, so Israel could live along with the nations forever on earth and in heaven into all eternity, too.

Meaning that, if the Holy Spirit is not glorified in heaven and on earth, then eternal life was impossible for every man, woman and child, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, therefore our Father had to start a Covenant of Life with Abraham, so his son Isaac could be born at last, given that his mother Sarah’s womb was dead. And for this Covenant of Life to start, then our Lord Jesus Christ had to serve the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table as God’s Righteousness and King of Salem (today’s Jerusalem), so Isaac could be born by the Holy Spirit to start a bloodline granting us daily the miracle life that fulfills the Holy Spirit of the commandments perpetually.

This means that with this amazing Covenant that our heavenly Father started with Abraham and his allies, then He could have His Holy Spirit to enter into human life but not by any man’s will but by His personal will, meaning that Isaac needed to be born through the Holy Spirit for the King Messiah to be born into the world timely. In other words, for our heavenly Father to grant to each one of us the magnificent life that pleases Him continuously on earth, and within the New Jerusalem from heaven above, then He had to have His Holy Spirit introduced into human life, and there was no way possible to do it unless He started a Covenant with Abraham and his men.

This means also that as Isaac was born from the power of the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, then our Father introduced the Holy Spirit into human life that has been born into the world with sin (Adam’s sin from paradise), so by having His Spirit introduced successfully into humankind, then He could now lawfully grant us His holy Son. This was very important for our heavenly Father to do through Abraham and with his friends, as well, so He could introduce His Holy Spirit not only into Isaac’s life but also into every one of his descendants, for the King Messiah was coming upon earth to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandants thus to conquer the entire world forever.

Moreover, for our heavenly Father to conquer the world, then He needed for Abraham to descend with his son Isaac from Mount Moriah to give birth to more children through his son Isaac, because only those that were born from Isaac will be counted as his descendants to live this miracle Covenant of Life that will eventually give us eternal life. Meaning that, later Jacob was born with the bloodline that will eventually give us more of Abraham’s children in the world, furthermore granted us the wonderful life that would be born in Israel through one of David’s virgin daughter thus to grant us lastly the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and the atoning-blood for our individual celestial-bodies to return to heaven forever justified.

Therefore, after Isaac was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, then our heavenly Father began to count Abraham’s descendants into the millions that will eventually grant us the divine-life that will fulfill thus to glorify to the full the Holy Spirit of the commandments, so we may all embrace eternal life forever. Moreover, ever since Isaac was born into the world through the Holy Spirit that finally granted everyone else also to be born from the Holy Spirit in a moment of prayer and faith, then Satan has tried all that he can with his wicked cronies to spill this bloodline to the ground until there is not even a living-drop on earth.

For Satan believe that if can eradicate this bloodline that has given him so much headache over the years with his fallen angels, then he will defeat God’s Plan of Salvation, moreover the Holy Spirit will cease to descend upon earth so there is no reason for Jesus Christ to return to earth again, then he can establish his evil-kingdom forever. That is why that we have had so many conflicts, problems, and terrible wars over the years until now, because the spirit of error is working hard with Satan and his fallen angels to shed every drop of blood upon earth, since the blood that is in our veins is life, it is Jesus Christ’s bloodline, so Satan needs to attack it.

This is the reason that Israel has suffered so many wars through the ages even after our King Messiah, The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, was born from David’s virgin daughter, nevertheless Satan continues with his cronies and his usual lies, curses, and hidden-deceptions to destroy this bloodline, because this is a Covenant that has done so much damage to his kingdom of darkness. Meaning also, that if you are Abraham’s child, then Satan will attack you, even though you have never done evil to him, to spill this bloodline to the ground that runs through your veins, or chuck the life from it, because this is the bloodline that introduced the Holy Spirit into humankind with Isaac, moreover granted us lastly Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father did not grant you a Covenant with many blessings through Abraham and his friends later to abandon you but, instead He has granted you amazing powers through the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so you may be born from the Holy Spirit to enjoy His wonderful gifts that Satan always fails to act against them. Well-aimed, our heavenly Father has introduced His Holy Spirit into humankind as He had never done it with any other nation in the world before Abraham’s era, because He needs to see everyone within Israel and the nations reborn from the Holy Spirit to escape the spirit of error thus to live a life of miracles, prosperity, richness, and blessings enduringly.

Certainly, for generations our heavenly Father intended to introduce His Holy Spirit into human life but men were too evil and violent everywhere around the earth that he had to destroy it with flows of waters from heaven above and from waters from under the earth, so all life may be cease to exist, except Noah and his family, and the animals. However, our heavenly Father was able finally to sit with Abraham and his friends at His Supper Table to be served the bread and wine by Jesus Christ, so His bloodline will enter into humankind to grant you life today with the promise that your sins will never be remembered, so you may live a blessed eternal life forever starting now.

This is the amazing-life that our heavenly Father needs to see living these days within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every one within Israel and the nations, because this is the only pristine-life that He is allowing to return to eternal life in heaven above—for the old life will continue its deadly course into hell’s torment. Surely, no one loves the idea to die cursed, because no one wants to descend into hell’s torment to be tormented day and night by Satan and his fallen angels that hate you because our Father loved you so much through the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ, and, unfortunately you rejected negligently His salvation love to die cursed in hell forever.

These days, everyone that has ever descended cursed and lost into hell’s tormenting flames are those that have rejected the amazing-love, grace and peace that our Father had openly manifested through the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ in heaven and on earth, most especially as His Son shed his atoning-blood over Jerusalem’s holy hill to erase sin and death forever. This is a terrible sin that our heavenly Father refuses to forgive ever to anyone that has lived his full life on earth finally to reject the glorious sacrificed-life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because apart from His Son’s sacrificed-life there is no possible or greater manifestation of love, care, forgiveness, healing, and eternal salvation for every man’s living-soul.

Truly, that is why that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to his apostles and disciples by letting them know that whoever receives them, then they are not only receiving him as their Lord and savior on earth, but also they are receiving Him that sent him to do the work that had to be accomplished in Israel thus to save the nations. For the nations can also be saved just as Israel had to be saved from the power of the eternal Egyptian captivity, by believing within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach had manifested to Moses over Mount Sinai’s summit that he alone is God’s perfect Righteousness for their forefathers’ eternal salvation.

Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ is the only sealed Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father presently recognizes for Abraham and his friends from everywhere around the world that ate the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table at Salem’s gate, so the Holy Spirit could finally enter into human life through Isaac’s birth from his mother’s Sarah’s barren-womb. Inasmuch as, only this living Covenant was going to guarantee not only the birth from the Holy Spirit to every descendant from Abraham and from his friends from all the nations, but also it was granting us a miracle-life that it is sinless and it has never been defeated by Satan’s lie, therefore it is everlastingly victorious in us into all eternity.

Surely, this is the victory against Satan’s lies, curses and threats of death that our heavenly Father needed to see within the heart of every ancient from Israel and the nations, too, and the same is true these days: our heavenly Father needs to see His blessed Son Jesus Christ running his victorious atoning-bloodline through our hearts, veins, and human spirit. And how we may have our heavenly Father’s blessed Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood running through our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit, you may ask, so He may feel free to love, bless and enrich you as you have never been loved, blessed and enriched before--and this will be by invoking the anointed name of His Son Jesus Christ.

Undoubtedly, the answer is a simple one: by just believing within your heart for justice in heaven and by confessing with your lips for salvation the name of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth, so you may be filled with the Holy Spirit and fire that burned and sealed our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life with Abraham and his friends forever. Immediately, as you invoke our Lord Jesus Christ, then you have our heavenly Father’s undivided attention in heaven thus to listen to your prayers, requests, intercessions, and so forth thus to love, bless and enrich your life just as He loves to do with those that love Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit through His Son Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-life.

Surely, this is a Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father will never break on earth much less in heaven, even though you may always break it because of so many reasons, nonetheless He will remain faithful to the Holy Spirit of His word and to your oath, including to your loved ones and friends to bless and protect them always. Meaning also, that although you have been unfaithful to our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life that not only grant us unlimitedly His Holy Spirit as Isaac was born through his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, so we may someday enjoy the glorious salvation that only the Holy One of Israel could grant us, He still waits faithfully today for you to return to Him.

Our heavenly Father is not concerned as how many times you broke His Covenant that He started with Abraham and his allies by eating from His Table, for His Holy Spirit finally to enter these days into your family on earth just as the Spirit is part of His angelic family in heaven, instead His concerned is for your soon return to Him. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needs everyone that is called to believe within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation Jesus Christ, then the Covenant that started with Abraham and his friends it will be fulfilled to the point that miracles, and signs will unleash for the nations to become blessed as they have never been blessed before.

But, for this to happen these days, then every man, woman and child from all the nations, beginning with the Israelis’ families, they have to deep into the Holy Spirit of the Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and his friends at the Supper Table, so we may see miracles, powers, and great signs as never seen before everywhere on earth. Surely, our heavenly Father wants to do great things on earth these days by the powers of the Holy Spirit that He has personally placed in and authorized for everyone to receive them, as they fulfill the Covenant of Life, so they may enjoy on earth the glories from heaven above that normally are enjoyed by the angels to the full.

These days, only our Lord Jesus Christ’s virgin birth by the power of the Holy Spirit, and sacred life lived within Israel thus to fulfill to glorify to the full the Holy Spirit of the commandments and of the blessed name, is our sealed and fulfilled Covenant of Life between each one of us on earth, and our heavenly Father in heaven. Powerful-miracles descending: This will probably be that our heavenly Father will make a new earth with splendid skies filled with glories everywhere for every man, woman and child to enjoy, because He created the world as our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the injured-rock, so we may enjoy His glories soon.

Positively, as our heavenly Father created the world with all things, then the Holy Spirit has not ceased to descend upon the entire earth thus to subdue the terrible darkness of Satan’s lie, curses, and threats of eternal destruction, so we may escape the spirit of error by invoking Jesus Christ’s name to become filled with His Holy Spirit into eternity. Meaning also, that the Holy Spirit will descend continuously upon the entire earth thus to subdue all the terrible darkness from Satan’s lie, curses, and threats of death that are hindering you from believing within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation the glorious resurrected-life of our Lord Jesus Christ thus to be transferred into heaven right away.

Inasmuch as, this salvation that our heavenly Father has granted us these days, certainly it is a powerful living Covenant that once it is fulfilled within our hearts for justice by faith, then we can confess His truth that is Jesus Christ, so we may become liberated forever from the spirit of error, for Jesus Christ said: I am the truth.... And this means that our Lord Jesus Christ is the way, truth and life that connect us lawfully to our Father in heaven, since we belong to Him as we were born from His image to live according to His likeness everlastingly, so we may become His legitimate children as we accept within our hearts His Son Jesus Christ’s perfect holiness.

Surely, without this connection that we have in our Lord Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit to introduce into the world the eternal life that could never be introduced with the first Covenant with Abraham except the Holy Spirit into human life, for the first time, then with Jesus Christ we have received these days eternal life forever. Meaning that, with this Covenant that our heavenly Father started with Abraham as our Lord Jesus Christ served the bread and wine from His Table as God’s Righteousness that was for the Holy Spirit through Isaac’s birth to be introduced into human life, however with Jesus Christ born from David’s virgin daughter through the Spirit then we have finally true-life, eternal life!

This means that through Jesus Christ born by the same powers of the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter just as Isaac was born from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb for the Holy Spirit to enter into human life miraculously, then we can today through Jesus Christ become reborn miraculously into the Holy Spirit to enter into the heavenly family forever into eternity. Given that, this Covenant of Life between our heavenly Father and Abraham is a Covenant from where the Holy Spirit entered into the human family for the first time to bless it through Isaac’s birth, furthermore it is the only way back into eternal life for anyone through Jesus Christ, as one is born from the Holy Spirit by invoking his name.

That is why that it is written: Whoever invokes the name of the Lord shall be saved in the last days, and this is to invoke Jesus Christ for our heavenly Father to hear our cry for forgiveness thus to reconcile our living-souls with heaven’s eternal life, as we are reborn instantly from the Holy Spirit to become His children forever. Moreover, as we are reborn from the power of the Holy Spirit, then we enter into a glorious miracle-life that we never thought to live ever, because this is the superb life that our heavenly Father and His blessed Son has always lived thus to enjoy love, peace, prosperity, endless miracles every day, happiness, and eternal life heavenly bound into infinity.

This is a wonderful life filled with power from heaven above as from within the Holy of Holiest from where our Lord Jesus Christ initially laid his life for the creation of the world and all things, so the Holy Spirit may rain upon earth, subduing darkness for life to thrive everywhere for everyone to live liberated from Satan’s darkness forever. It is within this every day miracle-life where our heavenly Father will meet you with your loved ones, thus to fill your life with miracles that will bless you as you have never been blessed by the power of the Holy Spirit’s gifts, and the astounding presence of His blessed Son Jesus Christ pouring divinely his perfect holiness over you everlastingly.

For you need powers from heaven above to enrich your life, so you may be able to love, serve and glorify our Father through the glorious presence of His Son Jesus Christ as he walks through your life as your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood thus to pray, implore, and intercede for you before His altar in heaven. Moreover, because you are one of His dear children born in His image to live according to His likeness through the Holy Spirit, then He has authorized great powers to fill you with abundant miracles, so Jesus Christ may do great things within you and within your loved ones, too, since you need His love and constant power to survive on earth.

Indisputably, this is something that our heavenly Father understands very well that you have an enemy that you cannot see that easy but, yet he is there with his fallen angels ready to attack you because you are His image and ready to live according to His likeness on earth these days and in heaven forever until kingdom comes. That is why that our heavenly Father not only had His Chosen Lamb shed the atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock to create the world with all things, but also He had His Spirit pouring upon you even though you were not yet born, so you may have abundant powers to live on earth today.

This is the reason that our heavenly Father needed to sit with Abraham and his allies at His Table, so he may break bread with them to drink the wine that eventually brought into the world the Holy Spirit, so Isaac may be born miraculously for everyone from everywhere to have power to live on earth daily victories over Satan’s hidden-deceptions. That is why that every one needs to have believed within his heart for justice in heaven to confess with his lips for salvation on earth our Lord Jesus Christ, so his perfect holiness may invade our heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit thus to live a powerful life that pleases our heavenly Father on earth and forever into eternity.

Otherwise, we do not have power, therefore we live our every day lives without the proper protection that we need to live a life liberated from Satan’s lies, curses and terrible threats of death on earth and in hell—hell, where everyone that has ever descended to this terrible place of constant torment have failed to believe Jesus Christ for salvation. These days, our heavenly Father needs to do wonderful things within your life, and these are things that He has personally ordered to develop within you, as you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, so He may be greatly glorified on earth by His Church, and in heaven by His angels.

You have to give glory to our heavenly Father for all the things that He has personally done for you through the glorious sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ that is the Covenant of Life that He started with Abraham and his allies to seal it forever with the Holy Spirit’s opening into Isaac’s life, and to his descendants forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father has placed you on earth to receive this living Covenant that is sealed by the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so the Holy Spirit may manifest within your life and that of your loved ones, too, including your friends from everywhere, for new glories to be born on earth within His Church heavenly bound into infinity.

Therefore, we thank our heavenly Father for having Abraham ascend to Mount Moriah with his son Isaac to be ready for the burn sacrifice as a normal sacrifice would burn intensely over the mountaintop, for the especial bloodline finally to descend blessed by the power of the Holy Spirit’s name for his descendants to come alive in Jesus Christ into eternity. These days, you are our heavenly Father’s blessed children, because of the rituals of the Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and his friends, so you may become born by the Holy Spirit in a moment of prayer and faith, for Satan to abandon your life and that of your loved ones, thus come alive in our heavenly Father’s holy presence forever.

For the reason that, if you fail to enter into our heavenly Father’s holy presence these days through the sealed Covenant of Life that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrected-life in heaven, then, you will never be able to live in the Holy Spirit’s realm of love, blessing, prosperity, happiness, and salvation filled with miracles every day everywhere forever into eternity. Abraham ascended Mount Moriah with his son Isaac to do our heavenly Father’s perfect will of holiness by placing over the altar not his only son but the Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that is our Lord Jesus Christ, so with his faith increased Abraham descended with Isaac blessed perpetually to bring into the world his offspring, so you may live today.

This is an abundant miracle-life that descended with Abraham from Mount Moriah as he received back from our heavenly Father his son Isaac extremely blessed by the powers of the Holy Spirit, so he may bring into your life these days the richness from heaven above to enjoy on earth to the full with your loved ones and friends from everywhere. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
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