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The Redemption: Michael's Memorial

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John Lucas

Jul 7, 2009, 5:28:43 PM7/7/09
It is here.
I knew it was formulating just like I foresaw but I really didn't
think it would take Michael's death to do it.

Did you all who slander & libel this man see this memorial?
Did you see the man you could never know in your prejudices and
hateful attitudes?

The REAL Michael Jackson in each & every aspect was shown to you here
at this public memorial.
The trivial & the profound.

No longer can they parrot those bankrupt stories & gain traction.
No longer can they stay misinformed & misdirected.

THE TRUTH (shouts out to PEACE wherever you are) was shown to the
Oh, how I wish it didn't take Michael's death to do this but now his
name will finally be redeemed.

And it won't be dependent on the press who can choose or not choose to
tell the truth.
But NOW the people can't help but know The Truth.

The Persona AND The Person.

Did you see Paris tell the truth about her daddy?
You all who spend your life in hate, hang your heads in shame.

BUT don't fret. You have a chance to redeem yourselves by acquainting
yourself with The Truth. Never too late.
I have just discovered that the long-predicted Redemption involved
more than just Michael himself.
It involved the world as well.

Michael Joseph Jackson, R.I.P. Rise In Power
Long Live..
¤¤¤~THE KING!!~¤¤¤

John Lucas


Jul 7, 2009, 7:02:29 PM7/7/09

You know John, there was so much in that memorial which i was
not expecting. The speech by Rev Al Sharpton which will go down
as one of those really great speeches. Paris's words for her
father which suddenly added another important dimension to the
memorial. What must they be going through? Smokey Robinson
and Gordy i expected, even Brooke Shields, all saying what
we've always known about Michael.

Seeing all those people there and around the world, you realize
all that potential was still there. Michael didn't need a stage
to draw people together. That power, that influence, his legacy
went beyond his music. His legacy are all those bridges in the
community which we can now take for granted. All those unjaded
minds, less affected by the system. The post Thriller generation,
who've grown up knowing no other way of life.

Its been a long Journey, from the late sixties to the present
time. As shown in the tributes, a lot of people appreciate those
who've contributed to that journey. They can see this other
context for the late great Michael Jackson.

Heal the world / Give peace a chance.

I hope this tribute inspires more of the next generation of
artists to see this role for themselves and the music.


"You don't know what you've got, till its gone."

Joni Mitchell

Wabenzi Prince

Jul 7, 2009, 8:28:24 PM7/7/09
John Lucas wrote:
<nothing of importance>

> Michael Joseph Jackson, R.I.P. Rise In Power
> Long Live..
> ���~THE KING!!~���
> John Lucas

go fuck yourself you nigger loving faggot


Jul 7, 2009, 8:30:42 PM7/7/09
FishFood wrote:
> artists to see this role for themselves and the music.
> ------------
> "You don't know what you've got, till its gone."
> Joni Mitchell

a drug addicted pedophile has shit the bed
see ya wouldn't want to be ya


Jul 7, 2009, 9:45:48 PM7/7/09
On Jul 7, 3:28 pm, John Lucas <> wrote:

> Did you see Paris tell the truth about her daddy?
> You all who spend your life in hate, hang your heads in shame.

Someone sure showed you who YOUR daddy is, didn't they k00kass?
You should be the one hanging your head (and wiener) in shame.
The cabal never forgets.

Message has been deleted


Jul 8, 2009, 1:13:00 PM7/8/09
On Jul 8, 9:57 am, Dr. Mongo Lloyd <flo...@rent.human> wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Jul 2009 20:28:24 -0400, Wabenzi Prince
> <> wrote:

> I'm pretty sure Lucas is a black dude.

He is indeed. He sent nude pics of himself to a total stranger who
used to post in this froup.
Johnny k00kass Lucas a very lonely, screwed up guy. Wacko seems to
attract folks like k00kass.


Jul 8, 2009, 1:45:36 PM7/8/09

"2nz" <> wrote in message

I was just looking at those Kooky pics the other day...



Jul 8, 2009, 3:38:33 PM7/8/09
On Jul 8, 11:45 am, "Cary" <> wrote:
> "2nz" <> wrote in message

You lil' devil, you! ;o)


Jul 8, 2009, 4:55:08 PM7/8/09
On Wed, 08 Jul 2009 00:02:29 +0100, FishFood <> wrote:

>that memorial

The body was present. It was a funeral.

Podkayne Fries

Jul 8, 2009, 6:28:03 PM7/8/09
On Wed, 08 Jul 2009 00:02:29 +0100, FishFood wrote:

> John Lucas wrote:
>> Did you all who slander & libel this man see this memorial?

Why would I watch a tribute to a kiddy diddler when I could watch The
Golden Girls?

>> The REAL Michael Jackson in each & every aspect was shown to you here
>> at this public memorial.


>> Oh, how I wish it didn't take Michael's death to do this but now his
>> name will finally be redeemed.

You're going to be *so* unhappy when the truth is revealed in the
upcoming weeks. I recommend that you put the Suicide Hotline on your
speed dial.

> The speech by Rev Al Sharpton which will go down
> as one of those really great speeches.

Sharpton will speak well of *anyone* if it gets him in front of a
camera. Why did he feel the need to point out that everyone thinks that
Pedo Pan was weird? That was a highly inappropriate statement to make at
a funeral.


Regards, Podkayne Fries
Necrophilia means never having to say you're sorry.

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