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New Michael Jackson Song

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Pungent Vomit

Nov 20, 2003, 12:46:55 AM11/20/03

Wacko Jacko
Michael was known for wearing one sequined glove
But now he's known for the practice of man-boy love
Now you know it don't matter if you're black or white
As long as you're in Boy Scouts you can spend the night
If you're under 10 don't go to his room alone
He'll probe your sphincter with an Elephant Man bone
When you're playing in Neverland he'll cop a feel
He's had more balls on his chin than a circus seal
Just beat it, beat it, beat it
He's turned off by p*ssy or t*t
It's Barney's friends that put him in heat
He gets wood watching Sesame Street
Just beat it, beat it

Lisa Marie tried to make him an honest man
If it was up to him he'd marry Peter Pan
He tried to caulk the Caulkin and Bubbles the Chimp
When it came to Lisa Marie his d*ck went limp
In a marriage hoax she took Michael as her groom
But then she caught him jerk*ng off to Romper Room
He hangs his surrogate's baby from balconies
Michael's ass can hold a string of poloponies
Just beat it, beat it, beat it
Has no use for beaver or clit
Sponge Bob's fans will get him hard as a rock
They can I.D. the mark on his c*ck
Just beat it, beat it

Starting out chocolate he got bleached vanilla
His face is scarier than his movie Thriller
Born with a big schnoz and pubic hairs on his dome
He lives by the phrase "keep your nose to the grindstone"
There's plastic surgery from his head to his toes
If he was a horse he'd never win by a nose
His proboscis has disappeared without a trace
Michael's gone and cut off his nose to spite his face
Just beat it, beat it, beat it
His rod smells of little boy sh*t
He'll sit on faces from here to Tokyo
To find one lie like Pinocchio
Just beat it, beat it


Nov 20, 2003, 2:20:06 AM11/20/03

"Pungent Vomit" <> wrote in message

With that said would you as a Parent let your Child Stay Over why you were
The Parents Fault no matter how you look at it in my book.
Bad Parents they Must Be Punished!

kali yuga 2004

Nov 26, 2003, 1:19:26 AM11/26/03
i bet Wacko Jacko was kind of wishing now that he "beat it" a long time ago ;-) (Pungent Vomit) wrote in message news:<>...


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