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Zep In The Media: Chris Cornell

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Apr 2, 2020, 2:10:46 AM4/2/20
Autopsy: The Last Hours of Soundgarden's Chris Cornell, REELZ, Season 7, Episode 22

NARRATOR: 8:45PM, May 17, 2017..Fox Theatre, Detroit, MI...less than 5 hrs before his death..Chris is on stage during his final the audience is veteran Rock photographer Ken Settle.
KEN SETTLE: The last time I photographed Chris was at the very final Soundgarden show. It was an emotional thing.
NARRATOR: During their performance, Soundgarden plays a cover of Led Zeppelin's In My Time Of Dying.
KEN SETTLE: It's been reported that they often did that song and usually would work parts of that song into their own music. So whether that meant something that serious to him at the time I do not know.

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