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If You Were Alive Now... (Was: 'If Bach Lived Today ...')

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Koos Nolst Trenite

May 2, 2003, 11:12:16 AM5/2/03
If You Were Alive Now... in response to 'If Bach Lived Today ...'

2 May 2003

The question 'What if Bach was alive now' is as silly (or as mind-
boggling and enforcing of insanity *(1)) as asking

'What if there would be daylight again tomorrow...' *(2)

Or that same question from a bigger viewpoint - bigger by many
millions of miles:

'What if the Earth would turn around the Sun now...'

That question has been considered in public not to be a
silly question at all, at the time of Galileo (1564-1642,
Italy) but nevertheless that question

'What if the Earth would turn around the Sun...'

is rather silly, if you were permitted to think and know
and look, wouldn't it too?

So I thought as usual of a question that is NOT surreptitiously (not
underhandedly) implying and enforcing lies

- individuals are enforcing the most repulsive (and literally
the most debilitating, and literally the most sickening, and
indeed the most ugly) lies about your life, about yourself -

that are "assumed to be 'true' and 'self-evident' by 'the society',"

but actually only enforced by criminal minds in order to prevent
criminal minds from being seen, detected and understood.

And in contrast to those, I give you a question that has actually
some sanity and some value and some beauty and some love in asking,

a question that is highly appropriate as well, and indicative of
things you so fiercely have been and are made to protest.

So I am turning the tables.

Not 'If Bach were alive now' but:

'If you were alive now...'

And to keep the form, I am supposed to supply the first
suggestion now:

'...Would you recognize your friends?'

We know - already from a previous thread to this newsgroup - that you
would not help your friends of the past, that you do not even know
how to keep them from dying,

or more precisely, you do not know how to protect your friends
from their being made sick by poisonous Energy, or their even
being murdered in that way

- but you certainly do not want to hear about that,
you rather pretend that that does not happen, and
even that it does not exist - *(4)

else you would have to face life

- and the Devil forbid your delicate senses and your
precious lack of thoughts to touch upon the harsh
realities of life as it actually exists!

You rather leave that to me, don't you... even without
assisting me in any way whatsoever -

as marveling and as incredible as that omission of
your part in life is,

utterly unimaginable, unless one does know how
you have been and how you are being continuous-
ly subdued by criminal minds.

So the question remains:

'If you were alive now... would you recognize your friends?'

Actually that is a question that would require some faint sense of
responsibility on your part, and such is indeed non-existent in most
(if not in all readers) of this newsgroup.

So we have to add more data, and touch upon emotions, which follows:

Of course you recognize your friends. You have no other choice.

But you are standing there, in front of each other, or standing
in the same station or airport or town square or restaurant, and
having your attention, or your thoughts, drawn to each other,
without however being aware of that -

doing strange things and feeling strange feelings, and
having strange thoughts,

and you are not aware that you have no other choice than to
recognize your friend,

other than pretending that you do not recognize him or her,
and not being aware of your pretense either, which leads
however to even more strange actions and to stranger
feelings and stranger thoughts, for a longer duration even.

You could have been so intensely happy seeing each
other again - were it not for the criminal minds who
smashed your awareness, and who keep it smashed.

You have not the faintest idea how much happiness is
being denied to you, nor how it is done, nor who
does it.

And it makes for tear-jerking movie-scripts too, of course. They
always manage to make me cry, these 'ships that pass in the

Especially when they sense the twinkle in each
other's eyes, and when they miraculously get to
share a taxi.

I have not lost my magic touch after all...

So we start again:

Of course you recognize your friends. You have no other choice.

But you are prevented from becoming aware of that recognition:

You have been, and are being, prevented from creating or
obtaining, and holding by yourself,

the Life Energy that is required to have this
knowledge CONNECT TO YOUR AWARENESS - to connect to
your awareness the truth of having just actually
seen or felt a close friend of yours. *(5)

There are certain individuals, criminal minds that is, who
prevent you from (re-)creating, and from keeping and from using
that Life Energy to connect that what is going on, to your

Without that Energy, you will NOT become aware of

- or with the loss of that Energy you will
lose your awareness of -

what you know, of what happened, of what is going on.

And criminal minds prevent you from becoming aware, that is to
say, they prevent you from creating and holding that amount and
type of Life Energy, because you also

- of course also, such is the nature of life itself -

recognize enemies, criminal minds. But with that Life Energy,
you would then also become AWARE of recognizing them.

They - criminal minds that is - do not want you to have
the Energy to be aware of that knowledge either, their
being criminal minds, because you might act upon it too,
you see.

Or you don't see, as is more likely the case.

If you become AWARE of having been bitten by a
snake, you might do something about it - if
not, it's just "you are being tired today," or
"you did not put your sweater on when it was

And you have not the faintest idea how many
snakes, and how many bites you suffer per day,
you can't even recognize a snake, nor a snake
bite, you dope. All you have is medical
insurance which can not and does not guarantee
health at all, and you have pain killers.
In other words, your debilitating arrogance
is well beyond the tolerance of sanity.*(1)

Contrary to what criminal minds shout and want you to
accept as "being the 'nature' of 'all' people,"

it is so that life is not "a game" at all, but there
criminal minds destroying any and all of
life's activities, and so the only enemies
that exist, are criminal minds, and criminal
minds are the only enemies that there ever
have been, and that there ever will be.

All other people than criminal minds, are either friends,
or they are potential friends who are temporarily too
heavily mind controlled by criminal minds. *(6)

In other words, the majority of people is basically

a large part of these is always good and has always
been good, even when they have occasionally been
tricked into being destructive to life,

a small percentage is evil and, in current and
practical understanding, has always been evil and
will always be evil, and will use even the greatest
amount of love and understanding given them, to
entirely and more cleverly be evil, and also these,
and even the most intensely criminal minds, get re-
born, regardless of what "Laws of the Universe" you
have been told by criminals minds do exist "that
take care of evil" you won't take care of it.

There are also criminal minds who successfully pretend to be your

by having taken from your actual friends (or from you, yourself)

(having pulled, smashed, sucked away, or even murdered or
mummified (them or you) for)

various types of your friends' (or your) Life Energies, and by
then keeping that Energy like a mask in front of themselves, to
ensnare you, even to make you "fall in love" with them.

They are, you can imagine, good (and sometimes even very highly
paid and famous) actors.

They can lie with not only a completely straight face, but also
with a completely straight mind that makes them undetectable on
a lie-detector (or on a Life Energy Fluctuation Meter as it is
called more scientifically and indeed more properly).

Just to accommodate the possibility that the desire to see one's
friends and the ability to feel them is not entirely subdued in you
by those who do subdue,

and in case you are not yourself an individual (not a cri-
minal mind) who hunts for (and is intending to acquire
Life Energy by smashing it away from) the well-endowed and
from the very caring and from the very beautiful,

the question 'If you were alive now... would you recognize your
friends?' then becomes:

If you had enough Life Energy to do so now...

would you want to become aware of your most beloved
and most valued friend(s) of your past? *(7)

Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'King Solomon was greater
in riches and wisdom
than all the other kings
of the earth.'

2 Chronicles 9:22


*(1) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (5 Feb 2003)

*(2) 'Defining Civilized Society (Definition Part One)' (19 Sept 2002)
'Defining Civilized Society (Definition Part Two)' (to be issued)

*(3) 'The Nature Of The Cosmos As Seen From Earth' (Version 1.0)
(29 August 2001) [preferably Version 2.0 to be issued shortly]

*(4) 'The Mafia Code Against Mankind' (18 Oct 2002)

*(5) 'Fine Particle Physics To Understand Persistent, Violent
Psychotics' (27 Feb 2003)

*(6) 'Definition Of Schizophrenic' (25 Nov 2002)

*(7) 'On Those Who Want Awareness Not Understood'
(16 April 2003 - Version 1.0) {HRI 20030416-V1.0}


- 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing it' (20 Dec 2002)

- 'Remembering Because Of Lindsay Lohan, And 'The Parent Trap''
(3 Aug 2002 - issued 24 Sept 2002)

- 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'
(19 August 2002 - Version 1.2)

- 'Defining Love And Hate - A Law Of Life' V2.0i
(29 July 2002 - Version 2.0i on 7 January 2003)

Copyright 2003 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it, and (or, if he can't learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to
others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage people
to judge un-dominated and for themselves about any organizations
or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
(address unreadable for internet robots
- replace ' at ' with the '@' symbol)

Scott GF Bailey

May 2, 2003, 1:31:07 PM5/2/03
I think Harrington's list is one name short.

Porky Pig Jr

May 3, 2003, 2:15:28 PM5/3/03
to (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote in message news:<>...

> 'If you were alive now...'

Uh, not sure how to put it in some polite way ... but have you
considered a frontal lobotomy?

Leonardo Been

May 3, 2003, 5:13:49 PM5/3/03
They know very well what the truth is, else they would not know what
to omit so very loudly.

So you can go on and on with stating truth and submitting evidence
- but it is for them only a reason the more to deny it or to
invalidate it, and to more fiercely or more cleverly oppose and omit
what is true and relevant.

quoted from, indeed:

Timothy Horrigan

May 3, 2003, 7:51:45 PM5/3/03
to (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote in message news:<>...
> If You Were Alive Now... in response to 'If Bach Lived Today ...'
> 2 May 2003
> The question 'What if Bach was alive now' is as silly (or as mind-
> boggling and enforcing of insanity *(1)) as asking
> 'What if there would be daylight again tomorrow...' *(2)

I assume the thread is about Johann Sebastian Bach. If Bach were
alive today, he wouldn't be Bach. Bach, the composer, was very much a
product of his time and his place.

If he were born today, he probably would be a very inventive rock and
roll musician--- although his career would be held back by the fact he
came from Germany, a country which tends not to produce good rock and
roll. He would probably start out as a heavy metal rocker and he
would have evolved into a techno artist at some point. (Techno is the
only genre where German rockers have consistently excelled at the top
level.) A hypothetical 20th/21st century JS Bach would not be as big
a cultural ikon as the real-life JS Bach.


May 4, 2003, 3:24:29 AM5/4/03

Finally something in this thread I can understand. I was afraid this group
was not at all about the J.S. Bach I know about.
But if Bach would live today, wouldn't he rather be a very talented piano or
organ player or an orchestra director?


Leonardo Been

May 4, 2003, 4:45:01 AM5/4/03
Teaching To Read

04 May 2003

Though people can be taught to write what they want to say, teaching
them to read is a wholly different matter, because

reading involves the perception and understanding of what
another being communicates to you.

So maybe the first step in teaching to read, certainly the most basic
thing to teach about it (but not to criminal minds*), is that

reading is about perceiving (sensing) and (thereby then) under-
standing another being

- in this case, the person who wrote the words that you
are reading.**

In teaching someone to play a musical instrument, there is also a
basic thing often omitted: That you want to produce a sound (a tone)
you like to hear, and that you like others to hear, and that
expresses emotion.***

Leonardo etc. Been


* 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Truth'

** Merely the tools, of an alphabet and a collection of words, do
not necessarily then make a person able to read, even though he
or she is believed, and is made to believe, to have acquired
that skill.

*** 'Writing Technique and Basics of Music - Feeling versus
Intelligence' (1 July 2002)


- 'If You Were Alive Now... in response to "If Bach Lived Today ..."'
(2 May 2003)

Carrie and Midnight

May 4, 2003, 5:14:37 AM5/4/03

"Qamra" <> wrote in message

> Timothy Horrigan wrote:
> > (Koos Nolst Trenite) wrote in
> > message news:<>...
> >> If You Were Alive Now... in response to 'If Bach Lived Today ...'
> >>
> > Finally something in this thread I can understand. I was afraid this
> was not at all about the J.S. Bach I know about.
> But if Bach would live today, wouldn't he rather be a very talented piano
> organ player or an orchestra director?
> Qamra.

Bach was writing music that was popular at the time of writing, hence the
idea that he would be a popular idiom musician if he was alive today...

Peter T. Daniels

May 4, 2003, 8:37:15 AM5/4/03

No, he was writing in old-fashioned genres for a limited audience. That
suggests he might have been a Sondheim, or a Michael Feinstein/Harry
Connick Jr. type.
Peter T. Daniels

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