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Aqua-Barbiegirl (Happy Barbiecore Roman Empire Mix)

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не прочитано,
1 сент. 1997 г., 03:00:0001.09.1997

Dear Everybody!

I´m proud to announce that I´ve just finished a uptempo-remix of
Aqua´s "Barbiegirl". I would get in trouble with copyrights if I just
posted it here, but everybody who wants a free copy in mp3-format
should feel free to email me, and they´ll receive it in a not-sogood
So why´s that?
Because, if I released it in full quality, there´s a big chance that
it´d get spread on the net, and I´ll never get the chance to get a
deal with a label about this mix.
So, I´m very open for anyone from record companies/labels who would
like to release this on cd. No doubt that it´ll be a safe deal for
you, since Aqua just went straight to #7 on Billboards Hot 100 a few
days ago :)
The orignal quality of the mix is very good, since I´ve only used
proffesional synthesizer-equipment to make it.
At last but not least:
I´m also a dance-artist doing my own tunes available from many places
on the net released under the name Roman Empire. I´ll soon have a page
up where you can download and listen to them, but I´ll post a msg here
when that´s done. Record companies should email me for futher
information on where to find these songs, since I´m still an unsigned
artist who´s looking for a deal.

Kind Regards

Roman Empire

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