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Earth Crisis singer writes nazi lyrics

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Arne Van Petegem

Jun 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/11/96

Hi there,

I'm working in a record store and we recently got a new record in by a band
called 'The Path of Resistance' (sounds like some krishna-gone-violent
name). If my information is right this band features the singer from
Earth Crisis on vocals. The record is released on the infamous Victory
label (well known for other nazi releases like One Life Crew - the 1940s
never sounded so close). On the POR record there are some lyrics written
by Karl-Adolf from Earth Crisis wherein he claims that the "weak should be
weeded from the strong" to keep a strong race etc. etc. Well this is
exactly the same socalled "social Darwinism" (i.e. a certain interpre-
tation of Darwin's evolution theory) as the one which was used by the
German nazi's before and during the second World War... I personally think
it's incredible that a band which has views like this can release records
on one of the biggest SEHC labels and gets away with it. This is just plain
and simple fascism all the way. Let me know what you think. I'm open for


S. Grubb

Jun 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/11/96

Path of Resistance are not racist, they are straight edge. All the lyrics
pertain strictly to the "xedgeX." POR is a modern version of Project X if
you remember them. Most straight edge lyrics have social darwinist
undertones and that is because 'edgers have to be strong (mostly
mentally) to remain poison-free. The lifestyle of consuming poison and
the socialization thereof, is extremely prevalent and pervasive in most
capitalist countries. This makes a poison-free life style very difficult
to maintain (i.e. it makes you an outcast). This is what spurs the
social darwinist tendencies in sXe lyrics. I'm not defending social
darwinism, but within in this specific context I see it as generally
"harmless." By the way, social darwinism was not just utilized by the
Nazis, but it is in fact central to capitalism: only the "hard working,
smart, ambitious, etc." people (can) make it to the top and be rich, the
rest are "destined" to be wage slaves and peons. On another note, Victory
dropped One Life Crew and admitted publicly in this forum that they made a
mistake by signing them. Victory is a progressive label and sports
(mostly) progressive bands, see Bloodlet, Guilt, By The Grace Of God, etc.
And Karl is not a Nazi nor a fascist, he just has radical, militant views
that go against the grain and is sometimes a little hot-headed.



Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96

"weak should be
>weeded from the strong" to keep a strong race etc. etc. Well this is
>exactly the same socalled "social Darwinism" (i.e. a certain interpre-
>tation of Darwin's evolution theory) as the one which was used by the
>German nazi's before and during the second World War... I personally think
>it's incredible that a band which has views like this can release records
>on one of the biggest SEHC labels and gets away with it. This is just plain
>and simple fascism all the way.

I think you are absolutely right. you are right about the social
darwinism. OLC, EC, and POR have some of the scariest lyrics.
Definite fascism. They need to look at the stupidity of all the
violent right-wing shit they spew. The cover of the POR lp is funny
to me, but then I stopped to think they are fucking serious.
No one should support that bullshit or Victory for having it.

Arne Van Petegem

Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96

In article <>, "S. Grubb" <> says:
>Path of Resistance are not racist, they are straight edge. All the lyrics
>pertain strictly to the "xedgeX." POR is a modern version of Project X if
>This is what spurs the
>social darwinist tendencies in sXe lyrics. I'm not defending social
>darwinism, but within in this specific context I see it as generally

Well, that's exactly what worries me most. A lot of the people who will
buy this record will justify it by exactly saying this. "Yeah, the lyrics
are a bit over the top, but they're talking about THE EDGE so never mind".
This is kind of a "by all means necessary..." way of thinking. Yeah, S.E.
people must be really strong in our society cos it's very difficult to
maintain the edge so we must give them credit on being a bit harsher than
others (the weak ones?). I don't think any goal justifies the way of
thinking and/or the language that's being used on the POR record. It only
proves the endless "we are better than you" mentality that's dominating
a large part of the current S.E. scene. All this "we must stick together
like brothers and be strong to fight the weak" macho society-is-the-devil
mentality is getting more and more out of hand if you look at the recent
batch of releases spawned by some "important" members (face it: Earth Crisi
are - at least here in Europe - one of the biggest S.E. bands) of the S.E.

>By the way, social darwinism was not just utilized by the
>Nazis, but it is in fact central to capitalism: only the "hard working,
>smart, ambitious, etc." people (can) make it to the top and be rich, the
>rest are "destined" to be wage slaves and peons.

Well, one reason more to prove that the (recent?) fascist tendencies in
the S.E. scene are no more than a reflection of something that's going
on in society as a broader whole. While on the one hand P.O.R. are totally
"against" society and reject any form of conformism to "mainstream"
standards they fail to see how the methods and language they're
using are fully pervaded by a totally "capitalist" way of thinking. Which
isn't so new... A lot of social research has shown how a lot of socalled
counter cultures are no more than an affirmation-through-negation of
mainstream culture. This means that the means of negation/rejection of
dominant culture that are being used by its opponents are no more than
means that are produced by dominant culture itself. In this way P.O.R's
lyrics are only an affirmation of the right wing tendencies in modern
society and not at all a rejection of this society.

>On another note, Victory
>dropped One Life Crew and admitted publicly in this forum that they made a
>mistake by signing them. Victory is a progressive label and sports
>(mostly) progressive bands, see Bloodlet, Guilt, By The Grace Of God, etc.
>And Karl is not a Nazi nor a fascist, he just has radical, militant views
>that go against the grain and is sometimes a little hot-headed.

On the One Life Crew subject. O.L.C.'s lyrics where there when Victory
released their record. I can imagine the Victory people had plenty of
opportunities to listen to the songs and the lyrics before the record
was released. Putting out a record by a band means supporting that band
and that band's views (at least so with independent labels). Either the
Victory people are hypocrits by backing off because of the criticism from
"the scene" or they just were too stupid to see the stupidity of the O.L.C.
lyrics themselves. On top of all that they release a record that has in a
way exactly the same stupid but oh so dangerous nazi discourse as the one
that they denounced only months earlier. "Yeah, you never know, maybe we'll
get away with it this time". Yeah, maybe they will. And maybe the next
band will get away with something more and so on and so on... Fuck them!!!
I think every person who has any concern about the straight edge scene
should speak out and tell these and other similar bands and/or labels to
shut their stupid fucking mouths and think about what they're promoting
before talking even more rubbish. Victory's reaction to the O.L.C. thing
is in a way (again) very similar to what some German SS Officers had to
say after WWII "Wir haben es nicht gewust" (We didn't know...)

Jerome Winkelstein

Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96

Yo Yo Yo ....I thought this was a hardcore newsgroup...why don't you
post about Earth Strife I'm a jock core in Alt.Music.Untalented metal?

anyways now that i've pissed you off go buy my band Thenceforwards 7"

the new one is called "winner" and it's available on PHYTE records go
get it...
then let us play your town ...coolio....word!

S. Grubb

Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96
to Arne Van Petegem

On 12 Jun 1996, Arne Van Petegem wrote:
> >By the way, social darwinism was not just utilized by the
> >Nazis, but it is in fact central to capitalism: only the "hard working,
> >smart, ambitious, etc." people (can) make it to the top and be rich, the
> >rest are "destined" to be wage slaves and peons.
> Well, one reason more to prove that the (recent?) fascist tendencies in
> the S.E. scene are no more than a reflection of something that's going
> on in society as a broader whole. While on the one hand P.O.R. are totally
> "against" society and reject any form of conformism to "mainstream"
> standards they fail to see how the methods and language they're
> using are fully pervaded by a totally "capitalist" way of thinking. Which
> isn't so new... A lot of social research has shown how a lot of socalled
> counter cultures are no more than an affirmation-through-negation of
> mainstream culture. This means that the means of negation/rejection of
> dominant culture that are being used by its opponents are no more than
> means that are produced by dominant culture itself. In this way P.O.R's
> lyrics are only an affirmation of the right wing tendencies in modern
> society and not at all a rejection of this society.

I agree.

> >On another note, Victory
> >dropped One Life Crew and admitted publicly in this forum that they made a
> >mistake by signing them. Victory is a progressive label and sports
> >(mostly) progressive bands, see Bloodlet, Guilt, By The Grace Of God, etc.
> >And Karl is not a Nazi nor a fascist, he just has radical, militant views
> >that go against the grain and is sometimes a little hot-headed.
> On the One Life Crew subject. O.L.C.'s lyrics where there when Victory
> released their record. I can imagine the Victory people had plenty of
> opportunities to listen to the songs and the lyrics before the record
> was released.

Actually they didn't. Tony Victory signed them solely on the basis that
they were ex-members of various old school bands. He also unwittingly
released and distributed the record *without* having read the lyric sheet.
He tried to defend them for a little while after being challenged by
myself and others, but soon later decided to drop them after a particular
violent incident involving OLC at the Cleveland Hardcore Fest earlier this

Putting out a record by a band means supporting that band
> and that band's views (at least so with independent labels).

This is exactly what I was arguing back then and it's a very valid

Either the
> Victory people are hypocrits by backing off because of the criticism from
> "the scene" or they just were too stupid to see the stupidity of the O.L.C.
> lyrics themselves.

People make mistakes, man, and they apologized for it. Give'em a break.

On top of all that they release a record that has in a
> way exactly the same stupid but oh so dangerous nazi discourse as the one
> that they denounced only months earlier. "Yeah, you never know, maybe we'll
> get away with it this time". Yeah, maybe they will. And maybe the next
> band will get away with something more and so on and so on... Fuck them!!!

I don't see where this is new to straight edge. Starting, at least if not
earlier, with the "youth crew" era of straight edge this kind of rhetoric
has been very prevalent in the scene.

> I think every person who has any concern about the straight edge scene
> should speak out and tell these and other similar bands and/or labels to
> shut their stupid fucking mouths and think about what they're promoting
> before talking even more rubbish. Victory's reaction to the O.L.C. thing
> is in a way (again) very similar to what some German SS Officers had to
> say after WWII "Wir haben es nicht gewust" (We didn't know...)

You're just stuck on this Nazi thing aren't you? Victory, unlike OLC, are
not Nazis, not even close. They honestly didn't know what they were
getting themselves into, they made a mistake, and they apologized for it.
In no way does this compare to the Nazis. The rhetoric that most of the
straight edge bands propagate is in no way new or ground breaking, it is
simply more of the same. I'm not saying I agree with this rhetoric, just
that it's been around for a long time. I agree with you that it needs to
be challenged, just not on the basis of it being a *new* development. By
the way, check out By The Grace Of God (ex-members of Endpoint, Falling
Forward, etc.) on Victory, they are straight edge, but they reject the
macho bullshit among other things. It's a very good record and should
affirm your belief in the scene and in this label.


Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96
> -Kevin"youth Crew" nazi's???? what the fuck, yes a lot us from that "era" were
very militant, and uncomprimising and their were a lot of fucked up
bands in that "era" like warzone and slapshot that tarnished the scene
with their propaganda. Th emajority of that scene had the best of
intentions, and very positive ideals, For good or bad that "era" defined
things like sXe and S.H.A.R.P. Don't forget that all the things that
were wrong with the scene then (i.e. militence, violence, conformity,
and judgementalness) still have a dominant role in todays sXe scene.

Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96
> say after WWII "Wir haben es nicht gewust" (We didn't know...)yea here we go again, straight edge has to be harder, militant, fu**
that. It is no harder to be sXe than to be drinking and getting high,
unless of course you are only straight cause it's what all my friends
are doing, fu** that.MILITANT STRAIGHT EDGE IS WEAK. sXe is about being
positive, positive towards yourself, positive towards the scene. being
militant does the exact opposite in your scene. what a positive
influence you make when you run around like an L.A. cop beating people
up and theatening everyone who doesn't agree with you. how many people
are going to be like "wow I was wrong for living my life like this sXe
is the way I should be" because you threaten to kick their butt, zero positive towards youself, others and your scene. If the singer
for that band is doing something out of line with his ideas just stop
buying their shit, it works, it happened to other bands and it gets the
message across. be positive not just to other sXe kids, be positive to
everyone regaurdless. make a change

Chuck Booher

Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96

The thing I see here is just another band trying to sell records. Right now, in the hardcore scene,
Violence and brutality sell. I think that it's sick to sink to that level. Everyone tries to act like sxe is
so defiant and different and it's not. I look at all the jocks and popular kids at my school and very few of
them use drugs, drink or smoke. There is no need for people to act superior to others like POR or EC. We need
to let people make their own choices, it's okay ton criticize, but to call your self strong and everyone else
weak is ridiculous,


S. Grubb

Jun 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/12/96

I wasn't equating "youth crew" with Nazis, but with derivative social
darwinism which Arne equated with Nazis, and I equated it with capitalism.
This sounds more complicated that it actually is, just read the past posts
on the subject. In essence, what I was saying was that undertones of
social darwinism have been prevalent in sXe (lyrics and attitudes) for a
long time (starting at least with the "youth crew" era if not earlier),
but Arne thought that it somehow was a new development. I agree
that the "youth crew" era brought about many positive things and most
"youth crew" bands still serve as "role models" for many hardcore sXe kids


Jason Beert

Jun 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/17/96

et> <>
Organization: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Distribution: world

and let's not forget...
The Miltant Edge Is Not A Joke...

Clem Collins

Jun 17, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/17/96
to (Arne Van Petegem) wrote:

>Hi there,

>I'm working in a record store and we recently got a new record in by a band
>called 'The Path of Resistance' (sounds like some krishna-gone-violent
>name). If my information is right this band features the singer from
>Earth Crisis on vocals. The record is released on the infamous Victory
>label (well known for other nazi releases like One Life Crew - the 1940s
>never sounded so close). On the POR record there are some lyrics written

>by Karl-Adolf from Earth Crisis wherein he claims that the "weak should be

>weeded from the strong" to keep a strong race etc. etc. Well this is
>exactly the same socalled "social Darwinism" (i.e. a certain interpre-
>tation of Darwin's evolution theory) as the one which was used by the
>German nazi's before and during the second World War... I personally think
>it's incredible that a band which has views like this can release records
>on one of the biggest SEHC labels and gets away with it. This is just plain

>and simple fascism all the way. Let me know what you think. I'm open for


Okay, before you use words like Fascist and Nazi get a dictionary and
look them up. Like most people you're quick to call anyone who
gravitates towards violence a Nazi or a Fascist.

A Fascist is simply a person who puts the needs of the state above the
needs of the individual. A Nazi is pretty much just a Fascist who
makes race a factor in deciding how things are going to be run.
Neither of them are in and of themselves violent. Even Hitler wrote
about peace and how wonderful it would be in Mein Kampf. You sould
read it. Everyone should.

One Life Crew is also far from a Nazi band. Even I'll admit that
they're assholes, but one if not more of them is a Jew. How many
Jewish Nazis do you know. Fuck that. I'm sure you don't know any Nazis
because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about so let me
ask you this: How many Jewish Nazis have you heard of?

Karl is nothing like Uncle Adolf. He could never hope to have a
moustache as cool as Hitler's was.

- Neil

"Jesus Christ is a reality and so is...that other guy"
- Charlie Manson

"When I stand on a mountain and say I 'do it' it gets
done. If it don't get done then I'll move on it and that's
the last thing in the world that you want me to do." - CM

Jan 31, 2019, 7:05:45 AM1/31/19
On Tuesday, June 11, 1996 at 8:00:00 AM UTC+1, Arne Van Petegem wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm working in a record store and we recently got a new record in by a band
> called 'The Path of Resistance' (sounds like some krishna-gone-violent
> name). If my information is right this band features the singer from
> Earth Crisis on vocals. The record is released on the infamous Victory
> label (well known for other nazi releases like One Life Crew - the 1940s
> never sounded so close). On the POR record there are some lyrics written
> by Karl-Adolf from Earth Crisis wherein he claims that the "weak should be
> weeded from the strong" to keep a strong race etc. etc. Well this is
> exactly the same socalled "social Darwinism" (i.e. a certain interpre-
> tation of Darwin's evolution theory) as the one which was used by the
> German nazi's before and during the second World War... I personally think
> it's incredible that a band which has views like this can release records
> on one of the biggest SEHC labels and gets away with it. This is just plain
> and simple fascism all the way. Let me know what you think. I'm open for
> reactions.
> Arne

Hi guys! Just wondering how your attitudes have evolved over the last 23 years?. And just generally how you all are! If anyone is still active in this group would be interested to hear from them ! xx

Derek Johnston

Sep 29, 2023, 7:08:41 PM9/29/23
This thread is wild! It's almost as old as I am lol
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