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Best preachers? (re Rev. John thread)

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2003年5月29日 10:29:122003/5/29
There've been several posts on the Reverand John thread about preachers
preaching one way or another. Of the well-known preachers, whom do you
consider the best? (And the worst, if you care do add that.)


2003年5月29日 11:00:562003/5/29
Tom, that is a good question. It could get more complex than the one about
sacred vs. secular music.

Gerald Mann is a good one. So is Adrian Rogers, from what I've heard. I
like Jack Hayford's style, but I would part with him on a theological issue
or two, I am sure. Charles Stanley likewise, though there are
idiosyncrasies of his ("Now, listen carefully:...") that just bug me a bit
more than I should allow. John Hagee gets a little too excited &
melodramatic to keep my interest. Ron Phillips is in that category, from my
perspective. Joyce Meyer always manages to keep it interesting and
relevant, but can be so "down home" as to seem coarse. D. James Kennedy,
though always well researched, can be a little dry, and both he and Robert
Schuller often (though not always) sound too rehearsed to seem genuinely
heartfelt. There are a number of radicals out there I won't bother
discussing, but I'm equally sure that some of the best names aren't popping
to the surface in my murky memory right now.

In briefly browsing to prompt thoughts for this reply, I saw someone's
website stating a fact I am sure we neglect, that we are richly blessed in
this land to have such a wealth of good preachers available to us from the
comfort of our homes. I'd add another thought, that we need to remember
that "Reverend John" & his ilk, while bringing shame on our high calling,
are nevertheless not beyond the power of the blood of Jesus to likewise
redeem and make them new again. If they truly repent, and He will forgive
them, can we do otherwise, and still represent Him?

"Don't just make a statement; make a difference."
"TomFooleryinFL" <> wrote in message


2003年5月29日 11:21:442003/5/29
Any thoughts on some of the TBN preachers? (Mark Shirona, RW Schaumbach, etc?)


2003年5月29日 15:17:032003/5/29
Neither of those names ring any bells with me. To be honest, I'm not sure
we get TBN here anymore. Wife had it on while she was doin' her hair when
we were in Gatlinburg; all I saw was that guy with the fancy gold chairs.
J. Vernon McGee tried TV once, I heard, but soon concluded that radio was
the better medium for spreading the Gospel. I think it has to do with the
way our brains process images versus concepts. In any event, I find myself
watching less and less TV, and thanking the Lord more and more.

"Don't just make a statement; make a difference."
"TomFooleryinFL" <> wrote in message


2003年5月29日 15:18:332003/5/29
John Hagee. As far as the others, it would be difficult to say how
good they are, since I don't know how they live the other 23 or 23 1/2
hours a day, seven days a week. Judging someone's preaching based on
a TV appearance has caused many people to be led astray, including
some TV preachers themselves. (TomFooleryinFL) wrote in message news:<>...


2003年5月29日 20:16:252003/5/29
Best Preachers

Billy Sunday (dead)
John R Rice (dead)
Jack Hyles (dead)
Lester Roloff (dead)
Mike Lamb
Garven Walls
Jamie Caldwell
John Caldwell (dead)

"TomFooleryinFL" <> wrote in message

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Paul Slopak Jr.

2003年5月29日 22:03:422003/5/29
Probably the best modern day preachers I have ever heard are:

E.V. Hill (recently deceased)
Tony Evans
John Maxwell

and probably the best there is right now -
Franklin Graham.

Aside from my own pastor who can really preach!

"Brandon" <> wrote in message


2003年5月29日 22:22:402003/5/29
I like Adrian Rogers from Tenn.
and David Dykes from Tyler, Tx.


2003年5月30日 07:22:372003/5/30
I'll hafta second the vote for Maxwell (especially considering he's part of
our denomination), but I really wasn't counting him as a preacher, since
he's more of a leadership guru than a pastor these days. I guess he's a
preacher to preachers, in many ways. Evidently Franklin can't help it; it's

I heard Erwin Lutzer (Moody Church, Chicago) do a great Billy Graham
impersonation recently; Lutzer & Billy should both be added on my "good"
list, along with John Phillips. Phillips ranks among the most gifted living
expositors, IMHO. He is a great one to give a "big picture" view of God's
overall plan, no matter where he picks it up in the Bible.

I don't really know what any of them think of SGM, though ;-)

"Don't just make a statement; make a difference."

"Paul Slopak Jr." <> wrote in message

Dee Maxwell

2003年5月30日 08:18:572003/5/30
I enjoy listening to Charles Swindoll on radio.
"DanLemke" <> wrote in message

Larry Davis

2003年5月30日 10:18:392003/5/30
The best preachers I ever heard who are now deceased are:

W. Frank Harrington from Atlanta, Georgia, Peachtree Presbyterian
(he's the one I'd listen to if I couldn't get to church)
R. G. Lee of Memphis, Tennessee - Baptist
(Payday Someday was his great message)
F.M. Davis from Atlanta, Georgia (lay evangelist)
E.V. Hill of California (Baptist)
Kathryn Kuhlman of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (Baptist)

Of the evangelists who are still alive:

Bob Harrington (the Chaplain of Bourbon Street) in his day
Richard Hogue (of Spiritual Revolution Now) in the late 60's, early

Of the preachers who are still alive:

Having just come from the San Diego Mission, I still have to give
credit to Billy Graham as one of the great preachers of our time who
still can put it across. On Saturday, youth night, there were 4550
decisions for Christ. On Sunday night, one of those who came forward
was a 93 year old man making a first time commitment to Christ (now
that's worth some shouting).

Having said that, I think Franklin Graham is good as well, but both he
and Billy say that his sister Anne Graham Lotz is the best preacher in
the family. Having heard her, I'm inclined to agree. And if you think
Franklin is "in your face" with the gospel, you should hear Anne.

Of all the well-known preachers out there today, I would pick Anne
Graham Lotz as my favorite.

Larry Davis
Atlanta, GA

Paul Slopak Jr.

2003年5月30日 10:38:072003/5/30
I have heard Anne Graham Lotz speak in person and on Larry King and she is
one of the best speakers in Christianity today. She gave a great Gospel
message while on Larry King.
It never ceases to amaze me that Larry King has had Billy, Franklin and Anne
on his show as well as John McArthur and many other great Christians and
Larry still does not get it. He is on his 8th or 9th marriage, his health is
barely holding on and keeping him alive and he still does not hear the
message. Boy, when the Bible says that the eyes of the Jews has been blinded
to the message for the sake of the Gentiles just think of Larry King for

Larry - I would not question the fact that Katharine Kuhlman was one of the
best orators of our time but if you check out here message she falls short
of being a good preacher.

"Larry Davis" <> wrote in message


2003年5月30日 11:40:222003/5/30
Having read that, I will have to seek out an opportunity to hear her.

"Don't just make a statement; make a difference."

"Larry Davis" <> wrote in message


2003年5月30日 16:36:542003/5/30
Don't know how I left out Swindoll, nor one of my favorites: Alistair Begg
of Parkside Church, Cleveland. Re-reading my own sermons, I see his
influence coming through on occasion.

"Don't just make a statement; make a difference."

"Dee Maxwell" <> wrote in message

Larry Davis

2003年5月30日 16:38:582003/5/30
> Larry - I would not question the fact that Katharine Kuhlman was one of the
> best orators of our time but if you check out here message she falls short
> of being a good preacher.

Actually, I would take exactly the inverse position. I wouldn't have
called Kathryn Kuhlman a great orator. Quite the opposite. But her
message was a strong, clear, and compassionate Gospel message with
great results both for salvation and otherwise. As John Levrier said,
"We Baptists are impressed with numbers," in regard to the number of
people who were saved in the first Kuhlman meeting he was in. But
Kathryn's meetings were like nothing else I have ever seen or heard
about -- the kind of thing that stays with you for the rest of your
life. I've quite simply never gotten over what I saw happen in those

For me, the premium is always on the moving of the Holy Spirit. That's
what makes Billy Graham so wonderful to me. He doesn't use any of the
preaching mechanisms that are designed to produce an effect. He just
talks about his topic and then at a certain point, with no emotional
stories, no emotional appeal, he just says, "I'm going to ask you to
come." And they do, by the thousands. It's just the Holy Spirit.
Kathryn's meetings were the same way. In some wonderful way, she
managed to bring an awareness of the presence of the Almighty God
through the Holy Spirit, and out of that Presence came all of the
wonderful things that happened in her meetings.

Larry Davis
Atlanta, GA

Paul Slopak Jr.

2003年5月30日 17:02:142003/5/30
I guess from what I remember of Kathryn Kuhlman by the time I was old enough
to see her on TV she was into Spirits and prophesying and mysticism and
"Words of knowledge" and strange things like that. (Stuff a Baptist would
not think of doing)

"Larry Davis" <> wrote in message


2003年5月30日 18:15:172003/5/30
That coincides with my recollection of her. I can barely remember her on
with Johnny Carson, for some strange reason. It must have been in the mid
1960s, when I was young enough to be fearful of anyone claiming spiritual
connections (except the Pope; Mom & Dad seemed to think he was okay).

I never realized she had any Baptist connections, having always remembered
her principally as a Charismatic. I have seen some so-called Baptists who
practice some of the same things, but they don't seem to fit the mold from
which I expect Baptists to spring.

Of course, having said that, I must confess myself to be different than a
lot of my fellow Wesleyans. For one thing, I try to resist the temptation
to fit people into molds.

"Don't just make a statement; make a difference."
"Paul Slopak Jr." <> wrote in message


Larry Davis

2003年5月30日 21:33:282003/5/30
"> That coincides with my recollection of her. I can barely remember
her on
> with Johnny Carson, for some strange reason. It must have been in the mid
> 1960s, when I was young enough to be fearful of anyone claiming spiritual
> connections (except the Pope; Mom & Dad seemed to think he was okay).
> I never realized she had any Baptist connections, having always remembered
> her principally as a Charismatic. I have seen some so-called Baptists who
> practice some of the same things, but they don't seem to fit the mold from
> which I expect Baptists to spring.

Kathryn was a Baptist (American Baptist Convention, I think)from as
far back as the 1940's, I believe. She often remarked that she was a
Baptist. Because her pneumatology was Pentecostal, she was received by
those in the Charismatic movement of the late 1960's and early 1970's
but she was not ever fully a part of that movement. Her theology was
very solidly fundamental and evangelical.

For those of you who are interested, you might try to locate her book,
"Nothing is Impossible With God". It is an outstanding work.

It's interesting that you mention the Johnny Carson show. Who knows
what moved him to invite her or her to be on the show, but I remember
it well. She absolutely dominated the program for Christ. Her
personality and, according to her, the power of the Spirit, completely
overwhelmed him and it wasn't long till he was just sitting there
grunting his agreement or interest from time to time while she just
declared the Gospel. Johnny didn't even sign off that show. She just
kept talking about Jesus and how he works in people's lives right up
through the credits. It was a stunning presentation that ended with
the words, "Nothing is impossible with God." Unforgettable.

By the way, I did attend Kathryn's meetings in Atlanta when she was
here. A Kuhlman meeting was a very reverent meeting. That's the word I
would definitely use. Reverent. Any Baptist or Methodist or
Presbyterian would have been comfortable I think. She discouraged any
Charismatic-Pentecostal manifestations in her meetings as being off
point. The meetings were very Spiritual, very orderly, as we consider
orderliness. In the meeting, one was minded of the old admonition,
"The Lord is in His Holy Temple, let all the earth keep silence before

Larry Davis
Atlanta, GA


2003年5月31日 11:04:542003/5/31
And Benny Hinn still converses with her at her gravesite. (Larry Davis) wrote in message news:<>...

Larry Davis

2003年5月31日 20:18:152003/5/31
收件人 (TommyDale) wrote in message news:<>...

> And Benny Hinn still converses with her at her gravesite.

Yes, I've heard that Hinn claims some sort of connection or perhaps an
inheritance of something or other from Kathryn. If you had ever been
in a meeting of hers, you would know why it is something to which
someone might want to put a claim.

Not to speak ill of the living -- but, well, because a lot of people
asked me for my opinion of his work, and because I felt I couldn't
assess what he was doing without seeing it, I attended three days of
his meetings in Atlanta several years ago. I went for three days just
to be sure I had a good picture of what was happening.There was not
any reasonable resemblance between the structure, the manner, the
spirit, or the results of his meetings and those of Kathryn's.

David Stuart

2003年5月31日 23:16:232003/5/31
My favorites were Rex Humbard and Oral Roberts, and in the old days i
liked Jim Baker and JImmy Swaggert before all that Hoopla started , and
i still like Jerry falwell, and i like T.D. Jakes, i like Joel Osteen,
and i kinda like Rod Parsley, but he yells a little too much! LOL, and i
like Jessy Duplantis, and i like John Hagee, and Tony Evans, and a few
others , cant think of them all now.



2003年7月5日 16:29:442003/7/5
I didn't know E.V. Hill was deceased. I used to have cable and tape an
ENORMOUS number of programs
and many of them are E.V. Hill's sermons/teachings. Tony Evans has a
daily/nightly radio program.


"Paul Slopak Jr." <> wrote in message


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2003年7月5日 16:37:462003/7/5
I have learned a great deal from the teachings of David Jeremiah (Shadow
Mountain Church-San Diego). He has a daily program
"Turning Point" and while I listen sometimes to Charles Stanley, Erwin
Lutzer, John MacArthur, Jr, Tony Evans, et al, I ALWAYS listen to Dr.
Jeremiah's program. He is one of the best. He has a dry sense of humor but
he's unbeatable for teaching God's Word. But I rank Ravi Zacharias as
number one! His website is (I can get it later if anyone wants
it - but go to and type in Ravi Zachrais or RZIM .. it's easy to
find. He's a Christian apologist and has taken on the best colleges and
universities and (I think Harvard Law School) with their anti-God squads and
left them with their heads spinning as they try their feeble logic and
evolutionary theories on him. He is from India originally but currently
lives and has his ministery headquarters in Norcross, Georgia (a suburb of
Atlanta). He is wonderful. I listen to him weekly on the radio (Saturday
night and Sunday morning) and also you can hear his teachings from his
website. I have many tapes of his teachings. I rank these two as two of
the best!


"DanLemke" <> wrote in message

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