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WorldCon update

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Sep 8, 1993, 3:14:00 PM9/8/93
Thank you very much and I'm glad to hear it. Why didn't you introduce
yourself? Or did you? I'm nearly caught up on sleep at this point but much
of Saturday is a blur...
--- FD2.02/RA1.11+/FMail.96+

Sep 8, 1993, 5:10:35 PM9/8/93

I spent a lot of time working as a volunter at registration and attending
parties. 2 of the 3 times that I made it by the ANA, there was nothing going
on:-). I did have a great time in San Francisco!



Sep 9, 1993, 1:13:00 PM9/9/93
Well, I really enjoyed Worldcon myself, espeically getting to perform in the
two one-shots on Satruday and Sunday (on Sunday I had to do without glasses
and a lyric sheet) and the bardic circles with Lee Gold. I also got to sample
"Chaos" for the first time and to try out most of my recent lyrics.
Now I found myself wondering what people really thought of it.
I did get to see other parts of the convention, forgoing lots of concerts for

--- QuickBBS 2.80 (Gamma-2)


Sep 11, 1993, 1:50:03 PM9/11/93
to comments:

> I spent a lot of time working as a volunter at registration and attending
> parties. 2 of the 3 times that I made it by the ANA, there was nothing going
> on:-). I did have a great time in San Francisco!

You must have dropped by about 8am, when all filkers tend to head for their
beds. <grin>


"A cat is the visible soul of a home." -- seen on a con button

Gary Ehrlich

Sep 11, 1993, 4:08:25 PM9/11/93
Well, while I'm sitting at home recovering from a case of Con Crud
(when I *should* be at the MD Renaissance Festival), I suppose I
should post my ConFransisco musings...

I had a great time (ANA foulups aside), got to meet lots of net-folk.
The highlights of the weekend were the two performer's circles I was
in, one for Trek and one for TV/movies. Leslie Fish played guitar for
two parodies of her songs I sang ("Gene Roddenberry's Ghost is Haunting
Space Station Nine" and Matt Leger's "Bev Crusher's Fantasy"). I
recruited Lynn Gold and Robin Baylor to sing "The Dalek Song" with me.

The bottle of Tully I won courtesy of the Baltimore in '98 Filksong
Contest made it home, despite United Airlines' best attempts to
break it (My flight was dogding thunderheads all the way home). I
won the contest with "Ghost Pirates in DC" I missed my opprtunity to
accept the award at the filk concert thanks to one of many screwups
by the ANA front desk, but got a chance to sing the song and collect
a few kudos later in the weekend.

As I said on GEnie, the con trip has already inspired a few new songs.
Watch this space for postings...

ELECTRO | Gary J. Ehrlich | "Real filkers don't document;
E_____ | | if it was hard to write it
E | | should be hard to scan"


Sep 13, 1993, 9:33:21 AM9/13/93
to says:

> Thank you very much and I'm glad to hear it. Why didn't you
> introduce yourself? Or did you? I'm nearly caught up on sleep at
> this point but much of Saturday is a blur...

Actually, I did... several times. You'd have seen me wandering
around with Dandelion Digital, usually carrying mike stands, or
coiling cable... and we did interrupt your breakfast one morning to
compliment you on your outstanding job as filk coordinator. <grin>
Much of it was a bit of a daze to me too, though...

(maybe I should have worn my 'Pigs R Us' t-shirt all the time?)

"Purranoia -- the awful suspicion that your cat is up to something."
(another button at the con)

Sep 14, 1993, 3:59:44 PM9/14/93
GE> The bottle of Tully I won courtesy of the Baltimore in '98 Filksong
GE> Contest made it home, despite United Airlines' best attempts to
GE> break it (My flight was dogding thunderheads all the way home). I
GE> won the contest with "Ghost Pirates in DC" I missed my opprtunity to

Sheesh. It looks like half the filk in Balt-DC are on this echo, all from the
internet side. So, are you going to post Ghost Pirates here? (Or did I
already miss it?)

--- Maximus 2.01wb

Sep 15, 1993, 4:07:02 PM9/15/93
I'm really sorry to hear you had problems with the ANA. I found the staff, on
the whole, to be the most helpful and friendly I have ever encountered at a
con hotel. I mean, almost every experience I had with them was GREAT. Well,
there was this one busboy with an attitude problem, but I'm not sure he's
still there....
--- FD2.02/RA1.11+/FMail.96+

Sep 15, 1993, 4:56:32 PM9/15/93
On <Sep 14 19:59>, Irv Koch (1:109/120.13) wrote to Gary Ehrlich:

IK>Sheesh. It looks like half the filk in Balt-DC are on this echo,
IK>all from the internet side. So, are you going to post Ghost
IK>Pirates here? (Or did I already miss it?)

If you did, so did I. Oh Gaaarrrryyyyyyyyyy........ :->

--- msged 2.06

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