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Re: New filk: Thyme in a Bottle

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Mar 6, 2019, 2:03:54 PM3/6/19

On 20:18 03/03 , Arthur T. wrote:
>It all started so innocently. I expected it to continue that way. But
>here it is in Amf.
>Title: Thyme in a Bottle
>ttto: Time In a Bottle by Jim Croce
>I always save thyme in a bottle
>The sages suggested I do
>All the savory notes and the fragrant compotes,
>Without glass, they would spoil, and I'd rue
>With winter-green junipers outside
>The SCAdians all like their mace
>With helmets all clove and their jerkins all peppered
>Their capers not seen as disgrace
> Jasmine nixes vanilla sex
> It's a cinnamon once said; she believed him.
> I curry up her ginger hair
> My angel-I-ca' hardly wait to cumin
>A salt on my senses keeps going
>As lovage continues apace
>Sweet Basil and nut Meg join in on the fun
>Grains of paradise in my embrace
> And Rosemary comes whene'er chia-ppears
> Strong licorice quite useful as an ice-breaker
> A salt's taboo in modern times
> Though if she's mint you could be cherry pepper
>My lyrics copyright 2019 by Arthur Tansky.
>Arthur T. - ar23hur "at" pobox "dot" com
>Guessing a lyricist's opinions from his songs is as futile as
>guessing an author's opinions from his novels.

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