On 6/21/2021 9:19 AM, Mike Van Pelt wrote:
> In article <
> Wolffan <
akwo...@zoho.com> wrote:
>> On 2021 May30, Magewolf wrote
>> (in article <s90vcf$sup$
>>> Actual Nazis or self defined ones? Because the first are in rather short
>>> supply.
> Or "Politics marginally to the right of Nancy Pelosi", which
> by some people's lights are Nazis by definition. (And they're
> not too sure about Nancy.)
>> The latest one had a swastika tattooed on his forehead, and two friends with
>> SS lightening flashes tattooed on their arms. Looked like Nazis to me. I
>> pointed out that the guy they were trying to hassle was:
>> 1. a Sikh, not a Muslim
>> 2. more Aryan than they were
>> 3. smarter than they were... combined
>> 4. unlike they were, was well-acquainted with soap, water, deodorant, and
>> mouthwash.
>> They got upset. And started swinging just as the cop car which I’d known
>> was in the area came into sight. Oops. The cop called for backup and our
>> three Heroes of the White Christian Race were last seen being cuffed and
>> hauled off to the county lockup. They didn’t get bail (apparently they
>> called the arraignment court judge a kike) and their trial date hasn’t come
>> up yet.
> Ah, I love a happy ending.
> I suspect, if asked, people with that sort of tattoos would
> vehemently deny that they were any sort of Christian. More
> likely that Norse neo-pagan thing that horrifies the vast
> majority of neo-pagans... (Asatru? Is that it? Not gonna
> get any of that on my search history...)
> In the unlikely event they do claim to be Christians, of course,
> they're setting themselves up for one Hell of a shock on the Day
> of Judgement, when they find out the Judge is a Jew.
This is a long comment in this newsgroup
given that it doesn't have a song.
Can you set it to a tune?
Could you or others send any further such comments to A
alt.music.filk -- which is where rec.music.filk members send
overflow comments that aren't songs?
--Lee Gold