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Re: Prohibited songs at Balticon

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Lee Gold XP

Jun 21, 2021, 12:30:14 PM6/21/21
On 6/21/2021 9:19 AM, Mike Van Pelt wrote:
> In article <>,
> Wolffan <> wrote:
>> On 2021 May30, Magewolf wrote
>> (in article <s90vcf$sup$>):
>>> Actual Nazis or self defined ones? Because the first are in rather short
>>> supply.
> Or "Politics marginally to the right of Nancy Pelosi", which
> by some people's lights are Nazis by definition. (And they're
> not too sure about Nancy.)
>> The latest one had a swastika tattooed on his forehead, and two friends with
>> SS lightening flashes tattooed on their arms. Looked like Nazis to me. I
>> pointed out that the guy they were trying to hassle was:
>> 1. a Sikh, not a Muslim
>> 2. more Aryan than they were
>> 3. smarter than they were... combined
>> 4. unlike they were, was well-acquainted with soap, water, deodorant, and
>> mouthwash.
>> They got upset. And started swinging just as the cop car which I’d known
>> was in the area came into sight. Oops. The cop called for backup and our
>> three Heroes of the White Christian Race were last seen being cuffed and
>> hauled off to the county lockup. They didn’t get bail (apparently they
>> called the arraignment court judge a kike) and their trial date hasn’t come
>> up yet.
> Ah, I love a happy ending.
> I suspect, if asked, people with that sort of tattoos would
> vehemently deny that they were any sort of Christian. More
> likely that Norse neo-pagan thing that horrifies the vast
> majority of neo-pagans... (Asatru? Is that it? Not gonna
> get any of that on my search history...)
> In the unlikely event they do claim to be Christians, of course,
> they're setting themselves up for one Hell of a shock on the Day
> of Judgement, when they find out the Judge is a Jew.
This is a long comment in this newsgroup
given that it doesn't have a song.

Can you set it to a tune?
Could you or others send any further such comments to A -- which is where members send
overflow comments that aren't songs?


--Lee Gold

Tim Merrigan

Jun 21, 2021, 3:26:50 PM6/21/21
On Mon, 21 Jun 2021 09:30:12 -0700, Lee Gold XP <>

>This is a long comment in this newsgroup
>given that it doesn't have a song.
>Can you set it to a tune?
>Could you or others send any further such comments to A
> -- which is where members send
>overflow comments that aren't songs?
>--Lee Gold

I gather this was cross posted to rmf, I saw it on rasff.

Qualified immuninity = vertual impunity.

Tim Merrigan

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Dorothy J Heydt

Jun 21, 2021, 4:20:01 PM6/21/21
In article <saqeql$l7u$>,
Lee Gold XP <> wrote:
>On 6/21/2021 9:19 AM, Mike Van Pelt wrote:
>> Wolffan <> wrote:
>This is a long comment in this newsgroup
>given that it doesn't have a song.
>Can you set it to a tune?
>Could you or others send any further such comments to
> -- which is where members send
>overflow comments that aren't songs?
>--Lee Gold

Uhhhhh... I can give you the complete text of "The Day The
Honeywagon Caught Fire," which is sung to the tune of The Bastard
King of England. Not very apropos, but considered fun by my
fellow SCAdians.

Better, really, for someone younger and sharper than me to write
one _ab initio._ And The Bastard King of England is way the heck
out of copyright.

Dorothy J. Heydt
Vallejo, California
djheydt at gmail dot com
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