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Thoughts on another GH....

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Jun 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/20/97

Hi All,
Just wanted to lurk in the back for a while and while I was there I
thought about something. When Mr. Joel released GH I&II it was hot off
the heals of AIM, and the Curtain albums. Then there was this large break
of what....two years until The Bridge. What if this is the same thing in
reverse. You know, release something to respark that radio and public
memory of him and then release an album of new material. Any takers?

I just got done going through this whole episode with Chicago (a band that
many of you will note is THE band of GH packages.) I was almost saddened
the other day when I heard that Mr. Joel is releasing Volume III. But
Chicago is planning a new album for the Christmas season, and maybe the
same is true for Billy Joel....
That of course is not set in stone, or even a rumor. It's just the hope I
keep in my mind! Anyway, another GH isn't so bad. We get three new songs
(well, two and a cover...), and some is better than nothing.
Keeping the Faith,
Curtis Brown <><
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Jun 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/20/97

Yes, but how can you compare Chicago, who hasn't seemed concerned about
anything but money since their first few albums, to Billy Joel? :-)



Jun 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/21/97

The 1st few albums, although I don't like them, are, I admit, innovative
and full of musicianship. However, since "Colour My World," the soppy
ballads that the band has concentrated on are very difficult to take.



Jun 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/21/97


Billy Joel has never written for money, he has always written for himself.
Never, ever, not once has he ever sold out like Chicago did.


Steve Tursi

Jun 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM6/23/97

I think your half-right. There is no doubt that his newer stuff (Bridge,
Storm Front, and especially River of Dreams) isn't nearly as good as his
older stuff. But Lazy? I don't think so.. anyone who can come out with (I
lost count.. 12?) albums from '71 to '86 certainly cannot be called lazy.
And if you've ever been to one of his concerts, I suspect you would agree
with me on the point that his stage manner is anything but lazy. He's
getting older, and, unfortunately, he's in a quasi-retirement stage right
now. He doesn't _want_ to come out with a new album (other than a GH)
right now.

GByron2 <> wrote in article
> I think it reperesents laziness and the fact that his best days are far
> behind him.

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