Are there any chat sites that are solely dedicated to Billy fans? I
subscribe to the digest and check the newsgroup frequently, but I was
curious about any chat rooms. They can be IRC or other on-line chat
P.S. Not any disgusting, perverted sites please!
Well, there's the #billyjoel chat room on IRC (Undernet), but hardly
anyone ever visits. I have a chat client up on the Turnstiles Chat
section, but again, not many visit. Maybe if we set a time for people
to show up, they will. How about 8:00 Saturday nights? The advantages
of the Turnstiles chat is that you can access it through the JAVA on the
web site, and also through IRC by connecting to room
#billyjoel. I'll be there at 8:00, if anyone drops by.
|Todd M. Bullivant ,,, |
|Alias: Radar (0 0) |
|E-mail: |-----|--oOO--(_)--OOo--|----|
|E-mail: |-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-|
|Turnstiles: ---|----|
| "We're going all the way to the Great Wall of China"-Billy Joel |
Amy Tupper <> wrote in article
> Just wondering....
> Are there any chat sites that are solely dedicated to Billy fans? I
> subscribe to the digest and check the newsgroup frequently, but I was
> curious about any chat rooms. They can be IRC or other on-line chat
> rooms.
Well, I originally set it for Monday's and Wednesdays at 8:00 PM EST.
But people said no weekends were better! I can't win! I'll see how it
works out tonight, and may change the time later...