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270274 access free awesome musis sites on the web 04

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Andrew W.

Jan 19, 2010, 12:57:38 PM1/19/10
I try to keep things simple, I love music and I play music, it's basically my life along wtih being a rathr poor student, wait that came out wrong, I don't have trouble with the material, i make very good grades, I just have trouble holding onto a dime. There are endless RSS feeds out there and I thrive on aquiring information but I don't wan tto have to pay forr it or sort thropugh a bunch of junk, so I make my own sites wioth the information I want in it, I am also a web develoer and I have put up a number of sites that are free, that's righ we don't want any of your information. The information is updated each day, and there are 10,000 Plus feature articles in each Portal, the following are related to music and thnaks for cheching them out, if you like it please poass the info along. Great For Guitairsts, even if you are just learning these has info for all levels This site gives me great information, use the search it's easy A little off topic but it helps people to understand the technology better This one is hot and also or sale, use the link on the page if you are interested in it YouTubr isn't the only vieo site out there, use the and find ypour favorites in seocnds

Enjoy, please bookamrk the pages, it has much dynamic content so it will changed probably everyime oyu trlosf ythr main page, Alo please pass it on, I believe in keeping the internet free, bt if I want to east I have to slave drive with the huge corporate assholes that want to shove everything down their throats that they can of. Sorry, just venting I guess.


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