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Screaming Trees, Chris Smith interviews

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Jason Gross

Apr 2, 2023, 6:57:58 PM4/2/23

In the latest issue of Perfect Sound Forever <>, you'll find (among other things):

Interview- Van Conner (RIP), by Peter Crigler
"Screaming Trees were one of the great, unheralded grunge bands of the '80's and '90's. Though mostly known for hits like "All I Want" from 1996 and 1992's masterpiece "Nearly Lost You," the band had a long and varied career, beginning with their indie roots and landing on SST Records to release some definitive records including Buzz Factory. In 1990, the band signed with Epic Records and went on to release three critically-acclaimed records before breaking up in 2000."

Interview- Indie lo-fi noir, by Jorge Luis Fernandez
"Chris Smith is a professional photographer and a great musician as well. Moving around the Melbourne area where he nearly always lived, the Australian guitarist started out his career in the mid Nineties as part of the alt/post-rock outfit The Golden Lifestyle Band. At the end of that decade, with the album Cabin Fever, Chris embarked on a solo career which reached its apex with the brilliantly atmospheric Bad Orchestra."

We also have a Spotify playlist with most of the artists above here:

We're always looking for good writers and/or ideas so let us know if you have anything to share.

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