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How do I delete all my hidden Thumbs.db files from the system?

559 megtekintés
Ugrás az első olvasatlan üzenetre

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 15. 2:16:452004. 06. 15.
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions

echo +-------------------------------------------------------+
echo ^| THUMBS.CMD Clear the hidden Thumbs.db thumbnail files ^|
echo ^| By Prof. Timo Salmi, Last modified Tue 15-Jun-2004 ^|
echo +-------------------------------------------------------+

:: Help wanted?
if /i [%1]==[?] goto _usage
if /i [%1]==[/?] goto _usage

:: Include also the photo directories into the traversing
if /i [%1]==[all] goto _all

:: Ask in general
set ask_=
set /p ask_="Traverse some of the hidden Thumbs.db files [y/N]?"
if /i not "%ask_%"=="y" (endlocal & goto :EOF)
:: Delete one by one
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in (
'dir /a:h /s /b c:\Thumbs.db^|find /i /v "_h\photo\"') do (
call :DeleteOneThumb "%%f")
endlocal & goto :EOF

:: Ask in general
set ask_=
set /p ask_="Traverse ALL hidden Thumbs.db files [y/N]?"
if /i not "%ask_%"=="y" (endlocal & goto :EOF)
:: Delete one by one
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in (
'dir /a:h /s /b c:\Thumbs.db') do (
call :DeleteOneThumb "%%f")
endlocal & goto :EOF

echo Usage: THUMBS [all]
echo all = include the c:\_h\photo directories
endlocal & goto :EOF

:: =============================================
dir /a:h %* 2>&1 | find "1 File(s)" > nul
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
attrib -s -h %* >nul
del /p %*
attrib +s +h %* >nul)
goto :EOF

All the best, Timo

Prof. Timo Salmi ftp & http://garbo.uwasa.fi/ archives
Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa
mailto:t...@uwasa.fi <http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/> ; FIN-65101, Finland
Useful script files and tricks ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/link/tscmd.zip

Todd Vargo

2004. jún. 15. 19:08:162004. 06. 15.

"Timo Salmi" <t...@UWasa.Fi> wrote in message

> @echo off & setlocal enableextensions
> echo +-------------------------------------------------------+
> echo ^| THUMBS.CMD Clear the hidden Thumbs.db thumbnail files ^|
> echo ^| By Prof. Timo Salmi, Last modified Tue 15-Jun-2004 ^|
> echo +-------------------------------------------------------+

@echo off & setlocal enableextensions

:: Help wanted?

if /i [%1]==[?] goto _usage
if /i [%1]==[/?] goto _usage

:: Set QUIET mode state
set ask_=/p
if /i [%1]==[/q] set ask_=

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in (

'dir /a-d /s /b c:\Thumbs.db') do (
del /a /f %ask_% "%%f")
goto :eof

:: =============================================
echo Clears all Thumbs.db thumbnail files on drive C:
echo Usage: THUMBS /Q
echo /Q = Supress prompting
:: =============================================

Todd Vargo (remove hyphen to reply by email)

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 16. 7:53:462004. 06. 16.
Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
> "Timo Salmi" <t...@UWasa.Fi> wrote: in message
> > echo ^| THUMBS.CMD Clear the hidden Thumbs.db thumbnail files ^|


> :: Set QUIET mode state
> set ask_=/p
> if /i [%1]==[/q] set ask_=
> for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in (
> 'dir /a-d /s /b c:\Thumbs.db') do (
> del /a /f %ask_% "%%f")
> goto :eof


That's nicely condensed. The posting's message-id hence pasted.

Code frugality aside, the essential trick, since the c:\Thumbs.db
are hidden/system files is to detect them. The straight dir will not
do that. Either the /a:h (which I used in the original) or /a:-d
(used in the above) switch is needed.

Todd Vargo

2004. jún. 16. 22:55:302004. 06. 16.

"Timo Salmi" wrote:
> Code frugality aside, the essential trick, since the c:\Thumbs.db
> are hidden/system files is to detect them. The straight dir will not
> do that. Either the /a:h (which I used in the original) or /a:-d
> (used in the above) switch is needed.


Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 17. 4:52:512004. 06. 17.
Timo Salmi wrote:

>Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
>> "Timo Salmi" <t...@UWasa.Fi> wrote: in message
>> > echo ^| THUMBS.CMD Clear the hidden Thumbs.db thumbnail files ^|
>> :: Set QUIET mode state
>> set ask_=/p
>> if /i [%1]==[/q] set ask_=
>> for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in (
>> 'dir /a-d /s /b c:\Thumbs.db') do (
>> del /a /f %ask_% "%%f")
>> goto :eof
>That's nicely condensed. The posting's message-id hence pasted.
>Code frugality aside, the essential trick, since the c:\Thumbs.db
>are hidden/system files is to detect them. The straight dir will not
>do that. Either the /a:h (which I used in the original) or /a:-d
>(used in the above) switch is needed.
>All the best, Timo

Hello Timo,
to my knowledge and experience the presence of /A without any other char
is sufficient.

for /F "delims=" %A in ('dir /A /B /S %cd%.\thumbs.db') do @echo/%~aA %~fA

For help on nt commands enter in a cmd window:
W2K>HH windows.chm::ntcmds.htm XP>HH ntcmds.chm

Walter Briscoe

2004. jún. 17. 5:07:482004. 06. 17.
In message <2jcfejF...@uni-berlin.de> of Wed, 16 Jun 2004 22:55:30
in alt.msdos.batch.nt, Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> writes

>"Timo Salmi" wrote:
>> Code frugality aside, the essential trick, since the c:\Thumbs.db
>> are hidden/system files is to detect them. The straight dir will not
>> do that. Either the /a:h (which I used in the original) or /a:-d
>> (used in the above) switch is needed.
I do not understand why Timo started this thread. I infer that NT
systems permanently creates such files in the current directory by some
operation. I see both Timo's and Todd's code intends to zap such files.
I do not know the history on my system of the following:
C:\) attrib /s thumbs.db
SH C:\My Documents\My Pictures\Thumbs.db
A C:\Radon\zKernel\Ico\Thumbs.db
Timo's script would not delete the latter. I suspect /a-d would be
better and the subject might then read "How do I delete all my [hidden]
Thumbs.db files [from the system]?"
Walter Briscoe

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 17. 10:23:052004. 06. 17.
Walter Briscoe wrote:

My suggested single /A works also as an option for del, so all that
might be reduced to

with confirmation: del /A /S /F /P \thumbs.db
without del /A /S /F \thumbs.db

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 17. 14:36:212004. 06. 17.
Matthias Tacke <Matt...@Tacke.de> wrote:
> Timo Salmi wrote:
> >Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
> >> for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%f in (
> >> 'dir /a-d /s /b c:\Thumbs.db') do (
> >> del /a /f %ask_% "%%f")

> >Code frugality aside, the essential trick, since the c:\Thumbs.db

> >are hidden/system files is to detect them. The straight dir will not
> >do that. Either the /a:h (which I used in the original) or /a:-d
> >(used in the above) switch is needed.

> to my knowledge and experience the presence of /A without any other char
> is sufficient.

Which means that the /A alone is kind of undocumented in DIR /? and
can conveniently be interpreted as "ALL". Good find Matthias.

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 17. 14:39:412004. 06. 17.
Walter Briscoe <wbri...@ponle.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> >"Timo Salmi" wrote:

> I do not understand why Timo started this thread. I infer that NT
> systems permanently creates such files in the current directory by some
> operation. I see both Timo's and Todd's code intends to zap such files.

Walter, this is what I have written in the next FAQ draft before the
actual code:

"If you use the "View" | "Thumbnails" option in your Files and
Folders windows, the hidden Thumbs.db system file in each such
folder gradually builds up (if you have not chosen "Do not cache
thumbnails" in Folder Options). To delete them you can use e.g.
following script. It has the option of bypassing the personal
photoalbums folders (mine are at C:\_H\PHOTO and its subfolders.)"

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 17. 14:47:042004. 06. 17.
Matthias Tacke <Matt...@Tacke.de> wrote:
> My suggested single /A works also as an option for del, so all that
> might be reduced to
> with confirmation: del /A /S /F /P \thumbs.db
> without del /A /S /F \thumbs.db

In a few cycles 51 lines have been reduced to one! Reminds me a one
particular Dilbert cartoon where Dilbert's 16000 code lines were
reduced to 13 :-).

Marco Maier

2004. jún. 17. 16:52:152004. 06. 17.
Timo Salmi wrote in message <news:casob5$6...@poiju.uwasa.fi> :

> Which means that the /A alone is kind of undocumented in DIR /? and
> can conveniently be interpreted as "ALL". Good find Matthias.

For what I remember, a couple of months ago you told the same thing!

Marco Maier

2004. jún. 17. 18:16:472004. 06. 17.
Marco Maier wrote in message <news:d5irti9g...@MIR.SID> :

> For what I remember, a couple of months ago you told the same thing!


Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 17. 18:29:292004. 06. 17.

Good find Marco.

Todd Vargo

2004. jún. 17. 18:52:122004. 06. 17.

"Marco Maier" <marcomaie...@Myahoo.it> wrote in message

Why Matthias is receiving credit for discovering something previously
discussed many times in other groups is a mystery. It must be an ego
building exercise.

Think of it this way. DIR/? output shows that attributes are optional. The
meaning of [brackets] is well documented. What else would one expect the /A
alone might do?

Todd Vargo

2004. jún. 17. 18:52:292004. 06. 17.

"Matthias Tacke" wrote:
> My suggested single /A works also as an option for del, so all that
> might be reduced to
> with confirmation: del /A /S /F /P \thumbs.db
> without del /A /S /F \thumbs.db

Touché! (bows head in shame)

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 17. 19:19:372004. 06. 17.
Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:

> "Matthias Tacke" wrote:
> > with confirmation: del /A /S /F /P \thumbs.db
> Touché! (bows head in shame)

Not entirely necessary.

1) The selective exlusion (tackled in my original) is not included.

2) I am a bit reticent about del /s usages, since they are rather

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 17. 19:23:572004. 06. 17.
Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
> Why Matthias is receiving credit for discovering something previously
> discussed many times in other groups is a mystery. It must be an ego
> building exercise.


> Think of it this way. DIR/? output shows that attributes are optional. The
> meaning of [brackets] is well documented. What else would one expect the /A
> alone might do?

The dir /? documentation says
"/A Displays files with specified attributes."

The rest is undocumented conjecture, even if correct and logical.

Walter Briscoe

2004. jún. 18. 1:33:202004. 06. 18.
In message <casohd$6...@poiju.uwasa.fi> of Thu, 17 Jun 2004 21:39:41 in
alt.msdos.batch.nt, Timo Salmi <t...@UWasa.Fi> writes

>Walter Briscoe <wbri...@ponle.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> >"Timo Salmi" wrote:
>> I do not understand why Timo started this thread. I infer that NT
>> systems permanently creates such files in the current directory by some
>> operation. I see both Timo's and Todd's code intends to zap such files.
>Walter, this is what I have written in the next FAQ draft before the
>actual code:
>"If you use the "View" | "Thumbnails" option in your Files and
>Folders windows, the hidden Thumbs.db system file in each such
>folder gradually builds up (if you have not chosen "Do not cache
>thumbnails" in Folder Options). To delete them you can use e.g.
>following script. It has the option of bypassing the personal
>photoalbums folders (mine are at C:\_H\PHOTO and its subfolders.)"

Thanks Timo,
That is the context I did not have.
Walter Briscoe

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 18. 3:55:482004. 06. 18.
Timo Salmi wrote:

>Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
>> Why Matthias is receiving credit for discovering something previously
>> discussed many times in other groups is a mystery. It must be an ego
>> building exercise.

That's the question. *I* didn't claim to be the originator. I thought
Marco being it and was astonished.
IMHO we all here benefit from knowledge gathered in the groups and just
have to remember at the right time ;-)

Have a look at: XP> <hh.exe ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds_new_tools.htm>
W2k and XP> <hh.exe ntcmds.chm::/dos_diffs.htm>

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 18. 4:59:262004. 06. 18.
Matthias Tacke <Matt...@Tacke.de> wrote:
> Timo Salmi wrote:
> >Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
> >> Why Matthias is receiving credit for discovering something previously
> >> discussed many times in other groups is a mystery. It must be an ego

> That's the question. *I* didn't claim to be the originator. I thought

> Marco being it and was astonished.

The contributing pseudonum in the posting Marco referred to was
"foxdrive", as far as I now can recall.

> IMHO we all here benefit from knowledge gathered in the groups and just
> have to remember at the right time ;-)

Exactly my sentiments, too. I had forgotten about this particular
snippet (Marco was more astute than I in recalling it). It is a
nice, tiny addition to the said FAQ item.

As to contributions in general, below is how I currently state it in
my command line scripts FAQ. A few notes. Pseudonym contributions
fall under the category "collective thanks for the community". The
frequent impossibility of pinpointing the exact origins also is
taken up. Such a list can't be comprehensive. That fact is covered
by the "at least" and again "the community".

"CONTRIBUTORS: A FAQ-like collection always is more or less a product
of collective knowledge. The initial origins of many of the ideas
are often ambiguous and may have been discovered separately by
several authors. Thus a collective thanks for the NT/2000/XP
scripting community is in order. Furthermore, at least the following
individuals have either directly contributed to or otherwise
knowingly or unknowingly influenced the contents of this FAQ in a
positive manner:

Ballenger, Si
Briscoe, Walter
Dunbar, Al
Dye, Charles
Hardy, Steve
Kasal, Stepan
Lawrence, Ritchie
Prins, Robert
Robyn, Phil
Said, Marco Maier
Smith, Gary L.
Smith, Paul
Stockton, John
Tacke, Matthias
Takashi, Ootani"

All the best, Timo

Prof. Timo Salmi ftp & http://garbo.uwasa.fi/ archives
Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa
mailto:t...@uwasa.fi <http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/> ; FIN-65101, Finland

Timo's FAQ materials at http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/http/tsfaq.html

Marco Maier

2004. jún. 18. 6:14:392004. 06. 18.
Timo Salmi wrote in message <news:cauate$l...@poiju.uwasa.fi> :

hh.exe ntcmds.chm

"If you use /a without specifying attributes, dir displays the names of all
files, including hidden and system files."

We should read the documentation!

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 18. 7:48:582004. 06. 18.
Marco Maier wrote:


>hh.exe ntcmds.chm
>"If you use /a without specifying attributes, dir displays the names
>of all files, including hidden and system files."
>We should read the documentation!

You're of course right Marco,

gI think we oldbees and "middle agedbees" who started with dos and w9x
where dir isn't contained in a gui help rely much on the cli help which
didn't change much over time - only reflecting new options.
The experienced syntax reader will nevertheless see it from:

DIR [Laufwerk:][Pfad][Dateiname] [/A[[:]Attribute]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N]
[/O[[:]Folge]] [/P] [/Q] [/S] [/T[[:]Zeit]] [/W] [/X] [/4]

My reason to reference to the help are obvious language differences.

Independent from this thread I just changed my signature :-)

Marco Maier

2004. jún. 18. 8:29:442004. 06. 18.
Matthias Tacke wrote in message <news:caukr9$ao6$05$1...@news.t-online.com> :

> The experienced syntax reader will nevertheless see it from:
> DIR [Laufwerk:][Pfad][Dateiname] [/A[[:]Attribute]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N]
> [/O[[:]Folge]] [/P] [/Q] [/S] [/T[[:]Zeit]] [/W] [/X] [/4]

I can't see it. What can you predict for dir /o
for example?

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 18. 10:13:442004. 06. 18.
Marco Maier wrote:

The colon in brackets shows it's optional [:]
The Folge in brackets shows it's optional [[:]Folge]
The whole in brackets shows it's optional [/O[[:]Folge]]

Thats simply the syntax of help explained in:

HH ntcmds.chm::/help.htm

Marco Maier

2004. jún. 18. 10:51:452004. 06. 18.
Matthias Tacke wrote in message <news:cautao$j3b$05$1...@news.t-online.com> :

> Thats simply the syntax of help explained in:
> HH ntcmds.chm::/help.htm

exactly my point, you have to use ntcmds.chm

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 18. 11:33:352004. 06. 18.
Marco Maier wrote:

That was general knowledge in former times, when hard- software was
accompanied by at least a quick reference (printed on paper, no pdf etc)

Quick reference
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.30
Page 2:
[] Items shown inside square brackets are optional.
To include optional items, only type the information inside of the
brackets. Do not type the brackets.

The help for dir in the quick ref is pretty short:

*DIR Lists the files in a directory
DIR [drive:][pathname][/P][/W]

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 18. 12:06:482004. 06. 18.
Marco Maier <marcomaie...@Myahoo.it> wrote:
> Timo Salmi wrote in message <news:cauate$l...@poiju.uwasa.fi> :

> hh.exe ntcmds.chm
> "If you use /a without specifying attributes, dir displays the names of all
> files, including hidden and system files."
> We should read the documentation!

Certainly. However, DIR /? is the default documentation. hh is going
to additional (highly useful) sources. In the former, as I posted
previously, the information is not explcitly stated.

Anyway, we now got this well pinned down.

All the best, Timo

Prof. Timo Salmi ftp & http://garbo.uwasa.fi/ archives
Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa
mailto:t...@uwasa.fi <http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/> ; FIN-65101, Finland

Marco Maier

2004. jún. 18. 12:14:592004. 06. 18.
Matthias Tacke wrote in message <news:cav20f$7b7$02$1...@news.t-online.com> :

> That was general knowledge in former times, when hard- software was
> accompanied by at least a quick reference (printed on paper, no pdf etc)

Perhaps there is a misunderstanding (my English is not good)
What I'm saying is that you cannot predict what dir /o
does, using only the quick reference.

You have to use The Command line reference:
"If you use /o without specifying SortOrder, dir displays the names of the
directories, sorted in alphabetic order, and then displays the names of
files, sorted in alphabetic order"

Todd Vargo

2004. jún. 18. 21:29:552004. 06. 18.

"Timo Salmi" <t...@UWasa.Fi> wrote in message

> Marco Maier <marcomaie...@Myahoo.it> wrote:
> > Timo Salmi wrote in message <news:cauate$l...@poiju.uwasa.fi> :
> (snip)
> > hh.exe ntcmds.chm
> > "If you use /a without specifying attributes, dir displays the names of
> > files, including hidden and system files."
> > We should read the documentation!
> Certainly. However, DIR /? is the default documentation.

Default also means abreviated.

> hh is going
> to additional (highly useful) sources. In the former, as I posted
> previously, the information is not explcitly stated.

Not in the abreviated verbiage, but in the syntax, it is.

Todd Vargo

2004. jún. 18. 21:36:582004. 06. 18.

"Timo Salmi" <t...@UWasa.Fi> wrote in message

> Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
> > Why Matthias is receiving credit for discovering something previously
> > discussed many times in other groups is a mystery. It must be an ego
> > building exercise.
> Whose?

You're suposed to be the educator. I didn't congradulate anyone, you did.

And more importantly, ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/batchutil/muf17.zip

As you are well aware, all these resources have long been available for
Matthias to have possibly read that "DIR /A" returns all files.

> > Think of it this way. DIR/? output shows that attributes are optional.
> > meaning of [brackets] is well documented. What else would one expect the
> > alone might do?
> The dir /? documentation says
> "/A Displays files with specified attributes."
> =========
> The rest is undocumented conjecture, even if correct and logical.

No, it is well documented and just misinterpreted. The /? help screens have
always been abbreviated quick syntax help. For full documentation, people
really should, RTFM. Now if anyone bothers to read what DOS 6.22 HELP said,
it has long been well documented.

Why someone is congratulated as if it's some big discovery is a mystery.

Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 19. 3:26:052004. 06. 19.
Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
> "Timo Salmi" <t...@UWasa.Fi> wrote in message
> > The rest is undocumented conjecture, even if correct and logical.
> No, it is well documented and just misinterpreted. The /? help screens have

Whatever way you wish. There hardly remains any true confusion about
it anyway.

> You're suposed to be the educator. I didn't congradulate anyone, you did.

> Why someone is congratulated as if it's some big discovery is a mystery.

It is unnecesary for me to pursue this side any further. I'll be
stepping around the fishing expedition to make issues about
perfectly innocuous events.

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 19. 8:11:202004. 06. 19.
Marco Maier wrote:

Full ack Marco.

BTW It might be interesting to find a (legal) way to compile a html
help from ntcmds.chm referable straight from a link.

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 19. 10:35:582004. 06. 19.
"Todd Vargo" wrote:

>> The dir /? documentation says
>> "/A Displays files with specified attributes."
>> =========
>> The rest is undocumented conjecture, even if correct and logical.
>No, it is well documented and just misinterpreted. The /? help screens have
>always been abbreviated quick syntax help. For full documentation, people
>really should, RTFM. Now if anyone bothers to read what DOS 6.22 HELP said,
>it has long been well documented.
>Why someone is congratulated as if it's some big discovery is a mystery.

Who was that?

> Touché! (bows head in shame)

The /A behviour of del can only be deduced from dir since it is not
mentioned - neither in del /? nor in
hh.exe ntcmds.chm::/del.htm

No big deal of course, but found it by myself without any references.

The ones you posted were new to me.
I'm pretty shure I read from the dir /a here in the groups since
september 2003.

Walter Briscoe

2004. jún. 19. 12:02:322004. 06. 19.
In message <cb1ah8$m2e$06$1...@news.t-online.com> of Sat, 19 Jun 2004
14:11:20 in alt.msdos.batch.nt, Matthias Tacke <Matt...@Tacke.de>

>Marco Maier wrote:
>>Matthias Tacke wrote in message
>><news:cav20f$7b7$02$1...@news.t-online.com> :
>>> That was general knowledge in former times, when hard- software was
>>> accompanied by at least a quick reference (printed on paper, no pdf
>>> etc)
>>Perhaps there is a misunderstanding (my English is not good)
>>What I'm saying is that you cannot predict what dir /o
>>does, using only the quick reference.
>>You have to use The Command line reference:
>>"If you use /o without specifying SortOrder, dir displays the names of
>>the directories, sorted in alphabetic order, and then displays the
>>names of files, sorted in alphabetic order"
>Full ack Marco.
>BTW It might be interesting to find a (legal) way to compile a html
>help from ntcmds.chm referable straight from a link.
What's wrong with hh -decompile folder chm? Quick demo!

C:\WINNT\Help) mkdir ntcmds

C:\WINNT\Help) hh -decompile ntcmds ntcmds.chm

C:\WINNT\Help) dir /s ntcmds | tail
2004/06/19 16:00 7,439 winnt32.htm
2004/06/19 16:00 2,818 winntsw.htm
2004/06/19 16:00 6,861 xcopy.htm
2004/06/19 16:00 3,998 xcopy__examples.htm
2004/06/19 16:00 3,577 xcopy__notes.htm
649 File(s) 1,548,889 bytes

Total Files Listed:
649 File(s) 1,548,889 bytes
2 Dir(s) 1,645,382,144 bytes free


hh proceeds asynchronously. i.e. It returns before the work is complete.
Walter Briscoe

Marco Maier

2004. jún. 19. 12:53:232004. 06. 19.
Matthias Tacke wrote in message <news:cb1ah8$m2e$06$1...@news.t-online.com> :

> BTW It might be interesting to find a (legal) way to compile a html
> help from ntcmds.chm referable straight from a link.

You can geberate an html help file with the following.
I don't know if it works from a link (probably not).

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"><HTML DIR="LTR">
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<H1>Command-line reference A-Z</h1>
<P>To find information about a command, on the A-Z button menu at the top of this page, click the letter that the command starts with, and then click the command name.</P>
<P>In addition to the tools installed with <NOLOC>Windows&nbsp;XP</NOLOC>, there are over 40 support tools included on the <NOLOC>Windows&nbsp;XP</NOLOC> CD. You can use these tools to diagnose and resolve computer problems. For more information about these support tools, see <A ID="specLoc" HREF="MS-ITS:supp_ed.chm::/tools_overview.htm"><NOLOC>Windows</NOLOC> Support Tools</A>. For information about installing support tools, see <A ID="specLoc" HREF="MS-ITS:supp_ed.chm::/tools_howto.htm">Install <NOLOC>Windows</NOLOC> Support Tools</A>.</P>
<P>For more information about changes to the functionality of <NOBR>MS-DOS</NOBR> commands, new command-line tools, command shell functionality, configuring the command prompt, and automating commmand-line tasks, see <A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds_o.htm">Command-line reference</A>.</P>
<P>Some command-line tools require the user to have administrator-level privileges on source and/or target computers. </P>
<P>Command-line tools must be run at the prompt of the Cmd.exe command interpreter. To open Command Prompt, click <B>Start</B>, click <B>Run</B>, type <B>cmd</B>, and then click <B>OK</B>. To view help at the command-line, at the command prompt, type the following:</P>
<P><I>CommandName</I> <B>/?</B></P>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/arp.htm">Arp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/assoc.htm">Assoc </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/at.htm">At </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/Atmadm.htm">Atmadm </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/attrib.htm">Attrib </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/batch.htm">Batch files </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/bootcfg.htm">Bootcfg </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/break.htm">Break </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/cacls.htm">Cacls </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/call.htm">Call </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ts_cmd_change.htm">Change </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/chcp.htm">Chcp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/chdir.htm">Chdir </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/chkdsk.htm">Chkdsk </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/chkntfs.htm">Chkntfs </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/cipher.htm">Cipher </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/cls.htm">Cls </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/Cmd.htm">Cmd </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/cmstp.htm">Cmstp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/color.htm">Color </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ntcmds_shelloverview.htm">Command shell overview </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/comp.htm">Comp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/compact.htm">Compact </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/convert.htm">Convert </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/copy.htm">Copy </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ts_cmd_cprofile.htm">Cprofile </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/cscript_overview.htm">CScript overview </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/date.htm">Date </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/defrag.htm">Defrag </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/del.htm">Del </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/dir.htm">Dir </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/diskcomp.htm">Diskcomp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/diskcopy.htm">Diskcopy </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/diskpart.htm">DiskPart </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/doskey.htm">Doskey </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/driverquery.htm">Driverquery </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/echo.htm">Echo </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/endlocal.htm">Endlocal </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/eventcreate.htm">Eventcreate </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/eventquery.htm">Eventquery </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/eventtriggers.htm">Eventtriggers </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/evntcmd.htm">Evntcmd </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/exit.htm">Exit </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/expand.htm">Expand</A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/fc.htm">Fc </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/filters.htm">Filter commands </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/find.htm">Find </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/findstr.htm">Findstr </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/finger.htm">Finger </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ts_cmd_flattemp.htm">Flattemp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/for.htm">For </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/format.htm">Format </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/fsutil.htm">Fsutil </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ftp.htm">Ftp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ftp__subcommands.htm">Ftp subcommands </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ftype.htm">Ftype </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/getmac.htm">Getmac </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/goto.htm">Goto </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/gpresult.htm">Gpresult</A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/refrGP.htm">Gpupdate </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/graftabl.htm">Graftabl </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/help.htm">Help </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/helpctr.htm">Helpctr </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/hostname.htm">Hostname </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/if.htm">If </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ipconfig.htm">Ipconfig </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ipsecmd.htm">Ipseccmd </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ipxroute.htm">Ipxroute </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/Irftp.htm">Irftp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/label.htm">Label </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/lodctr.htm">Lodctr </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/NT_Command_Logman.htm">Logman </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/lpq.htm">Lpq </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/lpr.htm">Lpr </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/macfile.htm">Macfile </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/mkdir.htm">Mkdir (md) </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/mmc.htm">Mmc </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/mode.htm">Mode </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/more.htm">More </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/mountvol.htm">Mountvol </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/move.htm">Move </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/dos_cmds.htm"><nobr>MS-DOS</nobr> subsystem configuration commands </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/msiexec.htm">Msiexec </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/msinfo.htm">Msinfo32 </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/nbtstat.htm">Nbtstat </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/net_command_options.htm">Net services overview</A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/net_subcmds.htm">Net services commands </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netsh.htm">Netsh command overview </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netsh_aaaa.htm">Netsh commands for AAAA </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netsh_dhcp.htm">Netsh commands for DHCP </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netsh_diag.htm">Netsh diagnostic (diag) commands </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netsh_int_ip.htm">Netsh commands for Interface IP </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netsh_ras.htm">Netsh commands for RAS </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netsh_routing.htm">Netsh commands for Routing </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netsh_wins.htm">Netsh commands for WINS </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/netstat.htm">Netstat </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/nslookup.htm">Nslookup </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/nslookup__subcommands.htm">Nslookup subcommands </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ntbackup_command.htm">Ntbackup </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ntcmdprompt.htm">Ntcmdprompt </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ntsd.htm">Ntsd </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/openfiles.htm">Openfiles </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/pagefileconfig.htm">Pagefileconfig </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/path.htm">Path </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/pathping.htm">Pathping </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/pause.htm">Pause </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/pbadmin.htm">Pbadmin </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/pentnt.htm">Pentnt </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/NT_Command_Perfmon.htm">Perfmon </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ping.htm">Ping </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/popd.htm">Popd </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/print.htm">Print </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/prncnfg.htm">Prncnfg </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/prndrvr.htm">Prndrvr </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/prnjobs.htm">Prnjobs </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/prnmngr.htm">Prnmngr </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/prnport.htm">Prnport </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/prnqctl.htm">Prnqctl </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/prompt.htm">Prompt </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/pushd.htm">Pushd </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ts_cmd_query.htm">Query </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/rasdial.htm">Rasdial </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/rcp.htm">Rcp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/recover.htm">Recover </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/redirection.htm">Redirection operators</A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/reg.htm">Reg </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/regsvr32.htm">Regsvr32 </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/NT_Command_Relog.htm">Relog </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/rem.htm">Rem </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/rename.htm">Rename </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/replace.htm">Replace </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ts_cmd_resetsession.htm">Reset session</A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/rexec.htm">Rexec </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/rmdir.htm">Rmdir </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/route.htm">Route </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/rsh.htm">Rsh </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/rsm.htm">Rsm </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/runas.htm">Runas </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/sc.htm">Sc </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/schtasks.htm">Schtasks </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/secedit_cmds.htm">Secedit </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/set.htm">Set </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/setlocal.htm">Setlocal </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/shift.htm">Shift </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/shutdown.htm">Shutdown </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/sort.htm">Sort </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/start.htm">Start </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/subst.htm">Subst </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/systeminfo.htm">Systeminfo </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/system_file_checker.htm">System File Checker (sfc)</A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/taskkill.htm">Taskkill </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/tasklist.htm">Tasklist </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/tcmsetup.htm">Tcmsetup </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/tcpip_utils.htm">TCP/IP utilities and services</A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/telnet_commands.htm">Telnet commands </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ts_cmds.htm">Terminal Services commands </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/tftp.htm">Tftp </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/time.htm">Time </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/title.htm">Title </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/NT_Command_Tracerpt.htm">Tracerpt </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/tracert.htm">Tracert </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/tree.htm">Tree </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/type.htm">Type </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/NT_Command_Typeperf.htm">Typeperf </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/unlodctr.htm">Unlodctr </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/ver.htm">Ver </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/verify.htm">Verify </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/vol.htm">Vol </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/vssadmin.htm">Vssadmin </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/time_w32tm.htm">W32tm </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/winntsw.htm">Winnt </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/winnt32.htm">Winnt32 </A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/wmic.htm">WMIC overview</A></H3>
<H3 STYLE="MARGIN-LEFT:3EM; MARGIN-TOP:1.25EM; FONT-SIZE:100%;"><A ID="specLoc" HREF="mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/xcopy.htm">Xcopy </A></H3>

Marco Maier

2004. jún. 19. 15:39:282004. 06. 19.
Marco Maier wrote in message <news:1jtmk6ad...@MIR.SID> :

> I don't know if it works from a link (probably not).

But you could try a link like this for example:


Marco Maier

2004. jún. 19. 16:23:282004. 06. 19.
Marco Maier wrote in message <news:18atm0er...@MIR.SID> :

@echo off
start mk:@MSITStore:C:/WINDOWS/Help/ntcmds.chm::/%1.htm
: usage : ntref command :

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 19. 17:47:152004. 06. 19.
Walter Briscoe wrote:

>>BTW It might be interesting to find a (legal) way to compile a html
>>help from ntcmds.chm referable straight from a link.
>What's wrong with hh -decompile folder chm? Quick demo!

Nothing wrong, works quite well :-)

For a different path I used :
hh -decompile ntcmds %systemroot%\help\ntcmds.chm

Thanks Walter for giving me an entry point. So much links in msdn and
else where. I guess i have to decompile the .css also to get a similar


>Total Files Listed:
>649 File(s) 1,548,889 bytes
>2 Dir(s) 1,645,382,144 bytes free

My german version seems quite different, less files but greater total
374 Datei(en) 2.793.396 Bytes

Matthias Tacke

2004. jún. 19. 17:54:462004. 06. 19.
Marco Maier wrote:

Thanks Marco.

Didn't work here due to different setup (my %systemroot% is e:\windows)
but the approach from Walter gave all files contained in the chm so I
can combine both index and the distinct files with a bit changing.

Todd Vargo

2004. jún. 19. 22:24:292004. 06. 19.

"Matthias Tacke" wrote:
> "Todd Vargo" wrote:
> Who was that?

It's in the thread but not important. Don't worry about it.

> > Touché! (bows head in shame)
> The /A behviour of del can only be deduced from dir since it is not
> mentioned - neither in del /? nor in
> hh.exe ntcmds.chm::/del.htm

Agreed, but he was refering DIR, not DEL. Personally, from the /? output, I
would expect /A to function the same as DIR.

> No big deal of course, but found it by myself without any references.
> The ones you posted were new to me.
> I'm pretty shure I read from the dir /a here in the groups since
> september 2003.

Those were just a few examples but as you can see, he chooses "stepping
around" with a silent denial that the /? help is just a quick syntax
reference and is not intended to be the full documentation. Oh well, here
are some more helpful tidbits for anyone interested.


Timo Salmi

2004. jún. 19. 23:10:342004. 06. 19.
Todd Vargo <todd_...@nccw.net> wrote:
> Those were just a few examples but as you can see, he chooses "stepping
> around" with a silent denial that the /? help is just a quick syntax
> reference and is not intended to be the full documentation. Oh well, here

Still digging. Well, my own fault. I should have learned better by
now not to trust the motivations. Given our history, the essential
mistake I made was to give a handle by not sidestepping already the
very first comment when I started this thread.

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