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Work with a long line (32000) of a text file

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Oct 10, 2012, 6:51:47 AM10/10/12

I have too many files with some lines, and one of they have a length of 32000 (with spaces). I'm trying to get a substring of this line to compare it and edit this if it's necesary.

I'm try to use something like this:

@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
dir /B |findstr ".file$">files.txt
for /F %%f in (files.txt) do (
echo File: %%f
echo -----------------------------
for /F "delims=" %%l in (%%f) do (
set line=%%l
echo !line:~0,2!
echo -----------------------------
del files.txt

But the line with length 32000 wasn't printed.

Hope you can help me a little!



Oct 10, 2012, 7:00:01 AM10/10/12
CMD has a line length limit of 8KB in XP, and only 2KB in W2K.
FIND and FINDSTR also have line length limits.

Can you describe your task again, I couldn't quite grasp what you are trying to do.

It seems that you have a lot of text files and inside some of the text files are lines that exceed 32
KB. You wish to find the lines that exceed 32,000 characters, is that right?


Oct 10, 2012, 7:15:42 AM10/10/12
> CMD has a line length limit of 8KB in XP, and only 2KB in W2K.
> FIND and FINDSTR also have line length limits.
> Can you describe your task again, I couldn't quite grasp what you are trying to do.
> It seems that you have a lot of text files and inside some of the text files are lines that exceed 32
> KB. You wish to find the lines that exceed 32,000 characters, is that right?
> --
> foxi

Exactly. At least one of the lines of each file hace a length of 32000 characters.


Oct 10, 2012, 8:15:41 AM10/10/12
On Wednesday 10/10/2012 22:15, wrote:
>> It seems that you have a lot of text files and inside some of the text files are lines that exceed 32
>> KB. You wish to find the lines that exceed 32,000 characters, is that right?
> Exactly. At least one of the lines of each file hace a length of 32000 characters.

I cobbled together some VBS scripts that I found as batch alone is unsuited for this task.

This reports the filenames and the first line number that exceeds 32000

Execute it with: findlines.bat "c:\data folder"
and it will search the current folder and subdirectories.

@echo off
if "%~1"=="" (
echo finds files with lines greater than 32,000 characters
echo SYNTAX: "%~nx0" [path]
goto :EOF

echo Dim strPath
echo Set oFSO = CreateObject^("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^)
echo strPath = "%~1"
echo ' strPath = InputBox^("Enter Folder Path: "^)
echo ' Set fOut = oFSO.CreateTextFile^("%fileout%", True^)
echo DoStuff oFSO.GetFolder^(strPath^).Path
echo Sub DoStuff^(sDir^)
echo Set oDir = oFSO.GetFolder^(sDir^)
echo For Each i In oDir.Files

echo set fso=createobject("Scripting.Filesystemobject"^)
echo set tfin=fso.OpenTextFile(sDir + "\" + i.Name, 1^)
echo dontprint=0: linenum=0
echo Do While Not tfin.AtEndOfStream
echo linenum=linenum+1
echo line=(tfin.ReadLine^)
echo if (len(line^) ^> 32000 and dontprint=0^) then wscript.echo ^
"first line: " ^& linenum ^& " - " ^& sDir + "\" + i.Name ^
echo Loop

echo Next
echo For Each i In oDir.SubFolders
echo DoStuff i.Path
echo Next
echo End Sub

cscript /nologo "%temp%\vbsfiledate.vbs"
del "%temp%\vbsfiledate.vbs"
:: copy "%temp%\vbsfiledate.vbs" .
goto :EOF


Todd Vargo

Oct 11, 2012, 12:42:23 AM10/11/12
That is strange, from OP's code, I thought OP was trying to display only
the first 2 characters of each line. Oh well, from OP's response, you
nailed it!

Todd Vargo
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