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Diabolical Breakthru in Human Re-animation - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013

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Jun 29, 2013, 4:57:15 AM6/29/13
Now we are living in the womb of a technological society in which regardless we must resort to our carnivorous needs..but God defined man as being apart from that which we kill in order for our survival as nature ensures that one thing dies for the survival of another and a foodchain exists in society though we do not acknowledge this case anything is justified even if you win illegitimately using single strength..I would find the Xtians hypocritical to use Logos in the direction of harassing me for my which I myself am not an existentialist..and I can clearly say that Berkeley should place a sign in the lane in which most fights occur in Berkeley with the words, This Lane for Driveby Shootings-->*. Furthermore, they used to give out Free B&w tv sets in exchange for sterilization in which due to this the idiots wouldn't proliferate. Since we are living in a world where we refuse to face our destiny which Is death, the One reality we cannot avoid..i Have produced a procurement from death though the results are more hideous than the controversy of death itself. -sEung b. kim

Re-animation of Dead Bodies - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013 "I'm a body builder.. I build bodies."
The plasma substance must oxidize through an iodine mixture so it enters the cells in which Plasma must collodial build up in the ocipital lobe where it emits light through the energy equation so it holistically takes place by each individual cell to emit light at the neuron nucleus as the plasma light then merges through neuroplasticity.
Final Notes on the Re-animator Project - Cell Fusion - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
Now for animation to occur the cerebellum in conjoinment with the ocipital lobe must activate a release of plasma light in which k as a constant is used for the distribution function of it where f(E) = [1 + exp {(E - zeta)/kT)]^-1 in which plasma can be distributed through thermal equivalence.
Distribution Theory and Animation through 2 Derivative Sources of Distribution - by Seung Bum Kim
Now for mergence of Plasma energy through the ocipital lobe to occur there must be an energy equation for every neuron centre. This is configured by v1^2/2g + p1/y +z1 = v2^2/2g + p2/y + z2 + losses (1-2). Upon this equilibrium the energies must converge. But along the limits of K = - Δp/(ΔV/V) = pdp/dp where V is volume of the plasma substance and p is the pressure effect upon the limits of expansion through a conservatory process.
Digressing into Neuroscience Breakthru and Mathematics - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013

Now the powers of the cosmos have inspired which my heart soars with it..the soul becomes pregnant with drops of blood are pregnant with Life..shall I say this is complicit with US's response in 9/11..then I without any trespass give you Life. -sEung b. kim
Now all my entrees pertaining to the Re-animator project are correct in combination of these instructions used to revive dead humans or dead animals. Now for the most crucial part of it, if upon my instructions circulation speed is induced by the use of a mechanism that fluid acceleration then by causing hemoglobin generation of the blood through the accelerated blood travel upon that plasma combined with iodine that has plasma at the centre of it if injected into the main source of hemoglobin can cause life to occur through circulatory reactivation. This is the final and most crucial step. The ethics pertaining to this is difficult to would produce the advances of the sciences at the price of deactivating the 6th Day Law which makes human sanctity from the source of things..God Breathed in the Breath of Life..can we Breathe it in Anew?

Final Addage to Re-animator Project - Blood - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
As such blood must then be congealed in the body till it emits light through the substances in blood that can default to the light ether by means of pressuring all that is not of the light element that has in it also hemoglobin in which the light is expelled and if this is actualized in the body with body integration then the human becomes pregnant with Consciousness.
Final Addition to Re-animator Project- by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
By causing transubstantiation of plasma light to become trans-physical energy and for this to connect with the metaphysic reality in the light ether the plasma light would then become opaque and cause consciousness or psyche (the soul).

Final Transubstantation Process - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013

Finally the plasma substance integrated with a partiality of oxidizers in the muscular system if it causes activation of the muscular and somatic system made independent from external stimuli but derivative of the muscles themselves in holistic unity in the process of transubstantiation where the plasma in the muscles try to transubstantiate then the substance that is produced if disconnected from outside stimuli made internal would cause life to form in the body as well as Free Will in the Process.
Final Life Giving Process - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013

Arousal of consciousness can occur through gradual continuum increase of plasma -pH of iodine with an oxidizer injected to the sex glands to be excreted in the base of the neck while the neck is cocked backwards so that consciousness is aroused by a increased libido that operates through arousal. Transubstantiation of plasma must occur in the occipital lobe which must congeal into a higher state through K+ energy and connect thus to the metaphysic in which it would be naturally stabilized.

Arousal of Consciousness through the Sex Gland -by Seung Bum Kim

If Nanoplasm is stabilized in the eyes connected to a fluid reservoir
consisting of dopamine in the neural passages in which nanoplasma has
stabilized K+ Force if it causes electrical shock by excess or
overflow of energy then it must lead to a spontaneous incline into all
for the all-or-nothing effect then ultimately reduced to 5/6ths
minimal electrical which upon this plasma light must
emerge hostically through the solar plexus and anchored into the
parasympathetic system causing stabilized consciousness.

Fundamental to my Re-animator Project - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright

Lastly, the use of plasma to cause gradual increase of the libido through holistic integration if it causes such transubstantiation that it reaches and connects to the metaphysic then it causes final activation of the project which is the creation of Awareness. -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012

The final step to my Re-animator project is the erection of
consciousness. In which in the open environment oxygen must enter the
body (not in experimental conditions) where it causes hemoglobin
production into the blood system. In which the hemoglobin must be
driven to penetrate the very center of the brain in which as
homoglobin causes the center to become pregnant with Life it must
cause also a electrical shock effect to the frontal lobe directly
from the hemoglobin where a fractal effect must be made through the
hemoglobin in the center of the brain to cause electrical shock and
hence the spurring of consciousness. Since the human blood through
oxygen is Pregnant with Life. Re-animation of dead body T-x -> Dead
man's body re-activated in x=T.
More Steps in Re-animation - by Seung Bum Kim
Now to finalize my work on Re-animation of dead human bodies, I
investigated further my research on the Will in the Brain. In which
if a hole is drilled into the foreskull of a human at near death and
a cotton swab is inserted in the hole to collect fluids in the
the Will becomes then Anima in which it has an opaque existance
enough to vascillate the Will. In which through building Mass and K+
concentration it can become animus substances of the Will that when
administered into the Center of the brain connected to the cerebellum
and the hypothalamus then the fluid as animus fluid can then cause
electrical energy generation to cause transubstantiated matter in
which the person comes back to consciousness as through fluid
transmission of this in the aetreus humor the slow recovery would
develop as restored sight where a nanoplasm effect from the ocipital
lobe to the pupils of the eye must then spontaneous erupt through the
nanoplasm in the ocipital lobe suddenly and spontaneously to cause a
revival of sight. Transubstiation must occur through the entry of the
plasma substance contained in the body to then enter the Light Ether
in a state of self-relation.
Final Notes on the Re-animator Project thru Studies on the Will and
the Brain - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012
Now the will must be made through pre-existing body components. So I
would focus my attention on the somatic system. In which if the
somatic system is to function independently and the premum mobilia
exists in the absolute necessity to sustain life through hunger
impulses by adding mass Plasma light through this it produces a
conscious Will. This energy must be made to unify with the whole body
through deficiency gaps that must be filled. In which I have already
dealt with how the Brain itself can be made conscious through my
techniques for transubstantiation. The body can be made independent
life is added through plasma as the thing of itself through
conservation of energies an
internalization of these Plasma energies. Since the spirit exists in
the somatic system, the indepedent forces that are internalized in
the somatic system would produce will with 300ccs of plasma to cause
a conscious Will.
Creation of the Will - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012
Finally all energies produced by these techniques must become
concentrate through K+ so that through the pressure cerebral
processing is forced thus causing consciousness. Re-animation of dead
body at Xpm 2013.
Producing Consciousness (final step)- by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright
Now I submit this work to all US medical institutions in which I
require a percentage of money lucridated in the process of applying
my works. I suggest this breakthru of breakthrus to be also used as
research material for the development of hybrids. It would repeal the
6th day Law but modern science is coming closer to Paradox.
Finally by internalizing somatic energies through plasma to the point
it causes mass spontaneous electrical shock in the head consciousness
is erected as the conscious Will. In which this must be stabilized
through an continual eruption of NA+ causing holistic consciousness.
Last Step (Conscious Will) - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012
Now upon completing these steps hydrogen peroxide mixed with higher
plasma content in which an oxidizer is used to form valence bonds of
these two mixtures if electrical activity is generated thorugh this
through the inversion of collodial buildup the chemistry fuses with
the body anabolically requring ATP+ release of Phosphate into ADP and
then a reorbitting of phosphate to cause active Adenosine contents
then the oxidizer can cause a spontaneous reaction where through
shock it form electrochemical life.
Adding Life (final step to Re-animation) - by Seung Bum Kim "He's not
Dead.. I Gave Him Life."
The final step is the coercion of animation. In which somatic
pressure must be induced to cause a shock to the reflex system
the Spine causing an autonomous reaction stabilized through constant
stimulation of the sympathetic which it must merge with the
life caused by the induction of plasma into the system where
is again forced into the eyes causing cerebral consciousness. And it
must be stablized holistically through magnetic attraction through NA
causing full Re-animation of a dead body.
Last Step to Re-animation (Animation) - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright
Diegesis space in the brain must be internalized in which by
electrical stimulation causing the all or nothing effect according to
instinctive knowledge in the cerebellum if the diegesis space begin
central and internal activity in the manner of a vat then by causing
expanding diegesis through dendrite unity in which the all-or-nothing
effect causes a unity of electrical activity if the life energies I
have mentioned also seep into the cerebellum then it causes
consciousness with muscular control. The frontal lobe must be thus
activated and integrated with the cerebellum in which will and
instinct knowledge exists in the cerebellum causing muscular control
if somatic pressure is used to cause a Gestalt expansion muscular
control as the dominant phenomenon throughout the whole process.
Added Notes to the Re-animator Project - by Seung bum Kim (c)opyright
Now external stimuli must be processed through the necessity of
external stimuli to be filled into the senses for the surviving
existance of the body. In which if the received data is absorbed into
the plasma content of the body that was induced then the external
stimulus can be made to cause plasma growth where external stimuli
must be absorbed to cause internalization of the stimuli as the last
entry to the Re-animator Project.
Last Entry to the Re-animation Project - Understanding through the
Soul - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012
Now I made this breakthru so that the sciences can advance and to
spark activity that would redirect things toward this project since
things have been operating without any vital spark whatsoever. I am
not using this to cheapen life..I am using it to extol science over which I prefer the prior than the latter.

Final Message on Re-animator Project - by Seung Bum Kim

If nervous tissue is delivered Plasma with an oxidizer with a small
measure of hydrogen peroxide then electricity can be stimulated
holistically causing brain electrical activity to active the neurons
through the all-or nothing effect as it perpetually fluctuates to
reach a final state of all as opposed to nothing so that nervous
tissue can be brought to life..and stimulation to the ocipital lobe
using a strong form of plasma would then cause transubstantiation of
matter specifically plasma matter to cause consciousness through
transubstantiation through the ocipital lobe where nanoplasm is sent
directly to the eyes causing re-animation of consciousness. The
techniques I have mentioned below this are all necessary to cause
active re-animation in a dead body.

Re-animation for Doomsday (real Life Resident Evil) - by Seung Bum
(c)opyright 2012

The foremost step to re-animation is for nervous tissue re-animation
in which plasma must be mixed with a formula that produces neurosis.
In which if the degree of this formula is heightened inf. then it
causes transubstantiation of the plasma substance into Life.
Now upon this and using all of my procedures the neurotic forming
substance must be centrifugal in practice of my other techniques in
which high protein substrates must be registered abdominally to cause
the ego to emerge and for the living ego this can be the means by
which physical independence can be formed key to integration of all
body parts and all existing phenomenon of the human body.
Most Crucial Step - after the first Steps have been Prepared- by
Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012

By producing somatic tension that causes an activation of the
cerebellum and its instinctual muscular knowledge by gradually
a sexual stimulation through the center of sexual consciousness being
in the neck area if somatic tension is to remain constant while the
cerebellum gradually gains substances through this the sexual
can be locked in the ocipital lobe to causing a fixed degree of
consciousness for the Re-animator project. The gradual incline of
substances must develop through Gausian curvature. Where adenosine is
the exegent point of revival which must remain as catabolic energy.
Somatic/Sex Hormone Technique - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012
Now external stimuli must be processed through the necessity of
external stimuli to be filled into the senses for the surviving
existance of the body. In which if the received data is absorbed into
the plasma content of the body that was induced then the external
stimulus can be made to cause plasma growth where external stimuli
must be absorbed to cause internalization of the stimuli as the last
entry to the Re-animator Project.

Last Entry to the Re-animation Project - Understanding through the
Soul - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012

The final step is the coercion of animation. In which somatic
pressure must be induced to cause a shock to the reflex system
the Spine causing an autonomous reaction stabilized through constant
stimulation of the sympathetic which it must merge with the
life caused by the induction of plasma into the system where
is again forced into the eyes causing cerebral consciousness. And it
must be stablized holistically through magnetic attraction through NA
causing full Re-animation of a dead body.

Last Step to Re-animation (Animation) - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright

Diegesis space in the brain must be internalized in which by
electrical stimulation causing the all or nothing effect according to
instinctive knowledge in the cerebellum if the diegesis space begin
central and internal activity in the manner of a vat then by causing
expanding diegesis through dendrite unity in which the all-or-nothing
effect causes a unity of electrical activity if the life energies I
have mentioned also seep into the cerebellum then it causes
consciousness with muscular control. The frontal lobe must be thus
activated and integrated with the cerebellum in which will and
instinct knowledge exists in the cerebellum causing muscular control
if somatic pressure is used to cause a Gestalt expansion muscular
control as the dominant phenomenon throughout the whole process.

Added Notes to the Re-animator Project - by Seung bum Kim (c)opyright

Now upon completing these steps hydrogen peroxide mixed with higher
plasma content in which an oxidizer is used to form valence bonds of
these two mixtures if electrical activity is generated thorugh this
through the inversion of collodial buildup the chemistry fuses with
the body anabolically requring ATP+ release of Phosphate into ADP and
then a reorbitting of phosphate to cause active Adenosine contents
then the oxidizer can cause a spontaneous reaction where through
shock it form electrochemical life.

Adding Life (final step to Re-animation) - by Seung Bum Kim "He's not
Dead.. I Gave Him Life."

Finally by internalizing somatic energies through plasma to the point
it causes mass spontaneous electrical shock in the head consciousness
is erected as the conscious Will. In which this must be stabilized
through an continual eruption of NA+ causing holistic consciousness.
Last Step (Conscious Will) - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012
Now the will must be made through pre-existing body components. So I
would focus my attention on the somatic system. In which if the
somatic system is to function independently and the premum mobilia
exists in the absolute necessity to sustain life through hunger
impulses by adding mass Plasma light through this it produces a
conscious Will. This energy must be made to unify with the whole body
through deficiency gaps that must be filled. In which I have already
dealt with how the Brain itself can be made conscious through my
techniques for transubstantiation. The body can be made independent
life is added through plasma as the thing of itself through
conservation of energies an
internalization of these Plasma energies. Since the spirit exists in
the somatic system, the indepedent forces that are internalized in
the somatic system would produce will with 300ccs of plasma to cause
conscious will. Creation of the Will - by Seung Bum Kim

Finally all energies produced by these techniques must become
concentrate through K+ so that through the pressure cerebral
processing is forced thus causing consciousness. Re-animation of dead
body at Xpm 2013.

Producing Consciousness (final step)- by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright

Now by making a formula consisting of 50% plasma of 300ccs, and
20%nitrogen, 20% oxidizer and 10% active electricity, if the formula
is injected to the brain stem to enter the ocipital lobe upon
comatose or 12minutes before brain death within the range of 6 to 12
of brain death, as the plasma is oxidized into the ocipital lobe to
cause conservation of electrical light within the neuron as it merges
holistically for each and every neuron through dendrites where
internal energy is then holistic and it merges with the frontal lobe
in which nanoplasm must spontaneously enter the aetreus humor to
force consciousness while the sexual glands upon the neck must
to cause a gradual rise of consciousness..and finally by using a
apparatus that has plasma in the form of neon Light fabric if this is
registered holistically in the body to cause gestalt actualization in
the body then upon the transfer of light into the fiberoptic
conductor then the mergence of the brain's energy with the energies
injected and transfered in the body upon its union then must be
stabilized through the activation of the parasympathetic system to
cause optimal range for the efferent-afferent activity of the body
thus effectively causing re-animation in a month's time. In which
electrical energy must be generated to reach trans-substantiation
through the holistic mergence from the external cerebrum to the
internal where neural light connects from the centers of the neurons
into union through dendrite fushion in resemblance to neuroplasticity
in which the transubstantiation must generate enough energy to
connect with the metaphysic. Upon this the metaphysical experience
must be
stabilize by forming a balanced center for the afferent-efferent
cycle in which the life which springs out of this must have a
existance in the aetreus humor. As neuroplasticity should be coerced
in which internal light from each neuron must extend holistically
throughout the entire brain in unity where this unity must then force
its way into the pupils of the eyes. I thus Give you Life. A spacial
diegesis must be added holistically but internal to each and every
neuron as the holistry must find its way through the dendrites or
unity of internalized neuron diegesis connected holistically through
dendrites which would also in effect cause neural plasticity. Upon
holistic expansion, then the nanoplasm must then make forced
processing through the eyes causing Reanimation of a dead body.
Futhermore, transubstantiation must be caused by internal processing
and a processing that is teleologically suspended from a inert state
and this must be transubstantiated into a oxidation of the plasma
formula as the injection of soul into the body. Teleos from inert
object existance must be made through the isolation of processing in
which the processing must take place independent of the matter's
natural state. Thus causing an actualization of transubstantiated
substance it if actualized as the central body. Where K+ cell
concentration must be used to cause a paradigm shift while NA+ must
be caused cardiovascularly to cause the deontic paradigm Shift. As
my re-animator project is fulfilled schematically. He may be Dead.
But I Gave him Life. The item of next importance is to inject plasma
thick fluidic form in which through causing a nanoplasma
actualization in the ocipital lobe to the aetreus humor derived from
the frontal
lobe in which transubstantiation is caused by the diegesic capacity
of the frontal lobe to cause a center of balance in the frontal lobe
the means by which transubstantiation can be done. Now by making a
formula consisting of 50% plasma of 300ccs, and
20%nitrogen, 20% oxidizer and 10% active electricity, if the formula
is injected to the brain stem to enter the ocipital lobe upon
comatose or 12minutes before brain death within the range of 6 to 12
of brain death, as the plasma is oxidized into the ocipital lobe to
cause conservation of electrical light within the neuron as it merges
holistically for each and every neuron through dendrites where
internal energy is then holistic and it merges with the frontal lobe
in which nanoplasm must spontaneously enter the aetreus humor to
force consciousness while the sexual glands upon the neck must
to cause a gradual rise of consciousness..and finally by using a
apparatus that has plasma in the form of neon Light fabric if this is
registered holistically in the body to cause gestalt actualization in
the body then upon the transfer of light into the fiberoptic
conductor then the mergence of the brain's energy with the energies
injected and transfered in the body upon its union then must be
stabilized through the activation of the parasympathetic system to
cause optimal range for the efferent-afferent activity of the body
thus effectively causing re-animation in a month's time. In which
electrical energy must be generated to reach trans-substantiation
through the holistic mergence from the external cerebrum to the
internal where neural light connects from the centers of the neurons
into union through dendrite fushion in resemblance to neuroplasticity
in which the transubstantiation must generate enough energy to
connect with the metaphysic. Upon this the metaphysical experience
must be
stabilize by forming a balanced center for the afferent-efferent
cycle in which the life which springs out of this must have a
existance in the aetreus humor. As neuroplasticity should be coerced
in which internal light from each neuron must extend holistically
throughout the entire brain in unity where this unity must then force
its way into the pupils of the eyes. I thus Give you Life. A spacial
diegesis must be added holistically but internal to each and every
neuron as the holistry must find its way through the dendrites or
unity of internalized neuron diegesis connected holistically through
dendrites which would also in effect cause neural plasticity. Upon
holistic expansion, then the nanoplasm must then make forced
processing through the eyes causing Reanimation of a dead body.
Futhermore, transubstantiation must be caused by internal processing
and a processing that is teleologically suspended from a inert state
and this must be transubstantiated into a oxidation of the plasma
formula as the injection of soul into the body. Teleos from inert
object existance must be made through the isolation of processing in
which the processing must take place independent of the matter's
natural state. Thus causing an actualization of transubstantiated
substance it if actualized as the central body. Where K+ cell
concentration must be used to cause a paradigm shift while NA+ must
be caused cardiovascularly to cause the deontic paradigm Shift. As
my re-animator project is fulfilled schematically. He may be Dead.
The item of next importance is to inject plasma in thick fluidic form
in which through causing a nanoplasma actualization in the ocipital
lobe to the aetreus humor derived from the frontal lobe in which
transubstantiation is caused by the diegesic capacity
of the frontal lobe to cause a center of balance in the frontal lobe
the means by which transubstantiation can be done. The final step to
my Re-animator project is the erection of consciousness. In which in
the open environment oxygen must enter the body (not in experimental
conditions) where it causes hemoglobin production into the blood
system. In which the hemoglobin must be driven to penetrate the very
center of the brain in which as homoglobin causes the center to
become pregnant with Life it must cause also a electrical shock
the frontal lobe directly from the hemoglobin where a fractal effect
be made through the hemoglobin in the center of the brain to cause
electrical shock and hence the spurring of consciousness. Since the
human blood through oxygen is Pregnant with Life. Re-animation of
dead body T-x -> Dead man's body re-activated in x=T.

Re-Animator Project for Further Digression into Forbidden knowledge -
by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012 (completed)

The final step to my Re-animator project is the erection of
consciousness. In which in the open environment oxygen must enter the
body (not in experimental conditions) where it causes hemoglobin
production into the blood system. In which the hemoglobin must be
driven to penetrate the very center of the brain in which as
homoglobin causes the center to become pregnant with Life it must
cause also a electrical shock effect to the frontal lobe directly
from the hemoglobin where a fractal effect must be made through the
hemoglobin in the center of the brain to cause electrical shock and
hence the spurring of consciousness. Since the human blood through
oxygen is Pregnant with Life. Re-animation of dead body T-x -> Dead
man's body re-activated in x=T.

More Steps in Re-animation - by Seung Bum Kim

Now to finalize my work on Re-animation of dead human bodies, I
investigated further my research on the Will in the Brain. In which
if a hole is drilled into the foreskull of a human at near death and
a cotton swab is inserted in the hole to collect fluids in the
the Will becomes then Anima in which it has an opaque existance
enough to vascillate the Will. In which through building Mass and K+
concentration it can become animus substances of the Will that when
administered into the Center of the brain connected to the cerebellum
and the hypothalamus then the fluid as animus fluid can then cause
electrical energy generation to cause transubstantiated matter in
which the person comes back to consciousness as through fluid
transmission of this in the aetreus humor the slow recovery would
develop as restored sight where a nanoplasm effect from the ocipital
lobe to the pupils of the eye must then spontaneous erupt through the
nanoplasm in the ocipital lobe suddenly and spontaneously to cause a
revival of sight. Transubstiation must occur through the entry of the
plasma substance contained in the body to then enter the Light Ether
in a state of self-relation.

Final Notes on the Re-animator Project thru Studies on the Will and
the Brain - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012

Now the will must be made through pre-existing body components. So I
would focus my attention on the somatic system. In which if the
somatic system is to function independently and the premum mobilia
exists in the absolute necessity to sustain life through hunger
impulses by adding mass Plasma light through this it produces a
conscious Will. This energy must be made to unify with the whole body
through deficiency gaps that must be filled. In which I have already
dealt with how the Brain itself can be made conscious through my
techniques for transubstantiation. The body can be made independent
life is added through plasma as the thing of itself through
conservation of energies an
internalization of these Plasma energies. Since the spirit exists in
the somatic system, the indepedent forces that are internalized in
the somatic system would produce will with 300ccs of plasma to cause
a conscious Will.

Creation of the Will - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012

Finally all energies produced by these techniques must become
concentrate through K+ so that through the pressure cerebral
processing is forced thus causing consciousness. Re-animation of dead
body at Xpm 2013.

Producing Consciousness (final step)- by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright

Now I submit this work to all US medical institutions in which I
require a percentage of money lucridated in the process of applying
my works. I suggest this breakthru of breakthrus to be also used as
research material for the development of hybrids. It would repeal the
6th day Law but modern science is coming closer to Paradox.
Finally by internalizing somatic energies through plasma to the point
it causes mass spontaneous electrical shock in the head consciousness
is erected as the conscious Will. In which this must be stabilized
through an continual eruption of NA+ causing holistic consciousness.
Last Step (Conscious Will) - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012
Now upon completing these steps hydrogen peroxide mixed with higher
plasma content in which an oxidizer is used to form valence bonds of
these two mixtures if electrical activity is generated thorugh this
through the inversion of collodial buildup the chemistry fuses with
the body anabolically requring ATP+ release of Phosphate into ADP and
then a reorbitting of phosphate to cause active Adenosine contents
then the oxidizer can cause a spontaneous reaction where through
shock it form electrochemical life.

Adding Life (final step to Re-animation) - by Seung Bum Kim "He's not
Dead.. I Gave Him Life."
The final step is the coercion of animation. In which somatic
pressure must be induced to cause a shock to the reflex system
the Spine causing an autonomous reaction stabilized through constant
stimulation of the sympathetic which it must merge with the
life caused by the induction of plasma into the system where
is again forced into the eyes causing cerebral consciousness. And it
must be stablized holistically through magnetic attraction through NA
causing full Re-animation of a dead body.

Last Step to Re-animation (Animation) - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright

Diegesis space in the brain must be internalized in which by
electrical stimulation causing the all or nothing effect according to
instinctive knowledge in the cerebellum if the diegesis space begin
central and internal activity in the manner of a vat then by causing
expanding diegesis through dendrite unity in which the all-or-nothing
effect causes a unity of electrical activity if the life energies I
have mentioned also seep into the cerebellum then it causes
consciousness with muscular control. The frontal lobe must be thus
activated and integrated with the cerebellum in which will and
instinct knowledge exists in the cerebellum causing muscular control
if somatic pressure is used to cause a Gestalt expansion muscular
control as the dominant phenomenon throughout the whole process.

Added Notes to the Re-animator Project - by Seung bum Kim (c)opyright

Now external stimuli must be processed through the necessity of
external stimuli to be filled into the senses for the surviving
existance of the body. In which if the received data is absorbed into
the plasma content of the body that was induced then the external
stimulus can be made to cause plasma growth where external stimuli
must be absorbed to cause internalization of the stimuli as the last
entry to the Re-animator Project.

Last Entry to the Re-animation Project - Understanding through the
Soul - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2012

Now I made this breakthru so that the sciences can advance and to
spark activity that would redirect things toward this project since
things have been operating without any vital spark whatsoever. I am
not using this to cheapen life..I am using it to extol science over which I prefer the prior than the latter.

Final Message on Re-animator Project - by Seung Bum Kim

Arousal of consciousness can occur through gradual continuum increase of plasma -pH of iodine with an oxidizer injected to the sex glands to be excreted in the base of the neck while the neck is cocked backwards so that consciousness is aroused by a increased libido that operates through arousal. Transubstantiation of plasma must occur in the occipital lobe which must congeal into a higher state through K+ energy and connect thus to the metaphysic in which it would be naturally stabilized.

Arousal of Consciousness through the Sex Gland -by Seung Bum Kim

By causing transubstantiation of plasma light to become trans-physical energy and for this to connect with the metaphysic reality in the light ether the plasma light would then become opaque and cause consciousness or psyche (the soul).

Final Transubstantation Process - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013

Finally the plasma substance integrated with a partiality of oxidizers in the muscular system if it causes activation of the muscular and somatic system made independent from external stimuli but derivative of the muscles themselves in holistic unity in the process of transubstantiation where the plasma in the muscles try to transubstantiate then the substance that is produced if disconnected from outside stimuli made internal would cause life to form in the body as well as Free Will in the Process.
Final Life Giving Process - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
As for the final step of my re-animation project if Plasma is converted to neon light if it is stimulated to enter into the Ocipital Lobe and this energy becomes transubstantiated into unity with the light ether it produces Life and through it consciousness.

Final Step for Re-animation - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013

To produce the will one must use holistic k+ concentration to centralize the pressure into the somatic system so that through the somatic tension it transubstantiates as independent muscular tension. In which by integration with the cerebellum it produces the of this so the procedure is perfected can be done where a swab is used to a skull that was penetrated by a upon inserting the swab due to 'penetration' anima contents can be extrapolated on the swab for microscopic analysis.

Producing the Will (the Final Step) -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
transubstantiate then the substance that is produced if disconnected from outside stimuli made internal would cause life to form in the body as well as Free Will in the Process.
Final Life Giving Process - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
As for the final step of my re-animation project if Plasma is converted to neon light if it is stimulated to enter into the Ocipital Lobe and this energy becomes transubstantiated into unity with the light ether it produces Life and through it consciousness.

Final Step for Re-animation - by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013

To produce the will one must use holistic k+ concentration to centralize the pressure into the somatic system so that through the somatic tension it transubstantiates as independent muscular tension. In which by integration with the cerebellum it produces the of this so the procedure is perfected can be done where a swab is used to a skull that was penetrated by a upon inserting the swab due to 'penetration' anima contents can be extrapolated on the swab for microscopic analysis.

Producing the Will (the Final Step) -by Seung Bum Kim (c)opyright 2013
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