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For the late night crew of the shuttle. there is shuttling

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Oct 26, 2021, 4:17:23 AM10/26/21
I don't know about the functioning of the weather thread....


Oct 26, 2021, 4:31:15 AM10/26/21
On Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 1:17:23 AM UTC-7, KelpsZoidzl wrote:
> I don't know about the functioning of the weather thread....
Yeah we broke the weather thread I guess

It cycled for me too. Then it finally posted.

Don Stockbauer

Oct 26, 2021, 8:52:57 PM10/26/21
For a few months I would scroll halfway down and it would cycle there but at least it would stay there a minute or so and then keep going , finally a few weeks ago it would get to that cycling point and never come out of it but there's always this thread.
I don't know what to say about Buddhism anymore I think we have a Mexican standoff between Buddhism and the globalbrain


Oct 27, 2021, 12:40:36 AM10/27/21
Ya see, the Global Brain was very high on my list as a adolescent. Buddhism actually is it. Can't reinvent the wheel. It's entirely experiential. There is no short cut and have to pick up every stitch.

Don Stockbauer

Oct 27, 2021, 8:19:25 AM10/27/21
Well, it's not reinventing the wheel, it's merely another iteration toward Reality. And you do know that this discussion could go on and on and on and on and on until one or the other of us dies , or we come to our senses and JOOTS early , to use a hofstadter term.

Don Stockbauer

Nov 1, 2021, 2:19:28 AM11/1/21
Hey kelp Here is something we can actually discuss . before 4K the opening sequence for 2001 on earth you couldn't really see any detail however with 4K you can actually see the continents of earth do you think the 4K people put that in or did Stanley have that information there originally?


Nov 1, 2021, 6:16:12 AM11/1/21
Hmmm. What about Cinema, yes everything is there. Of course DVD is pretty low res, then BLUERAY is still pretty low res. 4K is still pretty low too. 8k is waiting in the wings. Digital is not going to top analog images.
How are you viewing 2001 currently?

I have 4k TV. and 4K COMPUTER MONITOR and 4K computer. All things digital are convenient but a dumbing down of the Analog world.
Lowest common denominator of One's and Zero's played back on One's and Zero's

Don Stockbauer

Nov 1, 2021, 12:46:08 PM11/1/21
I was viewing the intro to 2001 on an iPhone using YouTube which admittedly is low res and the object in the foreground could not be distinguished between the moon or the earth . however I went to a laptop that had 4K and the Object in the foreground is definitely the moon with craters and Maria and the earth shows even details like continents . I don't think Kubrick put in that fine of detail to show continents and if the 4K people added it I wonder how they got permission to alter Kubrick's original content. that's really all I was saying.


Nov 1, 2021, 7:37:52 PM11/1/21
Definitely not "added" People doing those transfers are more reverent than that. They know they would be crucified if they fingered Kubrick, with some fake Kubrick.

Don Stockbauer

Nov 2, 2021, 12:49:57 AM11/2/21


Nov 2, 2021, 5:42:12 AM11/2/21
Some Jupiter footage


Nov 2, 2021, 6:44:26 AM11/2/21
Those new photos of Jupiter are pretty cool.

The celestial bodies are part of our world. Too close if you ask me I'm sure there are some weird monsters on some of those moons--and what chance is there that Serpent headed humanoids don't rule Jupiter. Luckily we are different dimensions than they are---most of the time.

Don Stockbauer

Nov 3, 2021, 4:29:11 AM11/3/21
Sounds reasonable to me compared to most of the stuff going on nowadays.


Nov 6, 2021, 3:24:32 AM11/6/21
"There would be no shocking memories, and the prevailing emotion will be one of nostalgia for those left behind, combined *** with a spirit of bold curiosity for the adventure ahead! [******involuntarily gives the Nazi salute and forces it down with his other hand]Ahhh!"

Don Stockbauer

Nov 6, 2021, 2:31:39 PM11/6/21
Stanley certainly produced some of the most iconic, memorable scenes in movie making, didn't he?

Also that sequence where his own hand is attempting to choke him to death and him having to bite it to get it to go away.
And Slim Pickens riding the bomb like a broncing stallion , the great scenes just go on and on.
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Nov 11, 2021, 7:00:56 PM11/11/21
I could add to your list but don't know if I have the energy at the moment.

Every film he made has numerous, truly Iconic moments.

What scenes pop in the mind for each film?

Don Stockbauer

Nov 12, 2021, 10:48:41 AM11/12/21
In 2001: ASO they make a shuttle trip from Clavius to Tycho and Kubrick displayed the earth in the lunar sky several times and it goes through impossible changes in phase and altitude above the lunar horizon for that short trip.

Don Stockbauer

Nov 14, 2021, 8:21:50 AM11/14/21
I remember noticing that at one point but I've never rechecked it and I come up with these things where I never receive one word of feedback on them.

Don Stockbauer

Nov 15, 2021, 2:15:18 AM11/15/21
The more you beg people for feedback the less feedback you'll get. It's just like if you have a friend and you notice the friend isn't talking to you much anymore and you draw that to their attention you'll get to talk
to them even less . funny how that works.

Don Stockbauer

Nov 18, 2021, 2:59:54 PM11/18/21
The way feedback works is if a system has no feedback it will either go to explosion or extinction as far as what it processes . I'm not sure how that works with feedback between humans , if you get no feedback basically what it means you're in the dark you have no information to go by so you just do whatever you want.

Don Stockbauer

Nov 21, 2021, 9:22:56 PM11/21/21
so after the Star Child exploded the orbiting nuclear weapons so they would pose no threat to the earth he hung around and didn't know what to do next but he would think of something , hopefully he would think about destroying all the nuclear and conventional weapons on the surface or else his trip to earth was wasted.


Dec 1, 2021, 7:07:17 PM12/1/21
I was busy fasting for many days, prostrating myself before the monolith "in expiation and mortification."

fasting clears the mind.

I have many memorable scenes in my mind from sk films.

So many favorite scenes. All of them mysterious and provocative---and humorous.

The cosmic ending of 2001 course. I've never gotten into checking the supposed, various science goofs.

The novels end up making the SK meanings, more muffled.

I tend to remember the subtle humor of SK. I love Lolita as much as Strangelove and EWS as much as 2001.

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Jan 2, 2022, 4:57:26 AM1/2/22
On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 7:59:48 PM UTC-8, Don Stockbauer wrote:
> On Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 7:45:59 PM UTC-6, Don Stockbauer wrote:
> > so how long did you fast ? is this a complete fast or do you allow yourself something?
> > The thing about the Earth changing impossibly in the lunar sky on the trip from Clavius to Tycho is something I mentioned before and no one seems to ever much care about such trifles.
> > I have another astronomy one , what if you've waited all your life to see mercury and Venus transit the sun at the same time and as you're watching a eclipse of the sun comes along and ruins it. I've stated that one several times and no one has ever said a word about it
> well I agree with you, checking into the various science goofs is pretty useless. Probably no Director could make a movie free of them.
> You could maybe tell us about what you find
> humorous . I guess I really don't see that much humor in them. I remember some documentary talked about the only deliberate joke in 2001 was when the apeman stared directly at the camera and growled.
Happy New Year.

When I FAST I drink only water. In the past two months I did at 24hr fast up to 7 day. A total of 17 days.

Some say if one omits water also, for a maximum of 7 days, it can reset one's stem cells. I will attempt that at some point, experimentally.

Fasting is a great thing, but one should study first so they understand what it does.

When I was 19 I fasted 40 days. It was then I had a remarkable experience.

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Feb 19, 2022, 2:40:42 AM2/19/22
Hi Don. How's the whether?
Time flys when you're trying to do the impossible.

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Don Stockbauer

Feb 22, 2022, 2:30:33 AM2/22/22
If you actually accomplish it then it wasn't very impossible now, was it?


Feb 22, 2022, 1:53:01 PM2/22/22
Well trying to put wings on zebra and make it talk in pig-Latin, would be tough

Don Stockbauer

Feb 23, 2022, 11:39:23 AM2/23/22
Well, you don't want to do useless things you want to do useful things how do you define useful ?cybernetics came up with a pretty good definition , you want to do things that aid with our comfortable survival.

Don Stockbauer

Feb 23, 2022, 11:40:57 AM2/23/22
I think something that would be pretty impossible would be to make our galaxy spin in the opposite direction to which it is spinning now


Feb 27, 2022, 12:49:32 AM2/27/22
Just hold a mirror up to it and look at the mirror.

Don Stockbauer

Feb 27, 2022, 12:17:09 PM2/27/22
"Make our Galaxy spin In the opposite direction to which it is spinning now."

In a mirror you could see part of the galaxy fulfill the requirement , an image of the galaxy anyway.
If you allow observing an image to spin rather than the real thing that's a solution, put the galaxy's image on a monitor or whatever.
Or you could go the science fiction route ,professor Hubleson develops his galaxy reversing field and energizes it, and lo and behold the galaxy spins in the opposite direction.

Don Stockbauer

Mar 1, 2022, 7:33:32 AM3/1/22
Or don't do any of that and chop firewood and carry water . I carry water because I'm an Aquarius . isn't carrying water kind of a Buddhist thing?


Mar 4, 2022, 3:27:49 PM3/4/22
Some Theravadins are into carrying water.

Mahayanists might hold the mirror up to the universe and see that it's full of stars


Mar 4, 2022, 3:31:41 PM3/4/22
Check out youtube channel "Survival Skills Ideas,". This Thai girl who builds intricate houses in the jungle.


Mar 4, 2022, 3:36:29 PM3/4/22
correction: "survival shelter ideas"

Don Stockbauer

Mar 9, 2022, 7:19:27 AM3/9/22
YouTube has 36 survival shelter idea videos.


Mar 11, 2022, 7:40:26 AM3/11/22
The channel named survival shelter ideas. just watch some by this barefoot builder.
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Mar 20, 2022, 2:43:50 AM3/20/22
On Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 11:07:54 PM UTC-7, Don Stockbauer wrote:
> On Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 6:29:53 AM UTC-5, Don Stockbauer wrote:
> > On Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 6:09:31 AM UTC-5, Don Stockbauer wrote:
> > > On Friday, March 11, 2022 at 3:50:52 PM UTC-6, Don Stockbauer wrote:
> > > > Yes sir that's one good shelter builder there by that barefoot lady all right
> > > I'd like to discuss hedgehogs with you
> > >
> > > I found a 5000 page book that you'll need to
> > > read first though
> > >
> > > cybernetics equals command and control
> > >
> > > The best way to eliminate somebody from your life is to never communicate with them.
> > Unless you run into them in public somewhere then you have to be very skilled at getting rid of them in 15 seconds , you wouldn't want them to take up any of your time.
> Oh Brave, New World.
> Did you know that Huxley called the world of his novel the World System , sounding very much like something out of cybernetics?

So do some command and Control.

Theory vs actual

The other day I realized just how stupid Kurzweil is/was.... and how stupid and naive I was, years ago, when I thought he was cool.

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Mar 21, 2022, 12:08:42 PM3/21/22
On Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 12:07:45 PM UTC-7, Don Stockbauer wrote:
> We all do command and control all the time . you put your car in D and drive off that's command and control . Cybernetics is practical , the practical things we need to run the earth and yourself . Kurzweil yeah anyone that promotes the singularity is pretty stupid thinking that machines will take over the Earth.

Reinventing the wheel, obscures it's "invention" in time without beginning.
People are dumb as rocks when they think there is anything new under the sun.

The term "cybernetics" is embarrassing a vain.
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Don Stockbauer

Apr 1, 2022, 10:38:12 PM4/1/22
Is there anything on the entire Internet that you can trust?

Don Stockbauer

Apr 12, 2022, 3:26:10 PM4/12/22
Did Kubrick make any WW I training films?


Apr 16, 2022, 7:43:59 PM4/16/22
That would be quite a trick involving a past lifetime. He was born in 1928.


Apr 16, 2022, 7:45:06 PM4/16/22
That SPAM happens?

Don Stockbauer

Apr 17, 2022, 9:29:42 AM4/17/22
yes that spam happens correct

now the thing about world war one training films. you neglected to consider the fact that he made movies. movies can depict any scenario imaginable . so let's say around 1948 Stanley makes a movie on world war one . in this movie he needs to depict some world war one training films. so he shoots some World War I training films .

of course your successful defense will be that he never made such a movie


Apr 21, 2022, 6:55:47 AM4/21/22
The Axe in the Shining is going on auction, starting bid $100,000.

Now if you were to get to be Jack Nicolson, You would put your DNA on the ax handle and the NWO would be able to track you down and stop you from breaking in a door and frightening an imaginary wife.

Don Stockbauer

Apr 21, 2022, 3:17:52 PM4/21/22
I wonder how much the mask from Eyes wide shut would bring, or one of the monolith models from 2001?

the NWO is a pretty big organization to be concerned with what Jack Nicholson does , and since it is just a movie does it really matter too much whether Shelley Duvall comes through it alive or is hacked to death? I would guess the main purpose of the New World Order according to Biden is to prevent Putin from making the whole Earth look like the ending to Dr. Strangelove.
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Don Stockbauer

Apr 28, 2022, 5:33:05 AM4/28/22
"If you understand 2001 on the first viewing, we will have failed ; also , we need the damn money "

Arthur C Clarke
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Don Stockbauer

May 4, 2022, 8:26:21 AM5/4/22
During the short shuttlecraft trip between Clavius and Tycho the Earth goes through impossible altitude changes and phase changes for so short trip in time and distance.

Don Stockbauer

May 5, 2022, 9:48:58 AM5/5/22
HAL declares himself to be absolutely free of error and having never falsified data and so on and yet when Bowman is disconnecting it we see a big full screen warning sign flash up "computer malfunction" , a direct contradiction perhaps aimed at low intelligence viewers? such an advanced AI would never have such a contradiction within itself it would be complete and consistent except for Godel's theorem.

Don Stockbauer

May 9, 2022, 7:03:36 AM5/9/22
Don't even try to create a storyline which is free from contradictions.


May 11, 2022, 6:38:33 PM5/11/22
It's just Kubrick being fake and imperfect, as a nod to the American Indian cliche about leaving imperfection.

It just makes me think about my Kubrick satire videos---which are PERFECT!

Don Stockbauer

May 13, 2022, 2:17:47 PM5/13/22
American Indians leaving imperfection? Hell that's all I do , scatter it around like Johnny Appleseed .

And your videos ? they are absolute perfection. congratulations!