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Emma Thompson 'coming' out?

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Way down yonder

Dec 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/5/97

I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
came out.

Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a


Dec 5, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/5/97

Way down yonder <> wrote in article

It's called acting. You know the thing actors do?

Dec 6, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/6/97

On Fri, 05 Dec 1997 11:02:34 GMT, (Way down yonder) wrote:
> I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
> came out.
> Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a
> joke?

Apparently "no", Emma Thompson is not really a lesbian...according to some press.
However, I read an article in the Sept. 95 issue of the "Advocate" where she stated,
"I have lesbian longings" and "...if I could choose an actress to sleep with it would be
Michelle Pfeifer." She also mentioned, and has been rumored, that she wants to the film
"The Well of Loneliness"....a lesbian novel written by a lesbian where she would play
yet another lesbian. My guess is yes, she is.


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Way down yonder

Dec 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/7/97

>> I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
>> came out.
>> Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a
>> joke?

>It's called acting. You know the thing actors do?

As an aspiring musical actor I find this insulting. Let's see, an
actor plays 'herself' on TV as a lesbian. What would you think?

Merry Christmas.


Dec 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/7/97

> wrote:
>> I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she came
>> Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian?

To which fionaefolwers replied:

> Emma Thompson is not really a lesbian...according to some
>However, I read an article in the Sept. 95 issue of the "Advocate" where she
>"I have lesbian longings" and "...if I could choose an actress to sleep with
it would be Michelle Pfeifer."

Major misquote here! Emma was not asked whom she would like to sleep with.
She was asked whom she would like to appear opposite if a role was offered to
her which required her to kiss another woman. She said that she thought
Michelle Pfeifer had very kissable lips (No disagreement here!)

When asked if she had ever had a lesbian experience, she replied that she never
had, but that she wouldn't be afraid to try it IF the right person ever came

Even if she ever did, presumably this would make her bi-sexual not a lesbian.
Because as I understand it, lesbians don't do men. I admit that my conception
may be wrong as I have no practical experience in this area.

Also, for general information, in the same article she was asked to respond to
the rumors circulating at the time that a) her marriage to Ken was a marriage
of convienence, and b) Ken was having a homosexual affair with his personal
trainer. Her response was to literally fall out of her chair laughing.

Dec 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/8/97

On Sun, 07 Dec 1997 22:28:29 GMT, (Way down yonder) wrote:
> >> I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
> >> came out.
> >>
> >> Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a
> >> joke?
> >>
> >
> >It's called acting. You know the thing actors do?
> As an aspiring musical actor I find this insulting. Let's see, an
> actor plays 'herself' on TV as a lesbian. What would you think?
> Merry Christmas.

I'm sorry...but you asked. I just gave my opinion. At any rate, like you said
as "...'herself' on Tv as a lesbian...", does that mean you agree. Too much acting
if you ask me.

Merry Christmas. To you too!

Chris Ambidge

Dec 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/8/97


>>> I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
>>> came out.
>>> Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a
>>> joke?

[Someone else]

>>It's called acting. You know the thing actors do?

In article <>,

Way down yonder <> wrote:
>As an aspiring musical actor I find this insulting. Let's see, an
>actor plays 'herself' on TV as a lesbian. What would you think?

oh for goodness sake.

That same plot has an actor (actually born in the UK) playing
"herself" and it turns out (in the plot of the TV episode)
that she is from the midwestern United States, got her English
accent from watching Julie Andrews movies, is a waitress, and
is a lesbian. Why would you only believe the last of those?

or do you think that maybe, just maybe, because it's part of
the plot of the TV episode, that Emma is in fact from Ohio?

I'm reminded of an interview Patrick Stewart gave after appearing
as Sterling, a gay interior designer in the film "Jeffrey".
He found it mildly amusing, if puzzling, that people would
be asking now if he really was gay. "I've just finished
playing Macbeth, but no-one asks if I really am a multiple

It's called acting. You know, the thing actors do?


Chris Ambidge / /
chemical engineering / university of toronto
200 college st / toronto ON / M5S 3E5 // 416 978 3106


Dec 8, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/8/97
to wrote:

> On Fri, 05 Dec 1997 11:02:34 GMT, (Way down yonder) wrote:
> > I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
> > came out.
> >
> > Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a
> > joke?
> Apparently "no", Emma Thompson is not really a lesbian...according to some press.

> However, I read an article in the Sept. 95 issue of the "Advocate" where she stated,
> "I have lesbian longings" and "...if I could choose an actress to sleep with it would be
> Michelle Pfeifer." She also mentioned, and has been rumored, that she wants to the film
> "The Well of Loneliness"....a lesbian novel written by a lesbian where she would play
> yet another lesbian. My guess is yes, she is.

I disagree...Why would she "move on" to Greg after Ken if shes a
lesbian....Not that I care much either way...Its her acting I'm
interested in, not her sexlife...

And in Peters Friends, Peter says to Maggie after refusing her com on;"
I actualy dont have sex anymore, but if I did, I promise that you would
be right on top on my wish list...together with River Phoenix and
Michelle Pheiffer".....Or something very much like that *smile*

Jen :)


Dec 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/9/97

In article <>, (Way down
yonder) writes:

As an aspiring musical actor I find this insulting. Let's see, an
>plays 'herself' on TV as a lesbian. What would you think?

As an aspiring musical actor I find this insulting. Let's see, an
actor plays 'herself' on TV as a lesbian. What would you think?

Well, if she's playing "herself" in a fictional situation with fictional
characters, I'd guess that it's probably an act, just as I'm fairly sure that
Emma isn't originally from Dayton, Ohio. :) If Emma's appearance on "Ellen"
causes this much confusion between reality and fiction for viewers, how do they
comprehend the "Larry Sanders Show," which in one episode had Ellen Degeneres
(also playing herself) in bed with Larry? In other words, I think Emma was
simply poking fun at her own image, while lampooning Hollywood.


Dec 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/9/97

Maybe it would interest some of you to read what Emma said in this
Advocate interview she gave when Carrington was out.


Fiona Flowers

Dec 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/9/97

Actually I'm only interested in her acting too...I'm just restating what
she said "on the record" in an interview...not a movie. Also, Emma
mentioned in her "Advocate" interview that she has always had lesbian
longings and that one day she felt it would happen to her. Maybe she's
bisexual? Based on that and to respond to the question below, I still
believe she's gay.

Jenni <> wrote in article <>...

> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 05 Dec 1997 11:02:34 GMT, (Way down yonder)

> >
> > > I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
> >
> > > came out.
> >
> > >
> >
> > > Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a
> >
> > > joke?
> >
> >
> >


Dec 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/10/97

I do not believe that ET is a lesbian, not that it would make a damn bit of
difference if she were. All accounts of her past are of a pretty committed
and downright promiscuous (again, not that it matters) heterosexual. The
'Ellen' episode, if you saw any of the interviews that came before, was
done to make a very important point while getting laughs. Thompson is
extremely liberal and anti-homophobe, and she wanted the opportunity
to support DeGeneres (a friend) in the most outspoken way she could

She is not doing "Well of Loneliness" any more than Branagh is doing "Star Wars".
These are the rumours that will not die. She was interested at one point
(about 7 years ago), but that project has gone nowhere and she is no
longer involved (according to her agent).

As for the "Peter's Friends" line, I agree with Jenni. I'll lay you odds that these
two names are ones that Fry (who had a small pash for Phoenix) and
Thompson (see the Advocate reference) came up with for the Bergman/Rudnick
script. Which has never been published, to answer the other posting question.



Dec 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/12/97

Luvvy wrote:
>I do not believe that ET is a lesbian, not that it would make a damn bit of
>difference if she were. All accounts of her past are of a pretty committed
>and downright promiscuous (again, not that it matters) heterosexual.

The funny thing is, that a lot of people in this debate are going by what Emma
has said about her sexual orientation, in print or in public. Yet there's a
question as to how much of what Emma says about her personal life can ever be
taken at face value. She has, in the past, gone out of the way to cultivate an
image of a sexually liberated youth. But researchers who have looked into that
image say it's all been manufactured. Possibly to enhance her avant-garde'
reputation as a non-conformist, and distance herself from what was really a
pretty pedestrian upbringing.

Some of the points in contention:
Emma has stated that she became sexualy active at or about age15. Yet
schoolmates from her finishing school days deny she was ever part of the
sex-and-drugs party crowd.

During her university years there are also contradictory reports. Some who say
they knew her, claim she was sexually adventurous. Yet the best evidence is
that she spent two of her three college years involved in one, basically
monogamus, heterosexual relationship.

After university, she was once quoted that she would "Shag anything with a
pulse." Yet Kenneth Branagh, the man she would marry, once acknowledged they
had been dating for better than a year before they ever slept together!

An interesting mass of contridictions, no? I suspect that we will never know
the truth about Emma, and that is because that's just the way Emma wants it.


Dec 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/14/97

>I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
>> came out.
>> Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a
>> joke?

Hey! Ok here is the thing. If the role that Emma played had you kinda
confused if it was really her or not then she must have been doing her job
correctly. The point is, who cares if she is lesbian, straight or bi, either
way she is a great actress and we know that no matter who she prefers to sleep
next to this will not change. Kinda the way Ellen is still funny, your sexual
preference doesn ot change who you are or the way you do your job. In this
case, wonderfully. Any one else agree? Just my $0.02!:)

Jul 22, 2014, 9:32:45 PM7/22/14
On Friday, 5 December 1997 08:00:00 UTC, Way down yonder wrote:
> I saw an episode of Ellen where Emma Thompson was the guest and she
> came out.
> Is Emma Thompson really a lesbian? Or the Ellen episode was just a
> joke?

No Emma is NOT gay. Emma is married to her husband Greg Wise and the have had children together. The episode was a joke and Emma Thompson is also British. She was born in London, England, 1959. Although Ellen is actually gay.
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