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Satanic Verses In Hindi Pdf Free Download

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Monserrate Lares

Dec 9, 2023, 2:57:32 PM12/9/23
Satanic Verses In Hindi Pdf Free Download: A Guide to Salman Rushdie's Controversial Novel

If you are looking for Satanic Verses in Hindi pdf free download, you might be interested in reading one of the most controversial novels of the 20th century. The Satanic Verses, written by Salman Rushdie, is a book that sparked protests, death threats, and a fatwa against the author for allegedly insulting Islam and its prophet Muhammad.

Satanic Verses In Hindi Pdf Free Download


But what is the book really about? And why is it so controversial? In this article, we will give you a brief summary of the novel, its main themes and characters, and some of the reasons why it caused such a stir in the Muslim world and beyond. We will also provide you with some links where you can find Satanic Verses in Hindi pdf free download.

What is The Satanic Verses about?

The Satanic Verses is a novel that blends magical realism with historical fiction. It tells the story of two Indian actors, Gibreel Farishta and Saladin Chamcha, who survive a plane crash over the English Channel and are transformed into angelic and demonic figures respectively.

The novel alternates between their adventures in London and their dreams and hallucinations, which are inspired by various aspects of Islamic history and mythology. One of these dreams is about the life of Muhammad (called Mahound in the novel), who receives revelations from God (called Allah in the novel) through the angel Gibreel. However, at one point, he is tempted by Satan (called Shaitan in the novel) to recite some verses that acknowledge three pagan goddesses as intercessors with Allah. These verses are later retracted by Mahound as false and satanic, hence the title of the novel.

The novel also explores other themes such as migration, identity, faith, doubt, love, betrayal, racism, violence, and freedom of expression. It draws on various sources from Indian culture, such as Bollywood movies, Hindu mythology, and Urdu poetry.

Why is The Satanic Verses controversial?

The Satanic Verses was controversial for several reasons. Some Muslims considered it blasphemous and offensive for portraying Muhammad and his companions in a negative or irreverent light. They also objected to the use of the term "satanic verses", which is not accepted by mainstream Islamic scholars as a historical fact. They also accused Rushdie of distorting Islamic beliefs and practices, such as depicting Allah as a moon god or suggesting that Mecca was originally a pagan shrine.

Some Muslims also felt that Rushdie was mocking their faith and culture by using vulgar language, sexual imagery, and satire. They saw his novel as an attack on Islam and its values by a Westernized and apostate writer who had abandoned his roots.

As a result of these accusations, many Muslims protested against the novel and called for its ban or censorship. Some even resorted to violence and intimidation against Rushdie and his publishers, translators, and supporters. The most notorious example was the fatwa issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the supreme leader of Iran at the time, who declared that Rushdie and anyone involved in publishing or promoting his book should be killed. This fatwa put Rushdie's life in danger and forced him to go into hiding for many years.

Where can I find Satanic Verses in Hindi pdf free download?

If you are curious about reading The Satanic Verses for yourself, you might be wondering where you can find Satanic Verses in Hindi pdf free download. There are several websites that offer this service, but you should be careful about their legality and quality. Some of them might be violating copyright laws or providing low-quality or incomplete versions of the novel.

One website that seems to offer Satanic Verses in Hindi pdf free download is This website claims to provide free pdf downloads of various books, including The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. However, we cannot guarantee that this website is safe or reliable. You should use it at your own risk and discretion.

Another website that seems to offer Satanic Verses in Hindi pdf free download is This website is a digital library that preserves various types of media, including books. It has a copy of The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie in English that you can read online or download as a pdf file. However, it does not have a Hindi version of the novel.

If you want to read The Satanic Verses in Hindi, you might have to buy a physical copy of the book from a bookstore or an online retailer. Alternatively, you can try to find an online translator that can convert the English text into Hindi for you.


The Satanic Verses is a novel that has generated a lot of controversy and debate among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It is a complex and challenging work that explores various aspects of Islamic history and culture through the lens of magical realism and historical fiction. It is also a novel that raises important questions about migration, identity, faith, doubt, love, betrayal, racism, violence, and freedom of expression.

If you want to read The Satanic Verses for yourself, you might be looking for Satanic Verses in Hindi pdf free download. However, finding a reliable and legal source for this might not be easy. You might have to buy a physical copy of the book or use an online translator instead.

What are the main characters and themes of The Satanic Verses?

The Satanic Verses has two main protagonists: Gibreel Farishta and Saladin Chamcha. They are both Indian immigrants who have achieved fame and success in the entertainment industry in England. Gibreel is a Bollywood star who plays religious roles, such as Hindu gods and Islamic prophets. Saladin is a voice-over artist who can imitate any accent and disguise his identity.

The novel explores their struggles with their cultural and religious identities, as well as their relationships with others. Gibreel suffers from schizophrenia and has hallucinations that involve Islamic history and mythology. He falls in love with Allie, a mountaineer who challenges his faith and values. Saladin becomes a victim of racism and discrimination after he survives the plane crash that transforms him into a goat-like creature. He is betrayed by his wife Pamela, who has an affair with his friend Jumpy Joshi. He also seeks revenge on Gibreel, who he blames for his misfortune.

The novel also deals with other themes, such as migration, hybridity, colonialism, postcolonialism, multiculturalism, fundamentalism, secularism, freedom of expression, and artistic creativity. It questions the boundaries between reality and imagination, truth and fiction, faith and doubt, good and evil. It also challenges the authority and authenticity of religious texts and traditions.

How did The Satanic Verses affect Salman Rushdie's life and career?

The Satanic Verses had a huge impact on Salman Rushdie's life and career. The novel was banned in many countries, especially in the Muslim world, where it was seen as blasphemous and offensive to Islam and its prophet Muhammad. Many Muslims protested against the novel and called for its censorship or destruction. Some even resorted to violence and intimidation against Rushdie and his publishers, translators, and supporters.

The most notorious example was the fatwa issued by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the supreme leader of Iran at the time, who declared that Rushdie and anyone involved in publishing or promoting his book should be killed. This fatwa put Rushdie's life in danger and forced him to go into hiding for many years. He lived under police protection and changed his location frequently. He also adopted a pseudonym, Joseph Anton, which he used for his memoirs.

The fatwa also affected Rushdie's literary career. He faced difficulties in publishing his subsequent works, such as The Moor's Last Sigh (1995) and The Ground Beneath Her Feet (1999). He also faced criticism from some writers and intellectuals who accused him of being arrogant or irresponsible for writing such a provocative novel. However, he also received support from many others who defended his right to free speech and artistic expression. He also won several awards and honors for his literary achievements.

In 1998, the Iranian government announced that it would no longer support the fatwa against Rushdie, but it did not officially revoke it. Rushdie gradually resumed his public appearances and travels. He continued to write novels, such as Fury (2001), Shalimar the Clown (2005), The Enchantress of Florence (2008), Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights (2015), and Quichotte (2019). He also wrote essays, children's books, memoirs, screenplays, and songs.

How to download The Satanic Verses in Hindi PDF for free?

If you are looking for a way to download The Satanic Verses in Hindi PDF for free, you might be disappointed. The novel is not available in Hindi language legally, as it is banned in India and many other countries. The only way to read it in Hindi is to find an unofficial translation online, which might be of poor quality and accuracy.

However, if you still want to try, you can follow these steps:

Search for "The Satanic Verses in Hindi PDF free download" on Google or any other search engine.
Look for websites that offer free PDF downloads of books, such as,,, etc.
Be careful of the websites that ask you to sign up, pay money, or download any software. They might be scams or viruses that can harm your device or steal your personal information.
Download the PDF file from a reliable and safe website. Make sure it has the correct title, author, and language.
Open the PDF file on your device using a PDF reader app or software. You can also print it or transfer it to another device.

Note: We do not endorse or recommend downloading The Satanic Verses in Hindi PDF for free, as it might be illegal, unethical, or unsafe. We suggest you to respect the author's rights and buy the original book in English or any other language that is available legally.

What are some of the reviews and criticisms of The Satanic Verses?

The Satanic Verses has received mixed reviews and criticisms from critics and readers alike. Some of them are:

Positive reviews:

"The Satanic Verses is a masterpiece of contemporary fiction that explores the complex issues of identity, migration, faith, and imagination with wit, humor, and intelligence. Rushdie's style is dazzling and inventive, blending realism with fantasy, history with mythology, comedy with tragedy. The novel is a celebration of the power and beauty of language and storytelling." - The Guardian

"The Satanic Verses is a courageous and audacious novel that challenges the orthodoxies and dogmas of religion and politics. Rushdie's characters are vivid and memorable, his plot is intricate and engaging, his themes are provocative and relevant. The novel is a testament to Rushdie's artistic vision and creative freedom." - The New York Times

Negative reviews:

"The Satanic Verses is a vulgar and offensive novel that insults Islam and its prophet Muhammad. Rushdie's portrayal of Islamic history and beliefs is distorted and inaccurate, his use of magical realism is absurd and ridiculous, his tone is sarcastic and mocking. The novel is a blasphemy and an incitement to violence." - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

"The Satanic Verses is a boring and pretentious novel that fails to deliver on its promises. Rushdie's style is confusing and chaotic, blending reality with fantasy, history with mythology, comedy with tragedy. The novel is a mess of contradictions and inconsistencies that lacks coherence and clarity." - The Washington Post


The Satanic Verses is a controversial and influential novel by Salman Rushdie that explores the themes of identity, migration, faith, and imagination. The novel tells the story of two Indian immigrants who survive a plane crash and undergo a transformation into angelic and demonic beings. The novel also incorporates elements of Islamic history and mythology, as well as magical realism and satire.

The novel has been banned in many countries, especially in the Muslim world, where it has been seen as blasphemous and offensive to Islam and its prophet Muhammad. The novel has also provoked protests and violence from some Muslims who have issued death threats and fatwas against Rushdie and his associates. The novel has also faced criticism from some critics and readers who have found it boring, pretentious, or confusing.

However, the novel has also received praise and support from many critics and readers who have admired it for its courage, creativity, and intelligence. The novel has won several awards and honors for its literary achievements. The novel has also inspired many other writers and artists who have explored similar topics and styles.

The Satanic Verses is a novel that has sparked a lot of debate and discussion among people of different backgrounds and beliefs. It is a novel that challenges us to think critically and creatively about ourselves and our world. It is a novel that deserves to be read and appreciated for its artistic merit and cultural significance.


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