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Travel travel travel hihihi hihihi - an interesting Google Groups idea...

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The Dedicated Partnership

Jul 11, 2002, 12:16:32 PM7/11/02
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel travel travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel travel travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi hihihi hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi hihihi hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel travel
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel travel
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi
travel hihihi travel hihihi travel travel hihihi travel travel hihihi

Testing Google Groups artwork - try a search on Google Gropus for
"travel" or "hihihi" - take your pick!

And then look at the highlighted text and the fine artwork that
results... remember, you saw it here first... :)))

Paul - promoting tourism - the world's best travel search engine

(Replace with to reply by e-mail...)


Jul 22, 2002, 5:17:04 PM7/22/02
Let me try!

this isnt spam itis four letr wrds
stng zdbe toge ther okay zdbe that
was8 zdbe ltrs annd that zdbe was3
andi cans tret chwo rdsa cros sths
butU gett thhe gene rall idea whch
isif zdbe yous trin gwor zdbe dsto
geth zdbe erit prov ides zdbe some
filr text zdbe zdbe zdbe soth atyo
ourA SCII zdbe zdbe zdbe artc anbe
seen gett thhe pict ure? good ok..

Google Google Groups for "zdbe".


I don't think that witchcraft is a religion. I wish the military would
rethink this decision.
-- George W. Bush, earlier remark, June, 1999, to ABC News, regarding
Ft. Hood's decision to allow Wiccan rituals just as all military bases
allow rituals of the Christian faith

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