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Save The Chimps

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Tom Keske

Aug 12, 2018, 3:23:22 PM8/12/18

Presenting the All American, Red Meat, Alpha Male ...


It's only fantasy at this point, but imagine if in 2012,
Governor Rick Perry won the GOP presidential nomination and then
selected retired ...
Do Alpha Male Execs Behave Like Chimps? - ABC News

While corporate types may not literally beat their chests in the
middle of a ... "And that's exactly what an alpha male does in a
chimp troupe or ...
I'm red blooded like my ancestors 10,000 years ago! - YouTube

Video for Alex Jones thumping chest

An excerpt from the May 23, 2011 Alex Jones show where Alex
beats his chest like a gorilla, an entertaining ...
Donald Trump's fans long for an uncomplicated alpha male ...

Los Angeles Times

To the amazement of veteran journalists, political operatives
and the other Republican candidates, that is making him a very
formidable ...
Cruz: Media 'Desperately' Hopes Mass Killers Are ... - Breitbart


The thing is, Ted Cruz is an Alpha Male, and The Donald isn't:
he's just a ... Alpha males don't need to beat their chests and
posture: they ...
Alpha: Why Westerners misunderstand Vladimir Putin ...

Vladimir Putin is notoriously alpha. Putin goes out of his way to
be photographed while engaged in various masculine endeavors:
bare-chested ...
Vladimir Putin is without a doubt the most alpha man on this ...

Vladimir Putin is without a doubt the most alpha man on this
planet..this is alpha! I go to sleep everynight crying knowing
we dont have a leader
Putin and the Chimpanzees - Barrelperday

There has been some news report recently regarding how
Chimpanzees go to war and hints that why this is a proof that
the warlike nature of ...
Chimp Facts - Save the Chimps

Chimpanzees are an endangered species. ... and generally each
community has an alpha male who is considered the most powerful
member of the group.
Chimps beat up, murder and then cannibalise their former tyrant | New ...

A gang of chimps overthrew their alpha male, ostracised him for
years and then killed him when he returned.
How to Understand Bovine Behaviour: 6 Steps (with Pictures) ... Farm Animals Cattle

The "alpha" bovine, be it a bull, cow, steer or heifer, will
boss the "omega" bovine by either staring directly at it until
it moves away, or lower its head (to expose ...
Monarch Project | The Conspiracy Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

As a result, the world got to know about the mind control
Project, "MKUltra" (Mind ... [a][c][d] This is being actively
used for Alpha slaves (also called "carrier ...
Project MKUltra - Wikipedia

Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is
the code name given to a program ..... In Alphas, events imply
that the Alphas program had its starts in the MKUltra program,
and Dr. Rosen has access to certain files from the MKUltra ...
MK-Ultra | Alphas Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

MK-Ultra was a covert and illegal project of the CIA stretching
over the course of the 1950's and 60's, involving human

During "The Unusual Suspects", three MK-Ultra scientists were
murdered by Red Flag assassins. Dr. Rosen has access to a set of
files from the project, and a morphogene Red Flag agent attempts
to infiltrate the office and destroy the files. All of these
events imply that the DoD's current involvement in Alphas stems
from the MK-Ultra experiments.

All Alphas are sensitive to infrasound. They tend to hallucinate
images based on their responses to the subliminal content of
infrasound messages.
There are over 20 types of Alphas

Bliss Inducement Alphas

These Alphas can over-stimulate the pineal gland, causing a drug-
like feeling of peace in their victims. Those affected see
lights, holy visions, and are easy to influence. If the
influenced person is not treated to a certain drug (L-Dopa) they
will eventually die

Cognitive Interpreter Alphas Edit

These Alphas can analyze one's mind to learn who they are and
what they're thinking.

Electrogenic Alphas are able to generate electrical pulses
capable of shutting down all electrical devices within a couple
of blocks radius.

Hypercognitive Alphas have a heightened mind-to-body connection.
They posses the ability to control one's brain and everything
the brain controls. Due to this, they are able to heal from any
injury, including death. Their ability can restore biotic
organisms to optimal health.

Sonic Alphas are able to generate ultrasonic vibrations capable
of causing a building to slowly break down
Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness

In one Project Pandora experiment chimpanzees were irradiated
with microwave bursts. The head of the program determined that
"the potential for exerting a ...

UNDER MIND CONTROL - MK-ULTRA mind control- CIA ... essay I
wrote, the Illuminati said they have perfected this use of
"Alpha Waves," and now with owning ...
The Munsters | Wonders in the Dark

"Come Back, Little Googie" (Season 1) - Grandpa thinks his magic
has turned Eddie's obnoxious little friend into a chimp, but the
boy (played by Billy Mummy) is
Munster lorry horror: Van drives into crowd of people in Germany - first ... > News > World

THE first pictures have emerged from Munster in Germany after a
van was driven into group of people, killing several and
injuring dozens.
Sanctuary chimps show high rates of drug-resistant staph - ScienceDaily

Other co-authors were from the University Hospital Munster in
Germany, the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Uganda and
the ...
BBC Nature - Gorillas and chimps are threatened by human disease

"Captive chimpanzees are highly susceptible to human pathogens,"
the ... Microbiology in Munster, Germany, and colleagues in
Germany, the ...
Scientists find HIV's 'missing link' in sick chimps | Science | The Guardian

A virus that is killing chimpanzees in the wild may be an
intermediate stage in the evolution of the deadly human strain.

Man-Made AIDS & The Scientific Cover-Up .... The chimp virus may
have an ancient history, but the AIDS epidemic traces back to
the late ...

The hunt for Ebola's hiding place has eluded scientists since
its identification in 1976. Believing that bats are a natural
reservoir, many are tracking them throughout the DRC. While we'
ve picked apart the virus in BSL-4 labs for decades and continue
to learn about its genomics, we're tragically unable to truly
understand the virus in its natural habitat. "But the virus's
natural history is a mystery, says virologist Vincent Munster,
sitting outside his tent in the darkening jungle

During their work, the researchers were alerted to a chimpanzee
carcass and throughout their response, they note just how
careful they must be when handling it. "It was covered in
maggots, Munster says-‘just a huge, pulsating mess.' Ebola may
be scarce in living animals, but carcasses like that one
practically explode with virus. ‘We've done those studies,'
Munster says. ‘Every cell, every orifice of that carcass is
loaded with Ebola.' To minimize the risk to researchers, Munster
helped develop a protocol for collecting samples from dead
animals: swabbing the outside instead of using sharp instruments
to collect blood or tissue."
Mind Control, World Control - Page 202 - Google Books Result

... Advanced Research Projects Agency's Project PANDORA,
conducted at the ... One aspect of the project involved
bombarding chimpanzees with microwave ... "the potential for
exerting a degree of control on human behavior by low level ...
Title: What are the Sources of Radiation Exposure?

Alpha emitters are isotopes that emit alpha particles. ....
Island in the U.S. and in 1986 at Chernobyl in Russia, lead to
public and worker exposures to radiation.
Alpha Gamma Omega | National Christian Fraternity est. 1927

Alpha Gamma Omega is a National Christian social fraternity
founded at UCLA in 1927. There are now 12 chapters of AGO in
California and Colorado.
Chernobyl: 2. How has human health been affected by the ... Home Chernobyl Level 2

People were exposed to radiation from the Chernobyl accident
through two ... Human exposure to ionizing radiation such as
alpha, beta, gamma and other kinds ...
What does it mean that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega?

This statement of eternality could apply only to God. It is seen
especially in Revelation 22:13, where Jesus proclaims that He is
the Alpha and the Omega, the ...
The Alpha and the Omega: SHIVA' S 112 Techniques

SHIVA' S 112 Techniques. Really, when you try the right .....
Lord Shiva has given 112 techniques to the world. He calls it
Hatless in Hattiesburg: is "tantra" the plural of "tantrum"?

Are you President of the US, or a 7 year old having a meltdown
after not getting their allowance raised? Please lecture us more
about ...
Petty GOP Bosses Throw A French-style Tantrum - Airliners ...

The GOP has clearly communicated their message on every level:
Might .... Alpha 1, Considering the amount of anti-Clinton (both
of them) ...

Assessment of DNA damage in underground coal miners using the
cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay in peripheral blood


Coal miners are exposed to coal dust, containing mineral
particles, inorganic compounds, and polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), and to ionizing radiation. These factors
can induce oxidative stress and promote inflammation that leads
to DNA damage. The aim of this investigation is to analyse the
degree of DNA damage in miners working in underground coal mines
in Kemerovo Region (Russian Federation) using the cytokinesis-
block micronucleus assay (CBMN) in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
The exposed group included 143 coal miners (mean age = 50.11
+/- 7.36 years

The synergistic influence of coal dust and ionising radiation
leads to an increase in exposure. Radioactive isotopes adsorbing
on dust particles can be inhaled into the lung, where they may
penetrate the epithelial cells that cover the bronchi and
alveoli. These radioactive sources emit alpha particles that can
interact with biological tissues in the lungs and induce DNA
Potential side effects of the drug Trump reportedly takes for hair loss ...

It is available as a prescription for treatment of male-pattern
hair loss. ... of drugs called 5-alpha-reductase-inhibitors (5-
ARIs) which work by

Alpha-amanitin is a produced by the poisonous mushroom: Amanita
phalloides. This mushroom is also known as the death cup or the
destroying angel. Alpha ...
Trump Pushes for Return to Moon As Earth Continues to Crumble

.. of a moon base and establishing a long-term human presence there
Moonbase Alpha, we miss you | I Have Grave News

.. a happy anniversary to the crew of Moonbase Alpha, who, along
with the moon, disappeared from the earth's orbit due to a '
massive nuclear ...
Enjoy the blood moon while you can. Donald Trump has plans for it ...

Total lunar eclipse 2018: how to see the blood moon - and the
science ... on the signing of President Trump's Space Policy
Directive 1, which
'Masturbating Chimpanzees, Boiling Blood and Spacesuits: The ...

In the Modern Marvels documentary series on the tragedy, author
Matthew ... International space programmes have resulted in
remarkable ...
One Small Step: The Story of the Space Chimps - Their Story

The Space Program will likely be recognized as one of the most
important and memorable ... The Alberts were monkeys, all of
whom met unfortunate fates.
GOP-Bashing 'Alpha House' Picked up by Amazon - Breitbart


Alpha House, which stars John Goodman as one of several GOP ....
AB would be ashamed of the teeth-gnashing, temper-tantrum
writing after
Andrew Breitbart, Death of a Provocateur

Mr. Sando quickly realized he was sitting next to Andrew
Breitbart, ..... on stress -- both are high-risk pointers to
early heart attacks/ strokes. .... living out of throwing public
tantrums, but it may have caught up with him in the end.
TFC on Twitter: "Says the self-proclaimed 'Andrew Breitbart ...

TFC Retweeted WhiteAlphaMale. Says the self-proclaimed 'Andrew
Breitbart Conservative' who calls himself White Alpha Male ...
Wake up Black America: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43 years ...

"It's sad to see someone like Andrew Breitbart die. Without
Breitbart .... I guess you didnt like what i had to say about
breitbart alpha male.
Animal Rights Group Seeks to Classify Chimpanzee as a ...


Animal Rights Group Seeks to Classify Chimpanzee as a Legal ...
demanding a chimpanzee be characterized as a legal person with a ...
Comment count on this article reflects comments made on and Facebook.
Why does Donald Trump make weird mouth shapes when he talks? - Quora

... Trump learned as a child that when he spoke, other facial
expressions that normally ... help and managed to pull the
monkey off of Donald, putting out the flames on its coat ....
For instance, when Trump bares his bottom teeth in his trademark
Chimpanzee - True Wild Life

As with other large primate groups, the alpha male chimpanzee is
the ... a frightened chimpanzee will bare its teeth to
intimidate the threat.
Social-Networking Technology Unlocks Mystery of Chimp Civil War

In 1971, Jane Goodall watched as a group of chimpanzees tore
itself apart. ... A group of males will go on patrol, listening
quietly near the border of their territory. ... Most likely with
the death of an alpha male named Leakey.
Trump's Hiring Goals Could Increase Corruption in the US Border Patrol

More than 140 Customs and Border Protection agents were arrested
or convicted of corruption in recent years-and President Trump's
promise ...
The battle to be Alpha Cow - livinlovinfarmin

Ok, here's the deal, my beautiful bred jersey cow is a bit
hormonal, well, temperamental, to say the least. Well, Jersey is
a 1000+ pound fat, I mean, pregnant, cow who now believes she is
the Alpha cow all because she made the lil farm girl pee her
Bad hair day? Experts explain curse of the cowlick - NBC News

Alfalfa from the "Our Gang" TV serial had a famous one that
stuck straight ... Trump, she perfectly captures how this
wayward whorl of hair can ...
To My Daughters: Donald Trump is No Little Rascal | HuffPost

Alfalfa, as in the classic Rascals, is a reluctant member of
Spanky's He-Man ... And there's the other one, Bean Sprout, with
the hair.
Obama Called "Buckwheat" by Lone Republican in District 17 Race ...

Corey Poitier, the lone Republican in the race to replace
Congressman Kendrick Meek in District 17, has a message for
President Barack Obama: "Listen up, Buckwheat."
Donald trump in little rascals - YouTube

Mar 30, 2016 - Uploaded by Boaz de Korte

Spanky, Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Darla, Stymie, Porky, Petey the dog
and all of the Little Rascals star in this ...
Cotton The Chimp | Our Gang Wikia Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Cotton the Chimp is one of the acts from a vaudeville act that
appears in Greenpoint ... Cotton Beard, Stymie Beard's brother,
who the Rascals believe was turned.
I Wish Cotton Was A Monkey - Spanky, Cotton & Stymie in Little ... > Flyin-Eye-Media > Videos

I Wish Cotton Was A Monkey - Spanky, Cotton & Stymie in Little
Rascal's clip from 1932. 6 years ago More ...
David Bossie's 'cotton picking' remark shows why few believe Trump ...

On Fox News, David Bossie, former Trump Deputy Campaign Manager,
telling a black panelist that he's "out of his cotton-picking

In 1994, Amblin Entertainment and Universal Pictures released
The Little Rascals, a feature film based loosely on the series
and featuring interpretations of classic Our Gang shorts

The film, directed by Penelope Spheeris, starred Travis Tedford
as Spanky, Bug Hall as Alfalfa, and Ross Bagley as Buckwheat;
with cameos by the Olsen twins, Whoopi Goldberg, Mel Brooks,
Reba McEntire, Daryl Hannah, Donald Trump and Raven-Symone
Urban Dictionary: Alfalfa Male

A kind of fellow some ladies in search of an Alpha male may end
up with. The key distinction here is that instead of being the
man's man they were looking for ...
The Death of Alfalfa - Picking

Carl Switzer, who as the scrawny, saucer-eyed Alfalfa of the
"Our Gang" comedies made America laugh, came to an unhappy end -
shot dead ...
ESP: The Our Gang Curse: Tragic Deaths of the Little Rascals

Some actors, such as Spanky, Alfalfa, and Darla became the
cornerstones of the ...
The ABC's of Chimpanzee Behavior - Lessons for Hope

The ABC's of Chimpanzee Behavior. Among the 50 or so members of
a chimpanzee community, one adult male is recognized as the
highest-ranking or "alpha" male. While several males may
exercise dominance over other males, the alpha male is dominant
over all the members of the community, male and female.
Chimps and humans 'both natural born killers'

It was thought that chimps only fought when humans interfered,
but scientists find they have a natural tendency toward violence
and slaughter

"Lumumba", an ex alpha-male of the Kyambura chimpanzee troop
eating a colobus monkey caught during a group hunt
THE C.I.A. AND LUMUMBA - The New York Times

Pointing out that assassination was not exactly a common C.I.A.
tactic, .....

It was now that the C.I.A.'s top scientist was brought into play.
His name was Sidney Gottlieb, he was Bissell's Special Assistant
for Scientific Matters, and he was asked by his superior to
prepare biological materials and have them ready on short notice
for possible use in the assassination of an unspecified African
leader, ''in case the decision was to go ahead.'' According to
Gottlieb's testimony, Bissell told him he ''had direction from
the highest authority ... for getting into that kind of
operation''; Gottlieb assumed he was referring to the President.

Lumumba's appeal to Moscow had provided the perfect justification,
if one was needed. Mobutu quickly expelled all Soviet advisers.
Placed under house arrest, Lumumba tried to escape to
Stanleyville where his support remained strong, but he was captured
after a few days on the run, imprisoned and then transferred
to his arch-enemies in Katanga.

There, in January 1961, five hours after his arrival, he was
executed by a firing squad supervised by Belgian policemen.
Days later, his body was cut up and dissolved in acid.

At some point, the number of infected individuals
reached a critical stage beyond which the dissemination of HIV-1
into the rest of the Congo, and beyond, became unavoidable.

While the initial phase of parenteral amplification of HIV-1
group must have occurred in an area inhabited by P.t.
troglodytes, the next phase of sexual dissemination followed
migration and trading routes. From a rural area, HIV-1 moved
into the nascent cities of central Africa.

Not so much that many more people had contacts with chimpanzee
blood, although small firearms were by then readily available,
but themechanisms thatwould allow the exponential amplification
of the infection appeared.

A new book published in London recently tells how the famous
poison dispatched by Washington to kill Lumumba in 1960, was in
fact "designed to produce one of the diseases endemic to central
Africa so that Lumumba's death would look like an unfortunate
accident". Even the CIA station chief in Kinshasa at the time
was so shocked that he shouted: "Jesus Christ, isn't this

For those known contemptuously as "conspiracy theorists",
Michela Wrong's book, In The Footsteps of Mr Kurtz -- Living On
the Brink of Disaster In The Congo, published recently by Fourth
Estate, is a godsend.

For years, since the advent of HIV and Aids in 1980, the
"conspiracy theorists" have sought to provide evidence to show
that HIV was developed as part of the American germ warfare/
population control programme which started in 1945 -- a
programme which, they say, has had dire consequences for today's
world, particularly Africa where Aids is said to be the biggest

The American authorities, as expected, have dismissed the claims
so vehemently that the "conspiracy theorists" have looked like

Yet, from time to time, revelations such as contained in Michela
Wrong's new book keep coming up, which tend to lend some
credibility to the "discredited" claims.
Green monkey - Wikipedia

The green monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus), also known as the
sabaeus monkey or the callithrix ... The green monkey is a
sexually dimorphic species, with males typically being slightly
larger than females. Wild adult males ... Green monkeys live in
a polygynous society, revolving around the alpha males. The
alpha males ...
SV40-Cancer-Polio Vaccine Link - SV40 Cancer Foundation

In 1956, Dr. Sabin took this virus and passaged it through seven
cultures of African Green Monkey kidney cells.[7] That same year,
the pharmaceutical company, ...
Monkeys, viruses, and vaccines - The Lancet

by T Curtis - ‎2004 - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles

Jul 31, 2004 - ... to protect themselves from a scourge as
feared in its day as AIDS is in ... to polio vaccines
contaminated with SV40-a monkey virus that can ...

Dr. Michele Carbone openly acknowledged HIV/AIDS was spread by
the hepatitis B vaccine produced by Merck & Co. during the early
1970s. It was the first time since the initial transmissions
took place in 1972-74, that a leading expert in the field of
vaccine manufacturing and testing has openly admitted the Merck &
Co. liability for AIDS.
Judyth Vary Baker -

She first decided to tell her story some 38 years after the JFK
assassination, ... and learned techniques for handling cancers
induced by the SV40 monkey virus. ... In 1963, Judyth was
invited to New Orleans by famous surgeon Dr. Alton ...

The Fall of the Alpha Male

Clearly, this is the sort of statement that would have Kenny
Powers snorting derisively into his beer. If alpha males are so "
unnatural", why have they enjoyed such unchallenged dominance in
the past? According to Anderson, homophobia plays a major part.

"In extreme homophobic atmospheres," he says, "heterosexual men
feel pressure to prove that they're not gay. They do this by
acting like Rambo - showing off, being sexist and aggressive -
because these traits are all typically coded as ‘straight'.
Twelve Who Don't Agree: The Battle for Freedom in Putin's Russia

Valery Panyushkin - Political Science

"Muzhiks, besides us and Alpha, no one can take the White House
without blood." About two-thirds of the officers took two steps
forward. Yermolin did not take part ...
Alpha / Omega (End Times) from M-Plant on Beatport > M-Plant

Taken from the forthcoming conceptual album "Omega"
Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last ...

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and
the last. .... be exalted, the mystery of God would be completed,
and time itself be no more.
Why Is God a Dominant Male? | Psychology Today

Why God is portrayed as a dominant male being. ... Alpha God ...
Like chimpanzees, we have anthropomorphized thunder as a
powerful male ...
Some Thoughts on the End of the World | Alpha and Omega Ministries

Another end times prophet, more reason to question those nutty
Christians. Atheists are planning Rapture Parties. Documentaries
will be made
Religion Is God'S Way of Showing Us It'S a Lot Earlier in Human
Evolution Than We Thought

A primate naturally owes allegiance to his alpha male, though
chimps show us they can be less than enthusiastic about a
particular individual holding the ...
Mysterious chimpanzee behaviour could prove they believe in God ... > News

New footage of ritual behaviour by chimpanzees, taken and
analysed ... may be engaging in spiritual practices - and could
even believe in God.
Reagan's optical illusions - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists > Columnists

The Heritage audience gave delighted guffaws as Adelman showed
how Reagan positioned himself as the alpha male at that meeting
by ...
The Time Ronald Reagan Was Nearly Strangled By A Chimp | Mental ...

The fact that actor-turned-president Ronald Reagan once co-
starred with a chimpanzee in Bedtime for Bonzo (1951)
provided him with a ...
The American Historian: Return to the Planet of the Apes

The original Planet of the Apes debuted during the most
turbulent year of the ... In another scene, a young chimp fumes
about the evils of "money-mad ... A nuclear war weakened
humanity and allowed for the apes to evolve and take control.

chimp putin | bigfab fablibre | Flickr

What Chimpanzees Can Teach Us About Adam and Eve | The New ...

Stephen Greenblatt on how observing chimpanzees in the wild at
Kibale National Park, in Uganda, illuminates the ... Photograph
by Jesus Inostroza / Redux .... When the reigning alpha male
died, there was a power vacuum.
Putin Is Basking in an 'Astonishing Leadership Vacuum' | Time > Opinion > russia

Since Vladimir Putin's official return to power in 2012, the
Russian President seems to have set his mind on teaching the
rest of the world a few ...
Best photos of the day: Putin and a thirsty chimp | News | The Guardian

A selection of photo highlights from around the world, including
the Russian president in the Arctic and a hot day at Dusit zoo.
Soviet experiments included two-headed dogs, human chimp hybrids

It was claimed - and later disproved - that Oliver the
chimpanzee was ...

Russian scientists are believed to have killed and tortured
thousands of dogs in horrific experiments.

The goal? To hone the nerve toxin that poisoned former Russian
spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the recent attack
in Salisbury, UK.
Chump Chimp

Just remember this ancient Chinese Proverb:

Organization like tree full of monkeys
All on different limbs at different times
Some monkeys climbing up, some monkeys climbing down
All monkeys on top look down and see tree full of smiling faces
All monkeys on bottom look up and see nothing but ass-holes
The difference between "Alpha" and "a**hole" - Just Add Tea

When I first sat down to write this particular post, I had
planned to write out a comprehensive list of examples of what is
alpha behavior versus ...
Don't underestimate the harm 'brittle masculinity' can do to the world ...

No alpha male has ever referred to himself as such. ... We
remember that unemployment drove men to vote for Adolf Hitler
and for radical ...

Due to the short range of absorption and inability to penetrate
the outer layers of skin, alpha particles are not, in general,
dangerous to life unless the source is ingested or inhaled, in
which case they become extremely dangerous. It is the most
strongly ionizing, and with large enough doses can cause any or
all of the symptoms of radiation poisoning. It is estimated that
chromosome damage from alpha particles is anywhere from 10 to
1000 times greater than that caused by an equivalent amount of
gamma or beta radiation, with the average being set at 20 times.

In Chernobyl one of the problems was, that the radioactive
fallout contaminated mushrooms and other edible plants in large
parts of Europe
We are not alone: Apes can plan, tell written words from gibberish
- NY ...
Primatologist Jane Goodall analyzes Trump's behavior - as a primate

From the Donald Trump: World-renowned
primatologist Jane Goodall likens US President to a chimpanzee: "
In many ways the ...
'The ones who swagger don't last as long': Jane Goodall doubles ...

Famed primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall has once
again compared President Donald Trump to a chimp in a new
Jezebel ...
The Infinite Chimps Flinging Shit Method of Success

I'm a novelist, writer of interesting gibberish, a semi-pro
comedian, and a teacher in Japan. ... The "Infinite Feces
Flinging Chimp Method" or IFFCM. ... So, then did the Alpha
feces flinging chimp residing in my frontal lobes step ...
State of the Wild Chimpanzee - Jane Goodall Institute UK

We stand on the threshold of a future without chimpanzees in the
wild. ... Current trends indicate that African ape populations
will decline by an additional 80
Ebola Is Wiping Out the World's Gorillas - The Daily Beast

.. has wiped out one third of the world's chimp and gorilla
populations. ... One of earliest Ebola "die-offs" of great apes
came in 1994, when an ...
Ebola Epidemic Linked to CIA: Former NSA Contractor | Global ...

... to Congo and to Cuba in unsuccessful CIA attempts to
assassinate Patrice Lumumba ...

Arboviruses: alphaviruses, flaviviruses and bunyaviruses

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) was originally
described as two separate viruses: Crimean haemorrhagic fever
virus, isolated from the serum of a man with fatal haemorrhagic
fever near Samarkand, Uzbekistan, and Congo virus isolated from
the serum of a child with fever and arthralgia in Zaire.
Antigenic and genetic studies show that the two viruses are
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus - an overview ...

The disease is much less common on the African continent, with
only a handful of cases ... Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever is
an emerging problem, with .... Toxins: lethal toxins produced by
microbes also act as bio-weapons capable of ...

Chimpanzee Violence and the Post-War Dream

I grew up in the Cold War.

The books, movies, and music were filled with fears of the end of the world.

I had a fellowship to study in England that came with money for
summer travel in Europe.

I used that money to travel to Russia, then all the way to China
on the Tran-Siberian Railroad. It turns out that this was the
last summer that the Soviet Union existed.

Walking around Moscow near Red Square, I saw Soviet soldiers -
boys, really, about my age - playing around in a children's park,
taking pictures of each other

I grew up worried about war but fascinated by apes.

It's because of war, though, that I don't study gorillas.

The mountain gorilla study is located in Rwanda, a tiny country
in the heart of Africa. After college, when I wrote to the
directors of the gorilla study asking if they needed research
assistants, they wrote back saying they were closing camp down
because Rwanda was descending into war.

The war continued for years, killing hundreds of thousands of

So instead of growing up to study gorillas, I study chimpanzees.

As it happened, though, the war in Rwanda spilled over into
Congo, resulting in a huge war that eventually involved nine
African nations and killed millions of people.

At one point bandits attacked our village. They robbed and beat
chimpanzee project field assistants, and shot and killed the
brother of one of our employees.

And right around this time, one of the same field assistants who
had been robbed found our chimpanzees beating on the freshly
killed body of a male chimpanzee from another community.

The stranger's body was covered in bites and other wounds, and
his throat was torn out.

Why do chimpanzees do this?

Why do we kill?

One explanation for why we kill is the imbalance of power
hypothesis, developed by Richard Wrangham and colleagues.

Behavioral ecologists think of aggression as the result of a
cost-benefit calculation: animals use aggression as a strategy
to get some benefit, when it looks like the benefit will be
greater than the cost.

The benefits of aggression in chimpanzees are similar to those
in other group territorial species: territory, food and mates.

If we were gorillas, we would travel in a stable group all the
time: a single male with his harem of females and kids.

But instead we live like chimpanzees: sometimes gathering in big
groups, like we are now, and sometimes separating off into
smaller groups.

For example, here are two neighboring territories: Blue and Red

There's not much food at the moment in the Blue territory, so
the Blue males are traveling in small parties, mainly ones and

But there's more food in the Red territory. They can travel in
bigger parties, including this one with six males.

These six males have safety in numbers, so they go on a border patrol.

There they find a single blue male off by himself.

With fewer males, Blue loses territory to Red. The Red males get
the benefit of a larger territory with more food for themselves,
their mates and their offspring.

The imbalance of power hypothesis makes some clear predictions.

For example:

Males should visit borders only when in larger groups.

Parties with more males should be more likely to approach
strangers, to win fights, and to kill their enemies.

And winners should gain more territory.

Under many circumstances, imitating violent behavior would be
maladaptive. For example, in chimpanzee societies, the alpha
male frequently conducts charge displays, charging at, chasing,
and sometimes hitting other community members. If a young, low-
ranking male started imitating the alpha male by charging around
and attacking other chimpanzees, he would get beat up in a hurry.

Professor Huesmann described studies showing that both
Palestinian and Israeli children exposed to more media violence
were more aggressive. Fair enough. But does anyone really think
that the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is
the result of too much violent television? Or that Russia's
invasion of Crimea and ongoing support for separatists in
Eastern Ukraine is the result of, say, Vladimir Putin watching
too many Steven Seagal movies?

A few disturbed people may be inspired to violent acts by
violent video games, but it seems likely that the great majority
of violent acts are best explained by conflicts over limited
resources, such as land, oil, and status.
Is there a connection between Putin's facelift and the invasion of ...

If there is such a thing as fashion for these alpha males, then
the ... Chimpanzee societies are built on strict hierarchy
systems, where ... So, there is indeed a connection between
Putin's facelift and the Crimean intervention:
Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever, the 'New Ebola', has allegedly ...

The Daily Star reported that Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever has
already killed one Brit, with the deadly disease dubbed the
"next Ebola.".
Brutal Chimpanzee War Was Likely Driven By Power, Ambition, And ...

The conflict became known as the Four-Year War of Gombe, and is
the only known fully documented chimpanzee civil war. Now a new
study ...
The Gombe War of Tanzania: A four-year-long guerrilla war between ...

The chimpanzee conflict in Gombe that became known as the Gombe
Chimpanzee War probably began in 1971, when the alfa male leader
'Planet of the Apes' Ending is the Antidote to Aggressively Hopeful ...

PLANET OF THE APES (1968) - Lady Liberty Destroyed. Info.
Shopping ... He finds the half-sunk wreckage of the Statue of
Liberty. It was Earth ...
Huddled masses? Losers! Trump v Statue of Liberty | US news | The ...

The New Colossus Give me your tired, your poor, ... Losers!
Trump v the Statue of Liberty ... Reimagining The New Colossus ...
in Trump's voice ...
How Outrage Built Over a Shakespearean Depiction of Trump - The ...

He would direct a production of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar,"
with the title character a provocative but inexact stand-in for
President Trump.
Caesar (Planet of the Apes) | Planet of the Apes Wiki | FANDOM ...

Caesar is an evolved chimpanzee who is the biological son of the
late Alpha and ... He is also the main protagonist of Rise of
the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of
'War for the Planet of the Apes' Writer Explains Every Easter Egg ... > Entertainment > Planet of the Apes

Mark Bomback, the screenwriter for 'War for the Planet of the
Apes' talks us ... version of Caesar caused the planet of the
apes to rise via a time-paradox. ... a secret cult of humans
worships a huge bomb called Alpha-Omega
5 Weird Moments from the Planet of the Apes Movies | Geek and Sundry

Seen this ominous new trailer for War of the Planet of the Apes? ...
.. As it turned out, the nuclear catastrophe that cut the Statue
of Liberty down to size by the first Planet of the Apes ... by
violence and Caesar is thrown into a prison for apes, so that's
all the good destiny does.
Chimpanese - Wiktionary

Chimpanese. (slang, humorous, rare) Language of, similar to, or
resembling that of a chimpanzee. (slang, humorous, rare)
Nonsense language; gibberish.
The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human

Even chimps, who can be trained to sign simple sentences like "
Give me fruit," ... as "It's true that Joe is the big alpha male,
but he's starting to get old and lazy, ... is meaningless
gibberish, as in the linguist Noam Chomsky's famous example,
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Save the Chimps | Bonfire

... rescued chimpanzees Save the Chimps, the largest chimpanzee
sanctuary in. ... 250 chimpanzees in our care, thank you for
your compassion and generosity


Oct 23, 2018, 8:51:21 PM10/23/18
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