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Re: Army exonerates deceased four-star general in decades-old groping case

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Liberal Sluts Lie

Feb 17, 2024, 4:44:47 PM2/17/24
On 08 Sep 2022, bruce bowser <> posted some

> They were just lying Democrat whore cunts anyway. Half the women who
> go to commissioned officer parties are just whores who will drop their
> panties for anyone with a dick.,

WASHINGTON — The Army has exonerated a deceased four-star general who
had been reprimanded for allegedly groping the wife of a subordinate
officer in a decades-old case that tested the boundaries of memory and
the military's attempts to hold senior officers to account for sexual
harassment and assault.

In 2019, the Army officially reprimanded retired General Leon Salomon
over allegations that he grabbed the breasts of Camilla Vance Shadley
and made crude remarks to her twin sister during a party at his house on
a fall afternoon in 1994. At the time, Salomon was the Army's top
officer for logistics.

Vance Shadley, the daughter of the former secretary of the Army and
State, Cyrus Vance, and her sister, gave statements to Army
investigators about the alleged incident in 2019.

The Army reconsidered his punishment based on a petition filed on
Salomon's behalf, said Cynthia Smith, an Army spokeswoman.

"In balancing all available information, and given the passage of time
and scarcity of evidence, an all-civilian board determined that removal
of the formal reprimand and its allied documents was consistent with
regulatory standards," Smith said.

On Feb. 10, three members of an Army board charged with correcting
military records unanimously approved the request to remove the
reprimand in part because "there was insufficient probable cause that
supported the allegations." Salomon died last year at the age of 87. Two
of the board members were women, according to a Defense Department
official who was not authorized to speak publicly about the

Salomon's family, in a statment to USA TODAY, expressed relief with the
Army's decision.

"We are relieved the Army has conducted a thorough review of the
evidence and found the accusation to be, as we always knew, without
merit or basis in fact," the family's statement said.

The Pentagon for years has struggled to combat sexual assault and
harassment in its ranks. In 2022, a survey found about 35,900 troops had
been the victims of sexual assault – crimes that range from groping to
rape – in 2021, the most recent year for such data. Pentagon officials
branded the finding as "tragic." The report also showed that troops'
trust in the Pentagon to protect them from sexual assault had plummeted.
Asked if they trusted the military system to ensure their safety
following a sexual assault, 40% of women said they did in 2021, down
from 69% in 2018.

In 2019, an Army Criminal Investigation Division official interviewed
Salomon and found probable cause that he had groped Vance. The statute
of limitations had passed for criminal charges. But the Army issued
Salomon a letter of reprimand and placed it in his official after he
declined to rebut it, according to Army documents.

The board based its decision to rescind the reprimand based on
documents, affidavits and photographs of the party submitted on
Salomon's behalf, according to Army records.

Exonerating Salomon was the right decision, said Greg Rinckey, a former
Army lawyer and founding partner of the Tully Rinckey law firm.

"This was the correct decision as this allegation was made 25 years
after the alleged incident took place," Rinckey said. "It was virtually
impossible for Gen. Salomon to mount a defense as witnesses and memories
fade over time. This was clearly a violation of due process rights."

Vance Shadley could not be reached for comment.
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