corey crawley wrote:
Can anyone help me find a recipe for tacos al pastor?
1 kilo de filetes de atún, de pez vela o de marlín bien lavados, secos y cortados en tiras finas
1 cebolla grande picada
3 rebanadas de piña madura picadas en cuadritos
sal y pimienta al gustoPara el adobo:
½ pastilla de achiote
2 tazas de jugo de naranja agria o, 1½ tazas de jugo de naranja, y ½ taza de jugo de limón
1 cucharada de mostaza
½ taza de aceite
¼ de taza de vinagrePara acompañar:
30 tortillas medianas
cilántro picado
cebolla picada
limónes partidos en cuarteronesPara 10 a 12 personas
Se precalienta el horno a 175°C. En una charola de horno se colocan las tiritas de pescado, se añade la cebolla, la piña, sal y pimienta al gusto y se bañan con el adobo. Se mete todo al horno hasta que el pescado esté cocido y la salsa esté espesita, aproximadamente 30 minutos. Se sirve acompañado por tortillas bien calientes, el cilantro, la cebolla y los limones.
Se mezclan todos los ingredientes.PRESENTACIÓN
En un platón de barro con las tortillas en un tortillero y el resto de los ingredientes en un platoncito redondo.
10 chiles Pasilla
10 chiles Guajillo
½ ajo pelado
¼ de litro de vinagre Blanco destilado
¼ de cucharada de cominos
5 clavos de olor
sal al gustoPREPARACION
1. Se limpian los chiles y se ponon a cocer en el vinagre hasta estar los chiles suaves y se muelen en el mismo vinagre junto con el ajo y los demas condimentos, hasta crear una pasta de buena consistensia ( casi igual a la del cemento para pegar ladrillo) aniada mas vinagre si es necesario. una vez que este la pasta bien molida proceda a cocerse nuevamente hasta que hierva meneandola constantemente para que no se pegue (cuidado!!!! se pone muy caliente y brinca, si te cae una gota te chinga bien gacho). dejese que se enfrie . compre 1 kilo de carne de puerco (no lmporta el corte,solo que este bisteseada bien delgadita). unte la pasta en la carne cuidando de no poner en exeso (como si te pusieras bronceador) y coloque los bisteses uno encima del otro, tratando de figurar un trompo. deje reposar la carne por lo menos 5 horas.
2. En un comal o cazuela calinte, coloque la carne un bistec a la vez (si gusta puede poner un poco de aceite a la cazuela para que no se pegue) y se sancocha o sea se medio coce. una vez cocida se corta en pedazos pequenios 1/4 de centimetro aprox. y se vuelve a cocinar esta vez acompaniado de una cebolla grande picada lo mas fina posible el olorm inconfundible le dira que esta listo.Nota: si le gusta con Pinia y a falta de trompo agregue un poco de jugo al adobo antes de untarlo en la carne.
Nota 2: como la mayoria de presonas no tienen trompo esta receta es lo mas cercano a la receta original con trompo. esta es mi primera receta que escribo asi que lo mas probable es que tendra fallas. si tienen preguntas ya me molesten. tal vez seria mas facil si te mandara el adobo ya preparado. espero y esto te sirva. que otra quieres?
The primary problem is that many of the key ingredients, e.g., tortillas
and beef, are very different in Mexico from what is sold in the US.
Clayton Gillespie
Good luck
Big Al
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I am not familiar with Tacos de Trompo, if that is supposed tobe 'Trompa' or
cheek meat we would call it barbacoa. Personally, I prefer al carbón, but in
either case I live in El Paso so I have only to walk across a bridge. Even though
I can see Cd. Juárez from my front door, with a few exceptions Mexican food is
totally different on either side of the river. I think your only hope is to
resign yourself to what you have or move.
Tacos al pastor are very diferent from Yucatan to DF or Monterrey.
They don't taste the same because of the ingredients, they vary from place to place.
"Tacos al Pastor" are very related to "Tacos de Trompo" but they are not "exactly" the same.
In Yucatan they are very spiced and are made of pork.
In DF (sometimes) steaks are laid
one upon another in an assorted manner (one of beef... one of pork)all the way to form a
big mass of marinated meat (achiote or axiote is one of the ingredients. In Yucatan they
use axiote too... in fact... they are the masters of the axiote, and the "adobo" used to
marinate this meat is very similar at the one used in "cochinita pibil"). A metallic bar
goes through all this meat (named "trompo") and placed vertically in a kinda' vertical
grill. The "Trompo" spins slowly on its axis (the metallic bar). 2 halfs of onion
are placed, one on the top one at the bottom. Most of the "taqueros" use to place a
pineapple on the very top.
The taco is made of a small corn tortilla warmed right below the droping meat.
You can use some lemon and drink "tepache".
After eat tacos keep away from your girlfriend (the onion... you know).
In this part of the states ther's a lot of guys claming to have the recipe...
the good one... but they don't.
If you are interested in the original one in the DF style jut let me know, I'll
keep you in the book and I will send you the recipe as soon as my secret spies gather
information for me from "la ciudad del taco y la garnacha". I have good agents there and
some whistlers too. Are you interested en "salsa taquera"? ... I bet you are.
> In DF (sometimes) steaks are laid one upon another in an assorted manner (one of beef... one
> of pork)all the way to form a big mass of marinated meat (achiote or axiote is one of the
> ingredients. In Yucatan they use axiote too... in fact... they are the masters of the axiote,
> and the "adobo" used to marinate this meat is very similar at the one used in "cochinita
> pibil"). A metallic bar goes through all this meat (named "trompo") and placed vertically in a
> kinda' vertical grill. The "Trompo" spins slowly on its axis (the metallic bar). 2 halfs of
> onion are placed, one on the top one at the bottom. Most of the "taqueros" use to place a
> pineapple on the very top.
> The taco is made of a small corn tortilla warmed right below the droping meat. You can use
> some lemon and drink "tepache".
> After eat tacos keep away from your girlfriend (the onion... you know).
> In this part of the states ther's a lot of guys claming to have the recipe... the good one...
> but they don't. If you are interested in the original one in the DF style jut let me know,
> I'll keep you in the book and I will send you the recipe as soon as my secret spies gather
> information for me from "la ciudad del taco y la garnacha". I have good agents there and some
> whistlers too. Are you interested en "salsa taquera"? ... I bet you are.
> guz
If "Tacos de Trompo" are defined by the cooking method you describe, I am surprised that Big Al
is not able to find them, but then maybe he is stuck in Minneapolis or some such place. I have
seen these vertical spits everywhere even north of the border (although some people might argue
that El Paso is not really north of the border). I read someplace that this method of cooking in
Mexico is less than 100 years old and was adapted from the Lebanese that immigrated relatively
recently. But to many these are Tacos al Carbón.
By all means, keep me on your list. I am always interested in new recipes as well the variations
of preparation and ingrediants of old ones.