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The Herald of the New

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you are i am

Jan 9, 2012, 8:22:37 PM1/9/12
The Herald of the New

Many will remember the present time as a time of trial, of tension and
upheaval. Actually, seen with the more discerning eye, it is a time of
renewal, of preparation for a new beginning. Thus may men take great
hope from the present changes. The past has had its day and is fast
failing to benefit the race. The young grow weary and fretful from its
long dominion, and turn to drugs and crime to ease their souls’ ennui
and despair.

Meantime, the Herald of the New is quietly inspiring a new generation
of activists who will emerge in every nation, mindful of the needs of
men everywhere. Already, as you know, the groups of activists for the
new structures are working openly and courageously in many lands,
showing a new aspiration which is forming in the hearts of millions:
respect for, and co-operation with, all, and an end to the old
divisive greed.

Thus are men finding the blueprint of the future time, by renewing
themselves in the simple teaching of Maitreya. Peace and Justice are
beginning to take centre stage in the minds of millions. When men
realize that sharing alone will bring these cherished concepts into
being they will embark on a transformation of society beyond anything
envisaged until now. Stage by stage, these changes will be adopted and
tried out for general use. The pain and sense of loss of today will
give way to renewed hope and satisfaction that the world is at last on
the right path and thus experiments can be safely undertaken.

Thus will disappear the fear of change. Great transformations will
proceed in ordered sequence as men realize the beauty of the new
forms. Gradually, the old, divisive ways of the past will be seen as
the mistakes of the past and die out, useless to the new unity.

The words and example of Maitreya will hasten the sense of the unity,
which will more and more manifest the energies of Aquarius, drawing
men into a synthesis unknown today.

At the present time, the Masters in Their various centres work through
Their groups to bring about these changes with the minimum of social
upheaval. Theirs is the task to empower change at an acceptable rate
with evolution rather than revolution. This is not easy to do, for
men, when young, are impatient for the new, and when old, are
resistant to change. Thus the present turmoil.

Many await this time with hope and joy. Many more are locked in
hopelessness and fear. Many are eager to see the future world free
from war and destitution. Many more wait wearily for their burden to

Maitreya will awaken men to their destiny and free them from fear and
doubt. He will free them, too, from the constant sense of alienation
and distrust. Men’s long winter in the wilderness has prepared them
for the simpler, happier times ahead.

The article above was
copied from:


The reappearance of the Christ in relation to humanity is
fundamentally about the birth of the Christ Principle in the hearts of
all humanity. That awakens the love aspect, and therefore sharing and
justice, right relationship in a word, is guaranteed in this coming
age. Right relationship does not happen by itself. Humanity has to
make it happen. The awakening by Maitreya of the Christ Principle in
the hearts of all humanity is the method by which His major work,
which is on the astral plane, is carried out. This will galvanize the
heart response of humanity and awaken them not only to the need for
brotherhood but also to the actual expression of brotherhood, and
therefore sharing, justice, peace and freedom for all people
everywhere. (Benjamin Creme, The Great Approach)


We think of 'love' as the kind of emotion that people feel between
each other. Of course emotion has something to do with Love, but at a
lower level of the great cosmic energy. Love, which the Masters send
into the world in its pure form, is the cohesive, magnetic force
binding the atoms of matter and the units of humanity together.
The evolutionary aim is that we shall be bound together by the energy
of Love and demonstrate it in our lives. Unfortunately, humanity as a
whole does not do this as yet, but in the coming Age of Aquarius we
shall manifest the quality of Love just as powerfully and clearly and
correctly as today we demonstrate the energy which we call Knowledge.
Our science and technology are the direct result of our ability today
to manifest the energy of Knowledge. Two thousand years ago we could
not do so.

The Christ came in Palestine to show us Love, to show us that the
nature of divinity is Love, and He demonstrated perfect Love in a
human being for the first time. In 2,000 years we still have not
manifested that quality which He released into the world. Of course,
many men and women have individually realized within themselves the
quality of Love and have become disciples, initiates, and in some
cases Masters of Wisdom. Through the demonstration of the Love of God,
They have reached the relative perfection which the Masters know, a
perfection that one day will be our own destiny to manifest. (Benjamin
Creme, Transmission - A Meditation for the New Age)


Goodwill is a dynamic energy. The energy we call goodwill is one of
the most potent factors in changing world conditions. It is the
highest aspect of the energy we call love which mankind is, generally,
able to express. When it is made dynamic by the first aspect, the Will
aspect, the Will-to-Good, it becomes a tremendous dynamic energy, and
it is now changing the world. It is the goodwill of ordinary men and
women everywhere which will change the world. They will lead their
leaders into the new age. See yourself as a dynamic unit of goodwill
in the world. Work with others. Join groups and work with others along
these lines. The new world has to be made by man himself. (Benjamin
Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom)


The Beginning is Near!

These days are marking the End of the World
(but only as we’ve come to know it)! Very soon,
after the corrupt global markets collapse, one
titanic person prophesied by ALL major world
religions will speak to all of humanity. He will
NOT come across as a religious figure. He (is &) will
inspire mankind to see itself as one family & to
rebuild the world based upon the principles of
sharing, justice, co-operation, & love. Read all
about it:


Our Elder Brothers Return - A History In Books (1875-present)
A comprehensive overview of the teachings for the New Age in
preparation for the return to the everyday world of Maitreya, the
World Teacher, and the Masters of Wisdom. People have been
preparing mankind for His reappearance for over a thousand years.

This info is presented for your consideration only.
If it doesn't ring true to your ears, that is fine.
I won't argue with anyone about it or try to 'make' anyone believe it.
imo, it's best to ignore the apparently intentionally silly replies
that one person is devoted to posting.

Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti Om!


Jan 9, 2012, 9:32:56 PM1/9/12
you are i am wrote:

> The Herald of the New
> Many will remember the present time as a time of trial, of tension and
> upheaval. Actually, seen with the more discerning eye, it is a time of
> renewal, of preparation for a new beginning. Thus may men take great
> hope from the present changes. The past has had its day and is fast
> failing to benefit the race.

The white race, you mean. How come there aren't any African people in your Share
International cult?


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