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Mel Tari's "Like A Mighty Wind" - Christian fraud

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Apr 2, 2009, 7:16:47 PM4/2/09
It is unfortunately true that Christians who refuse to use their God-given
minds and who desperately WANT to believe in miracles are easily conned. Mel
Tari's "Like A Mighty Wind" is a case in point.


In Indonesia, God sends a group of Pentecostal children on an evangelism
trip to a neighboring village (apparently without parental supervision). God
tells the children to go straight to the village without stopping, but, on
the way, the children pass a fruit tree and decide to stop and eat some
fruit. They take off their nice clothes first so as not to get them dirty
while climbing the fruit tree.

Soon, the children are playing and munching happily, but all that comes to a
crashing halt when they look around and discover that their clothes are
gone. Then they see the clothes--way up in the top of a huge tree that they
cannot climb.

God is punishing the children for their disobedience. The children cry and
pray and repent, and so God speaks to them and tells them to send one of the
boys to climb the tree. The boy doesn't think he can do it, but when he
starts climbing the tree, his hands and feet stick to the bark like a
spider. He scampers up the tree and retrieves the clothes, and the children
continue their evangelism trip.


This whopper appears to have originated in the twisted mind of Mr. Mel Tari.
It is one of many, many ghastly lies promoted in his books Like a Mighty
Wind and Gentle Breeze of Jesus. According to Mel, there was a Great Revival
in Indonesia, during which people were raised from the dead, evangelists
walked on water, amazing healings occurred, and water was turned into
special God-brewed nonalcoholic wine. Too bad nobody got any pictures.

The most disturbing thing about this story is that it reveals Mr. Tari's
twisted concept of God. In this story, God sounds like a schoolyard bully,
stealing little kids' clothes and holding them out of reach until the
children start to cry.

And the spider-boy? That's just weird.

Side note: In 1994, evangelist Mel Tari was convicted of fraud in a
California courtroom and ordered to repay hundreds of thousands of dollars
that he stole from a former supporter. During the court proceedings,
excerpts from Tari's books were read and the victim testified that these had
led her to trust Tari, believing that he could perform "physical and
financial miracles".

To see an article on Tari's fraud conviction in Christianity Today archives,
click on the link below:


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Apr 2, 2009, 9:44:06 PM4/2/09


> It is unfortunately true that Christians who refuse to use their God-given
> minds and who desperately WANT to believe in miracles are easily conned.
> Mel Tari's "Like A Mighty Wind" is a case in point.

> ...Soon, the children are playing and munching happily, but all that comes

> to a crashing halt when they look around and discover that their clothes
> are gone. Then they see the clothes--way up in the top of a huge tree that
> they cannot climb.

Funny, I read "Like a Might Wind" many years ago, but can't remember that
part?? Are you sure it's actually in that book? Have you read it? It's
possible I don't remember, but I'm wondering if this "myth-buster" is itself
a fraud? Just asking...


Apr 3, 2009, 1:04:45 AM4/3/09
"randy" <> wrote:

Yes, I read it and I own the copy I bought when it was first released. I
still have the copy archived in my garage. Yes, that part is in it.

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Apr 4, 2009, 11:23:33 AM4/4/09


>>> ...Soon, the children are playing and munching happily, but all that
>>> comes to a crashing halt when they look around and discover that their
>>> clothes are gone. Then they see the clothes--way up in the top of a huge
>>> tree that they cannot climb.

>> Funny, I read "Like a Might Wind" many years ago, but can't remember that
>> part?? Are you sure it's actually in that book? Have you read it? It's
>> possible I don't remember, but I'm wondering if this "myth-buster" is
>> itself a fraud? Just asking...

> Yes, I read it and I own the copy I bought when it was first released. I
> still have the copy archived in my garage. Yes, that part is in it.

Maybe I was more gullible then than I am now, and didn't see the problems at
that time? I may have confused the book with another book "Visions Beyond
the Veil." Another really kind of "crazy" charismatic book was Harold Hill's
book, "How to Live Like a King's Kid." I really don't know what to make of
stories like these, because they are entirely beyond proving. It's like
saying people didn't get healed at a Benny Hinn crusade, or that Jesus never
walked on the water. The best we can do is look at the story, and understand
that if there is a serious moral problem involved, it isn't likely to be
true. It's really something we *choose* to believe, or to not believe. My
belief in the possibility of miracles has little to do with whether or not
the supposed miracles in Indonesia really took place.

Incidently, I have an Indonesian friend who is approaching 80 years old. I
mentioned Mel Tari's book, and his wife made no protest whatsoever. In fact
she believes very much in divine healing. She recently recovered from some
major health issues, but not without some medical treatments. The recovery,
however, may indeed have depended as much on prayer as on the medical
treatments. You decide for yourself.

Aug 14, 2012, 3:25:21 PM8/14/12
I'd just like to know what evidence you have for insisting that book is a fraud. An American court finding Mel Tari guilty of taking that woman's money does not make his book null and void. There are plenty of eye witness accounts from other people in Indonesia who all confirm the type of events in that book taking place, however much they might be hard for other people to get their heads round. You may consider them highly unlikely or you may believe them totally, that is up to you. But I am interested in what evidence you have for insisting it is all false. Surely your comment 'funny nobody took any pictures' is a bit shaky in itself. How would poor people in one of the poorest areas of the world in the 1950's even own a camera let alone take pictures and get them developed?

Debunking the tree climbing incident as a 'spider man stunt' and suggesting the event makes God out to be cruel or whatever doesn't go very far either. God does chastise His children if they disobey Him but He also responds with grace and forgiveness when we repent. For God to give them a bit of a surprise and a laugh as the boy scampered up the tree sounds entirely loving, not cruel at all.

For the record, I also happen to believe that Jesus walked on water, turned water (not the same water!) into win and raised people from the dead. I can't prove it nor do I know of any photos to help us but I trust the Bible so am prepared to believe it in faith.

Any better evidence to dismiss the entire book than this court case? Please do share it.



Aug 14, 2012, 9:26:09 PM8/14/12
On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 12:25:21 PM UTC-7, wrote:
> I'd just like to know what evidence you have for insisting that book is a fraud....

It's odd that you speak on a thread that is quite old. The "unnatural" thing about it is, I made reference above about an Indonesian friend of mine. I just received word a few hours ago that he died. I'm glad he put his faith in Jesus and in miracles. :)

Dec 10, 2012, 9:37:24 AM12/10/12
my friend believe it today! I've performed many miracles like that even through the phone calls. u can also do it if u believe! its all through a heaven's treasure house jesus. it all begins when u r on knees with tears and prayers. u can't stop him from loving u!!!!!!
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Apr 28, 2013, 7:18:41 AM4/28/13
I love the book and bilieve that God has brother mel to show the world of his power.since you can't provide evidance that the book is fraud your argument will stay unconvincing.
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Apr 28, 2013, 7:19:10 AM4/28/13
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Jan 28, 2014, 2:46:28 AM1/28/14
I would like to talk to Mel Tari or meet him
Melinda Stube


Jan 28, 2014, 9:15:57 AM1/28/14
<> wrote in message
> On Thursday, April 2, 2009 4:16:47 PM UTC-7, I wrote:
>> It is unfortunately true that Christians who refuse to use their
>> God-given
>> minds and who desperately WANT to believe in miracles are easily conned.
>> Mel
>> Tari's "Like A Mighty Wind" is a case in point.
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> In Indonesia, God sends a group of Pentecostal children on an evangelism
>> trip to a neighboring village (apparently without parental supervision).
>> God
>> tells the children to go straight to the village without stopping, but,
>> on
>> the way, the children pass a fruit tree and decide to stop and eat some
>> fruit. They take off their nice clothes first so as not to get them dirty
>> while climbing the fruit tree.

I like the part with the naked kids.

Aug 3, 2014, 2:06:54 PM8/3/14
like a mighty windI read this book many years ago I would like to encourage you that God does move today in mighty ways God reaches out to us where we're at I don't know much about this man but I listen to a video on one of the program on my phone n I've seen that he is a simple person and God reaches down where we're at to bring us to a place that he can speak to us now you may think I'm a cook but you said that you thought melt it was saying that he was a bully that God was a bully I remember the profit that was told not to go back the same way to go another way and another prophet talk him into going back to get out of there and I got ate by lion and so the Hard Times of God Traxxas now that was mailed how is interpretation of what happened when they're closed went up into the trees weather monkeys took them I don't know but you know here's the thing all things work for the good of those who called with purpose and who love him this is a possibility that God spared them in their ignorance he told him one thing they did another thing he interpreted as God chastising him maybe what God was doing was protecting him it was his interpretation maybe he didn't bother to seek God's face because it was on guilt that he knew God told him not to do it but he interpreted this way who knows could have happened yes indeed I believe that there are many things that happen that people don't understand it takes simple faith to take the foolish things to confound the wisdom of this world and that's what it's going to take to win this world is the foolishness of God to these white people who ever she can never come to the truth whatever studying but we don't get it we have to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ I myself have seen the dead raised I have seen it legs grow up to 6 inches long I have seen many miracles is it me know do I get the glory no God gets the glory I don't tell too many people because it was a sign these things so that people will believe we can believe in witchcraft we can believe in the devil but we don't believe that God can do these things he finds us where we are he deals with us where we are from our our our little culture God loves variety I believe that he finds a way to communicate with us as long as we're seeking Him how about the drinking of poison and they make bites yes I believe that God can deliver us from evil it's so if I heart is toward him who can be against us we read in Romans where it says who can separate us from the love of the Lord and then it means a bunch of things do you know who that is the who is us we are the only person that can separate ourselves from the love of God by how we handle the situation we're in if he brings trials and tribulations it says and door all things for the olex thanks indur endure for the olex fake that's because they're watching they want to see how we come through the storms we come out victorious are we going to pick up with bitterness and I forgive this it rains on the just and the unjust but the wise man built his house upon the rock to complete the law is the law of God and love one another if we take that simple rule apply it to our lives we won't miss out with everything we have access to but if we don't we say we have not love for a brother and we say we love God we're liars so I be a charitable in your remarks leave an opening for God to speak to hearts we all make mistakes all have sinned and come short of the glory of the Lord when you mess up fess up he is faithful and just to forgive us we need to understand one another we need to leave room and during one another comforting one another helping one another I really don't know about the lawsuit maybe he because of being simple maybe he just didn't understand what he done whether you get it or not maybe this lady that was doing M maybe she had more faith in miltary then she did God it happens that's why we have to be careful not to get filled up with an entitlement and not say who is the greatest among us because Jesus said the greatest Shelby servant all and I can we get the attitude and realize that we are supposed to love one another and be there for one another and be charitable in our words in our deeds like I say I have seen many things so I know God is more than able he's faithful and just it's how we interpret things it's how we look at things if we have a root of bitterness of church hurt we look at things with an attitude thats not of God always bear fruit don't pick up with the other strangers with without forgiveness and bitterness in all the things of this world we need to remember to use charity,

Jan 6, 2015, 5:20:29 AM1/6/15
Randy, yes, the clothes up the tree is in the book. However, the 'exposer' here projects an unfair image of Mel. I read the book and it was most delightful and moving. And if Mel has sinned (committed fraud), who hasn't! I always ask folk: 'how many apples do you need to steal to be a thief - one or a truck load?' Thank God for amaaaaaazing grace!

Oct 7, 2015, 5:09:05 PM10/7/15
How people speak so much about others fault like they never had. Beam is far bigger than dust,so watch your eyes. Wrong doing doesn't cancel Holy Ghost works. Perhaps the miracles are too weighty for you to believe,but you believe that Jesus did same. And now said,greater works than these shall you,including you posting this negative observation do. Get yourself working for God allow God to take care of servants.

Oct 7, 2015, 5:09:07 PM10/7/15

Nov 15, 2015, 12:47:55 PM11/15/15
What fraud. Ihave read all his books. I have no fraud in him and what do you do with Jesus. There are alwahys some detractors who will always detract that is the way they are.

Jan 15, 2016, 10:18:34 AM1/15/16
Who has this book if he/she can share. I need this book also just to know the mind of the person. Whether commuted fraud or not.

Anyone with a charitable heart can help send me the book or link to download it.

Thank you in advance.bGod bless you.

Jan 15, 2016, 10:21:37 AM1/15/16
Hi Shela, if you have this book share with me, I need to read as well. I will greatful for your help. Thank you.

I have heard of it so I want to know it and the mind of the person who write, I might find that it is helpful.

God bless you in advance.


Jan 15, 2016, 10:25:59 AM1/15/16
can you please share this book with me.
I just hear about this book but i dont know it. I will be greatful if you can share by grace. thank you. God bless you in advance.

No Pet

Jan 15, 2016, 10:07:54 PM1/15/16
On Fri, 15 Jan 2016 07:18:33 -0800 (PST),

>Who has this book if he/she can share. I need this book also just to know the mind of the person. Whether commuted fraud or not.
>Anyone with a charitable heart can help send me the book or link to download it.

Help me understand, so you want someone with a charitable heart to
give you a book so you can see if the person committed fraud?

What is wrong with that picture?

May 18, 2016, 3:35:28 PM5/18/16
> I am the one lady he ripped off

Jul 4, 2016, 3:03:15 AM7/4/16
Please send the book

Feb 24, 2018, 9:16:42 PM2/24/18
I can give you the book
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