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Could I be suffering from Endo

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no leída,
3 sept 2004, 1:18:02 a.m.3/9/2004
This is my first post. I read lot of posts on this group and found it
very informative. I am taking infertility treatment from 7 months now.
I am taking clomids, HSG shots and has done 2 IUIs. Every month doctor
keeps doing the same. But I do not know what is the reason of my
I am going to have an HSG this month. I am suffering from some
problems from some months like vomiting sensation, Lower back pain
specially 3-4 days before my periods, painful intercourse. After
reading the symptons of endo I am having a feeling that I have the
same problem. But my doctor is still willing to wait for another 2-3
months to do any surgical procedure. Should I change the doctor or
insist doing a LAP first?

Please advice.



no leída,
9 sept 2004, 2:02:54 p.m.9/9/2004
I would tell your doctor of your Endo. concerns.

If he/she isn't willing to look into it, seek a second opinion.
Good Luck

"Varsha" <> wrote in message

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