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Anyone use Mengace (Apo-Megestrol40mg Daily) for Temp Treatment for Endo???

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Jun 10, 2004, 3:15:57 PM6/10/04
O.k, I've had Endo for 5 years now I'm 23 and have 2 kids, Scince my
daughter was born (April/03) my Endo flared up again really bad, Depo
worked for me after I had my son in 2000 but this time around it
didn't help, Doctors and Specialist tried my on Anti-inflammatories,
different types of Birth Control (Continuous Use) and now I am finally
booked in for my 4th laparascopy,and most likely a partial or full
hystorectomy afterward. This new specialist is putting me on this drug
temporarily until i have the surgery.
Now My point is that I am a pharmacist assistant and i know a lot
about medications exept for this one, I am the second person in my
pharmacy in 3 years to use this drug it is used also by cancer patient
and the side affects scare me to death, I know the information sheets
half to say what all the side affects are but i need to know If and
what side effects ppl have had being on this drug, anyway I hope that
someone can help me relax about taking this drug because this med is
sitting in my cupboard until I feel o.k about it
thanks a million in advance if you can help
Thanks a million in advance

C. J. Bennett

Jun 14, 2004, 1:03:27 AM6/14/04

If this is the same as Megace (megestrol acetate), I was on it for
2 years for endo, and I had a GREAT time. The only side effect for
me was that, after 2 years, I showed elevated triglycerides. My
endo and adhesions are pretty much everywhere in the pelvic cavity
except my tubes; my main complaint is pain- but during the two years
on Megace, I only needed Advil for occasional pain. (And, FWIW, I
went off of it, started trying to get pregnant four weeks later,
and got pregnant about 6 weeks after that- perfect baby boy.)


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