Source: SMCI
Date: August 26 and 27, 2021
U.S. ME/CFS clinician coalition releases updated clinical guidance
that could help those with Long Covid
The U.S. ME/CFS Clinician Coalition recently released updated clinical
guidance for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
(ME/CFS), which may also help individuals suffering from Long Covid
symptoms. An article about the guidance was published in Mayo Clinic
Proceedings, which is widely read by clinicians.
Read it here.
The updated clinical guidance from the U.S. ME/CFS Clinician Coalition
focuses on adults and includes:
* New diagnostic criteria requiring post-exertional malaise and other
key features to improve diagnostic accuracy
* Efficient use of interview questions, physical examination findings,
and diagnostic testing
* Alternative diagnoses and co-existing conditions to consider
* Pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments
* A discussion of why previously-recommended treatments-cognitive
behavioral therapy and graded exercise therapy-can be harmful and are no
longer recommended
In the accompanying press release, the Clinician Coalition cites Dr.
Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), who has said
that Long Covid is 'highly suggestive' of ME/CFS, as well as recent
research that suggests 10% or more of adults with acute COVID-19 may go
on to develop ME/CFS.
'Patients with ME/CFS have long struggled to access clinical care as a
result of a lack of accurate clinical guidance and provider knowledge,'
the Clinician Coalition writes in its press release. 'The influx of so
many new cases of ME/CFS has created an urgent need for clinicians
everywhere to learn about this disease.'
Read the full press release here.
Solve M.E. research advisory council member Dr. Lucinda Bateman offers
insights into clinical guidance
Dr. Lucinda Bateman, founder and chief medical officer of the Bateman
Horne Center and member of Solve M.E.'s Research Advisory Council,
offered her insights on the U.S. ME/CFS Clinician Coalition clinical
guidance via video. 'The takeaway message of this article is that every
clinician - every generalist or specialist - can and should know about
(ME/CFS),' Dr. Bateman says in the video. 'Understanding and correctly
applying the ME/CFS diagnostic criteria can help clinicians recognize
this debilitating, multisystem illness, and use existing tools and
resources to provide a high standard of care.'
Watch the full video here.
(c) 2021 SMCI