On 8/23/21 20:36, Samuel Wales wrote:
> i have m.e. and a lot of other issues including angioedema, and want
> to find out more [detailed medical/chemical information if possible]
> about vaccines.
> i hae herad there is a "ME/CFS
> and the COVID VACCINES" favebook group which has at least one doctor
> and various activity. are there any email equivalents of this?
> i am not a social media person. i tried logging on to facebook and was
> not able to get to the page. for privacy i tried
> which is the official facebook address and the group's group number,
> but it just said "This Content Isn't Available Right Now
> When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with
> a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been
> deleted.".
> ideas? thank you.
Mr.Wales I have to say that Facebook is not
a reliable source of information on vaccination especially
not Covid-19 vaccine. 12 actors in the sense of writing
stuff to Facebook are responsible for most of the problems.
That includes people who will tell you that wearing a mask
violates your Freedom and that Vaccines will fill you with
Gates' microchips so that the government can track you.
I personally avoid Social Media sites as they are
reputed to be full of disinformation, planted by people who
feel no responsibility for the deaths, disability or
hospitalization which they cause.
Bobbie Sellers