Source: The Sunday Times
Date: August 22, 2021
Author Phil Hammond
If we can't agree on ME, we've got no chance against long Covid
We need to stop quibbling over guidelines and treat patients on a case
by case basis
The publication of guidelines by the National Institute of Health and
Care Excellence (Nice) should be a time of hope, and perhaps excitement.
We need to know what the best available treatments for any disease are
based on meticulous analysis of the evidence from trials and patient
testimonies. The most recent guidance for ME/CFS - myalgic
encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome, my medical specialism -
was published 14 years ago. We were due an update last week. It should
have been timely - not just for the 250,000 people in the UK suffering
the illness, but the million people with the disabling and strikingly
similar symptoms of long Covid.
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