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[CFS-L] URL: Special Issue Biomolecules: Biomarkers in ME/CFS

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Dr. Marc-Alexander Fluks

Aug 21, 2021, 4:04:03 AM8/21/21
Source: Biomolecules
Special: Biomarkers in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a
systemic disease that affects the central nervous system, the immune
system, cell energy metabolism, the autonomic nervous system, etc. The
main clinical sign is persistent chronic fatigue that is not relieved by
rest and lasts for more than six months. Up to 75% of patients are
completely unable to work and remain wheelchair-dependent, and at least
25% are permanently housebound or even bedbound. Accordingly, the
socio-economic impact of the disease is huge. At present, no curative
treatment options are available. Therefore, patients have practically no
prospect of recovery or at least of returning to work. Etiological
factors for ME/CFS include genetic predisposition, stress, trauma,
exposure to toxins, the ratio of physical activity to rest, and a recent
history of infectious disease. ME/CFS can affect individuals from all
races, genders, age groups, and social statuses. The pathogenesis of
ME/CFS is likely multi-factorial and various microbial and viral
infections can serve as possible triggers for ME/CFS. However, to date,
no single biomarker has been identified that can be generalized to the
entire patient population. Considering the heterogeneity of ME/CFS, it
is plausible that a specific set of biomarkers might enable us to define
disease subtypes. Identification of biomarkers will allow for prognosis
of the disease's development and promote the development of a specific
definition for diagnostics and a treatment plan. Hence, I encourage
researchers from diverse backgrounds (clinics, systems medicine,
genetics, molecular biology, epidemiology) to contribute original
research and review articles on any aspect of biomarker identification,
biomarker characterization, or translational approaches of clinical
relevance to this Special Issue, which aims to bring ideas from
different fields of science to one common platform that may stimulate
further research and solve a modern day clinical mystery.

Dr. Bhupesh K. Prusty
Guest Editor

(c) 2021 MDPI
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