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The Elven Nation Manifesto.....everyone must read this!!!!

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Feb 6, 1995, 1:54:51 AM2/6/95

Elven Nation Manifesto

I raise this rallying cry for all fellow non-humans around the
world. It is time those of elven, dwarven, and others stopped passively
letting out heritage slip away in to the mists of time. It is now, the
end of helplessness. We must not allow our gifts to atrophy further. We
shall bring back true magic; break down the dam that allows only a
small trickle of the magical into dominant, mundane reality. It is
the duty of all those who have achieve enlightenment to help those not as
far along the path. It is the imperative of all those who achieved a
personal magical reality to implant those ideas into consensual reality.
We will use force if necessary, through teaching otherwise.
The Veil to the Otherworld has thickened over the years. It is our
duty as beings who are still able to perceive and manipulate the veil,
due to our non-human heritage, to rend it to the point where magic is as
free flowing as the oxygen we breathe and as commonplace as technology.
This will allow our oldest brethren, The True Fae, and other magical
creatures to once again live among us in acceptance. We must help those who
are caught on this side of the Veil suffering torment from the lack of
magical energies. We must provide a basic magickal litteracy for the
To this end I propose the formation of a The Elven Nation, a
group being a rallying point for all non-humans to focus their energies
unto these goals. To provide a common meeting ground for discussion and
debate all things non-human and/or magical, as well as sharing strategy to
attain these goals. E-mail discussion is encouraged. Starting with a mailing
list, and when time and input permit, a newsletter. E-mail may be sent to Snail mail to Morningstar, Terrace 3A Room 205
Ithaca College Ithaca NY 14850. Please pass this on to anyone who might be
interested. Submissions of anything are very welcome. Stories, essays,
experiances, networking info, strategy etc... Thank you.

(Adrian Mulvaney )

To find out more about the anon service, send mail to
Due to the double-blind, any mail replies to this message will be anonymized,
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Feb 6, 1995, 3:27:19 AM2/6/95
Morningstar ( wrote:

: Elven Nation Manifesto

: I raise this rallying cry for all fellow non-humans around the

: world...

And goes on to give a physical, as well as net address...
Why then, pray tell, does it come via anonymous e-mail???
Am I missing something?
Paranoid minds want to know.

-J- (

At Nightfall One Runs Swiftly Into Madness

Feb 6, 1995, 7:21:12 AM2/6/95
Javilk ( wrote:
: Morningstar ( wrote:

: : Elven Nation Manifesto

Yes, you are. This spam was probably conceived with the intent of
causing a problem for a netter who was on the author's shit-list. It was
posted to at least 35 unrelated newsgroups.

Hakuna Matata!

Feb 6, 1995, 11:21:58 PM2/6/95

On 6 Feb 1995, Cindy Justis wrote:

> > Silly human. Bet you still haven't figured out why we keep putting
> > more colrs of marshmelloes in that breakfast cereal
> (followed by more nonsense)
> Dear God, I was hoping we could avoid this kind of foolishness here.
Why? I find it probably don't really have any imagination
of your own!!

a human but a friend of the nons

The Demolitions Expert

Feb 8, 1995, 12:58:14 AM2/8/95
Just a thought, but since this is my first time posting, I might
have a few suggestions. First, become very experienced and fluent in
your magic before you break the veil. If you think discrimination is bad
between races of the same species, just think what a bunch of drunk
rednecks with hunting rifles are going to do with your precious group?
I'll tell ya what their going to do. They're going to hit up on their
weekend warrior pals, and gather up all the hardware they can haul. Then
they're going to try to make your group a reason for a party and demolish
anything they can shoot or run over - Catch?

The Demolitions Expert (demoexp)


Feb 9, 1995, 1:44:58 AM2/9/95
Morningstar ( wrote:

> Elven Nation Manifesto

> I raise this rallying cry for all fellow non-humans around the
> world.

Well, the non-humans are not currently accessing e-mail, with the
exception of cats; so, you are utilizing the incorrect medium of

> It is time those of elven, dwarven, and others stopped passively
> letting out heritage slip away in to the mists of time.

Heritage smeritage, persons who genetically are below average in size are
just that, sized due to genetics. Since they are so sized,
they are not, as you presume, more capable of doing magick than anyone
else is.

> It is now, the
> end of helplessness.

You must have had a screwed childhood.

> We must not allow our gifts to atrophy further. We
> shall bring back true magic; break down the dam that allows only a
> small trickle of the magical into dominant, mundane reality.

Any one can do magick any time; and, powerful magick can always be
learned by one with full use of standard mental faculties. You must have
magick envy.

> It is
> the duty of all those who have achieve enlightenment to help those not as
> far along the path.

Everyone is their own person, everyone has their own mind, never is it
anyone's duty to do anything; and, your comment further supports my
hypothesis that you have magick envy.

> It is the imperative of all those who achieved a
> personal magical reality to implant those ideas into consensual reality.

No, that is not the imperative of magick practitioners; and, is
completely against the general philosophy taught to students of magick.

> We will use force if necessary, through teaching otherwise.

What drug have you taken to have messed up your mind so much? I tell you
what, like I tell all with magick envy, challenge me at magick; and, lose.

> The Veil to the Otherworld has thickened over the years. It is our
> duty as beings who are still able to perceive and manipulate the veil,
> due to our non-human heritage, to rend it to the point where magic is as
> free flowing as the oxygen we breathe and as commonplace as technology.

Otherworld? Veil? Non-human? Science Fictionist, the notion of
"Otherworld, Veil, and non-human humans" have not been incorporated into
my scientific approach to magick; and, are not necessary for magick I do.

> This will allow our oldest brethren, The True Fae, and other magical
> creatures to once again live among us in acceptance. We must help those who
> are caught on this side of the Veil suffering torment from the lack of
> magical energies. We must provide a basic magickal litteracy for the
> world.

Where is a fossil of a fairy? There are none. Where is a fossil to a
dragon? There are none; and, dragons are supposed to live lengthy lives.
Earth's denizens are aware of basic magickal notions; but, not all of
those beings know how to apply these notions. And if you want to be the
one to make our planet entirely literate, try: when successful, I will be

> To this end I propose the formation of a The Elven Nation, a
> group being a rallying point for all non-humans to focus their energies
> unto these goals.

All your goals are empty; but, if you are able to make the world reach a
100% literacy rate, I will be impressed.

> To provide a common meeting ground for discussion and
> debate all things non-human and/or magical, as well as sharing strategy to
> attain these goals.

I see. You never have done magick, have you? Well, I will not ever teach
you my magick; but, as usual, I will always be open to challenge you
and/or your entire club of D&D enthusiasts to producing atmospheric
effects via the use of magick. Guaranteed, you will all lose as a group.

E-mail discussion is encouraged. Starting with a mailing

> Snail mail to Morningstar, Terrace 3A Room 205

> Ithaca College Ithaca NY 14850. Please pass this on to anyone who might be

Ithaca NY. Hmm, I wonder if that is in my atlas. This will be a
challenge. Morningstar, observe your town's atmospherics this weekend.

> interested. Submissions of anything are very welcome. Stories, essays,
> experiances, networking info, strategy etc... Thank you.

Child, ignorant child, attempt your Hitlerian concept; and, be squashed
by real magick practitioners with global capacitance, especially the

JMG, the competitive Magick practitioner who does not utilize gods,
familiars, material tools for magick (candles, blood, runes, spell
books, ...), or temple equivalents; and, will challenge anyone at magick

sheri ellis

Feb 9, 1995, 6:26:06 PM2/9/95
Morningstar ( wrote:
[manifesto deleted]

Just wanted to make sure no one thought that post was mine!
Take yer manifesto and fly it under someone ELSE's name! While
yer at it, take the whole flag pole and..... get creative!

"Masochists are people who have pain confused | Morningstar
with pleasure. In a society which has television | (aka Sheri Ellis)
confused with entertainment, Doritos confused with |
food, and Dan Quayle confused with a national ----------------------
political leader, masochists are clearly less |
mixed up than the rest of us." - P.J. O'Rourke |

Mark Metson

Feb 11, 1995, 12:55:23 AM2/11/95
JMG ( wrote:
: Well, the non-humans are not currently accessing e-mail, with the
: exception of cats; so, you are utilizing the incorrect medium of
: communication.

Cats, rats, dragons, wolves, coons, (oh no its someones-being-left-out
time again...) others, elves, martians, Visitors... Bzzzt. Next contestant.

: > It is time those of elven, dwarven, and others stopped passively

: > letting out heritage slip away in to the mists of time.

: Heritage smeritage, persons who genetically are below average in size are
: just that, sized due to genetics. Since they are so sized,
: they are not, as you presume, more capable of doing magick than anyone
: else is.

SIze? Huh?

: Any one can do magick any time; and, powerful magick can always be

: learned by one with full use of standard mental faculties. You must have
: magick envy.

Sure I'll take some too, you seem to have plenty to spare...

: Everyone is their own person, everyone has their own mind, never is it

: anyone's duty to do anything; and, your comment further supports my
: hypothesis that you have magick envy.

If they have minds of their own, why do you assert they never have a duty
to do anything? Isnt that for THEM to decide? And, Oh you are asserting
HE has magick envy. Sorry, thought you were giving it away.

: > It is the imperative of all those who achieved a

: > personal magical reality to implant those ideas into consensual reality.

: No, that is not the imperative of magick practitioners; and, is
: completely against the general philosophy taught to students of magick.

Magick-with-a-k ? As in Crowley's stuff? As in Magick is for All? As in
spread it everywhere, though you may make the trials hard? Nah, cant be.
Just where do you get this word 'magick' you are using, and what does the
word mean? Evidently your usage differs from many we encounter here.

: What drug have you taken to have messed up your mind so much? I tell you

: what, like I tell all with magick envy, challenge me at magick; and, lose.

Ok, lets see who can bring about peace on earth soonest with harm to none.
Go ahead and win, please. Whats your deadline on that, three seconds
working alone, three millenia working with a group?

: Otherworld? Veil? Non-human? Science Fictionist, the notion of

: "Otherworld, Veil, and non-human humans" have not been incorporated into
: my scientific approach to magick; and, are not necessary for magick I do.

Well if its not necessary we'll have to invent it. P.S. define 'human'.

: Where is a fossil of a fairy? There are none. Where is a fossil to a

: dragon? There are none; and, dragons are supposed to live lengthy lives.

You sir, are a fossil of a fairy; and OF COURSE our Silverdragon is no
fossil! So there! Nyyyaaaahhh! Beep-beep! *Zoom*

: Earth's denizens are aware of basic magickal notions; but, not all of

: those beings know how to apply these notions. And if you want to be the
: one to make our planet entirely literate, try: when successful, I will be
: impressed.

On the contrary, surely YOUR great powers shall be the victor in this
contest, and EASILY achieve said world literacy in short order. Then it
will be our turn to be impressed, as it should be.

: All your goals are empty; but, if you are able to make the world reach a

: 100% literacy rate, I will be impressed.

If he is able to BEFORE YOU DO surely you mean? Or arent you up to a
challenge afterall?

: I see. You never have done magick, have you? Well, I will not ever teach

: you my magick; but, as usual, I will always be open to challenge you
: and/or your entire club of D&D enthusiasts to producing atmospheric
: effects via the use of magick. Guaranteed, you will all lose as a group.

OK, go ahead and produce an atmosphere of loving camaraderie seasoned
with witticisms; an atmosphere of love and peace throughout the world;
and an atmosphere of literacy everywhere.

: JMG, the competitive Magick practitioner who does not utilize gods,

: familiars, material tools for magick (candles, blood, runes, spell
: books, ...), or temple equivalents; and, will challenge anyone at magick
: skills.

Hey, Thor, looks like this one's for you...

Blessed Be. -MarkM-

How many competitors does it take to cooperate?

Gwendolyn M Piper

Feb 11, 1995, 1:48:11 AM2/11/95
The Demolitions Expert ( wrote:

: > >
: > >
: > >Magic Rat (.SWAT.Faerie)
: > >--
: > > {{{ Don't ask me, Midgarder, I just work here...}}}
: > >---Better live Mythically, 'cause getting home might be an Epic, honey.----
: > >
: >
: >
: >

Guy? What guy? And I'm sure the highly evolved have plenty to say/....

But then again, who told you that the highly evbolved have nothing to
say? Who told you?

And if they said so, then they must not be as highly evolved,
and therefore might not understand the nature or intent of the
highly evolved.....

: Look, if all drek does break out, I am NOT going to be on the
: side of the rednecks, and would like to fight for the elven. Don't tell
: me that you metahumans are going to discriminate also? And you call
: yourself highly evolved.....
: Demoexp......

No, someone else did. I've only been human a few times, and near as I can
tell, it's been a bunch of cock-ups....

Highly evolved? Bah! The stuff you humans take for granted....
Having a body is *hard* in this realm.

I can only hope I have a highly evolved sense of humor....

LAdy knows who this joke's on......

Discriminate? I think not....

Took most of us a long time, I'll wager, to face up to our
own predicaments.... Cain't necessarily tell over email who's
just a D&D fan out of control.....

We just got a few jobs to do here, is all....

Hand of the LAdy on you, sir...

Magic Rat
{{{ Don't ask me, Midgarder, I just work here...}}}
---Better live Mythically, 'cause getting home might be an Epic, honey.----


Feb 12, 1995, 12:12:00 AM2/12/95
Daniel B. Holzman (hol...@MCS.COM) wrote:
> In article <3hcarv$>,
> James Calabro <> wrote:
> >
> > You fools. You know not the powers you mess with. The time will be
> >coming when all will see our true power. Prepare for the day. I wish you
> >well.

> Yawn. Spare us.
> --

Yeah, like all who claim magickal superiority and want to mouth off in
alt.pagan or alt.magick, I challenge James Calabro to magick; and, if he
or his combined group does not choose to challenge me, then they must be
incy wincy, teeny weeny, little powered magick practitioners. And note,
I will do the challenge on a global scale for all to judge.


Night Child

Feb 12, 1995, 4:07:49 AM2/12/95
(fogive my laziness - I didn't feel like editing out all the newsgroups)

In article <3hc6u0$>,

Two Dolphins <> wrote:


While you are removing your foot from your mouth I just thought I'd inform
you that the most higly "evolved" don't waste time reading UseNet because
they already know all they need to know. The rest of us are here because we
want to learn. Why are YOU here?

- Night Child

Gwendolyn M Piper

Feb 12, 1995, 6:51:37 PM2/12/95
James Calabro ( wrote:
: Gwendolyn M Piper ( wrote:

: : Javilk ( wrote:
: : : Morningstar ( wrote:

: : (Elfess Has Left the Building....

: : \
: : : : Elven Nation Manifesto

: : : : I raise this rallying cry for all fellow non-humans around the
: : : : world...
: : : And goes on to give a physical, as well as net address...
: : : Why then, pray tell, does it come via anonymous e-mail???
: : : Am I missing something?
: : : Paranoid minds want to know.
: : : -J- (
: : : --

: : Silly human. Bet you still haven't figured out why we keep putting

: : more colrs of marshmelloes in that breakfast cereal

: : neehehhee eee eeee hee.
: : Watch it Morningstar, this could screw with our immigration status...
: : Yeah, you lower the Mists and I can just hear the giant sucking sound of
: : all our jobs coming out here. What about those durn single bean nighe
: : on Welfare?
: : What about our cultural values?
: : Look at all this *plastic stuff!*
: : Sweet Lady, I spend like six hours a day working with a piece
: : Aelfrith or bust,
: : Magic Rat.

: You fools. You know not the powers you mess with. The time will be

: coming when all will see our true power. Prepare for the day. I wish you
: well.

Shit, man, I been saying that since the day I was born....
WHich True Power did you send away for?
You know noth the powers I mess with, on account of
I don't have to, like, not have a few yuks over something
to, like, avoid unravelling reality or nuffin and shit....

So, chill.
As I am clearly mad, nobody will take this seriously
and therefore, in all likelihood, leave us more or less alone.

All right, so the old grey matter is in need of a Toon-up,
but then again....

Magic Rat. ok i saw some serious stuff last night but I promise I didn't
touch nothin, honest.....

: --
: ===========================================================
: The streets shall flow with the blood of the non-believers!
: ===========================================================
: James Calabro

Gwendolyn M Piper

Feb 12, 1995, 7:22:38 PM2/12/95
JMG ( wrote:
: Morningstar ( wrote:

: > Elven Nation Manifesto

: > I raise this rallying cry for all fellow non-humans around the
: > world.

: Well, the non-humans are not currently accessing e-mail, with the
: exception of cats; so, you are utilizing the incorrect medium of
: communication.

Sez Who?
: > It is time those of elven, dwarven, and others stopped passively

: > letting out heritage slip away in to the mists of time.

: Heritage smeritage, persons who genetically are below average in size are
: just that, sized due to genetics. Since they are so sized,
: they are not, as you presume, more capable of doing magick than anyone
: else is.

You again, eh?
You can't even *spell* magic. We ain't talkin magick without tears, here

You're reaching on saying size has shit to do with magic,

: > It is now, the
: > end of helplessness.

: You must have had a screwed childhood.

That kinda comes with the changeling territory.

: > We must not allow our gifts to atrophy further. We

: > shall bring back true magic; break down the dam that allows only a
: > small trickle of the magical into dominant, mundane reality.

: Any one can do magick any time; and, powerful magick can always be
: learned by one with full use of standard mental faculties. You must have
: magick envy.

Methinks the lad doth project too much.
it's ok, sir we're sure you've got just fine magic, now why don't
you use your standard mental faculties and see that nobody
is trying to cut you down, here.

: > It is

: > the duty of all those who have achieve enlightenment to help those not as
: > far along the path.

: Everyone is their own person, everyone has their own mind, never is it
: anyone's duty to do anything; and, your comment further supports my
: hypothesis that you have magick envy.

I don't believe Morningstar was referring to "General Purope Enlightenment,tm"
but rather the enlightening (small e, like when you figure out you're gay or
something) about one's spiritual origins, etc: for instance, me
saying "Shit, folks, I'm a changeling, ....conceived at Beltane, yep,
wasted away at birth, can only eat milk, etc.....

This is a real myth.
Bang. There ya go. It happens,
and maybe it's just a little bit of consolation to not be alone...
What is it with you people and your self-other confusions?

Grow up.

I wish I could.

: > It is the imperative of all those who achieved a

: > personal magical reality to implant those ideas into consensual reality.

: No, that is not the imperative of magick practitioners; and, is
: completely against the general philosophy taught to students of magick.

No, it's not the imperative of magickal practitioners.
It happens to be what the Lady asks of us right now.
And no, it's not a coercive method, any more than is singing a song.

: > We will use force if necessary, through teaching otherwise.

: What drug have you taken to have messed up your mind so much? I tell you
: what, like I tell all with magick envy, challenge me at magick; and, lose.

You do have the competitive spirit, don't you?
And you'll have to forgive the occasional babble: we're having a wee bit
of an adjustment phase here.

If you need to prove yourself, you've already lost.
: > The Veil to the Otherworld has thickened over the years. It is our

: > duty as beings who are still able to perceive and manipulate the veil,
: > due to our non-human heritage, to rend it to the point where magic is as
: > free flowing as the oxygen we breathe and as commonplace as technology.

: Otherworld? Veil? Non-human? Science Fictionist, the notion of
: "Otherworld, Veil, and non-human humans" have not been incorporated into
: my scientific approach to magick; and, are not necessary for magick I do.

Oh, and therefore you must be the authority....
Boy, your paranoid makes my paranoid look naive.
Nobody ever said humans couldn't do magic,
you're just worried there's a game you ain't played.
You oughtta come out where it's Wild, and see how your
"scientific magick" works there.....

Least you'd better have a fast slide rulestock.

: > This will allow our oldest brethren, The True Fae, and other magical

: > creatures to once again live among us in acceptance. We must help those who
: > are caught on this side of the Veil suffering torment from the lack of
: > magical energies. We must provide a basic magickal litteracy for the
: > world.

: Where is a fossil of a fairy? There are none.

Where are the fossils of Apostasy?
Of Donuts?
Of Evolution?
Transmigration of Pet Peeves?
Where does it all go, indeed?

Where is a fossil to a
: dragon? There are none; and, dragons are supposed to live lengthy lives.
: Earth's denizens are aware of basic magickal notions; but, not all of
: those beings know how to apply these notions. And if you want to be the
: one to make our planet entirely literate, try: when successful, I will be
: impressed.

Think the fossilization we must be concerned about lies not in the dead...
But maybe in an ossified young sophomore's head...

: > To this end I propose the formation of a The Elven Nation, a

: > group being a rallying point for all non-humans to focus their energies
: > unto these goals.

: All your goals are empty; but, if you are able to make the world reach a
: 100% literacy rate, I will be impressed.

Go impress yourself.
We didn't ask you to be impressed.

: > To provide a common meeting ground for discussion and
: > debate all things non-human and/or magical, as well as sharing strategy to
: > attain these goals.

: I see. You never have done magick, have you? Well, I will not ever teach
: you my magick; but, as usual, I will always be open to challenge you
: and/or your entire club of D&D enthusiasts

that is a presumption.
You can be sure that the DD ers will be coming out of the woodwork, and that is well. That way there can be communication ......
and mundanes won't take it seriously.

I challenge you, then to magic without K's....

1to producing atmospheric

: effects via the use of magick. Guaranteed, you will all lose as a group.

Shithead! The atmosphere is disrupted enough!
Is it worth your ego?

MAgic RAt

: E-mail discussion is encouraged. Starting with a mailing

: > Snail mail to Morningstar, Terrace 3A Room 205
: > Ithaca College Ithaca NY 14850. Please pass this on to anyone who might be

: Ithaca NY. Hmm, I wonder if that is in my atlas. This will be a
: challenge. Morningstar, observe your town's atmospherics this weekend.

: > interested. Submissions of anything are very welcome. Stories, essays,
: > experiances, networking info, strategy etc... Thank you.

: Child, ignorant child, attempt your Hitlerian concept; and, be squashed
: by real magick practitioners with global capacitance, especially the
: Untouchables.

: JMG, the competitive Magick practitioner who does not utilize gods,
: familiars, material tools for magick (candles, blood, runes, spell
: books, ...), or temple equivalents; and, will challenge anyone at magick
: skills.


Feb 13, 1995, 12:51:33 AM2/13/95
In article <3hcarv$>, (James Calabro) wrote:
> Gwendolyn M Piper ( wrote:
> : Javilk ( wrote:
> : : Morningstar ( wrote:
> : : : Elven Nation Manifesto

> : : : I raise this rallying cry for all fellow non-humans around the
> : : : world...

Well, how 'bout me? I toyed, once, with the idea that I had elven blood,
but that was before I realize what I was. How do y'all feel 'bout us
> : : And goes on to give a physical, as well as net address...

> : : Why then, pray tell, does it come via anonymous e-mail???
> : : Am I missing something?
> : : Paranoid minds want to know.

> : Silly human. Bet you still haven't figured out why we keep putting
> : more colrs of marshmelloes in that breakfast cereal


> : What about our cultural values?
> : Look at all this *plastic stuff!*


> You fools. You know not the powers you mess with. The time will be
> coming when all will see our true power. Prepare for the day. I wish you
> well.

> --
Really? Wow, gee! Can you turn your head all the way around on your neck,

> The streets shall flow with the blood of the non-believers!

Y'know, that doesn't sound very American to me. In fact, it sounds more
like treason....
(America the Beautiful wells up in the background)
#insert superimposed_US_flag

But Real Americans will Stand Up in Time. The Zapatistas will be with us,
and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police shall succour us, and the Little
Guy, who beat back the Nazis, shall again Rise Up to free us from
this threatened tyranny! We shall fight it on the beaches, we shall
fight it in the subways, we shall carry the fight, yea, to the very
*suburbs* and college dorms these dorks live in; we shall never surrender!

(replace music with theme from Star Wars)

Furthermore, we shall not wait for your vile blow, no we shall take the
first shot! The shot heard 'round the net!
FFFF (boy, they were
FFFF pretty low,
FFFF weren't they?)

And the Dreaded Snowballista of alt.pagan fires again, covering these
twits in a huge Virtual Snowball (tm), up to their noses, and leaving
them looking, if possible, sillier than before!

mark, the Silverdragon


Feb 13, 1995, 12:51:41 AM2/13/95
In article <3h5ko2$>,

Cindy Justis <> wrote:
> > Silly human. Bet you still haven't figured out why we keep putting
> > more colrs of marshmelloes in that breakfast cereal
> (followed by more nonsense)
> Dear God, I was hoping we could avoid this kind of foolishness here.

#insert "James_Earl_Jones_voice.h"


On second thought, I think not. If you have so little sense of humor as
to wish to avoid foolishness, then you also have a matching amount
of cluelessness, to think you could avoid it here on the net....

mark "UNaltered REPRODUCTION and DI$$EMINATION of this

(and two points to those who know who *that's* from....)

Lorrie Wood

Feb 13, 1995, 2:12:18 AM2/13/95
In article <>,

mark <> wrote:
> mark "UNaltered REPRODUCTION and DI$$EMINATION of this
>(and two points to those who know who *that's* from....)

McElweenie. Duh!
And in the 'strange coincidence' department, I find myself now
working for the guy who told Donal that alt was the open sewer of Usenet,
back when we were trying oh-so-hard to get rid of John_-_Winston.
He left Portal to start his own Internet Service Provider here in
the Bay Area. I found this datum out last week, thought I should share.

-- Lorrie

Feb 13, 1995, 2:18:34 PM2/13/95

Did none of you ever learn the first rules of magick?
1) NEVER use magick to harm;its futile and will only come back at you!
2) Even if you are the most powerful Mage in the universe, NEVER boast;
remember there's always the gods.(and THEY'LL kick your ass!)


Feb 13, 1995, 5:19:00 PM2/13/95
In article <>, (Gwendolyn M Piper) writes...

>You're reaching on saying size has shit to do with magic,

Don't you know it's not the size of your wand, it's how you use it?

Note: this is what's called a humor injection.
Let's remember that we're (at least trying to be) friends here and it is
(gasp) actually possible for friends to disagree. If we continue this
conversation, lets do so with civility.

[stop a flame war? Yeah, right <says Jerry's evil alter ego>]
Hope springs eternal, and spring water is great for putting out flames.

Jerry, a.k.a

"Q: How can you recognise a happy pagan motorcycle driver?"
"A: From the fairy stains in his teeth."

Feb 13, 1995, 7:00:45 PM2/13/95
> You fools. You know not the powers you mess with. The time will be
>coming when all will see our true power. Prepare for the day. I wish you
What I think you need to relize is that us humans and vampires are in control.
Elves are only good if you want somebody to do the devil's work. Elves need to
learn not to post on alt.out-of-body since this group only deals with
out-of-body experiences (OBE) I wish you wouldn't post this nonsense into this
group or me and some of friends are going to rip your soul from you and send
you to hell damn nation. See you in a bit.
-Chris Burgess (The Speaker of Humans)

Andrew C. Plotkin

Feb 14, 1995, 2:47:07 PM2/14/95
Excerpts from netnews.alt.pagan: 12-Feb-95 Re: The Elven Nation Manife.. (714*)

> Yeah, like all who claim magickal superiority and want to mouth off in
> alt.pagan or alt.magick, I challenge James Calabro to magick; and, if he
> or his combined group does not choose to challenge me, then they must be
> incy wincy, teeny weeny, little powered magick practitioners. And note,
> I will do the challenge on a global scale for all to judge.

Ok. I challenge you. At sunset today I will enact a rite blood sacrifice
designed to destroy your sense of humor. We'll see if it works.


"And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these were the borogoves..."

Andy Wing

Feb 14, 1995, 10:24:17 PM2/14/95
In article <3hn0oi$>, (Lorrie Wood) wrote:

... mega-mucho Elven "News at Eleven" drivel deleted...

> McElweenie. Duh!
> And in the 'strange coincidence' department, I find myself now
>working for the guy who told Donal that alt was the open sewer of Usenet,
>back when we were trying oh-so-hard to get rid of John_-_Winston.
> He left Portal to start his own Internet Service Provider here in
>the Bay Area. I found this datum out last week, thought I should share.

1) Could everyone *please* remove alt.dreams from this threads followups?
2) RE: John_Whacko_Winston, note my followup to where he really belongs,
Politics is not the art of persuasion, it's the science of selfishness.

"Any disclaimer issued by me is subject to change without notice"
Andy Wing Temple U. Computer Services

i am simply the best

Feb 15, 1995, 2:11:57 PM2/15/95

This must be some kind of male power trip thing. the previous person is
right you never use magickal stength to harm another and you never brag
about it. Certainly not on a system like this. The power of the
computer is more well known. If the two of you must duke it out do so
quietly so you don't fuck up with the rest of us who are extremely
sensitive. Always remember what comes around goes aroundand there is
always a bigger fish in the pond that can get to you no matter where you
are, especially after a "global" power trip. Grow up and know your
limits before someone shows them to you. >

Crazy Fingers

Feb 16, 1995, 5:38:18 PM2/16/95
Me too.

In article <3hvn1u$>,

Paul E. Meade <> wrote:
>In article <3hk5b0$>, (JMG) writes:

> OK, let's do a global-scale challenge. My proposal is simple,
>weather-related, and doesn't even require that you compete against
>anyone. And I'll even tell offer helpful hints on which physical
>changes to attempt to produce the desired results. So here's the
> As just about everyone in the free world knows by this point in time,
>significant ozone depletion occurs over antarctica with the onset of southern
>spring and the end of polar night (i.e., in september and early october).
>The depletion occurs primarily because of catalytic chemical reactions with
>chloroflourocarbons which are liberated by other chemical reactions
>occuring on polar stratospheric clouds. The catalytic cycle is triggered
>by photochemical reactions which, obviously, occur only in sunlight. This
>is why the depletion occurs at the end of polar night. In 1994, the
>column ozone dropped from a typicial value of 300 Dobson units to less than
>100 dobson units.
> In principle, the ozone depletion in a given year could be mitigated
>by one of several physical mechanism, any of which should be with the
>ability of a skilled weather-worker. First, polar stratospheric clouds
>can only form if the temperatures in the stratosphere get really cold
>(below about 190 K, I believe). If temperatures are maintained above this
>level, the free chlorine supply will be decreased and thus so will the
>level of ozone depletion. Second, the chloroflourocarbons which react with
>ozone ARE removed over time and so must be resupplied by atmospheric
>circulation from mid- and equatorial latitude. If the wind fields are altered
>so that the chloroflourocarbon supply flux is diminished, ozone depletion
>will be diminished.
> Finally, the truly skilled weather-worker might be able to increase the
>level of precipitation over the antarctic so that more of the
>chlorofluorocarbons are 'rained out' of the atmosphere prior to the onset
>of southern spring. In this case, again, there would be a smaller supply
>of free chlorine available to catalytically destroy ozone, and the ozone
>depletion would be cut down.
> The criterion that I would accept as proof of your power would be a
>minimum average column ozone well above last year's value, say 130 dobson
>units. If you can truly achieve this (and you've got about 8 months to
>make it happen), then I, for one, will accept you as a truly dominant
> Have a nice day!
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Paul E. Meade
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> "Oh, shit." - Data
> ------------------------------------------------------------

Paul E. Meade

Feb 16, 1995, 9:21:50 AM2/16/95
In article <3hk5b0$>, (JMG) writes:

OK, let's do a global-scale challenge. My proposal is simple,

B. Flanagan

Feb 17, 1995, 10:18:18 AM2/17/95

Woody Meditation

I have just returned from a walk in the old forest. I went
trudging along the edge of a river, tramping a familiar path, thinking how
we can nearly believe, at times, that gross forces of negation own all
the power.

These, my solemn thoughts as I trod upon the sodden ground.
Early evening, and the sky shimmered in the west with that fire that is
the heartÕs own heat. Beautiful, improbable, the land, a living thing,
bristling with trees, the circulation of the river racing now with late
rains in early autumn.

Strange and rare, the land, as when the tyrant kings who ruled
our ancestors fought one another for possession of it.

That was a long time ago, when superstition reigned, in pagan
times, before the age of reason, before the secular enlightenment, prior
to the rise of science, in a time when the middle classes had not yet been
conceived. Many of the warlords of that time were little more than masters
of thieves, highwaymen and such. There were other and better persons, of
course, and the more learned among these won out in the end. In this they
were aided by the wise of those dark, anarchic timesÑ-druids gifted with
sight, poets who, in a cloak of words to weave their will, enchained the
action of those who would otherwise know no fear at all, not to speak of
the fear of God.

At the heart of all history, in the clarity of our collective
dream, there are a few common themes, a number of archetypes and
representative visions. Among these there is a sword, and a stone.

A sword is a terrible thing when an instrument of power, yet a
magical thing, a surgeonÕs blade imbued with healing. A stone is an
obscure and seemingly inert mass, a land or people.

In order to wield a sword of light, one must become one in the stone.
Movement without effort, action without exertionÑ-this is the principle
upon which creation turns, as when, in spring, the sun returns, in its
inexorable round revolving, brimming life with the simplicity and unerring
gentleness and power that elemental thi ngs have, animating the green
fusion force that drives the flower and splits the rock.

Our sphere resonates in life, echoes and re-echoes in ascending
orders of entelechy unto the One in whom we have our being. Here and now
the fields will awaken with life that is now only asleep and dreaming.
Soon the streams will all be running again, woods and fields humming in
grain through summer. The rains will return, and with them other spirits,
hovering over the hill, falling and rising, silvering the air between
earth and sky.

I stood alone in a field at night fall, remembering my
history, caught between earth and a clear winter sky. A host of stars
arose from the trees like birds, and I thought, summoning fire from
quickening life: this is my life, our life, the place of our life.

ÑBrian Flanagan


Feb 17, 1995, 7:53:59 PM2/17/95
Why was this posted to alt.folklore.ghost-stories???

B. Flanagan ( wrote:

: =09=09=09Woody Meditation

: =09I have just returned from a walk in the old forest. I went

: trudging along the edge of a river, tramping a familiar path, thinking how
: we can nearly believe, at times, that gross forces of negation own all

: the power.=20

****the Seeker of many things, aka Johnny Fever, aka Johnny Freakboy****

"In Unix, no-one can hear you "Autocanibalism, the diet of
scream!" --Sean "Bean" Riesch the future!" --ME

***** "Proper spelling is for the week!" -- me again *****

Richard Westlake

Feb 18, 1995, 8:43:53 PM2/18/95
In article <>, says...

>James Calabro ( wrote:
>: ===========================================================
>: The streets shall flow with the blood of the non-believers!
>: ===========================================================

Don't know about you, Gwen, but I'm about up to here with the blood of
non-believers ...

Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to arrange that the streets flow with the
LOVE of believers, non-believers, otherwise-believers and all?

>--Better live Mythically, 'cause getting home might be an Epic, honey.--

(I haven't been Epic for a while, but I haven't Myth-ed all that much...)

Richard Westlake Belief Dynamics International
\\\ ///
Helping You Change Your Life through the Magic of Belief Management
(Look for our upcoming World Wide Web page on

Richard Westlake

Feb 18, 1995, 8:47:52 PM2/18/95
In article <3hg54u$>,

> What, are the 'HIGHLY EVOLVED' above base humour?? Sorry, but it's a
>slow week here, and we baser life forms have nothing better to do. It
either this or 'decorating' lavatories.

> ------------------------------------------------------------
> "Oh, shit." - Data
> ------------------------------------------------------------

Quite a thought! Virtual graffiti on the Internet.
Gonna mount a remote terminal in MY jakes, next ...

Richard Westlake

Gwendolyn M Piper

Feb 18, 1995, 9:34:18 PM2/18/95
Richard Westlake ( wrote:
: In article <>, says...

: >
: >James Calabro ( wrote:
: >: ===========================================================
: >: The streets shall flow with the blood of the non-believers!
: >: ===========================================================

: Don't know about you, Gwen, but I'm about up to here with the blood of
: non-believers ...

Actually, dude, i don't think there's been any yet.....

And I wasn't the one who said that, and neither did anyone from Elven Nation.

That was a troll.


: Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to arrange that the streets flow with the

: LOVE of believers, non-believers, otherwise-believers and all?

Might as well, the traffic round here doesn't flow: it kinda sputters
and backls up a lot,

so the streets might as well flow with *something*....

other than gum wrappers, losing lottery tickets, and spilled antifreeze...

Bleesed Be '
magic rat
: >--Better live Mythically, 'cause getting home might be an Epic, honey.--

: (I haven't been Epic for a while, but I haven't Myth-ed all that much...)

: --
: Richard Westlake Belief Dynamics International
: \\\ ///
: Helping You Change Your Life through the Magic of Belief Management
: (Look for our upcoming World Wide Web page on


{{{ Don't ask me, Midgarder, I just work here...}}}

^^^^^^^^^^ "I got the fuel for the transformation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Peter Thorn

Feb 19, 1995, 4:26:56 PM2/19/95
I had originally thought that I wouldn't respond to this thread because of
it's overwhelming silliness.

I should explain that last comment before the people who are firing up
their flame-throwers have a chance to use them.

My own operating paradigm is sufficiently broad to allow for the
existence, manipulation and use of magic (and other forces). It also
allows for the presence of the Good Neighbours among humankind. So I
consider neither of these theses to be without merit.

However, the discussions engendered by this thread have, in my opinion,
degenerated to the level of "my wand is bigger than your wand". While
these discussions are somewhat amusing to watch, I have no time and less
interest in contributing to them.

Then I ran across a suggestion for a test of who is the stronger in the
use of magic. It involved repairing the ozone level.

The first thing that I thought when I saw this was: "Do you mean to tell
me that people aren't ALREADY TRYING TO *DO* THAT!!??"

Do you people not realize that there are some of us around who have put
all of our Hearts, Minds, Spirit and Gifts into the battle to make things
better for everyone? To the exclusion of everything else? And that
lately all we've been able to do is to keep things from getting *worse*!?

One of the rules is "As long as you harm no-one, then do what you want."

Some of us consider allowing the rest of the world to choke on its
poisons, both physical and psychic, while playing power-trip games, to
constitute harm.

To use yet another platitude: If you're not part of the solution; you're
part of the problem.
****************************** CAVEAT LECTOR ********************************
Peter Thorn, The OwlsBurrow
"Nothing like the high you get by asking questions that go for the jugular"

Gwendolyn M Piper

Feb 19, 1995, 11:02:26 PM2/19/95
Peter Thorn (aw...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA) wrote:
: I had originally thought that I wouldn't respond to this thread because of
: it's overwhelming silliness.

Overwhelming silliness is, after all, our stock-in-trade.

: I should explain that last comment before the people who are firing up

: their flame-throwers have a chance to use them.

: My own operating paradigm is sufficiently broad to allow for the
: existence, manipulation and use of magic (and other forces). It also
: allows for the presence of the Good Neighbours among humankind. So I
: consider neither of these theses to be without merit.

: However, the discussions engendered by this thread have, in my opinion,
: degenerated to the level of "my wand is bigger than your wand". While
: these discussions are somewhat amusing to watch, I have no time and less
: interest in contributing to them.

I take it then, that you are referring to our erstwhile competitive
weather mage? Elven nation has no connection to him, nor do we make any
claims as to the size of anyone's wand whatsoever at this time.

: Then I ran across a suggestion for a test of who is the stronger in the

: use of magic. It involved repairing the ozone level.

: The first thing that I thought when I saw this was: "Do you mean to tell
: me that people aren't ALREADY TRYING TO *DO* THAT!!??"

Well, I personally wouldn't dare screw with the polar temperature
(just cause i wouldn't have any way of knowing what i'm doing:
usually I forward such energy to the Lady for Spell-checking...

: Do you people not realize that there are some of us around who have put

: all of our Hearts, Minds, Spirit and Gifts into the battle to make things
: better for everyone? To the exclusion of everything else? And that
: lately all we've been able to do is to keep things from getting *worse*!?

: One of the rules is "As long as you harm no-one, then do what you want."

: Some of us consider allowing the rest of the world to choke on its
: poisons, both physical and psychic, while playing power-trip games, to
: constitute harm.

Agreed: the wizard-war is childish, wasteful, and all that....

Are you still calling *us* silly, I wonder?

Magic Rat

{{{ Don't ask me, Midgarder, I just work here...}}}

Laughing Coyote (aka. Darknut the Knight of Cups [master of paradox])

Feb 19, 1995, 11:40:02 PM2/19/95
In article <>, aw...@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Peter Thorn) writes:
>I had originally thought that I wouldn't respond to this thread because of
>it's overwhelming silliness.

i agree. i can't believe i'm even replying to this idiotic thread.

>degenerated to the level of "my wand is bigger than your wand".

My god can beat up thy god! nyahh!

>Then I ran across a suggestion for a test of who is the stronger in the
>use of magic. It involved repairing the ozone level.
>The first thing that I thought when I saw this was: "Do you mean to tell
>me that people aren't ALREADY TRYING TO *DO* THAT!!??"

because its real tricky...on the one hand you fix the ozone layer...on the
other you contribute to global warming.....

hmm... what was that line from tolkien?

"..Win the battle, lose the war..." choise of evils...that kind of thing.

>lately all we've been able to do is to keep things from getting *worse*!?
> of my friends gave me one of those "there is a darkness coming"
speaches over a year ago...
if i had to have an apocalyptic vision, it would be that the shit starts
hitting the fan real soon, in time for some real shit in 1996 (year of the rat)
carrying over to 2008. that's if the calendars are right.
BTW, you ought to start reading alt.conspiracy, the demonization process of
citizen militias has begun in local areas. we are estimating about 1 more
month of propaganda and fearmongering as well as a well-placed crazed gunman at
a few mcdonalds(tm) or kindergartens and then a few firefights between
conspiracy forces and local militia personell. I'm beggining to hear that ol
sound of heavy marching boots again...

>One of the rules is "As long as you harm no-one, then do what you want."

i always thought it was "Do as thou is the under will"
now its another matter of find this Will person...

>Some of us consider allowing the rest of the world to choke on its
>poisons, both physical and psychic, while playing power-trip games, to
>constitute harm.

i've meditated alot on the conundrum of saving a world that doesn't want to be
saved. all that keeps me going now is my rage. if i lose that, i fall under
the treads. its also quite obvious that some people at least are able to
sidestep karmic law or whatever it is. I managed to do it for a coupla days,
but once i dropped my guard the world fell on top of me. its very tiring to
try and re-direct the lemmings from the cliff all the time. and every time i
turn my back for a jumps off.

>To use yet another platitude: If you're not part of the solution; you're
>part of the problem.

if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.


establishing a foothold of resistance against the swelling sea of fascism...
and looking at windmills ad conceding that they might be giants.

Mitchell J. Gross

Feb 20, 1995, 12:32:39 PM2/20/95
Can someone please email me the original post? It looks... um...
interesting. :)

Mitchell J. Gross * VISIONARY GAMES * * AOL: VisionaryG
"God does not play at dice." - Albert Einstein

Harald Irongut

Feb 21, 1995, 11:30:45 PM2/21/95
Dear elf,
You call upon the demi-human races to rally together under the banner
of 'The Elven Nation'. You expect a dwarf to become a member?????
Think again pansy.
Harald Irongut, slayer of gods, wizards AND elves.

Shawn Earnest

Feb 22, 1995, 6:39:10 AM2/22/95
-> Path: blackboard!!!!howlan
-> From: (JMG)
-> Newsgroups: alt.astrology,alt.consciousness,alt.dreams,alt.magick,alt
-> Subject: Re: The Elven Nation Manifesto.....everyone must read this!!
-> Followup-To: alt.astrology,alt.consciousness,alt.dreams,alt.folklore.
-> Date: 9 Feb 1995 06:44:58 GMT
-> Organization: University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
-> Lines: 112
-> Message-ID: <3hcdla$>
-> References: <>
-> NNTP-Posting-Host:
-> Mime-Version: 1.0
-> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
-> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
-> X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
-> Xref: alt.astrology:14570 alt.consciousness:4712 alt.dr
-> Morningstar ( wrote:
-> > Elven Nation Manifesto
-> > I raise this rallying cry for all fellow non-humans around th
-> > world.
-> Well, the non-humans are not currently accessing e-mail, with the
-> exception of cats; so, you are utilizing the incorrect medium of
-> communication.
-> > It is time those of elven, dwarven, and others stopped passively
-> > letting out heritage slip away in to the mists of time.
-> Heritage smeritage, persons who genetically are below average in size
-> just that, sized due to genetics. Since they are so sized,
-> they are not, as you presume, more capable of doing magick than anyon
-> else is.
-> > It is now, the
-> > end of helplessness.
-> You must have had a screwed childhood.
-> > We must not allow our gifts to atrophy further. We
-> > shall bring back true magic; break down the dam that allows only a
-> > small trickle of the magical into dominant, mundane reality.
-> Any one can do magick any time; and, powerful magick can always be
-> learned by one with full use of standard mental faculties. You must
-> magick envy.
-> > It is
-> > the duty of all those who have achieve enlightenment to help those
-> > far along the path.
-> Everyone is their own person, everyone has their own mind, never is i
-> anyone's duty to do anything; and, your comment further supports my
-> hypothesis that you have magick envy.
-> > It is the imperative of all those who achieved a
-> > personal magical reality to implant those ideas into consensual rea
-> No, that is not the imperative of magick practitioners; and, is
-> completely against the general philosophy taught to students of magic
-> > We will use force if necessary, through teaching otherwise.
-> What drug have you taken to have messed up your mind so much? I tell
-> what, like I tell all with magick envy, challenge me at magick; and,
-> > The Veil to the Otherworld has thickened over the years. It i
-> > duty as beings who are still able to perceive and manipulate the ve
-> > due to our non-human heritage, to rend it to the point where magic
-> > free flowing as the oxygen we breathe and as commonplace as technol
-> Otherworld? Veil? Non-human? Science Fictionist, the notion of
-> "Otherworld, Veil, and non-human humans" have not been incorporated i
-> my scientific approach to magick; and, are not necessary for magick I
-> > This will allow our oldest brethren, The True Fae, and other magica
-> > creatures to once again live among us in acceptance. We must help t
-> > are caught on this side of the Veil suffering torment from the lac
-> > magical energies. We must provide a basic magickal litteracy for th
-> > world.
-> Where is a fossil of a fairy? There are none. Where is a fossil to a
-> dragon? There are none; and, dragons are supposed to live lengthy liv
-> Earth's denizens are aware of basic magickal notions; but, not all of
-> those beings know how to apply these notions. And if you want to be
-> one to make our planet entirely literate, try: when successful, I wil
-> impressed.
-> > To this end I propose the formation of a The Elven Nation, a
-> > group being a rallying point for all non-humans to focus their ener
-> > unto these goals.
-> All your goals are empty; but, if you are able to make the world reac
-> 100% literacy rate, I will be impressed.
-> > To provide a common meeting ground for discussion and
-> > debate all things non-human and/or magical, as well as sharing stra
-> > attain these goals.
-> I see. You never have done magick, have you? Well, I will not ever t
-> you my magick; but, as usual, I will always be open to challenge you
-> and/or your entire club of D&D enthusiasts to producing atmospheric
-> effects via the use of magick. Guaranteed, you will all lose as a gr
-> E-mail discussion is encouraged. Starting with a mailing
-> > Snail mail to Morningstar, Terrace 3A Room 205
-> > Ithaca College Ithaca NY 14850. Please pass this on to anyone who m
-> Ithaca NY. Hmm, I wonder if that is in my atlas. This will be a
-> challenge. Morningstar, observe your town's atmospherics this weeken
-> > interested. Submissions of anything are very welcome. Stories, essa
-> > experiances, networking info, strategy etc... Thank you.
-> Child, ignorant child, attempt your Hitlerian concept; and, be squash
-> by real magick practitioners with global capacitance, especially the
-> Untouchables.
-> JMG, the competitive Magick practitioner who does not utilize gods,
-> familiars, material tools for magick (candles, blood, runes, spell
-> books, ...), or temple equivalents; and, will challenge anyone at mag
-> skills.

You are very knowledge minded, and sound as if you have the lucidity it
takes for real magick in which I respect. I love your posts, cause the
above was so humorious and true in nature in regards to the facts and
issues you have braught about in your response post in this newsgroup.


Feb 23, 1995, 1:29:38 PM2/23/95
Agreed, and well said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Wolf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
* *
* "Dreaming is Believing" *
* *
* *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Delg the Dwarf

Feb 23, 1995, 6:31:24 AM2/23/95
In article <> (Harald Irongut) writes:
>From: (Harald Irongut)
>Subject: Re: The Elven Nation Manifesto.....everyone must read this!!!!
>Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 04:30:45 +0000

Well said Long-Beard.
But I would like for the discussions to return the art of Magick,
not the ego's or id's of the long eared tree-huggers..

Delg the Younger ,Runesmith

Feb 24, 1995, 12:31:34 AM2/24/95

Doubting is believing

Lord Graeme

Feb 26, 1995, 7:46:10 AM2/26/95
In article <3hcdla$> (JMG) writes:

> Otherworld? Veil? Non-human? Science Fictionist, the notion of

> "Otherworld, Veil, and non-human humans" have not been incorporated into
> my scientific approach to magick; and, are not necessary for magick I do.

Well, it's not necassary to mine, either, but then again neither is
all the mumbo-jumbo, incantations, paraphernalia, and the rest. But
the Otherworld is _still_ a nice idea, and I hope to get back there
again soon... without committing suicide.
- Lord G. the B.

Gwendolyn M Piper

Feb 26, 1995, 10:41:50 PM2/26/95
Lord Graeme ( wrote:
: In article <3hcdla$>
: (JMG) writes:





g. who could have been a world-class psychic, but had premonitions
that the guy from Miami Vice might start his own group, and is holind out until
this happens.

magic rat
pretending she was a competitor./
K {{{ Don't ask me, Midgarder, I just work here...}}
~~~~~~~~ >>>----->>
"Stop, O Man, Stop thinking yourselves into the grave"--The Rat, Gunter Grass.

Bronwyn S. Beistle

Feb 28, 1995, 1:38:05 AM2/28/95
Gwendolyn M Piper ( wrote:

: Lord Graeme ( wrote:
: : In article <3hcdla$>
: : (JMG) writes:

: : > Otherworld? Veil? Non-human? Science Fictionist, the notion of
: : > "Otherworld, Veil, and non-human humans" have not been incorporated into
: : > my scientific approach to magick; and, are not necessary for magick I do.

: : Well, it's not necassary to mine, either, but then again neither is
: : all the mumbo-jumbo, incantations, paraphernalia, and the rest. But
: : the Otherworld is _still_ a nice idea, and I hope to get back there
: : again soon... without committing suicide.
: : - Lord G. the B.



: g.


: g. who could have been a world-class psychic, but had premonitions
: that the guy from Miami Vice might start his own group, and is holind out until
: this happens.

I love it. I love it. I LOVE it!

I do get a little tired of all the "I'm a big tough rationalist realist
scientific studly dude" posturing on this otherwise lovable and
delightful group.

Get enough of that crap in the Academy. "I'm so-oh-o smart, yep I'm
so-oh-o smart, I am hot-apple-pie-in-the-sky-I-y-smart"

Whoops there goes another textual plant...


Lord Graeme

Feb 28, 1995, 3:49:48 AM2/28/95
In article <3hkj55$> (Night Child) writes:

> While you are removing your foot from your mouth I just thought I'd inform
> you that the most higly "evolved" don't waste time reading UseNet because
> they already know all they need to know. The rest of us are here because we
> want to learn. Why are YOU here?
> - Night Child



Mar 5, 1995, 4:44:06 PM3/5/95

I doubt it!


Mar 8, 1995, 7:02:25 PM3/8/95
VernonZympht ( wrote:

: I doubt it!

please remove alt.folklore.ghost-stories from the followups!

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