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Vision Quests

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Corey White

Feb 11, 2024, 5:39:14 AM2/11/24
I've found a way of going on vision quests.
I am prescribed tranquilizers to sleep for
my mental health. If I skip a dose at night,
I will stay awake all night. However at around
1 or 2 PM, I will fall asleep without needing

Something strange happens then tho.
My body is still ready to wake up, add when I go
to sleep I still dream. Even though I am fully

The dreams I have are very vivid and lucid
except I can't seem to wake up from them. They
are more like visions, and I have very similar
visions each time I do this technique.

In the most powerful one, I dreamed that a
single microorganism was actually god. And that
microorganisms are not only as conscious as we
are. But our reality is actually a construct
they created, similar to the matrix.

It took me back to a theory I have had in the
past. The most evolved forms of life are the ones
that have survived the longest. Evolution isn't
just the way new species are created, but is also
a way for them to continue to develop and progress.


Feb 15, 2024, 3:21:55 AM2/15/24
On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 05:39:10 -0000, Corey White <>
### - these are called 'Waking-Induced Lucid Dreams' - or WILDs

which are the basis for all such waking hallucinations and vision
quests/trances and/or whatever along those lines... some even call it obe
or astral projection, although that's debatable

and they're actually very easy to repeatedly induce, or even accidentally
as in your case, and as such are experienced in a variety of ways
including so-called false awakenings...

i've even written a book about, the first of its kind as it goes amongst
maybe a 100 or more books about sleeping lucid dreams, my sig. below
providing a link to this book and also to the free walk-through videos
i've made to go with it...

enjoy :)


You’ll love learning to lucid dream The WILD Way.
It’s very easy to do and it will change your life forever!

This literally IS the stuff that ‘Dreams Are Made Of’
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